2016-06-04 6 views

Ich habe diese Übung Baum, um den nächsten Buchstaben zurückzugeben, um Tipp für eine vereinfachte Suchleiste Feature vorschlagen, wo ich die WordTree.prototype.search Funktion implementieren muss. Hier ist die grundlegende Funktionalität:Array 'Ergebnis' ist ['o'] vor der Rückgabe. Nach der Rückkehr ist es []. Wie?

tree.search('Levi'); // returns [] (adds each letter) 
tree.search('Lego'); // returns [] 
tree.search('Le'); // returns ['g', 'v'], suggesting 'g' and 'v' from the previous entries 
tree.search('Leg'); // ['o'], suggesting 'o' from 'Lego' 

Der resultierende Baum sollte (mit einem console.log prüft) werden:

* * (root) 
    -- L 
    -- e 
     -- v 
     | | 
     | -- e 
     | | | 
     | | -- l 
     | | 
     | -- i 
     -- g 
      -- o 

Hier ist mein Code. Die letzte Zeile enthält den Test, der nicht funktioniert, sollte aber sein. Ich auch markiert mit ******* im Code, um zu zeigen, wo die result gleich ['o'] ist, aber wenn entweder zu dem Test oder dem console.log zurückgegeben wird, ist es []. Wie kann das passieren?

var expect = require('chai').expect; 

var Node = function(data) { 
    this.data = data; 
    this.children = []; 

var WordTree = function() { 
    var node = new Node({}); 
    this.root = node; 

WordTree.prototype.search = function(word, nodes) { 
// code starts here 
    var currentLetter = word.charAt(0); 

    if (nodes === undefined) { // if top-level search... 
    if(!containsLetter(this.root.children, currentLetter)) { 
     var newLetter = new Node(currentLetter); 
     this.search(word); // add the rest of the word 
     return []; 
    } else { // first letter exists, so let's begin search recursively 
     var nodeIndex = getNodeIndexWithLetter(this.root.children, currentLetter); 
     return this.search(word.slice(1), this.root.children[nodeIndex].children); 
    } else { // if 'nodes' is defined, we know recursion is going on 

    // if last letter in 'word', suggest the next possible words in the tree 
    if(word.length === 1){ 
     var result = []; 
     if(containsLetter(nodes, currentLetter)) { 
      var currLetterChildren = nodes[ getNodeIndexWithLetter(nodes, currentLetter) ].children; 
      result = currLetterChildren.map(function getChildrenData(childNode) { 
      return childNode.data; 
      // console.log(result); // <--- *****THIS IS ['o'] **** 
      return result; // <---- BUT IT RETURNS []. 
     } else { 
      nodes.push(new Node(currentLetter)) 
     return result; 

     // if there are more letters to traverse... 
     if(!containsLetter(nodes, currentLetter)) { 
     var newLetter = new Node(currentLetter); 
     this.search(word.slice(1), newLetter.children); // add the rest of the word 
     } else { 
      this.search(word.slice(1), nodes[ getNodeIndexWithLetter(nodes, currentLetter)].children); 
     return []; 

     // these are O(n). Something to fix later 
     function containsLetter(childArray, num){ 
     var found = false; 
     childArray.forEach(function(child) { 
     if(child.data === num) 
      found = true; 
     return found; 
     // O(n). Fix later. 
     function getNodeIndexWithLetter(nodeArray, num) { 
     var index = -1; 
     nodeArray.forEach(function(element, i) { 
      if(element.data === num) 
      index = i; 
     return index; 

    var tree = new WordTree(); 

    expect(tree.search('Le')).to.deep.equal(['v', 'g']); 
    // console.log(JSON.stringify(tree.root)); 
    // expect(tree.search('Leg')).to.deep.equal(['o']); // <-- something is off about this test 

Verwenden Sie eine Debugger und das Problem eingrenzen – Amit


Guter Vorschlag. Als ich nach Debuggern Ausschau hielt, entdeckte ich, dass ich zu viele 'result =' - Anweisungen habe, aber ich verstehe immer noch nicht, warum die return-Anweisung nicht einfach aus dem Callstack ausbricht. –



Dies ist die korrigierte Version. Grundsätzlich habe ich gelernt Debug Node.js Programme mit node debug filename.js. Das Problem war, dass die rekursiven/verschachtelte return-Anweisungen gebrochen wurden und die search Funktion fortgesetzt in den äußeren Anrufen, bis zu einem Punkt zu gehen, wo das Ergebnis einer leeren Array []

var expect = require('chai').expect; 

var Node = function(data) { 
    this.data = data; 
    this.parent = null; 
    this.children = []; 

var WordTree = function() { 
    var node = new Node({}); 
    this.root = node; 

WordTree.prototype.search = function(word, nodes) { 
    // your code goes here 
    var currentLetter = word.charAt(0); 

    if (nodes === undefined) { // if top-level search... 
    if (!containsLetter(this.root.children, currentLetter)) { // if new word... 
     var newLetter = new Node(currentLetter); 
     this.search(word); // ... add the rest of the word... 
     return []; // ... and return nothing 
    } else { // first letter exists, so let's begin search recursively 
     var nodeIndex = getNodeIndexWithLetter(this.root.children, currentLetter); 
     return this.search(word.slice(1), this.root.children[nodeIndex].children); 

    } else { // if 'nodes' is defined, we know recursion is going on 

    // if we're in the last letter in 'word', suggest the next possible letters in the tree, if any 
    if (word.length === 1) { 
     if (containsLetter(nodes, currentLetter)) { 
     var currLetterChildren = nodes[getNodeIndexWithLetter(nodes, currentLetter)].children; 
     var result = currLetterChildren.map(function getChildrenData(childNode) { 
      return childNode.data; 
     return result; 

     } else { // ... otherwise the last letter doesn't exist. Add it and return nothing 
     nodes.push(new Node(currentLetter)) 
     return []; 

    // if there are still multiple letters to traverse... 
    if (!containsLetter(nodes, currentLetter)) { // ... and a letter was not found... 
     var newLetter = new Node(currentLetter); 
     this.search(word.slice(1), newLetter.children); // ... add the rest of the word... 
     return []; // return nothing because a new letter in the tree means new word 
    } else { // ... if a letter was found we might possibly return something... 
     return this.search(word.slice(1), nodes[getNodeIndexWithLetter(nodes, currentLetter)].children); 

    // ** Utility functions below ** 
    // These are defined in the search function because they pertain to this function only 
    // No need to litter the global scope with utility functions 

    // These are O(n). Possibly something to fix later 
    function containsLetter(childArray, num) { 
     var found = false; 
     childArray.forEach(function(child) { 
     if (child.data === num) 
      found = true; 
     return found; 
    // O(n). Fix later. 

    function getNodeIndexWithLetter(nodeArray, num) { 
    var index = -1; 
    nodeArray.forEach(function(element, i) { 
     if (element.data === num) 
     index = i; 
    return index; 

var tree = new WordTree(); 

expect(tree.search('Le')).to.deep.equal(['v', 'g']); 

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