2017-03-04 3 views

Ich habe Probleme mit einer Python-Liste. Mein Code erfordert die Speicherung von 3 Variablen (Name, ID, Ort) und so benutze ich ein etwas komplexes System, um dies zu erreichen. Jeder Objektname und seine ID werden je nach Standort in einer .txt Datei gespeichert. (Ein Speicherort von myLocation bedeutet, dass sie in myLocation.txt gespeichert sind.) Sie werden in der Datei mit einem Namen-ID-Paar für jede Zeile gespeichert. Beispiel:IndexError: Listenindex außerhalb des Bereichs (Python 3)

item1, id1 
item2, id2 

Der Fehler, den ich bekomme, ist IndexError: list index out of range. Ich habe nach Antworten gesucht, aber ich kann keine Lösung finden, die funktioniert.

Mein Code ist unten:

#!/usr/bin/env python3 
from time import sleep 

# Set variables to be used later 
loadedItems = {} # Stores loaded items (as values) and item info (as list keys) 

def newItem(name, id, location): 
    print("[INFO] Adding new item.") 
     print("[INFO] Checking if " + str(location) + ".txt exists.") 
     itemfile = open((str(location) + ".txt"), "a") # Ready to append to file if exists 
     print(location + ".txt exists.") 
     print("[INFO] " + str(location) + ".txt does not exist.") 
     print("[INFO] Trying to create " + str(location) + ".txt.") 
      itemfile = open((str(location) + ".txt"), "a+") # Creates file if it does not already exist 
      print("[INFO] Created " + str(location) + ".txt.") 
      print("[WARN] Could not create " + str(location) + ".txt to store items. Your item was not saved.") 
      print("  Try manually creating the file with 'touch " + str(location) + ".txt'.") 
      return # Exits function 
    print("[INFO] Trying to write to " + str(location) + ".txt.") 
     itemfile.append(str(name) + ", " + str(id) + "\n") # Write to it 
     print("[INFO] Wrote to " + location + ".txt.") 
     print("[WARN] Could not write to " + str(location) + ".txt. Your item was not saved.") 
    print("[INFO] Wrote to " + str(location) + ".txt.") 
    itemfile.close() # Close file 
    print("[INFO] Closed " + str(location) + ".txt.") 

def loadItems(): 
    print("[INFO] Loading items.") 
    print("[INFO] Trying to open location file.") 
     locfile = open("locations.txt", "r") # Open list of all locations 
     print("[INFO] Opened location file.") 
     print("[INFO] Location file does not exist, creating it.") 
     locfile = open("locations.txt", "w+") 
     print("[INFO] Created and closed location file. Nothing to read.") 
     return # exit loadItems() 
    print("[INFO] Reading location file.") 
    locations = locfile.read().split("\n") # List of locations 
    print("[INFO] Read location file. Found " + str(len(locations)) + " locations.") 
    locfile.close() # Close location file 

    emptyLocs = 0 
    emptyItems = 0 
    for loc in locations: 
     if loc != '': # NOT a blank location 
      itemfile = open(loc) # Open location specified in location file 
      localItems = itemfile.read().split("\n") # Get list of items and their ids 
      print("[DEBUG] localItems: " + str(localItems)) # For debugging purposes, to be removed 
      del localItems[-1] # Removes last item from localItems (it is a blank line!) 
      print("[DEBUG] localItems: " + str(localItems)) # For debugging purposes, to be removed 
      for localItem in localItems: # localItem is misleading, it's actually a list with item name AND id. 
       itemInfoToLoad = localItem.split(", ") # Make list with 1st = name and 2nd = id 
       loadedItems[itemInfoToLoad[1]] = [itemInfoToLoad[2], ''.join(loc.split())[:-4]] # explained below 
        Explanation of above: create a new key in loadedItems with the name of 
        itemInfoToLoad[1], which is the item name. Set its value to a list that 
        is [id, location]. The ''.join(loc.split())[:-3] is to remove the .txt 
        extension (and any trailing whitespace) so we go from myAwesomeLocation.txt 
        to myAwesomeLocation. Bazinga. 
     elif loc == '': # Blank location 
      emptyLocs = (emptyLocs + 1) 
    print("[INFO] Loaded variables. Found " + str(emptyLocs) + " empty location entries and " + str(emptyItems) + " empty items.") 


Hier ist meine Ausgabe:

[INFO] Loading items. 
[INFO] Trying to open location file. 
[INFO] Opened location file. 
[INFO] Reading location file. 
[INFO] Read location file. Found 2 locations. 
[DEBUG] localItems: ['item1, id1', 'item2, id2', ''] 
[DEBUG] localItems: ['item1, id1', 'item2, id2'] 
Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "main.py", line 76, in <module> 
    File "main.py", line 63, in loadItems 
    loadedItems[itemInfoToLoad[1]] = [itemInfoToLoad[2], ''.join(loc.split())[:-4]] # explained below 
IndexError: list index out of range 

Diese ziemlich seltsam scheint. Vielen Dank im Voraus an alle, die Hilfe anbieten.



ich denke, in dieser Zeile:

loadedItems[itemInfoToLoad[1]] = [itemInfoToLoad[2], ''.join(loc.split())[:-4]] # explained below 

Sie brauchen:

loadedItems[itemInfoToLoad[0]] = [itemInfoToLoad[1], ''.join(loc.split())[:-4]] # explained below 

, da Sie nur zwei Elemente in der Liste haben auch

Check loc.split wie Sie [: -4] in Code und [: -3] in der Erklärung


'[: -3]' ist ein Tippfehler - '.txt' ist 4 Zeichen lang. Sonst danke dafür, ich habe Python counts von 0 vergessen. –

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