2017-06-03 5 views

Neu bei JS und Jquery und ein Problem mit dem Bootstrap-Jumbotron zu haben. Es gibt 4 Hintergrundbilder mit den folgenden Divs innerhalb .carousel, aber sie werden nur in der Reihenfolge geladen und ich bekomme einen Fehler in Chrom inspizieren, behauptet, dass die glatte CDN falsch ist, auch wenn es direkt von der Website kopiert wird. Bitte lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie irgendwelche Vorschläge haben!JQuery slick Karussell nicht geladen, CDN loading error

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       <p>What are you waiting for? Today's the day for your next big idea.</p> 
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       <h3>Defrost: A Documentary</h3> 
       <p>by Leo De Firenze</p> 
       <p>"DeFrost is a documentary about growing up in a little red house in a cold, harsh valley. 
       This is a story about my mother's childhood. This film attempts to capture vignettes of her upbringing — her family, 
       friends, pets, and eventual depature from a freezing valley in Northern Italy — through beautiful cinematography and narration." 
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       <h3>Product Categories</h3> 
        <li>Jams, Jellies, Etc.</li> 
        <li>Snakes &amp; Snake Equipment</li> 
        <li>Ventriliquist Figures</li> 
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       <h3>The Right Tights</h3> 
       <p>by Riley Mae</p> 
       <p>These tights are 50 denier, beautifully constructed, 
        hand-dyed, and guaranteed to last (no more ladders!). Made with high quality, 
        completely toxic-free materials. Custom colors available to all backers. 
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       <h3>Peppermint Smart Home</h3> 
       <p>by Brian McDonald</p> 
       <p>Instantly upgrade your home with technology that keeps your family and home safe. 
        We've made Peppermint easy to use. Just talk to your phone and Peppermint will help you every step of the way. 
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       <h3>American Streetlife</h3> 
       <p>by Patrick Wallace</p> 
       <p>I've been traveling around the United States for the past two years. I've slept on hundreds of couches, 
        more than a few benches, and captured my experiences in this 120 page photo album. 
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     <strong>Having Trouble thinking of an idea?</strong> 
     <p>Inventors’ block strikes at the worst times. But that’s 
      all changed with Jumpstart’s Good Idea Generator Lite (GIGLi).</p> 
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Hier ist der jQuery-Code: `$ (document) .ready (function() {

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     fade: true, 
     pauseOnFocus: false, 
     pauseOnHover: false, 
     // slidesToShow: 1, 
     slidesToScroll: 4 

    var scrol = 0; 


Es ist auch in einem Git-Repository aufgeführt ist es zu sehen, hier leben: https://github.com/solaini/Jumpstart



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