2016-05-22 6 views

Also habe ich einen Quellcode, von dem ich lerne, aber ich habe Probleme damit, Bilder wie den Hintergrund und die Sprites auf verschiedenen Geräten zu erstellen. Hier ist das, was ich bisher:Phaser - Wie Bilder auf alle Geräte passen

var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, ''); 

game.state.add('play', { 
    preload: function() { 
     this.game.load.image('forest-back', 'assets/parallax_forest_pack/layers/parallax-forest-back-trees.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('forest-lights', 'assets/parallax_forest_pack/layers/parallax-forest-lights.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('forest-middle', 'assets/parallax_forest_pack/layers/parallax-forest-middle-trees.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('forest-front', 'assets/parallax_forest_pack/layers/parallax-forest-front-trees.png'); 

     this.game.load.image('aerocephal', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/aerocephal.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('arcana_drake', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/arcana_drake.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('aurum-drakueli', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/aurum-drakueli.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('bat', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/bat.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('daemarbora', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/daemarbora.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('deceleon', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/deceleon.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('demonic_essence', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/demonic_essence.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('dune_crawler', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/dune_crawler.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('green_slime', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/green_slime.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('nagaruda', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/nagaruda.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('rat', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/rat.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('scorpion', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/scorpion.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('skeleton', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/skeleton.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('snake', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/snake.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('spider', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/spider.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('stygian_lizard', 'assets/allacrost_enemy_sprites/stygian_lizard.png'); 

     this.game.load.image('gold_coin', 'assets/496_RPG_icons/I_GoldCoin.png'); 

     this.game.load.image('dagger', 'assets/496_RPG_icons/W_Dagger002.png'); 
     this.game.load.image('swordIcon1', 'assets/496_RPG_icons/S_Sword15.png'); 

     // build panel for upgrades 
     var bmd = this.game.add.bitmapData(250, 500); 
     bmd.ctx.fillStyle = '#9a783d'; 
     bmd.ctx.strokeStyle = '#35371c'; 
     bmd.ctx.lineWidth = 12; 
     bmd.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 250, 500); 
     bmd.ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 250, 500); 
     this.game.cache.addBitmapData('upgradePanel', bmd); 

     var buttonImage = this.game.add.bitmapData(476, 48); 
     buttonImage.ctx.fillStyle = '#e6dec7'; 
     buttonImage.ctx.strokeStyle = '#35371c'; 
     buttonImage.ctx.lineWidth = 4; 
     buttonImage.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 225, 48); 
     buttonImage.ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, 225, 48); 
     this.game.cache.addBitmapData('button', buttonImage); 

     // the main player 
     this.player = { 
      clickDmg: 1, 
      gold: 50, 
      dps: 0 

     // world progression 
     this.level = 1; 
     // how many monsters have we killed during this level 
     this.levelKills = 0; 
     // how many monsters are required to advance a level 
     this.levelKillsRequired = 10; 
    create: function() { 
     var state = this; 

     this.background = this.game.add.group(); 
     // setup each of our background layers to take the full screen 
     ['forest-back', 'forest-lights', 'forest-middle', 'forest-front'] 
      .forEach(function(image) { 
       var bg = state.game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, state.game.world.width, 
        state.game.world.height, image, '', state.background); 

     this.upgradePanel = this.game.add.image(10, 70, this.game.cache.getBitmapData('upgradePanel')); 
     var upgradeButtons = this.upgradePanel.addChild(this.game.add.group()); 
     upgradeButtons.position.setTo(8, 8); 

     var upgradeButtonsData = [ 
      {icon: 'dagger', name: 'Attack', level: 0, cost: 5, purchaseHandler: function(button, player) { 
       player.clickDmg += 1; 
      {icon: 'swordIcon1', name: 'Auto-Attack', level: 0, cost: 25, purchaseHandler: function(button, player) { 
       player.dps += 5; 

     var button; 
     upgradeButtonsData.forEach(function(buttonData, index) { 
      button = state.game.add.button(0, (50 * index), state.game.cache.getBitmapData('button')); 
      button.icon = button.addChild(state.game.add.image(6, 6, buttonData.icon)); 
      button.text = button.addChild(state.game.add.text(42, 6, buttonData.name + ': ' + buttonData.level, {font: '16px Arial Black'})); 
      button.details = buttonData; 
      button.costText = button.addChild(state.game.add.text(42, 24, 'Cost: ' + buttonData.cost, {font: '16px Arial Black'})); 
      button.events.onInputDown.add(state.onUpgradeButtonClick, state); 


