2016-03-19 9 views

ich mit Quick.jsvon HTML aufrufen JavaScript-Funktion quick.js mit

Das laufende Spiel ein Spiel am Gebäude kann here

HTML gespielt werden:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<!-- // programName: BenghaziGame.html here: http://pastebin.com/jPaFjcWk 
           .js here: http://pastebin.com/xLcM9G4n 
        Running online: http://liesandcowpies.com/quickjs/BenghaziGame.html --> 
     <meta charset="utf-8" /> 
     <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="icon16.png" /> 
     <script type='text/javascript' src="quick.js"></script> 
      #assets { 
       height: 1px; 
       overflow: hidden; 
       visibility: hidden; 
       width: 1px; 

      body { 
       background-color: Black; 
       margin: 0; 
       overflow: hidden; 
       padding: 0; 

      canvas { 
       cursor: none; 
      table { color: #E1E1E1; 
      background-color: #992D2D; 
      height: 24px; width: 800px; 
      border: none; 

    <body> <!-- html way: <body onresize="bodyResize()"> --> 
<table align="center"> 
    <td width="10%"> totalScore </td> <td id="totalScore" width="5%"> </td> 
    <td width="8%"></td> 
    <td width="10%"> oops! </td> <td id="oopsScore" width="5%"> </td> 
    <td width="8%"></td> 
    <td width="10%"> goodHits </td> <td id="goodHits" width="5%"> </td> 
    <td width="8%"></td> 
    <td width="10%"> totalShots </td> <td id="totalShots" width="5%"> </td> 
     <div align="center"> 
      <canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas> 

     <div id="assets"> 
      <img id="bgCompound" src="sprites/bgCompound.png" width="320" height="191" /> 
      <img id="manufacturer" src="sprites/manufacturer.png" width="180" height="100" /> 
      <img id="restartBtn" src="sprites/RestartButton.png" width="100" height="25" /> 
      <img id="pauseBtn" src="sprites/PauseButton.png" width="100" height="25" /> 
      <img id="playBtn" src="sprites/PlayButton.png" width="100" height="25" /> 
      <img id="quitBtn" src="sprites/QuitButton.png" width="100" height="25" /> 
      <img id="truth01Sprite" src="sprites/truth01.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="lies01Sprite" src="sprites/lies01.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="truth02Sprite" src="sprites/truth02.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="lies02Sprite" src="sprites/lies02.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="truth03Sprite" src="sprites/truth03.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="lies03Sprite" src="sprites/lies03.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="truth04Sprite" src="sprites/truth04.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="lies04Sprite" src="sprites/lies04.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="sparkSprite" src="sprites/transSpark.png" width="28" height="28" />  
      <img id="pointerSprite" src="sprites/handPointerT.png" width="31" height="36" /> 
      <img id="throwerSprite" src="sprites/thrower.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
      <img id="cowpieSprite" src="sprites/cowpie.png" width="32" height="32" /> 

      <audio id="closeDoor" src="sounds/CloseDoor.ogg"></audio> 
      <audio id="battleFire" src="sounds/BattleFire.ogg"></audio> 
      <audio id="oops" src="sounds/oops.ogg"></audio> 
      <audio id="Hillary-WhatDiff" src="sounds/Splat-Hillary-WhatDiff.ogg"></audio> 
      <audio id="byebye" src="sounds/GoodByeFemale.ogg"></audio> 
      <audio id="cymbals" src="sounds/Cymbals.ogg"></audio> 
      <audio id="pling" src="sounds/Pling.ogg"></audio> 
      <audio id="pingSound" src="sounds/ping.ogg"></audio> 
      <audio id="pongSound" src="sounds/pong.ogg"></audio> 
<!-- html way: 
     <script type='text/javascript'> function bodyResize() { 
       // alert('.html bodyResize from Html. '); 
       location.reload(); } 
     .js way: 
<script type="text/javascript" > 
window.addEventListener("resize", function(){ location.reload(); }); 
     <script type='text/javascript' src="BenghaziGame.js"></script> 



