2012-04-01 9 views
ChatBot Class Modification: 

Modify the reply() method of the ChatBot class to recognize additional words and phrases. 

Part 1: Everyone must complete this section. 

When the userInput parameter value is:  The reply method should return: 
how do I quit       enter quit 
how do I exit       enter quit 
how do I stop       enter quit 
how do I ____       do you really want to do that 
how are you        I'm fine 
how ______        I don't know 

Add two additional words or phrases to recognize and respond to. 

ChatBot Client Modification: 

Modify the ChatBot client application to loop until the end-user enters "quit". 

Hier ist meine Dienstklasse /Chatbot Client und Klasse Modifikation

* Java Chatbot Service class 
* @author Blake 
* 3/5/2012 

    * Default constructor. 
public class Chatbot 
    private String name; /** Users name */ 
    private String introbot; /** Name of the Chatbot */ 
    private String reply; /** Replies to the input of the string name and string introbot */ 

     * Constructs mutebot object 
     * @param mutebow - returns name of mutebot 
    public Chatbot() 
      name = "MuteBot"; 

    * Changes Name 
    * @param name - new name 
    public void setName (String n) 
    name = n; 

    * Accesses name 
    * @return a brand new name 
    public String getName() 
    return name; 

     * Accesses introbot 
     * @return name of mutebot 
    public String introbot() 
    String intro = "Hello! My name is " + name; 
    return intro; 


     * Accesses replay(String newuserinput) 
     * @return introbot reply to user input 
    public String getreply(String newuserinput) 
     String reply = "I'm just learning to talk"; 

     if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("What")) 
      reply = "Why do you ask?"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("Why")) 
      reply = "Why Not"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("How")) 
      reply = "I don't know!"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("Where")) 
      reply = "Anne Arundel Community College"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("When")) 
      reply = "Tomorrow"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("how do I quit")) 
      reply = "enter quit"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("how do I exit")) 
      reply = "enter quit"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("how do I stop")) 
      reply = "enter quit"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("how are you")) 
      reply = "I'm fine"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("how do you do")) 
      reply = "I am doing well"; 
      if (newuserinput.equalsIgnoreCase("how do I get out")) 
      reply = "By going through the door"; 
      if (newuserinput.indexOf("how do I") ==0) 
      { String substring = newuserinput.substring(8); 

      reply = "do you really want to do that" + substring; 
      if (newuserinput.indexOf("how") ==0) 
      { String substring = newuserinput.substring(10); 

      reply = "I don't know" + substring ; 

     return reply; 


Hier meine Client/Anwendungsklasse ist

* Java Chatbot Client class 
* @author Blake 
* 3/5/2012 

import java.util.Scanner; 
public class ChatbotClient 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

     Chatbot t = new Chatbot(); 
     System.out.print("What is your name? "); 
     String name = input.nextLine(); 


     System.out.print(name + "> "); 
     String reply = input.nextLine(); 

     System.out.println(t.getName() + "> " + t.getreply(reply)); 
     //while (reply < quit) 
      i = i + 1 



Ich weiß nicht, was ich falsch mache mit Dieser Teil hier

Ändern Sie die ChatBot-Client-Anwendung zu Schleife, bis der Endbenutzer eintritt "Verlassen".

Ich versuche, eine while-Schleife zu erstellen, die fortgesetzt wird, bis der Benutzer sagt beenden.


Bitte starten Sie Ihre Frage nicht durch einige Quellcode einfügen. Stellen Sie zuerst Ihre Frage. Außerdem hast du nicht erklärt, was falsch ist. Wo ist deine Frage? – Vincent



Ich denke, folgende Code sollte für Ihre Anforderungen arbeiten:

import java.util.Scanner; 
public class ChatbotClient 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

     Chatbot t = new Chatbot(); 
     System.out.print("What is your name? "); 
     String name = input.nextLine(); 


     System.out.print(name + "> "); 
     String reply = input.nextLine(); 

     while (!reply.equalsIgnoreCase("quit")){ 
     System.out.println(t.getName() + "> " + t.getreply(reply)); 
     System.out.print(name + "> "); 
     reply = input.nextLine(); 
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