     var monsterData = [ 
      {name: 'Aerocephal',  image: 'aerocephal',  maxHealth: 10}, 
      {name: 'Arcana Drake',  image: 'arcana_drake',  maxHealth: 20}, 
      {name: 'Aurum Drakueli', image: 'aurum-drakueli', maxHealth: 30}, 
      {name: 'Bat',    image: 'bat',    maxHealth: 5}, 
      {name: 'Daemarbora',  image: 'daemarbora',  maxHealth: 10}, 
      {name: 'Deceleon',   image: 'deceleon',   maxHealth: 10}, 
      {name: 'Demonic Essence', image: 'demonic_essence', maxHealth: 15}, 
      {name: 'Dune Crawler',  image: 'dune_crawler',  maxHealth: 8}, 
      {name: 'Green Slime',  image: 'green_slime',  maxHealth: 3}, 
      {name: 'Nagaruda',   image: 'nagaruda',   maxHealth: 13}, 
      {name: 'Rat',    image: 'rat',    maxHealth: 2}, 
      {name: 'Scorpion',   image: 'scorpion',   maxHealth: 2}, 
      {name: 'Skeleton',   image: 'skeleton',   maxHealth: 6}, 
      {name: 'Snake',    image: 'snake',    maxHealth: 4}, 
      {name: 'Spider',   image: 'spider',   maxHealth: 4}, 
      {name: 'Stygian Lizard', image: 'stygian_lizard', maxHealth: 20} 
     this.monsters = this.game.add.group(); 

     var monster; 
     monsterData.forEach(function(data) { 
      // create a sprite for them off screen 
      monster = state.monsters.create(1000, state.game.world.centerY, data.image); 
      // use the built in health component 
      monster.health = monster.maxHealth = data.maxHealth; 
      // center anchor 
      monster.anchor.setTo(0.5, 1); 
      // reference to the database 
      monster.details = data; 

      //enable input so we can click it! 
      monster.inputEnabled = true; 
      monster.events.onInputDown.add(state.onClickMonster, state); 

      // hook into health and lifecycle events 
      monster.events.onKilled.add(state.onKilledMonster, state); 
      monster.events.onRevived.add(state.onRevivedMonster, state); 

     // display the monster front and center 
     this.currentMonster = this.monsters.getRandom(); 
     this.currentMonster.position.set(this.game.world.centerX + 100, this.game.world.centerY + 50); 

     this.monsterInfoUI = this.game.add.group(); 
     this.monsterInfoUI.position.setTo(this.currentMonster.x - 220, this.currentMonster.y + 120); 
     this.monsterNameText = this.monsterInfoUI.addChild(this.game.add.text(0, 0, this.currentMonster.details.name, { 
      font: '48px Arial Black', 
      fill: '#fff', 
      strokeThickness: 4 
     this.monsterHealthText = this.monsterInfoUI.addChild(this.game.add.text(0, 80, this.currentMonster.health + ' HP', { 
      font: '32px Arial Black', 
      fill: '#ff0000', 
      strokeThickness: 4 

     this.dmgTextPool = this.add.group(); 
     var dmgText; 
     for (var d=0; d<50; d++) { 
      dmgText = this.add.text(0, 0, '1', { 
       font: '64px Arial Black', 
       fill: '#fff', 
       strokeThickness: 4 
      // start out not existing, so we don't draw it yet 
      dmgText.exists = false; 
      dmgText.tween = game.add.tween(dmgText) 
        alpha: 0, 
        y: 100, 
        x: this.game.rnd.integerInRange(100, 700) 
       }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Cubic.Out); 

      dmgText.tween.onComplete.add(function(text, tween) { 

     // create a pool of gold coins 
     this.coins = this.add.group(); 
     this.coins.createMultiple(50, 'gold_coin', '', false); 
     this.coins.setAll('inputEnabled', true); 
     this.coins.setAll('goldValue', 1); 
     this.coins.callAll('events.onInputDown.add', 'events.onInputDown', this.onClickCoin, this); 

     this.playerGoldText = this.add.text(30, 30, 'Gold: ' + this.player.gold, { 
      font: '24px Arial Black', 
      fill: '#fff', 
      strokeThickness: 4 

     // 100ms 10x a second 
     this.dpsTimer = this.game.time.events.loop(100, this.onDPS, this); 