(function() { 
// programName: BenghaziGame.js here: http://pastebin.com/xLcM9G4n 
//       .html here: http://pastebin.com/jPaFjcWk 
// Quick.js here: http://pastebin.com/Gzqef5fu 
/* Quick (top dog) 
     Point (inherits from Quick) 
      Rect (inherits from Point) 
       Sprite (inherits from Rect) 
        GameObject (inherits from Sprite) 
Still: Where does Pointer inherit from ?      ck ~paddle-main-NOW.js for score headings 
    "use strict"; 
    // http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=tryjs_object_function 
    var red = 153; 
    var green = 45; 
    var blue = 45; 
    var truth01Trips = 0; var truth01SVspeed ; // max trips 6 , SaVe speeds 
    var truth02Trips = 0; var truth02SVspeed ; // max trips 4 
    var truth03Trips = 0; var truth03SVspeed ; // max trips 7 
    var truth04Trips = 0; var truth04SVspeed ; // max trips 5 
    var lies01STspeed, lies02STspeed, lies03STspeed, lies04STspeed ; // STart speeds 
    var lies01SVspeed, lies02SVspeed, lies03SVspeed, lies04SVspeed ; // save Speeds 
    var allPaused = false; 
    var compound, manufacturer, thrower; 
    var truth01, truth02, truth03, truth04; 
    var lies01, lies02, lies03, lies04; 
    var totalScore = 0; var oopsScore = 0; var goodHits = 0; var totalShots = 0; 
    var buttonsCenter = 0; 
    var Cursor, cursorPoint, cursorPos;  
    var getXx , getYy, countLogs =1; 
// var mousePos = [20,570]; 
    var mousePos1stTimeIn = 1; 
    // imports 
    var CommandEnum = com.dgsprb.quick.CommandEnum; 
    var Quick = com.dgsprb.quick.Quick; 
    var GameObject = com.dgsprb.quick.GameObject; 
    var Rect = com.dgsprb.quick.Rect; 
    var ImageFactory = com.dgsprb.quick.ImageFactory; 
    var Scene = com.dgsprb.quick.Scene; 
    var Text = com.dgsprb.quick.Text; 
    var Point = com.dgsprb.quick.Point; 

    // static 
    function main() { 
     Quick.init(function() { return new FirstScene() }); 

    var Background = (function() { 

     function Background() { 
      this.setColor("rgb(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + ")"); 
     Background.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 

     return Background; 

    var PlayBtn = (function() { // PlayBtn class namespace 
    function PlayBtn() { // PlayBtn class constructor method 
     GameObject.call(this); // call the constructor from the superclass 
     this.setImageId("playBtn"); // setImageId, a method inherited from Sprite 
//  this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); // pointer is a member property of PlayBtn 
     // getPointer is a static method of Quick 
     this.setBoundary(new Rect(Quick.getCenterX() +10, 570, 100, 30)); // a method of Sprite, to set the boundaries of PlayBtn 
     this.setEssential(); // a method of GameObject, sets the PlayBtn object as essential to its Scene, that if this object expires, the scene will expire too. 
     this.setBottom(600); this.setLeft(Quick.getCenterX() +10); this.setTop(572); // this.setLeft(320); 
     buttonsCenter = (Quick.getCenterX() +10); 
//  alert('buttonsCenter = ' + buttonsCenter); 
     PlayBtn.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 
      return PlayBtn; // finally publishes the class to the outer scope 

    var RestartBtn = (function() { // RestartBtn class namespace 
    function RestartBtn() { // RestartBtn class constructor method 
     GameObject.call(this); // call the constructor from the superclass 
     this.setImageId("restartBtn"); // setImageId, a method inherited from Sprite 
//  this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); // pointer is a member property of RestartBtn 
     this.setBoundary(new Rect(buttonsCenter -250, 570, 100, 30)); // a method of Sprite, to set this boundaries 
     this.setBottom(600); this.setLeft(buttonsCenter -250) ; this.setTop(572); 
     RestartBtn.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 
      return RestartBtn; // finally publishes the class to the outer scope 
    var PauseBtn = (function() { // PauseBtn class namespace 
    function PauseBtn() { // PauseBtn class constructor method 
     GameObject.call(this); // call the constructor from the superclass 
     this.setImageId("pauseBtn"); // setImageId, a method inherited from Sprite 
//  this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); // pointer is a member property of PauseBtn 
     this.setBoundary(new Rect(buttonsCenter -125, 570, 100, 30)); // a method of Sprite, to set the boundaries of PauseBtn 
     this.setEssential(); // a method of GameObject, sets the PauseBtn object as essential to its Scene, that if this object expires, the scene will expire too. 
     this.setBottom(600); this.setLeft(buttonsCenter -125); this.setTop(572); 
     PauseBtn.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 
      return PauseBtn; // finally publishes the class to the outer scope 
    var QuitBtn = (function() { // QuitBtn class namespace 
    function QuitBtn() { // QuitBtn class constructor method 
     GameObject.call(this); // call the constructor from the superclass 
     this.setImageId("quitBtn"); // setImageId, a method inherited from Sprite 
//  this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); // pointer is a member property of QuitBtn 
     // getPointer is a static method of Quick 
     this.setBoundary(new Rect(buttonsCenter +125, 570, 100, 30)); // a method of Sprite, to set the boundaries of QuitBtn 
     this.setEssential(); // a method of GameObject, sets the QuitBtn object as essential to its Scene, that if this object expires, the scene will expire too. 
     this.setBottom(600); this.setLeft(buttonsCenter + 125); this.setTop(572); 
     QuitBtn.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 
      return QuitBtn; // finally publishes the class to the outer scope 

