2017-01-27 4 views

Ich versuche gulp-if und gulp-is-binary zu verwenden, um binäre Dateien in meiner HTML-Aufgabe zu überspringen, aber ich habe eine Menge Probleme.Überspringen von Binärdateien in einer Schluckaufgabe

Ich habe diese Aufgabe bekam:

// html task, converts includes & variables in HTML 
gulp.task("html", function() { 
    "use strict"; 

    // development HTML directory 
    var htmlDirectory = dev; 

    // production HTML directory (if --dist is passed) 
    if (argv.dist) htmlDirectory = dist; 

    // clean directory if --dist is passed 
    if (argv.dist) del([htmlDirectory + "/**/*", "!" + htmlDirectory + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]); 

    // process HTML 
    return gulp.src([src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]) 
     // prevent breaking on error 
     .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError})) 
     // check if source is newer than destination 
     .pipe(gulpif(!argv.dist, newer({dest: htmlDirectory, extra: [src + "{/partials,/partials/**}"]}))) 
     // check if a file is a binary 
     .pipe(gulpif(isBinary(), function() { /* somehow skip? */ })) 
     // replace variables 
      prefix: "@@", 
      basepath: "@file", 
      context: { 
       name: name, 
       description: description, 
       version: version, 
       repository: repository, 
       license: license, 
     // replace FontAwesome placeholders 
     .pipe(replace(/(?:<icon:)([A-Za-z0-9\-\_]+)[^>]*(?:>)/g, "<i class='fa fa-$1' aria-hidden='true'><\/i>")) 
     // output to the compiled directory 
     // reload the files 
     .pipe(browserSync.reload({stream: true})) 
     // notify that the task is complete, if not part of default or watch 
     .pipe(gulpif(gulp.seq.indexOf("html") > gulp.seq.indexOf("default"), notify({title: "Success!", message: "HTML task complete!", onLast: true}))) 
     // push the task to the ranTasks array 
     .on("data", function() { 
      if (ranTasks.indexOf("html") < 0) ranTasks.push("html"); 

Das ist die Linie, die ich Probleme mit, die ich:

.pipe(gulpif(isBinary(), function() { /* somehow skip? */ })) 

Ich kann nicht herausfinden, wie Gulp zu sagen, dass die Datei überspringen und setze den Rest der Aufgabe fort. Ich fühle mich, als würde ich etwas Einfaches vermissen.



Nach einer Tonne Forschung, Experimentieren und ein wenig Hilfe vom Entwickler von gulp-is-binary, habe ich das herausgefunden. Meine Aufgabe ist es unter:

// html task, copies binaries, converts includes & variables in HTML 
gulp.task("html", function() { 
    "use strict"; 

    // development HTML directory 
    var htmlDirectory = dev; 

    // production HTML directory (if --dist is passed) 
    if (argv.dist) htmlDirectory = dist; 

    // clean directory if --dist is passed 
    if (argv.dist) del([htmlDirectory + "/**/*", "!" + htmlDirectory + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]); 

    // copy binaries 
    var binaries = gulp.src([src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]) 
     // prevent breaking on error 
     .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError})) 
     // check if source is newer than destination 
     .pipe(gulpif(!argv.dist, newer({dest: htmlDirectory, extra: [src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]}))) 
     // check if a file is a binary 
     // skip the file if it's not a binary 
     .pipe(through.obj(function(file, enc, next) { 
      if (!file.isBinary()) { 

      next(null, file); 
     // output to the compiled directory 

    // process HTML 
    var html = gulp.src([src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]) 
     // prevent breaking on error 
     .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError})) 
     // check if source is newer than destination 
     .pipe(gulpif(!argv.dist, newer({dest: htmlDirectory, extra: [src + "/**/*", "!" + src + "{/assets,/assets/**}"]}))) 
     // check if a file is a binary 
     // skip the file if it's a binary 
     .pipe(through.obj(function(file, enc, next) { 
      if (file.isBinary()) { 

      next(null, file); 
     // replace variables 
      prefix: "@@", 
      basepath: "@file", 
      context: { 
       name: name, 
       description: description, 
       version: version, 
       repository: repository, 
       license: license, 
     // replace icon placeholders 
     .pipe(replace(/(?:<icon:)([A-Za-z0-9\-\_][^:>]+)(?:\:([A-Za-z0-9\-\_\ ][^:>]*))?(?:>)/g, "<i class='icon'><svg class='icon_svg $2' aria-hidden='true'><use xlink:href='#$1' \/><\/svg></i>")) 
     // output to the compiled directory 

    // merge both steams back in to one 
    return merge(binaries, html) 
     // prevent breaking on error 
     .pipe(plumber({errorHandler: onError})) 
     // reload the files 
     .pipe(browserSync.reload({stream: true})) 
     // notify that the task is complete, if not part of default or watch 
     .pipe(gulpif(gulp.seq.indexOf("html") > gulp.seq.indexOf("default"), notify({title: "Success!", message: "HTML task complete!", onLast: true}))) 
     // push the task to the ranTasks array 
     .on("data", function() { 
      if (ranTasks.indexOf("html") < 0) ranTasks.push("html"); 

Der vollständige gulpfile hier gefunden werden kann:


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