2017-05-03 2 views
Create table test123 (
    CustId int, 
    [Level] int, 
    RowNum int, 
    USAFlag bit 

insert into test123(CustId,[Level],RowNum,USAFlag)values 

AusgabeSQL-Abfrage auf Gruppe basiert von, abgeleitete Spalte auf min und max basierend benötigen

CustID USARootLeaf 
101 ONlyONeLevel_NonUSA 
102 Leaf_USA 
103 Root_Leaf_NonUSA 
104 Root_Leaf_USA 
105 Root_USA 
106 Root_Leaf_NonUSA 
107 Leaf_USA 
108 OnlyOneLvel_USA 

Logic: Wenn Level 1 ist, dann sollte USARootLeaf Wert OnlyOneLvel_USA oder OnlyOneLvel_NonUSA sein basierend auf usaflag Wert

Wenn Level> 1 ist, dann sollte USARootLeaf Wert sein Root_Leaf_USA, Root_Leaf_NonUSA, Root_USA, Leaf_USA basierend auf min (Pegel) und max (Pegel) Wert von usaflag ist wahr/falsch


Es ist nicht klar, wenn es Blatt ... und wann ist Root_Leaf ... – FLICKER


Können Sie mehr Details der Logik geben, wenn Level> 1? – Jason



Dank Bryan und Jason für Ihre schnelle Eingaben. Ich habe selbst eine bessere Lösung gefunden.

with one as 
Select CustId,[Level], 
STUFF((SELECT ',' + cast(USAFlag as char(1)) FROM test123 WHERE (
CustId=Result.CustId) FOR XML PATH ('')),1,1,'') AS USAList 
From test123 AS Result 
GROUP BY CustId,[Level] 
Select CustId,[level],USAList, 
when Level=1 and substring(USAList,1,1)='1' then 'ONlyONeLevel_USA' 
when Level=1 and substring(USAList,1,1)='0' then 'ONlyONeLevel_NonUSA' 
when Level>1 and substring(USAList,1,1)='1' and substring(USAList,level*2- 
1,1)='1' then 'Root_Leaf_USA' 
when Level>1 and substring(USAList,1,1)='0' and substring(USAList,level*2- 
1,1)='0' then 'Root_Leaf_NonUSA' 
when Level>1 and substring(USAList,1,1)='1' then 'Root_USA' 
when Level>1 and substring(USAList,level*2-1,1)='1' then 'Leaf_USA' 
else 'InvalidLevel' 
end as USARootLeaf 
from one 

Ich habe noch nie so viele CTEs in einer Abfrage verwendet und bin mir sicher, dass es einen effizienteren Weg gibt, aber das funktioniert.

--Add Row Numbers 
        FROM test123), 

--Get the first and last Row 
preselect2 AS (SELECT MIN(RowNum)'MinRow',MAX(RowNum)'MaxRow',CustId 
       FROM preselect 
       GROUP BY CustId), 

--Join to table with data 
       FROM test123 t 
       JOIN preselect2 p2 ON t.CustId = p2.CustId), 

--Filter out any row that isn't the first or last in the group 
preselect4 AS (SELECT * 
       FROM preselect3 
       WHERE RowNumber = MinRow 
        RowNumber = MaxRow), 

--Get count of each CustId 
preselect5 AS (SELECT CustId,COUNT(*)'Cnt' 
       FROM test123 
       GROUP BY CustId), 

--Determine the properties for each CustId 
preselect6 AS (
SELECT p4.CustId, 
SUM(CASE WHEN Cnt > 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'Multi', 
SUM(CASE WHEN RowNumber = 1 AND USAFlag = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS 'RootUSA', 
SUM(CASE WHEN RowNumber > 1 AND USAFlag = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS 'LeafUSA' 
FROM preselect4 p4 
    JOIN preselect5 p5 ON p4.CustId = p5.CustId 
GROUP BY p4.CustId) 

--Apply values based on their properties 
CASE WHEN Multi = 0 AND RootUSA = 0 THEN 'OnlyOneLevel_NonUSA' 
     WHEN Multi = 0 AND RootUSA = 1 THEN 'OnlyOneLevel_USA' 
     WHEN Multi > 1 AND RootUSA = 0 AND LeafUSA = 1 THEN 'Leaf_USA' 
     WHEN Multi > 1 AND RootUSA = 0 AND LeafUSA = 0 THEN 'Root_Leaf_NonUSA' 
     WHEN Multi > 1 AND RootUSA = 1 AND LeafUSA = 1 THEN 'Root_Leaf_USA' 
     WHEN Multi > 1 AND RootUSA = 1 AND LeafUSA = 0 THEN 'Root_USA' 
     ELSE 'N/A' END AS 'USARootLeaf' 
FROM preselect6    

Dies könnte kleiner sein, Refactoring, aber hier ist die eine Vermutung bei der Umsetzung oben auf den Anforderungen basiert. Beachten Sie, dass ich [Level] auf thisLevel in meiner DDL geändert habe.

mysql> select q.custid, concat(q.type,concat('_',q.starsandstripes)) as type from (
    -> select 
    ->  z.custid, 
    ->  case when minlevel = 1 and maxlevel = 1 then 'OnlyOneLevel' 
    ->  else 
    ->   case when lastflag = 1 and firstflag = 0 then 'Leaf' 
    ->   when lastflag = 0 and firstflag = 1 then 'Root' 
    ->   when lastflag = firstflag then 'Root_Leaf' 
    ->   end 
    ->  end as type, 
    ->  starsandstripes 
    ->  from 
    -> (
    -> select 
    -> za.custid, 
    -> case when max(za.usaflag) = 1 
    ->  then 'USA' 
    ->  else 'NonUSA' 
    -> end 
    ->  as starsAndStripes 
    -> from test123 za join 
    ->  (
    ->   select 
    ->   custid, 
    ->   max(rownum) as maxrow, 
    ->   min(rownum) as minrow 
    ->   from test123 zc 
    ->   group by custid 
    -> ) zb 
    ->  on za.custid = zb.custid 
    ->  and (za.rownum = zb.maxrow 
    ->  or za.rownum = zb.minrow) 
    -> group by za.custid 
    ->) z, 
    -> (
    -> select 
    ->  a.custid, 
    ->  (select usaflag from test123 d where d.custid = a.custid and d.rownum = b.maxrow) as lastFlag, 
    ->  (select usaflag from test123 d where d.custid = a.custid and d.rownum = b.minrow) as firstFlag, 
    ->  min(thisLevel) as minLevel, 
    ->  max(thisLevel) as maxLevel 
    -> from test123 a join 
    -> (
    ->  select custid, max(rownum) as maxrow, min(rownum) as minrow 
    ->  from test123 c 
    ->  group by custid 
    -> ) b 
    -> on a.custid = b.custid 
    -> group by custid, 
    -> (select usaflag from test123 d where d.custid = a.custid and d.rownum = b.maxrow), 
    -> (select usaflag from test123 d where d.custid = a.custid and d.rownum = b.minrow) 
    ->) x 
    -> where z.custid = x.custid 
    ->) q; 


| custid | type    | 
| 101 | OnlyOneLevel_NonUSA | 
| 102 | Leaf_USA   | 
| 103 | Root_Leaf_NonUSA | 
| 104 | Root_Leaf_USA  | 
| 105 | Root_USA   | 
| 106 | Root_Leaf_NonUSA | 
| 107 | Leaf_USA   | 
| 108 | OnlyOneLevel_USA | 
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)  
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