2017-06-12 4 views

Ich weiß, dass dies ein häufiges Problem sein könnte, aber bis jetzt konnte ich keine Lösung finden.HIbernate - JPA: Fremdschlüssel nicht in ManyToOne Beziehung

Ich habe die folgenden 2 Einheiten: Mission und Darstellung. Beide Einheiten haben Primärschlüssel zusammengesetzt, die jeweils:

  • MissionId [idImpXml, code, Kategorie]
  • RepresentationId [idImpXml, codeRepresentation]

Es gibt eine Eins-zu-viele-Beziehung zwischen Repräsentation und Mission, was bedeutet, dass jede Mission eine einzige Repräsentation hat und jede Repräsentation in verschiedenen Missionen verwendet werden kann.

Ich benutze JPA-Repositorys die Entitäten in der Datenbank zu beharren:

public interface RepresentationDao extends JpaRepository <Representation, RepresentationId> 

public interface MissionDao extends JpaRepository <Mission, MissionId> 

ich zum ersten Mal eine Reihe von Darstellungen speichern muß, und dann eine Reihe von Missionen. Die Darstellungen funktionieren ordnungsgemäß, aber Wenn ich versuche, eine Mission zu speichern, bleibt der Fremdschlüssel für die Darstellung leer.

Dies ist mein Code:

// here representations are already persisted (in a separate transaction).. 

RepresentationId representationId = new RepresentationId(idImpXml, codeRepresentation); 
Representation representation = representationDao.findOne(representationId); 

// representation is retrieved correctly 

MissionId missionId = new MissionId(idImpXml, code, categorie); 
Mission mission = new Mission(missionId, representation, label); 

// I try to save the mission 



@Table(name = "MISSION", schema = "dbo", catalog ="TEST") 
public class Mission implements java.io.Serializable { 

    private MissionId id; 
    private Representation representation; 
    private String label; 

    public Mission() { 

    public Mission(MissionId id, Representation representation, String label) { 
     this.id = id; 
     this.representation = representation; 
     this.label = label; 

      @AttributeOverride(name = "idImpXml", column = @Column(name = "ID_IMP_XML", nullable = false, precision = 38, scale = 0)), 
      @AttributeOverride(name = "code", column = @Column(name = "CODE", nullable = false)), 
      @AttributeOverride(name = "categorie", column = @Column(name = "CATEGORIE", nullable = false)) }) 
    public MissionId getId() { 
     return this.id; 

    public void setId(MissionId id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) 
     value={ @JoinColumn(name = "ID_IMP_XML", referencedColumnName = "ID_IMP_XML", updatable=false), 
       @JoinColumn(name = "CODE_REPRESENTATION", referencedColumnName = "CODE_REPRESENTATION", insertable=true, updatable=true) 
    public Representation getRepresentation() { 
     return this.representation; 

    public void setRepresentation(Representation representation) { 
     this.representation = representation; 

    @Column(name = "LABEL", nullable = false) 
    public String getLabel() { 
     return this.label; 

    public void setLabel(String label) { 
     this.label = label; 



public class MissionId implements java.io.Serializable { 

    private Long idImpXml; 
    private String code; 
    private int categorie; 

    public MissionId() { 

    public MissionId(Long idImpXml, String code, int categorie) { 
     this.idImpXml = idImpXml; 
     this.code = code; 
     this.categorie = categorie; 

    @Column(name = "ID_IMP_XML", nullable = false, precision = 38, scale = 0) 
    public Long getIdImpXml() { 
     return this.idImpXml; 

    public void setIdImpXml(Long idImpXml) { 
     this.idImpXml = idImpXml; 

    @Column(name = "CODE", nullable = false) 
    public String getCode() { 
     return this.code; 

    public void setCode(String code) { 
     this.code = code; 

    @Column(name = "CATEGORIE", nullable = false) 
    public int getCategorie() { 
     return this.categorie; 

    public void setCategorie(int categorie) { 
     this.categorie = categorie; 

    public boolean equals(Object other) { 
     if ((this == other)) 
      return true; 
     if ((other == null)) 
      return false; 
     if (!(other instanceof MissionId)) 
      return false; 
     MissionId castOther = (MissionId) other; 

     return ((this.getIdImpXml() == castOther.getIdImpXml()) || (this.getIdImpXml() != null 
       && castOther.getIdImpXml() != null && this.getIdImpXml().equals(castOther.getIdImpXml()))) 
       && ((this.getCode() == castOther.getCode()) || (this.getCode() != null && castOther.getCode() != null 
         && this.getCode().equals(castOther.getCode()))) 
       && (this.getCategorie() == castOther.getCategorie()); 

    public int hashCode() { 
     int result = 17; 

     result = 37 * result + (getIdImpXml() == null ? 0 : this.getIdImpXml().hashCode()); 
     result = 37 * result + (getCode() == null ? 0 : this.getCode().hashCode()); 
     result = 37 * result + this.getCategorie(); 
     return result; 



@Table(name = "REPRESENTATION", schema = "dbo", catalog ="TEST") 
public class Representation implements Serializable { 

    private RepresentationId id; 
    private Long colorPattern; 
    private String typePattern; 
    private Integer thickness; 

    public Representation() { 

    public Representation(RepresentationId id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    public Representation(RepresentationId id, Long colorPattern, String typePattern, 
      Integer thickness, Long codeCouleurPattern2, String typePattern2, Integer epaisseurPattern2) { 
     this.id = id; 
     this.colorPattern = colorPattern; 
     this.typePattern = typePattern; 
     this.thickness = thickness; 


      @AttributeOverride(name = "idImpXml", column = @Column(name = "ID_IMP_XML", nullable = false, precision = 38, scale = 0)), 
      @AttributeOverride(name = "codeRepresentation", column = @Column(name = "CODE_REPRESENTATION", nullable = false)) }) 
    public RepresentationId getId() { 
     return this.id; 

    public void setId(RepresentationId id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    @Column(name = "COLOR_PATTERN") 
    public Long getColorPattern() { 
     return this.colorPattern; 

    public void setColorPattern(Long colorPattern) { 
     this.colorPattern = colorPattern; 

    @Column(name = "TYPE_PATTERN") 
    public String getTypePattern() { 
     return this.typePattern; 

    public void setTypePattern(String typePattern) { 
     this.typePattern = typePattern; 

    @Column(name = "THICKNESS") 
    public Integer getThickness() { 
     return this.thickness; 

    public void setThickness(Integer thickness) { 
     this.thickness = thickness; 



public class RepresentationId implements java.io.Serializable { 

    private Long idImpXml; 
    private int codeRepresentation; 

    public RepresentationId() { 

    public RepresentationId(Long idImpXml, int codeRepresentation) { 
     this.idImpXml = idImpXml; 
     this.codeRepresentation = codeRepresentation; 

    @Column(name = "ID_IMP_XML", nullable = false, precision = 38, scale = 0) 
    public Long getIdImpXml() { 
     return this.idImpXml; 

    public void setIdImpXml(Long idImpXml) { 
     this.idImpXml = idImpXml; 

    @Column(name = "CODE_REPRESENTATION", nullable = false) 
    public int getCodeRepresentation() { 
     return this.codeRepresentation; 

    public void setCodeRepresentation(int codeRepresentation) { 
     this.codeRepresentation = codeRepresentation; 

    public boolean equals(Object other) { 
     if ((this == other)) 
      return true; 
     if ((other == null)) 
      return false; 
     if (!(other instanceof RepresentationId)) 
      return false; 
     RepresentationId castOther = (RepresentationId) other; 

     return ((this.getIdImpXml() == castOther.getIdImpXml()) || (this.getIdImpXml() != null 
       && castOther.getIdImpXml() != null && this.getIdImpXml().equals(castOther.getIdImpXml()))) 
       && (this.getCodeRepresentation() == castOther.getCodeRepresentation()); 

    public int hashCode() { 
     int result = 17; 

     result = 37 * result + (getIdImpXml() == null ? 0 : this.getIdImpXml().hashCode()); 
     result = 37 * result + this.getCodeRepresentation(); 
     return result; 




Versuch Spaltendefinition außer Kraft zu setzen, indem ein anderes Feld in Ihrem Objekt hinzufügen und die einführbare und aktualisierbar Eigenschaften auf false gesetzt in der @JoinColum, wie folgt aus:

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) 
    value={ @JoinColumn(name = "ID_IMP_XML", referencedColumnName = "ID_IMP_XML", insertable=false, updatable=false), 
      @JoinColumn(name = "CODE_REPRESENTATION", referencedColumnName = "CODE_REPRESENTATION", insertable=false, updatable=false) 
public Representation getRepresentation() { 
    return this.representation; 

private Integer representationCode; 
@Column(name = "CODE_REPRESENTATION") 
public Integer getRepresentationCode() { 
    return this.representationCode; 

Danke, das hat mein Problem gelöst! Obwohl ich denke, dass dies ein Hack sein könnte, wäre es gut zu wissen, ob es einen saubereren Weg gibt, mit solchen Situationen umzugehen. –

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