2017-07-29 3 views
  1. ich meine jsonArray zu konvertieren Ich versuche habe ich erfolgreich Lage die Daten zu erhalten, aber, wie man Schleife meine jsonArray, so kann ich komplette Detail erhalten in Listenansicht. Und wie kann ich meine Daten anhängen, wenn es mehrere Daten im selben Objekt gibt und parse es in ListView.
  2. Ich habe meine JSONObject in JsonarrayIch habe meine JSONObject in JsonArray Converted Wie kann ich Schleife es

    public class getData extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> { 
        protected String doInBackground(String... params) { 
         return JsonParser.makeHttpUrlConnectionRequest(url, getParam()); 
        private List<NameValuePair> getParam() { 
         SharedPreferences preferences = ReportActivity.this.getSharedPreferences(getString(R.string.detail), MODE_PRIVATE); 
         enroll_no = preferences.getString(getString(R.string.loginenroll), ""); 
         List<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<>(); 
         list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("enroll_no", enroll_no)); 
         // Log.e("List", String.valueOf(list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("enroll_no",enroll)))); 
         Log.e("Request in Profile", String.valueOf(list)); 
         return list; 
        protected void onPostExecute(String httpresponse) { 
         if (httpresponse == null) { 
          Toast.makeText(ReportActivity.this, "Unable to Connect", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 
         } else if (httpresponse.equals("error")) { 
          Toast.makeText(ReportActivity.this, "Internal Server Error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 
         } else { 
          try { 
           responseParameter = new JSONObject(httpresponse); 
           JSONObject fees_history = responseParameter.getJSONObject("fees_history"); 
           // JSONObject RC1 = fees_history.getJSONObject("RC1"); 
           Iterator rc1 = fees_history.keys(); 
           JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); 
           int i = 0; 
           while (rc1.hasNext()) { 
            String key = (String) rc1.next(); 
            JSONObject object = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i++); 
            JSONObject heading = object.getJSONObject("heading"); 
            JSONArray details = object.getJSONArray("details"); 
            Log.e("details", details.toString()); 
            String Amount = heading.getString("Amount"); 
            String date = heading.getString("date"); 
            String Reciept = heading.getString("Reciept"); 
            // for (int j = 0; j < details.length(); j++) { 
             JSONObject detail = details.getJSONObject(i); 
             String Month = detail.getString("Month"); 
             String Amountt = detail.getString("Amount"); 
             Log.e("Amount", Amountt); 
             Log.e("Month", Month); 
             Unpaid_fees_detail unpaid_fees_detail = new Unpaid_fees_detail(Reciept, date, Amount,Amountt,Month); 
           } catch (JSONException e) { 
          // Log.e("RC1",RC1.toString()); 
          // Log.e("fees_history", fees_history.toString()); 
          Unpaid_fees_detail_adapter unpaid_fees_detail_adapter = new Unpaid_fees_detail_adapter(ReportActivity.this, unpaid_fees_details); 

    umgewandelt Und hier ist mein JsonArray

          "fee_type":"Bus Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30", 
          "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30" 
          "fee_type":"Monthly Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52" 
          "fee_type":"Bus Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52" 
          "fee_type":"Monthly Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12" 
          "fee_type":"Bus Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12" 
          "Month":"Term 1", 
          "fee_type":"Monthly Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30", 
          "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30" 
          "Month":"Admission Fee", 
          "fee_type":"One time", 
          "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30", 
          "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30" 
          "Month":"Admission Fee", 
          "fee_type":"One time", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52" 
          "fee_type":"Bus Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52" 
          "fee_type":"Bus Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30", 
          "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30" 
          "fee_type":"Monthly Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30", 
          "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30" 
          "fee_type":"Bus Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30", 
          "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30" 
          "fee_type":"Monthly Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52" 
          "fee_type":"Bus Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52" 
          "fee_type":"Monthly Fee", 
          "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12", 
          "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12" 

Ich würde Blick in Gson Bibliothek vorschlagen und –



Sie gerade fori Schleife

ArrayList<DetailItem> detailItems = new ArrayList<>(); 
JSONArray details = response.getJSONArray("details"); 
if (details != null) { 
    for (int k = 0; k < details.length(); k++) { 
     JSONObject jsonObject = details.getJSONObject(k); 

     String uniqueId = jsonObject.getString("unique_id"); 
     String reciept = jsonObject.getString("Reciept"); 
     // Your Code ... 

     DetailItem detailItem = new DetailIte(); 
     // Your Code ... 

     // Your Code ... 


Sie Erstellt zu machen: JSONArray details = Objekt.getJSONArray ("Details");

So verstehe ich nicht über: JSONObject detail = details.getJSONObject (i);

Ändern Sie Ihren Code von dieser Zeile: JSONArray details = object.getJSONArray ("Details");


JSONArray details = response.getJSONArray("details"); 
// List Of Custom Object Class 'DetailItem' 
// It Contains fields of details object , unique_id and Reciept and etc 
ArrayList<DetailItem> detailItems = new ArrayList<>(); 
if (details != null) { 
    for (int k = 0; k < details.length(); k++) { 
     JSONObject jsonObject = details.getJSONObject(k); 

     String uniqueId = jsonObject.getString("unique_id"); 
     String reciept = jsonObject.getString("Reciept"); 
     // Your Code ... 

     DetailItem detailItem = new DetailIte(); 
     // Your Code ... 

     // Your Code ... 


Retrofit ich dies getan haben, aber Daten sequentioly nicht angezeigt wird, seine vielen Zeit – Sushil


Looping Wenn nicht sequentiell zeigt, vielleicht haben Sie Benutzer foreach! Es zeigt Daten außerhalb der Sortierung an. – AndroSco


können Sie ein wenig Code geben, so kann ich – Sushil

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