2016-12-01 4 views

Ich weiß, dass diese Frage bereits auf SA erscheint --- aber nichts löst dieses Problem für mich. Ich verstehe, dass dies einfach anzeigt, dass meine Dateien gemfile und gemfile.lock nicht synchron sind. Durch das Entfernen der Datei gemfile.lock und das erneute Bündeln sollte dies behoben werden. Ich habe eine Reihe von Versuchen versucht, meine Dateien zu optimieren, zu committen und zu pushen --- aber nichts hat funktioniert. Wer kennt diesen Heroku-Stack-Trace, der etwas Orientierung bieten kann? Das hat sich für mich plötzlich geändert.So lösen Sie heroku "Sie versuchen, im Bereitstellungsmodus zu installieren, nachdem Sie Ihre Gemfile-Fehlermeldung geändert haben?"


- remove gemfile.lock and bundle install 
- update bundler 
- remove older versions of multiple installed gems 

git push heroku 
Counting objects: 41, done. 
Delta compression using up to 4 threads. 
Compressing objects: 100% (40/40), done. 
Writing objects: 100% (41/41), 5.64 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. 
Total 41 (delta 27), reused 0 (delta 0) 

remote: Compressing source files... done. 
remote: Building source: 
remote: -----> Ruby app detected 
remote: -----> Compiling Ruby/Rails 
remote: -----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.3.1 
remote: -----> Installing dependencies using bundler 1.13.6 
remote:  Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/rails/sprockets-rails.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/sinatra/sinatra.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/jonatack/will_paginate.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/kesha-antonov/simple_form.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/sonalkr132/spring.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing 
remote:  your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the 
remote:  updated Gemfile.lock to version control. 
remote:  You have added to the Gemfile: 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/jonatack/will_paginate.git (at master) 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/kesha-antonov/simple_form.git (at rails-5-0) 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/rails/sprockets-rails.git (at master) 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/sinatra/sinatra.git (at master) 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/sonalkr132/spring.git (at bundler-dep) 
remote:  You have deleted from the Gemfile: 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/jonatack/will_paginate.git (at [email protected]) 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/kesha-antonov/simple_form.git (at 
remote:  [email protected]) 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/rails/sprockets-rails.git (at [email protected]) 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra.git (at [email protected]) 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/sonalkr132/spring.git (at [email protected]) 
remote:  Bundler Output: The git source `git://github.com/rails/sprockets-rails.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/sinatra/sinatra.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/jonatack/will_paginate.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/kesha-antonov/simple_form.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  The git source `git://github.com/sonalkr132/spring.git` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 
remote:  You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing 
remote:  your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the 
remote:  updated Gemfile.lock to version control. 
remote:  You have added to the Gemfile: 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/jonatack/will_paginate.git (at master) 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/kesha-antonov/simple_form.git (at rails-5-0) 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/rails/sprockets-rails.git (at master) 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/sinatra/sinatra.git (at master) 
remote:  * source: git://github.com/sonalkr132/spring.git (at bundler-dep) 
remote:  You have deleted from the Gemfile: 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/jonatack/will_paginate.git (at [email protected]) 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/kesha-antonov/simple_form.git (at 
remote:  [email protected]) 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/rails/sprockets-rails.git (at [email protected]) 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra.git (at [email protected]) 
remote:  * source: https://github.com/sonalkr132/spring.git (at [email protected]) 
remote: ! 
remote: !  Failed to install gems via Bundler. 
remote: ! 
remote: !  Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app. 
remote: !  Push failed 
remote: Verifying deploy... 
remote: ! Push rejected to xxxxxx. 
To [email protected]:xxxxxx.git 
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) 
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:xxxxxx.git' 



meisten Antworten geben Sie einfach gemfile.lock zu löschen und Bündel installieren ausführen. Allerdings --- gibt es eine neue Nachricht bundler über https Aufspringen:

The git source `X` uses the `git` protocol, which transmits data without 
encryption. Disable this warning with `bundle config git.allow_insecure true`, 
or switch to the `https` protocol to keep your data secure. 

im Anschluss an die Nachricht prompt eine neue Konfigurationsdatei in ~/.bundle/config erstellt. Diese Datei verursachte die Hölle mit Heroku --- das Löschen brachte mich zurück zur Arbeit.

Leider Heroku Stack-Spur bietet keine echte Richtung, um dies zu sortieren. Es gibt eine Reihe von Gründen dafür, dass Sie die Meldung "Sie versuchen, die Installation im Bereitstellungsmodus nach dem Ändern Ihrer Gemfile-Nachricht" zu sehen --- und, heroku bietet nichts, was Ihnen hilft, herauszufinden, warum es unglücklich ist.


Heroku zu zwingen, das https:// statt git:// Protokoll zu verwenden, fügen Sie BUNDLE_GITHUB__HTTPS (man beachte den Doppelstrich) als Umgebungsvariable und setzen Sie sich auf true (in Ihrem Armaturenbrett Heroku App unter dem Settings Registerkarte im Config Vars Abschnitt).


danke dafür! – causztic

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