    var Compound = (function() { // Compound class namespace 
    function Compound() { // Compound class constructor method 
     GameObject.call(this); // call the constructor from the superclass 
     this.setImageId("bgCompound"); // setImageId, a method inherited from Sprite 
//  this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); // pointer is a member property of Compound 
     // getPointer is a static method of Quick 
     this.setBoundary(new Rect(0, 0, Quick.getWidth(), Quick.getHeight())); // a method of Sprite, to set the boundaries of Compound 
     this.setEssential(); // a method of GameObject, sets the Compound object as essential to its Scene, that if this object expires, the scene will expire too. 
     this.setBottom(Quick.getHeight() - this.getHeight()); 
     this.setLeft(0); this.setTop(378); 
     Compound.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 
      return Compound; // finally publishes the class to the outer scope 
    var Manufacturer = (function() { // Manufacturer class namespace 
    function Manufacturer() { // Manufacturer class constructor method 
     GameObject.call(this); // call the constructor from the superclass 
     this.setImageId("manufacturer"); //setImageId, a method inherited from Sprite 
//  this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); // pointer is a member property of Manufacturer 
     // getPointer is a static method of Quick 
     this.setBoundary(new Rect(0, 0, Quick.getWidth(), Quick.getHeight())); // a method of Sprite, to set the boundaries of Manufacturer 
     this.setEssential(); // a method of GameObject, sets the Manufacturer object as essential to its Scene, that if this object expires, the scene will expire too. 
     this.setBottom(Quick.getHeight() - this.getHeight()); 
     this.setLeft(618); this.setTop(468); 
     Manufacturer.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); // this says the Ball class 
      return Manufacturer; // finally publishes the class to the outer scope 
    var Ball = (function() { // Ball class namespace 
    function Ball() { // Ball class constructor method 
     GameObject.call(this); // call the constructor from the superclass 
     this.setImageId("cowpieSprite"); // setImageId,a method inherited from Sprite 
//  this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); // pointer is a member property of Ball 
     // getPointer is a static method of Quick, whose public members are accessible without creating an instance of that class. 
     this.setBoundary(new Rect(0, 0, Quick.getWidth(), Quick.getHeight())); // a method of Sprite, to set the boundaries of Ball 
     this.setSolid(); // a method of GameObject , so Ball can collide with other solid objects - correct! 
     this.setBottom(Quick.getHeight() - this.getHeight()); 
//  this.controller = Quick.getController(); 
    Ball.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); // this says the Ball class inherits from GameObject 
    // override - this comment means the following method overrides (rewrites) the method with the same name defined in the super class (in this case, GameObject) 
    Ball.prototype.onCollision = function (gameObject) { // still no instance of Ball here, just class method definition - no instance of this class is created until "new Ball()" is issued 
     this.expire() ; // remove ball from screne to prevent multi hits per initial colllision 
     var collision = this.getCollision(gameObject); // get direction at collision 
      if (gameObject.hasTag("truth02")) { // returns true if object contains given tag 
       oopsScore ++ ; totalScore = ((goodHits * 3) - (oopsScore * 2)); 
//    alert('oopsScore = ' + oopsScore); // check for bad news multi hits 
       Quick.play("oops"); // calls a static method from Quick class 
     if (gameObject.hasTag("lies02")) { // returns true if object contains given tag 
       lies02.setLeft(0); lies02.setVisible(false); lies02.setSpeedX(0); 
       truth02.setVisible(true); truth02.setSpeedX(4); 
       goodHits ++ ; totalScore = ((goodHits * 3) - (oopsScore * 2)); // each goodHit = 3 points , each 
       Quick.play('Hillary-WhatDiff'); // calls a static method from Quick class 
//   goodHits += 1; Quick.play("cowMoo"); // calls a static method from Quick class 
       return Ball; // finally publishes the class to the outer scope 

