2016-11-09 5 views

Eine neue Anwendung für flexible Umgebungen erstellt und erfolgreich mit der neuesten Version von GCloud (derzeit 133) implementiert, aber ohne Fehlerprotokolle "503 Server Error" erhalten.503 Serverfehler mit neuer flexibler Umgebung App

Quellcode: https://github.com/AIMMOTH/scala-stack-angular/tree/503-error

App Link: https://scala-stack-angular-us.appspot.com

Error page: 
Error: Server Error 

The service you requested is not available yet. 
Please try again in 30 seconds. 

Version Info:

Version Status Traffic Allocation Instances Runtime Environment Size Deployed Diagnose 

20161108t190158  Serving  100 % 2 custom Flexible 

Ich stehe vor dem gleichen Problem: \ –



hatte ich einen Filter reagiert auf/_ah/* und brach Google App Engine.


Für mich war es wegen falscher Einstellungen in app.yaml:

vm: true        # the flexible environment 
runtime: java       # Java 8/Jetty 9.3 Runtime 
service: default 
threadsafe: true      # handle multiple requests simultaneously 

    cpu: .5        # number of cores 
    memory_gb: 1.3 
    disk_size_gb: 10      # minimum is 10GB and maximum is 10240GB 

    enable_health_check: true 
    check_interval_sec: 5     # time interval between checks (in seconds) 
    timeout_sec: 4      # health check timeout interval (in seconds) 
    unhealthy_threshold: 2    # an instance is unhealthy after failing this number of consecutive checks 
    healthy_threshold: 2     # an unhealthy instance becomes healthy again after successfully responding to this number of consecutive checks 
    restart_threshold: 60     # the number of consecutive check failures that will trigger a VM restart 

    min_num_instances: 1 
    max_num_instances: 1 
    cool_down_period_sec: 120    # time interval between auto scaling checks. It must be greater than or equal to 60 seconds. 
             # The default is 120 seconds 
    target_utilization: 0.5    # CPU use is averaged across all running instances and is used to decide when to reduce or 
             # increase the number of instances (default 0.5) 

- url: /.*        # regex 
    script: ignored      # required, but ignored 
    secure: always      # https 

    java_quickstart: true     # process Servlet 3.1 annotations 
    use_endpoints_api_management: true # enable Google Cloud Endpoints API management 

Ich entfernte use_endpoints_api_management: true und alles funktioniert.