2016-06-04 10 views

Ich wurde von einem Freund gebeten, eine Highscore-Tabelle zu einem Spiel hinzuzufügen, wo man eine Schlange manövriert, die größer wird, wenn sie Essen isst. Mein Freund wollte, dass ich dem Spiel eine hohe Punktzahl hinzufüge.Änderungen am JavaScript-Effekt das Seitenlayout

hier ist der ursprüngliche Code;

<!doctype html> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <meta charset="UTF-8"> 
    <title>Simple Snake Game</title> 

    <!-- Basic styling, centering of the canvas. --> 
    canvas { 
     display: block; 
     position: absolute; 
     border: 1px solid #000; 
     margin: auto; 
     top: 0; 
     bottom: 0; 
     right: 0; 
     left: 0; 

* Constats 
COLS = 26, 
ROWS = 26, 

EMPTY = 0, 
SNAKE = 1, 
FRUIT = 2, 

LEFT = 0, 
UP = 1, 
RIGHT = 2, 
DOWN = 3, 

KEY_LEFT = 37, 
KEY_UP = 38, 
KEY_RIGHT = 39, 
KEY_DOWN = 40, 

* Game objects 
canvas, /* HTMLCanvas */ 
ctx,  /* CanvasRenderingContext2d */ 
keystate, /* Object, used for keyboard inputs */ 
frames, /* number, used for animation */ 
score; /* number, keep track of the player score */ 
high_score = []; 

* Grid datastructor, usefull in games where the game world is 
* confined in absolute sized chunks of data or information. 
* @type {Object} 
grid = { 

    width: null, /* number, the number of columns */ 
    height: null, /* number, the number of rows */ 
    _grid: null, /* Array<any>, data representation */ 

    * Initiate and fill a c x r grid with the value of d 
    * @param {any} d default value to fill with 
    * @param {number} c number of columns 
    * @param {number} r number of rows 
    init: function(d, c, r) { 
     this.width = c; 
     this.height = r; 

     this._grid = []; 
     for (var x=0; x < c; x++) { 
      for (var y=0; y < r; y++) { 

    * Set the value of the grid cell at (x, y) 
    * @param {any} val what to set 
    * @param {number} x the x-coordinate 
    * @param {number} y the y-coordinate 
    set: function(val, x, y) { 
     this._grid[x][y] = val; 

    * Get the value of the cell at (x, y) 
    * @param {number} x the x-coordinate 
    * @param {number} y the y-coordinate 
    * @return {any} the value at the cell 
    get: function(x, y) { 
     return this._grid[x][y]; 

* The snake, works as a queue (FIFO, first in first out) of data 
* with all the current positions in the grid with the snake id 
* @type {Object} 
snake = { 

    direction: null, /* number, the direction */ 
    last: null,  /* Object, pointer to the last element in 
         the queue */ 
    _queue: null, /* Array<number>, data representation*/ 

    * Clears the queue and sets the start position and direction 
    * @param {number} d start direction 
    * @param {number} x start x-coordinate 
    * @param {number} y start y-coordinate 
    init: function(d, x, y) { 
     this.direction = d; 

     this._queue = []; 
     this.insert(x, y); 

    * Adds an element to the queue 
    * @param {number} x x-coordinate 
    * @param {number} y y-coordinate 
    insert: function(x, y) { 
     // unshift prepends an element to an array 
     this._queue.unshift({x:x, y:y}); 
     this.last = this._queue[0]; 

    * Removes and returns the first element in the queue. 
    * @return {Object} the first element 
    remove: function() { 
     // pop returns the last element of an array 
     return this._queue.pop(); 

* Set a food id at a random free cell in the grid 
function setFood() { 
    var empty = []; 
    // iterate through the grid and find all empty cells 
    for (var x=0; x < grid.width; x++) { 
     for (var y=0; y < grid.height; y++) { 
      if (grid.get(x, y) === EMPTY) { 
       empty.push({x:x, y:y}); 
    // chooses a random cell 
    var randpos = empty[Math.round(Math.random()*(empty.length - 1))]; 
    grid.set(FRUIT, randpos.x, randpos.y); 

* Starts the game 
function main() { 
    // create and initiate the canvas element 
    canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); 
    canvas.width = COLS*20; 
    canvas.height = ROWS*20; 
    ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 
    // add the canvas element to the body of the document 

    // sets an base font for bigger score display 
    ctx.font = "12px Helvetica"; 

    frames = 0; 
    keystate = {}; 
    // keeps track of the keybourd input 
    document.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) { 
     keystate[evt.keyCode] = true; 
    document.addEventListener("keyup", function(evt) { 
     delete keystate[evt.keyCode]; 

