2016-05-11 8 views

Ich versuche, meine MySQL-Anweisung in Laravel-Abfrage-Generator zu konvertieren. In der folgenden Abfrage versuche ich, GROUP BY und ORDER BY auf den Säulen zu tun, die aus dem Ergebnis der abgerufen werden UNION-ing drei TabellenWie wähle ich Spalten aus Ergebnissen der Vereinigung von Tabellen mit Laravel Query Builder?

  • staff_task_history_calibrate
  • staff_task_history_samples
  • staff_task_history_measures

Haben Sie etwas Ähnliches? Wenn ja, könnten Sie mir bitte etwas näher bringen?

SELECT staff_name, task_id, task_type, task_desc, SUM(task_multiplier) 
    select CONCAT(S.first_name," ",S.last_name) as staff_name, 
    `STHC`.`task_id`, IFNULL(T.type, "-") as task_type, 
    `T`.`description` as `task_desc`, 
    from `staff_task_history_calibrate` as `STHC` 
    inner join `staffs` as `S` on `STHC`.`staff_id` = `S`.`staff_id` inner join `tasks` as `T` on `STHC`.`task_id` = `T`.`id` 
    select CONCAT(S.first_name," ",S.last_name) as staff_name, 
    `STHS`.`task_id`, IFNULL(T.type, "-") as task_type, 
    `T`.`description` as `task_desc`, 
    from `staff_task_history_samples` as `STHS` 
    inner join `staffs` as `S` on `STHS`.`staff_id` = `S`.`staff_id` inner join `tasks` as `T` on `STHS`.`task_id` = `T`.`id` 
    select CONCAT(S.first_name," ",S.last_name) as staff_name, 
    `STHM`.`task_id`, IFNULL(T.type, "-") as task_type, 
    `T`.`description` as `task_desc`, 
    from `staff_task_history_measures` as `STHM` 
    inner join `staffs` as `S` on `STHM`.`staff_id` = `S`.`staff_id` inner join `tasks` as `T` on `STHM`.`task_id` = `T`.`id` 
) combined_tables 
GROUP BY staff_name, task_type, task_desc 
ORDER BY staff_name, task_type, task_desc; 



schwierig für mich zu testen, aber versuchen:

// Build up the sub-queries 
$sub1 = DB::table('staff_task_history_calibrate AS STHC') 
      'CONCAT(S.first_name," ",S.last_name) as staff_name', 
      'STHC'.'task_id', 'IFNULL(T.type, "-") as task_type', 
      'T'.'description' as 'task_desc', 'STHC.task_multiplier') 
     )->join('staffs AS S', 'STHC.staff_id', '=', 'S.staff_id') 
      ->join('tasks AS T', 'STHC.task_id', '=', 'T.id'); 

$sub2 = DB::table('staff_task_history_samples AS STHS') 
      'CONCAT(S.first_name," ",S.last_name) as staff_name', 
      'STHS'.'task_id', 'IFNULL(T.type, "-") as task_type', 
      'T'.'description' as 'task_desc', 'STHS.task_multiplier') 
     )->join('staffs AS S', 'STHS.staff_id', '=', 'S.staff_id') 
      ->join('tasks AS T', 'STHS.task_id', '=', 'T.id'); 

$sub3 = DB::table('staff_task_history_measures AS STHM') 
      'CONCAT(S.first_name," ",S.last_name) as staff_name', 
      'STHM'.'task_id', 'IFNULL(T.type, "-") as task_type', 
      'T'.'description' as 'task_desc', 'STHM.task_multiplier') 
     )->join('staffs AS S', 'STHM.staff_id', '=', 'S.staff_id') 
      ->join('tasks AS T', 'STHM.task_id', '=', 'T.id'); 

// Add the unions 
$allUnions = $sub1->union($sub2)->union($sub3); // (Check the documentation for Unions in Query Builder) 

// Get the results 
$results = DB::table(DB::raw("({$allUnions->toSql()}) as combined_tables")) 
     ->select('staff_name, task_id, task_type, task_desc') 
     ->mergeBindings($allUnions) // We need to retrieve the underlying SQL 

(Wenn das, was Sie funktioniert haben, ich kann es halten würde.)


Ich verstehe nicht, den Grund der Verwendung von 'mergeBindings' . Würden Sie bitte mehr über diese Methode beschreiben? – alex

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