    function updateScores() { 
     document.getElementById('totalScore').innerHTML = totalScore; 
     document.getElementById('oopsScore').innerHTML = oopsScore; 
     document.getElementById('goodHits').innerHTML = goodHits; 
     document.getElementById('totalShots').innerHTML = totalShots; 

window.addEventListener("resize", function(){ 
// Quick.setAutoScale(false); 

    var Truth = (function() { 
     function Truth() { 
      this.setBoundary(new Rect(0, 0, Quick.getWidth(), Quick.getHeight())); 
//   this.setEssential(); 
     Truth.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 

     Truth.prototype.offBoundary = function (gameObject) { 
      if (this.hasTag("truth02")) { 
       truth02Trips += 1; // increment by 1 
       if(truth02Trips > 2) { truth02Trips = 0; 
        truth02.setLeft(0); truth02.setVisible(false); truth02.setSpeedX(0);   
//    Quick.play("oops"); // calls a static method from Quick class 
       if(truth02.getVisible()) { this.bounceX(); // for the horizontal axis 
       this.setImage(ImageFactory.mirror(this.getImage())); // flip image horiz 
       if(!truth02.getVisible()) { 
       lies02.setLeft(0); lies02.setVisible(true); lies02.setSpeedX(4); // 
     return Truth; 
    var Lies = (function() { 

     function Lies() { 
      this.setBoundary(new Rect(0, 0, Quick.getWidth(), Quick.getHeight())); 
//   this.setEssential(); 
     Lies.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 

     Lies.prototype.offBoundary = function (gameObject) { 
      this.bounceX(); // for the horizontal axis 
//   alert("Lies.prototype.offBoundary"); 
     return Lies; 

    var FirstScene = (function() { 

     function FirstScene() { 
      this.add(new Background()); 
      var compound = new Compound(); 
      var playBtn = new PlayBtn(); 
      var restartBtn = new RestartBtn(); 
      var pauseBtn = new PauseBtn(); 
      var quitBtn = new QuitBtn(); 
      manufacturer = new Manufacturer(); 
      var ball = new Ball(); 
      truth01 = new Truth(); 
      lies01 = new Lies(); 
      lies01.setLeft(0) // (-64); 
      truth02 = new Truth(); 
      lies02 = new Lies(); 
      lies02.setLeft(0) // (-64); 
      truth03 = new Truth(); 
      lies03 = new Lies(); 
      lies03.setLeft(0) // (-64); 
      truth04 = new Truth(); 
      lies04 = new Lies(); 
      lies04.setLeft(0) // (-64); 
      thrower = new Thrower(); 
      var cursorPoint = new Cursor(); 
      var spark = new Spark(); 
      alert(' Click anywhere on screen to activate buttons .'); 
      Quick.play("battleFire"); // calls a static method from Quick class 
     FirstScene.prototype = Object.create(Scene.prototype); 

     // override 
     FirstScene.prototype.getNext = function() { 
      return new FirstScene(); 

     return FirstScene; 


    var Cursor = (function() { 
     function Cursor() { 
      this.controller = Quick.getController(); 
      this.setBoundary(new Rect(0, 600, Quick.getWidth(), 30)); // a method of Sprite,set Boundary 
      this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); 
      this.setBottom(600); this.setLeft(50); this.setTop(572);  
     Cursor.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 

     Cursor.prototype.fire = function() { 
      var spark = new Spark(); // create a brand new spark to be thrown 
      var scene = this.getScene(); // ask for the scene the avatar is 
      scene.add(spark); // add the spark to the same scene I am 
      if (spark) {spark.setX(this.getX()) };  