    // intatiate game objects and starts the game loop 

* Resets and inits game objects 
function init() { 
    score = 0; 

    grid.init(EMPTY, COLS, ROWS); 

    var sp = {x:Math.floor(COLS/2), y:ROWS-1}; 
    snake.init(UP, sp.x, sp.y); 
    grid.set(SNAKE, sp.x, sp.y); 


* The game loop function, used for game updates and rendering 
function loop() { 
    // When ready to redraw the canvas call the loop function 
    // first. Runs about 60 frames a second 
    window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas); 

* Updates the game logic 
function update() { 

    // changing direction of the snake depending on which keys 
    // that are pressed 
    if (keystate[KEY_LEFT] && snake.direction !== RIGHT) { 
     snake.direction = LEFT; 
    if (keystate[KEY_UP] && snake.direction !== DOWN) { 
     snake.direction = UP; 
    if (keystate[KEY_RIGHT] && snake.direction !== LEFT) { 
     snake.direction = RIGHT; 
    if (keystate[KEY_DOWN] && snake.direction !== UP) { 
     snake.direction = DOWN; 

    // each five frames update the game state. 
    if (frames%5 === 0) { 
     // pop the last element from the snake queue i.e. the 
     // head 
     var nx = snake.last.x; 
     var ny = snake.last.y; 

     // updates the position depending on the snake direction 
     switch (snake.direction) { 
      case LEFT: 
      case UP: 
      case RIGHT: 
      case DOWN: 

     // checks all gameover conditions 
     if (0 > nx || nx > grid.width-1 || 
      0 > ny || ny > grid.height-1 || 
      grid.get(nx, ny) === SNAKE 
     ) { 
      return init(); 

     // check wheter the new position are on the fruit item 
     if (grid.get(nx, ny) === FRUIT) { 
      // increment the score and sets a new fruit position 
     } else { 
      // take out the first item from the snake queue i.e 
      // the tail and remove id from grid 
      var tail = snake.remove(); 
      grid.set(EMPTY, tail.x, tail.y); 

     // add a snake id at the new position and append it to 
     // the snake queue 
     grid.set(SNAKE, nx, ny); 
     snake.insert(nx, ny); 

* Render the grid to the canvas. 
function draw() { 
    // calculate tile-width and -height 
    var tw = canvas.width/grid.width; 
    var th = canvas.height/grid.height; 
    // iterate through the grid and draw all cells 
    for (var x=0; x < grid.width; x++) { 
     for (var y=0; y < grid.height; y++) { 
      // sets the fillstyle depending on the id of 
      // each cell 
      switch (grid.get(x, y)) { 
       case EMPTY: 
        ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; 
       case SNAKE: 
        ctx.fillStyle = "#0ff"; 
       case FRUIT: 
        ctx.fillStyle = "#f00"; 
      ctx.fillRect(x*tw, y*th, tw, th); 
    // changes the fillstyle once more and draws the score 
    // message to the canvas 
    ctx.fillStyle = "#000"; 
    ctx.fillText("SCORE: " + score, 10, canvas.height-10); 

// start and run the game 

EDI: hier ist, wo ich Probleme

Ich habe eine hohe Punktzahl Variable hier mit:

* Game objects 
high_scores = []; // new code */ 
canvas, /* HTMLCanvas */ 
ctx,  /* CanvasRenderingContext2d */ 
keystate, /* Object, used for keyboard inputs */ 
frames, /* number, used for animation */ 
score, /* number, keep track of the player score */ 

Neben hier:

} else { 
     // take out the first item from the snake queue i.e 
     // the tail and remove id from grid 
     var tail = snake.remove(); 
     grid.set(EMPTY, tail.x, tail.y); 
     high_scores = high_scores.push(score) 

i don verstehe nicht, wie ein paar Javascript-Änderungen das Layout verschwinden lassen. Ich habe noch nie in Javascript so viel codiert und ich verstehe nicht, warum javaScript Änderungen das Layout beeinflussen.


Seien Sie genauer, was die genauen Änderungen sind. Es gibt eine Menge Code, den wir vergleichen müssen, um es herauszufinden. Werden auch irgendwelche Fehler geworfen? – charlietfl


https://www.diffchecker.com/1l5kizzx und es gibt keine Fehler in Google Chrome geworfen. Ich habe nur zwei Änderungen vorgenommen. –


Bitte reduzieren Sie Ihren Code nur auf das Problem, das Sie lösen möchten. – evolutionxbox



Ich fand eine Lösung. Es gab einen Fehler in meiner Syntax hier

* Game objects 
canvas, /* HTMLCanvas */ 
ctx,  /* CanvasRenderingContext2d */ 
keystate, /* Object, used for keyboard inputs */ 
frames, /* number, used for animation */ 
score, /* number, keep track of the player score */ 
high_scores = []; 
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