2016-12-19 3 views

Ich habe eine Infobox auf meine Jekyll Website mit dem HTML-Quellcode:Wie schwebe ich eine Infobox mit CSS?

<table style="width: 1000px; border: 1px; padding: 1em; margin-right: 0px; padding-right: 0px; float:right;"> 
    <tbody style="width: 1000px; float:right;"> 
    <caption id="table-1" style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px;"> 
     {{ include.distro }} 
    <tr class="cyan"> 
     <td class="white" colspan="2"><img src="/images/Logos/{{ include.logo }}" style = "width:100px;"/></td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title2" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Characteristics</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1">Category</td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.category }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The country this distribution originated from. It may nowadays be developed by people from a variety of different countries.">Country</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.country }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The year that this distribution was official first announced or released">Date</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.date }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Who develops this distro? Is it developed by a community or a company?">Developed by</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.developer }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Where does the funding for this distribution come from?">Funded by</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.funding }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The default init system of the latest release of this distribution">Init system</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.init-system }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The default package manager of the latest release of this distribution">Package manager</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.package-manager }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The release model of this distribution">Release model</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.release-model }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title2" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Support</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Officially supported CPU architectures for all presently supported releases">Architectures</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.architecture }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Does this distribution have out-of-the-box support for Broadcom wireless?">Broadcom</abbr></td> 
     <td class="{{ include.broadcom }}">{{ include.broadcom }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Does this distribution have out-of-the-box support for Filesystem in Userspace?">FUSE</abbr></td> 
     <td class="{{ include.fuse }}">{{ include.fuse }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Presently supported releases">Releases</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.releases }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Does this distribution have out-of-the-box support for UEFI firmware?">UEFI</abbr></td> 
     <td class="{{ include.uefi }}">{{ include.uefi }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title2" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Software</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of Mozilla Firefox in the official repositories of this distribution">Firefox</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.firefox }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of glibc in the official repositories of this distribution">glibc</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.glibc }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of GNOME Shell in the official repositories of this distribution">GNOME</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.gnome }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of LibreOffice in the official repositories of this distribution">LibreOffice</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.libreoffice }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of the Linux kernel in the official repositories of this distribution">Linux</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.linux }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of the Xorg in the official repositories of this distribution">Xorg</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.xorg }}</td> 
{% include Layouts/clear.html %} 

wo {% include ... %} und {{ include... }} sind flüssig-Tags. Layouts/clear.html ist here, es soll sicherstellen, dass Überschriften (später im Artikel) nicht mit dieser Infobox überlappen. Diese infobox ist in einem Beitrag mit dem Code enthalten:

{% include_relative table.html distro="Arch Linux" logo="ArchLinux.svg" category="Minimalist" country="Canada" date="2002" developer="Community" funding="Donations" init-system="systemd" package-manager="pacman" release-model="Rolling" architecture="arm, i686, x86_64" broadcom="AUR" fuse="Yes" uefi="Yes" firefox="50.1.0" glibc="2.24" gnome="3.22.2+18+gdf7727a" libreoffice="5.2.3" linux="4.8.14" xorg="1.19.0" %} 

und aus irgendeinem Grunde wird es gemacht wie:

enter image description here

Note, wie es aber auch in der ersten Zeile meines HTML zentriert ist Code (<table style="width: 1000px; border: 1px; padding: 1em; margin-right: 0px; padding-right: 0px; float:right;">) Sie können sehen, ich hatte den Stil float:right;. Wenn Sie den Code mit dem Elementinspektor von Chrome prüfen, wird in der <table> die Anzeigeeigenschaft float auf right festgelegt. In ähnlicher Weise ist <tbody> auch die Anzeigeeigenschaft float auf right eingestellt. <caption> hat die float Eigenschaft auf none und alle anderen Unterelemente der Tabelle wie <tr> und <td> haben keine float Eigenschaft festgelegt.

EDIT: Wenn Sie wollen Lösungen für meine Probleme Befestigungs auszuprobieren, nur laufen (vorausgesetzt, Sie Linux laufen lassen und haben rubygems installiert ist):

git clone https://github.com/fusion809/fusion809.github.io # warning this repo is over 70 MB in size! 
cd fusion809.github.io 
sudo gem install bundler 
bundle install 
bundle exec jekyll serve -D --future 

dann Ihren Browser http://localhost/comparison-major-linux öffnen, in dem localhost können ersetzt werden, wenn Jekyll diese Site lokal auf Ihrem System generiert.



Ich habe das Problem gefunden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass es mit der Breitenzuweisung in den Tags <table> und <tbody> zusammenhing. Jetzt mit:

<table style="width: 400px; border: 1px; padding: 1em; margin-right: 0px; padding-right: 0px; float:right;"> 
    <tbody style="width: 400px; float:right;"> 
    <caption id="table-1" style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px;"> 
     {{ include.distro }} 
    <tr class="cyan"> 
     <td class="white" colspan="2"><img src="/images/Logos/{{ include.logo }}" style = "width:100px;"/></td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title2" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Characteristics</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1" style="width: 100px;">Category</td> 
     <td class="green" style="width: 300px;">{{ include.category }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The country this distribution originated from. It may nowadays be developed by people from a variety of different countries.">Country</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.country }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The year that this distribution was official first announced or released">Date</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.date }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Who develops this distro? Is it developed by a community or a company?">Developed by</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.developer }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Where does the funding for this distribution come from?">Funded by</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.funding }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The default init system of the latest release of this distribution">Init system</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.init-system }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The default package manager of the latest release of this distribution">Package manager</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.package-manager }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The release model of this distribution">Release model</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.release-model }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title2" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Support</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Officially supported CPU architectures for all presently supported releases">Architectures</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.architecture }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Does this distribution have out-of-the-box support for Broadcom wireless?">Broadcom</abbr></td> 
     <td class="{{ include.broadcom }}">{{ include.broadcom }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Does this distribution have out-of-the-box support for Filesystem in Userspace?">FUSE</abbr></td> 
     <td class="{{ include.fuse }}">{{ include.fuse }}</td> 
    </tr>{% if include.releases %} 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Presently supported releases">Releases</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.releases }}</td> 
    </tr>{% endif %} 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="Does this distribution have out-of-the-box support for UEFI firmware?">UEFI</abbr></td> 
     <td class="{{ include.uefi }}">{{ include.uefi }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title2" colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Software</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of Bash in the official repositories of this distribution">Bash</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.bash }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of Mozilla Firefox in the official repositories of this distribution">Firefox</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.firefox }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of glibc in the official repositories of this distribution">glibc</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.glibc }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of GNOME Shell in the official repositories of this distribution">GNOME</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.gnome }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of LibreOffice in the official repositories of this distribution">LibreOffice</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.libreoffice }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of the Linux kernel in the official repositories of this distribution">Linux</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.linux }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of the Xorg in the official repositories of this distribution">Xorg</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.xorg }}</td> 
    <tr class="green"> 
     <td class="title1"><abbr title="The latest version of the Zsh in the official repositories of this distribution">Zsh</abbr></td> 
     <td class="green">{{ include.zsh }}</td> 
{% include Layouts/clear.html %} 

es funktioniert.