     Cursor.prototype.update = function() { 

      if (this.pointer.getPush()) { // getpush is a method of Pointer as in Mouse pointer 
       this.fire(); // call the Cursor.prototype.fire method we defined above 
       var position = this.pointer.getPosition(); 
      var mousePos = this.pointer.getPosition(); 
     Cursor.prototype.offBoundary = function (gameObject) { 
//   alert('Cursor.prototype.offBoundary'); 
//   this.setCenterY(587); 
//  this.setCenterY(587); 

     return Cursor; 

    var Spark = (function() { // Spark class namespace 
    function Spark() { // Spark class constructor method 
     GameObject.call(this); // call the constructor from the superclass 
     this.setImageId("sparkSprite"); // setImageId,a method inherited from Sprite 
//  this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); // pointer is a member property of Spark 
     this.setBoundary(new Rect(0, 600, Quick.getWidth(), 30)); // a method of Sprite,set 
     this.setSolid(); // a method of GameObject , so Spark can collide with other solid objects  
     this.setBottom(600); this.setLeft(50); this.setTop(578);  
     this.controller = Quick.getController(); 
    Spark.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 
    Spark.prototype.onCollision = function (gameObject) {   
    var collision = this.getCollision(gameObject); // get direction at collision 

    if (gameObject.hasTag("restartBtn")) { // returns true if object contains given tag 
       Quick.play("closeDoor"); // calls a static method from Quick class 
       totalScore = 0; oopsScore = 0; goodHits = 0; totalShots = 0; 
      if (gameObject.hasTag("pauseBtn")) { // returns true if object contains given tag 
       Quick.play("pling"); // calls a static method from Quick class 
       if(!allPaused) { 
       truth02SVspeed = truth02.getSpeedX(); truth02.setSpeedX(0); //    this.setSpeedX(5); 
       lies02SVspeed = lies02.getSpeedX(); lies02.setSpeedX(0); //      this.setSpeedX(5); 
       allPaused = true; 
       else { alert('You are already paused , try Play .'); 
//   }; 
      if (gameObject.hasTag("playBtn")) { // returns true if object contains given tag 
       Quick.play("pling"); // calls a static method from Quick class 
       if(allPaused) { 
       allPaused = false; 
      if (gameObject.hasTag("quitBtn")) { // returns true if object contains given tag 
       Quick.play("byebye"); // calls a static method from Quick class 
       window.location = 'https://github.com/dgsprb/quick/wiki'; 
       return Spark; // finally publishes the class to the outer scope 

    var Thrower = (function() { 
     function Thrower() { 
      this.controller = Quick.getController(); 
      this.setBoundary(new Rect(0, 0, Quick.getWidth(), Quick.getHeight())); 
      this.pointer = Quick.getPointer(); 
      this.setBottom(Quick.getHeight() - this.getHeight()); 
     Thrower.prototype = Object.create(GameObject.prototype); 

     Thrower.prototype.fire = function() { 
      var ball = new Ball(); // create a brand new ball to be thrown 
      var scene = this.getScene(); // ask for the scene the avatar is 
      scene.add(ball); // add the ball to the same scene I am 
      if (ball) {ball.setX(this.getX()) }; // within your Thrower update method  
//    totalShots ++ ;  
//   if(ball) { this.ball.setCenterX(this.getCenterX()) } ; 

     Thrower.prototype.update = function() { 
      if (this.controller.keyDown(CommandEnum.LEFT) && this.getLeft() > 0) { 
      if (this.controller.keyDown(CommandEnum.RIGHT) && this.getRight() < Quick.getWidth()) { 
      if (this.controller.keyPush(CommandEnum.UP) || this.controller.keyPush(CommandEnum.A)) 
       { totalShots += 1; 
       this.fire(); // call the method we defined above 
     Thrower.prototype.offBoundary = function (gameObject) { 

     return Thrower; 



Das Problem: Wenn die Browserseite von/zu "Maximize" zu/von "Rest" wechselt ore down 'und die Skala ist aus, alles wird vergrößert.

Also ich möchte die Seite neu laden.

kann ich die htmlOnly Methode funktioniert:

<body onresize="bodyResize()"> 

<script type='text/javascript'> function bodyResize() { 
    // alert('bodyResize from Html. '); 
    location.reload(); } 

Aber ich möchte die Funktion innerhalb verwenden:

<script type='text/javascript' src="paddle-main-WIP.js"></script> 

... in Zeile 188:

function bodyResize() { 
    alert('.js bodyResize 1.'); 
    alert('.js bodyResize 2.'); 

Was mache ich falsch?