     // setup the world progression display 
     this.levelUI = this.game.add.group(); 
     this.levelUI.position.setTo(this.game.world.centerX, 30); 
     this.levelText = this.levelUI.addChild(this.game.add.text(0, 0, 'Level: ' + this.level, { 
      font: '24px Arial Black', 
      fill: '#fff', 
      strokeThickness: 4 
     this.levelKillsText = this.levelUI.addChild(this.game.add.text(0, 30, 'Kills: ' + this.levelKills + '/' + this.levelKillsRequired, { 
      font: '24px Arial Black', 
      fill: '#fff', 
      strokeThickness: 4 
    onDPS: function() { 
     if (this.player.dps > 0) { 
      if (this.currentMonster && this.currentMonster.alive) { 
       var dmg = this.player.dps/10; 
       // update the health text 
       this.monsterHealthText.text = this.currentMonster.alive ? Math.round(this.currentMonster.health) + ' HP' : 'DEAD'; 
    onUpgradeButtonClick: function(button, pointer) { 
     // make this a function so that it updates after we buy 
     function getAdjustedCost() { 
      return Math.ceil(button.details.cost + (button.details.level * 1.46)); 

     if (this.player.gold - getAdjustedCost() >= 0) { 
      this.player.gold -= getAdjustedCost(); 
      this.playerGoldText.text = 'Gold: ' + this.player.gold; 
      button.text.text = button.details.name + ': ' + button.details.level; 
      button.costText.text = 'Cost: ' + getAdjustedCost(); 
      button.details.purchaseHandler.call(this, button, this.player); 
    onClickCoin: function(coin) { 
     if (!coin.alive) { 
     // give the player gold 
     this.player.gold += coin.goldValue; 
     // update UI 
     this.playerGoldText.text = 'Gold: ' + this.player.gold; 
     // remove the coin 
    onKilledMonster: function(monster) { 
     // move the monster off screen again 
     monster.position.set(1000, this.game.world.centerY); 

     var coin; 
     // spawn a coin on the ground 
     coin = this.coins.getFirstExists(false); 
     coin.reset(this.game.world.centerX + this.game.rnd.integerInRange(-100, 100), this.game.world.centerY); 
     coin.goldValue = Math.round(this.level * 1.33); 
     this.game.time.events.add(Phaser.Timer.SECOND * 3, this.onClickCoin, this, coin); 


     if (this.levelKills >= this.levelKillsRequired) { 
      this.levelKills = 0; 

     this.levelText.text = 'Level: ' + this.level; 
     this.levelKillsText.text = 'Kills: ' + this.levelKills + '/' + this.levelKillsRequired; 

     // pick a new monster 
     this.currentMonster = this.monsters.getRandom(); 
     // upgrade the monster based on level 
     this.currentMonster.maxHealth = Math.ceil(this.currentMonster.details.maxHealth + ((this.level - 1) * 10.6)); 
     // make sure they are fully healed 
    onRevivedMonster: function(monster) { 
     monster.position.set(this.game.world.centerX + 100, this.game.world.centerY + 50); 
     // update the text display 
     this.monsterNameText.text = monster.details.name; 
     this.monsterHealthText.text = monster.health + 'HP'; 
    onClickMonster: function(monster, pointer) { 
     // apply click damage to monster 

     // grab a damage text from the pool to display what happened 
     var dmgText = this.dmgTextPool.getFirstExists(false); 
     if (dmgText) { 
      dmgText.text = this.player.clickDmg; 
      dmgText.reset(pointer.positionDown.x, pointer.positionDown.y); 
      dmgText.alpha = 1; 

     // update the health text 
     this.monsterHealthText.text = this.currentMonster.alive ? this.currentMonster.health + ' HP' : 'DEAD'; 


Mögliche Duplikate von [Phaser: Hintergrundbildbreite statt Inhaltsbreite erstellen] (http: // stackoverfl ow.com/questions/28227090/phaser-make-background-screen-width-instead-of-content-width) –



In Ihrer init oder preload Funktion, sollten Sie Ihren Maßstab Modus wählen. Bitte überprüfen Sie the documentation die verschiedenen Optionen zu verstehen:

this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.EXACT_FIT; 

Bitte beachten Sie auch überprüfen, ob Sie pageAlignHorizontally und pageAlignVertically zu true setzen wollen:

this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; 
this.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; 

In einigen Fällen werden Sie die refresh Methode aufgerufen werden soll:
