2010-12-09 11 views

Ich habe eine CLR Stored Proc und haben eine äußere transactionscope und mehrere innere Transaction Scopes, aber wenn ich den Code ausführen und die innere transactionscope Complete nicht aufruft, wird immer noch die Eingabe von Daten committen.Verschachtelte TransactionScopes in CLR Stored Proc

Die inneren TransactionScopes verwenden RequiresNew.

Irgendwelche Ideen warum, Code unten?


public static void spCreateAllocations(int campaignid, string product, DateTime startdate, double rate, int numweeks, int bonuses, string umguser) 
    using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope()) 
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) 
     string sql = ""; 
     DateTime actualStart; 

     actualStart = GetActualStartDate(startdate); 


     int hdrid = CreateAllocationHeader(connection, campaignid, rate, numweeks, bonuses, umguser); 

     sql = "SELECT * FROM VenuePanels WHERE SelectRow<>0"; 

     SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, connection); 
     DataTable dt = new DataTable(); 


     if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) 

     bool allocated = false; 

     foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) 
      for (int i = 1; i <= numweeks + bonuses; i++) 
       if (i <= numweeks) 
        allocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, campaignid, dr, actualStart.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), rate, numweeks, false, umguser); 
        allocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, campaignid, dr, actualStart.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), rate, numweeks, true, umguser); 
        throw new Exception("ERROR: These panels have already been allocated. Please Check the panel allocations!"); 

     ProcessBursts(connection, hdrid, dt, campaignid, product, umguser); 

     //throw new Exception("Buggin out Here"); 



private static void ProcessBursts(SqlConnection connection, int hdrid, DataTable dtPanels, int campaignid, string product, string umguser) 
    LoadBursts(connection, campaignid, product); 
    bool burstallocated = false; 
    bool bonusallocated = false; 
    int lastweek = 0; 

    foreach (DataRow dr in dtPanels.Rows) 
     foreach (Burst burst in _bursts) 
      using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew)) 
       for (int i = 1; i <= burst.NumWeeks + burst.Bonuses; i++) 
        if (i <= burst.NumWeeks) 
         burstallocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, burst.CampaignID, dr, burst.StartDate.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), burst.Rate, burst.NumWeeks, false, umguser); 
         bonusallocated = ProcessPanel(connection, hdrid, burst.CampaignID, dr, burst.StartDate.AddDays(7 * (i - 1)), burst.Rate, burst.NumWeeks, true, umguser); 
        if (!burstallocated) 
         lastweek = i; 

       if (burstallocated) 
        LogAllocationError(Convert.ToInt32(dr["PanelID"]), burst.CampaignID, lastweek, burst.NumWeeks, burst.Bonuses); 

[/ code]


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