Ich glaube nicht, die Seite auf Resize Nachladen ist eine sehr gute Idee. Sicher können Sie Dinge im laufenden Betrieb neu berechnen, um Dinge zu ändern, ohne die gesamte Seite neu zu laden. –


Bitte verwenden Sie keine externen Code-Einfügen-Dienste, sondern fügen Sie den entsprechenden Code hier ein und pleaaaase, nächstes Mal Die Formatierung ist lesbar und verwechselt Code und Fragetext nicht, ich habe das jetzt für Sie gemacht :-) –


Ich glaube nicht, dass das Laden der Seite auf die Größenänderung eine sehr gute Idee ist. Sicher können Sie Dinge im laufenden Betrieb neu berechnen, um die Größe zu ändern, ohne die gesamte Seite neu zu laden.- @ MattiVirkkunen Danke Matti: ja, ich stimme zu. Ich suche nach einer alternativen Lösung. – vmars316



Aha! Schließlich, nach viel mehr googeln ich einige answere aus diesen Recherchen bekam: Trigger-Browser Reload-Button Javascript w3schools Capture-URL-Adresse Javascript w3schools window.bind Canvas-Element Beispiel w3schools -jquery -angular Ergab die Größe: .w3schools.com/jsref/met_loc_reload.asp .w3schools.com/jsref/event_onresize.asp Pls entschuldigen abgekürzte URLs, ich bin erlaubt 1 tatsächlichen Link.

Ich konnte es auf zwei Arten tun, 1) über .html, und 2) über .js. .1) .html Weg: Linien 36 und 84 bis 88. Hinweis: .html Weg Zeile 36 ist auskommentiert. .2) .js Weg, Linien 36 und 90 bis 93. Lauf Spiel hier: http://liesandcowpie...nghaziGame.html Dank

1<!DOCTYPE html> 
2<!-- // programName: BenghaziGame.html here: http://pastebin.com/jPaFjcWk 
3         .js here: http://pastebin.com/xLcM9G4n 
4     Running online: http://liesandcowpies.com/quickjs/BenghaziGame.html --> 
6 \t <head> 
7 \t \t <meta charset="utf-8" /> 
8 \t \t <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="icon16.png" /> 
9 \t \t <script type='text/javascript' src="quick.js"></script> 
10 \t \t <style> 
11 \t \t \t #assets { 
12 \t \t \t \t height: 1px; 
13 \t \t \t \t overflow: hidden; 
14 \t \t \t \t visibility: hidden; 
15 \t \t \t \t width: 1px; 
16 \t \t \t } 
18 \t \t \t body { 
19 \t \t \t \t background-color: Black; 
20 \t \t \t \t margin: 0; 
21 \t \t \t \t overflow: hidden; 
22 \t \t \t \t padding: 0; 
23 \t \t \t } 
25 \t \t \t canvas { 
26 \t \t \t \t cursor: none; 
27 \t \t \t } 
28 \t \t \t table { color: #E1E1E1; 
29 \t \t \t background-color: #992D2D; 
30 \t \t \t height: 24px; width: 800px; 
31   border: none; 
32   } 
33 \t \t </style> 
34 \t </head> 
36 \t <body> <!-- html way: <body onresize="bodyResize()"> --> 
37<div> \t 
38<table align="center"> 
39 <tr> 
40 <td width="10%"> totalScore </td> <td id="totalScore" width="5%"> </td> 
41 <td width="8%"></td> 
42 <td width="10%"> oops! </td> <td id="oopsScore" width="5%"> </td> 
43 <td width="8%"></td> 
44 <td width="10%"> goodHits </td> <td id="goodHits" width="5%"> </td> 
45 <td width="8%"></td> 
46 <td width="10%"> totalShots </td> <td id="totalShots" width="5%"> </td> \t 
47 </tr> 
48 </table> 
49</div> \t 
50 \t \t <div align="center"> 
51 \t \t \t <canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas> 
52 \t \t </div> 
54 \t \t <div id="assets"> 
55 \t \t \t <img id="bgCompound" src="sprites/bgCompound.png" width="320" height="191" /> 
56 \t \t \t <img id="manufacturer" src="sprites/manufacturer.png" width="180" height="100" /> 
57 \t \t \t <img id="restartBtn" src="sprites/RestartButton.png" width="100" height="25" /> 
58 \t \t \t <img id="pauseBtn" src="sprites/PauseButton.png" width="100" height="25" /> 
59 \t \t \t <img id="playBtn" src="sprites/PlayButton.png" width="100" height="25" /> 
60 \t \t \t <img id="quitBtn" src="sprites/QuitButton.png" width="100" height="25" /> 
61 \t \t \t <img id="truth01Sprite" src="sprites/truth01.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
62 \t \t \t <img id="lies01Sprite" src="sprites/lies01.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
63 \t \t \t <img id="truth02Sprite" src="sprites/truth02.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
64 \t \t \t <img id="lies02Sprite" src="sprites/lies02.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
65 \t \t \t <img id="truth03Sprite" src="sprites/truth03.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
66 \t \t \t <img id="lies03Sprite" src="sprites/lies03.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
67 \t \t \t <img id="truth04Sprite" src="sprites/truth04.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
68 \t \t \t <img id="lies04Sprite" src="sprites/lies04.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
69 \t \t \t <img id="sparkSprite" src="sprites/transSpark.png" width="28" height="28" />  
70 \t \t \t <img id="pointerSprite" src="sprites/handPointerT.png" width="31" height="36" /> 
71 \t \t \t <img id="throwerSprite" src="sprites/thrower.png" width="64" height="64" /> 
72 \t \t \t <img id="cowpieSprite" src="sprites/cowpie.png" width="32" height="32" /> 
74 \t \t \t <audio id="closeDoor" src="sounds/CloseDoor.ogg"></audio> 
75 \t \t \t <audio id="battleFire" src="sounds/BattleFire.ogg"></audio> 
76 \t \t \t <audio id="oops" src="sounds/oops.ogg"></audio> 
77 \t \t \t <audio id="Hillary-WhatDiff" src="sounds/Splat-Hillary-WhatDiff.ogg"></audio> 
78 \t \t \t <audio id="byebye" src="sounds/GoodByeFemale.ogg"></audio> 
79 \t \t \t <audio id="cymbals" src="sounds/Cymbals.ogg"></audio> 
80 \t \t \t <audio id="pling" src="sounds/Pling.ogg"></audio> 
81 \t \t \t <audio id="pingSound" src="sounds/ping.ogg"></audio> 
82 \t \t \t <audio id="pongSound" src="sounds/pong.ogg"></audio> 
83 \t \t </div> 
84<!-- \t html way: 
85  <script type='text/javascript'> function bodyResize() { 
86 \t    // alert('.html bodyResize from Html. '); 
87 \t \t   location.reload(); } 
88 \t \t </script> 
89 \t \t  ELSE 
90 \t \t .js way: 
91<script type="text/javascript" > 
92window.addEventListener("resize", function(){ location.reload(); }); 
93</script> \t \t 
95 \t \t <script type='text/javascript' src="BenghaziGame.js"></script> 
96 \t \t 
97 \t \t 
98 \t </body> 


Ihre URL funktioniert nicht. Die "html way" Zeilen 90-93 sagt "js way" im Codebeispiel. Die "js Way" Zeile 84-88 sagt "html way" im Codebeispiel. Könnten Sie das bitte korrigieren und eine kurze Erklärung hinzufügen, warum dies die Lösung ist oder wie Sie die Idee dazu bekommen haben? Dies könnte helfen, andere mit ähnlichen Problemen zu verstehen. –


Was passiert, wenn Sie diese Zeile aus dem Code auf Kommentar/entfernen:


Und lassen Sie Schnell für die automatische Skalierung zu tun? Wenn Sie müssen, können Sie auch anrufen:


Um es den Spielaspekt statt Stretching zu halten.

Referenz: Quick API


Hmm ... Ich habe gerade 'weitere Antwort hinzufügen' hinzugefügt, aber ich kann es jetzt nicht finden. Wie auch immer, ich denke du beziehst dich hier auf meinen anderen Post: ** stackoverflow.com/quests/36105157/ how-to-trigger-quick-setautoscalefalse-multitimes-with-quick-js ** – vmars316


Dank Diogo,

Ich glaube, Sie zu meinen anderen Beitrag sich beziehen sich hier: Stackoverflow.com/Fragen/36105157/how-to-Trigger-quick-setautoscalefalse-multitimes-mit-quick-js

Aber ich werde es hier beantworten (und nach unten Sachen auch.):

„@DiogoSchneider : Und lassen Sie einfach Quick die automatische Skalierung für Sie? " Ich versuchte es zunächst, aber das vergrößerte Symbole auf 78x78. Das hat mich zu Quick.setAutoScale (false) geführt; .

Normaler Bildschirm Leinwand sollte 800x600 sein.

Während noch zu halten 'window.addEventListener ("Größe ändern", function() {' IN PLAY: Wenn ich mit
// Quick.setAutoScale (false laufen); // Quick.setKeepAspect (true); Bildschirm wird vergrößert (Leinwand = x?, kann da nicht sagen, wann ich zum Debug-Fenster wechseln, ändert sich alles) und Symbole sind 132x78, für beide ‚wiederherstellen nach unten‘ und ‚maximieren‘.

wenn Ich laufe mit Funktion main() { Quick.setAutoScale (false); Quick.setKeepAspect (true); Quick.setName ("liegt & Cowpies "); Quick.init (function() {return new FirstScene()});

Alles ist gut in "Wiederherstellen" und "maximieren" Leinwand = 800 x 600, Symbole = 64 x 64. Abgesehen davon, dass wegen der 'Reload' verliere ich alle Noten etc ..

Wenn ich mit 'window.addEventListener ("Größe ändern", function() {' nicht im Spiel, und Funktion main() laufen { Quick.setAutoScale (false); Quick.setKeepAspect (true); Quick.setName ("Lies & Cowpies"); Quick.init (function() {return new FirstScene()});

In ' Modus wiederherstellen, Bildschirm ist normal Leinwand = 800 x 600, Symbole = 64 x 64. Im Modus "Maximieren" wird der Bildschirm vergrößert (Canvas = 956 x 713) und die Symbole sind 78 x 78.

Ergebnis: Ich brauche 'window.addEventListener ("resize", function()', um die Dinge richtig zurückzusetzen.

Als letzten Ausweg, Ich habe auch versucht window.addEventListener ("Größe ändern", function() {// location.reload(); Quick.setAutoScale (false); Quick.setKeepAspect (true) ; });

'wiederherstellen' Canvas = 830x ~ 633, Symbole = 64 x 64. 'maximiert' Leinwand = 955x724 Icons = 78x78

. Ergebnis: Ich brauche noch 'window.addEventListener ("Größe ändern", function()' richtig Dinge zurücksetzen


Ich werde Sekunde @ MattiVirkkunen Das Nachladen von Objekten auf jede Größe ist wahrscheinlich nicht der beste Ansatz. Ich habe mir auch die andere Frage angesehen. Ich würde lieber Quick die schwere Arbeit machen lassen, Dinge automatisch zu skalieren. Wenn Sie mit einem bestimmten Verhältnis nicht zufrieden sind, können Sie Ihre Leinwandgröße immer feinabstimmen. Aber die Schönheit von Virtual Resolution kümmert sich überhaupt nicht darum. –


Hallo Diogo, Pls, lesen Sie meine Frage @ http://StackOverflow.com/Questions/36105157/how-to-trigger-quick-setautoscaleFalse-Multitimes-With-Quick-Js Sie werden sehen, dass ich 'Virtual versucht Auflösung "zuerst, aber es hat nicht funktioniert. Also habe ich mehrere andere Dinge ausprobiert, was auch nicht funktioniert hat. Ich brauche noch eine Antwort. Danke – vmars316


Sorry, ich verstehe was du meinst. Sie haben andere HTML-Elemente außerhalb des Canvas-Bereichs. Quick's Autoscale wird in der Tat nicht funktionieren. Es war für Spiele gedacht, die versuchen, einen "Vollbild" -Ansatz zu nutzen. Meine andere Empfehlung für Sie ist also, etwas zu tun, was Quick eher tut, aber auf Ihre speziellen Bedürfnisse abgestimmt ist. Sehen Sie sich an, wie Quick die automatische Skalierungsfunktion implementiert: https://github.com/dgsprb/quick/blob/master/src/quick.js#L296 Sie könnten eine ähnliche Funktion implementieren, die beim Ereignis "resize" aufgerufen wird. nur anders, mehr Platz für Ihre anderen Elemente. –

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