Dies ist die Anfrage Ich mache in meiner node.js App senden:Wie HTTP-Anfrage an google map api

var https = require('https'); 

var options = { 
    host: 'maps.googleapis.com', 
    path: '/maps/api/geocode/json', 
    method: 'GET', 
    useQuerystring: true, 
    qs: 'address=' + "1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA" + "&key=[redacted in stack overflow post]" 

var req = https.request(options, function(response) { 
    //Uncomment the code below when you start getting valid responses 
    //response.on('data', function (chunk) { 
    // console.log('BODY: ' + chunk); 

Aber die Antwort kommt zurück mit status: 400, status: 'Bad Request' . Die vollständige Antwort finden Sie unten.

Ich sehe meine Abfragezeichenkette weder in der Anfrage noch in der Antwort, die mich betrifft. Ich habe versucht, useQuerystring: true, von Optionen zu entfernen, scheint dies keine Wirkung zu haben. Ich habe auch versucht, www hinzuzufügen. vor maps.googleapis.com, von dem ich wusste, dass es nicht funktionieren würde und das bestätigte.

Ich mache eine erfolgreiche Anforderung mit Postman, die wie folgt aussieht: GET https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=[redacted in stack overflow post]

Wie kann ich einen Antrag stellen, die eine erfolgreiche Antwort in Knoten mit Hilfe der https-Modul erhalten werden?

Dies ist die Ausgabe von console.log(req):

ClientRequest { 
    domain: null, 
    { response: { [Function: g] listener: [Function] }, 
    socket: { [Function: g] listener: [Function: onSocket] } }, 
    _eventsCount: 2, 
    _maxListeners: undefined, 
    output: [], 
    outputEncodings: [], 
    outputCallbacks: [], 
    outputSize: 0, 
    writable: true, 
    _last: true, 
    upgrading: false, 
    chunkedEncoding: false, 
    shouldKeepAlive: false, 
    useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false, 
    sendDate: false, 
    _removedHeader: {}, 
    _contentLength: null, 
    _hasBody: true, 
    _trailer: '', 
    finished: false, 
    _headerSent: false, 
    socket: null, 
    connection: null, 
    _header: null, 
    _headers: { host: 'maps.googleapis.com' }, 
    _headerNames: { host: 'Host' }, 
    _onPendingData: null, 
    Agent { 
    domain: null, 
    _events: { free: [Function] }, 
    _eventsCount: 1, 
    _maxListeners: undefined, 
    defaultPort: 443, 
    protocol: 'https:', 
    options: { path: null }, 
    requests: {}, 
    sockets: { 'maps.googleapis.com:443::::::::': [Object] }, 
    freeSockets: {}, 
    keepAliveMsecs: 1000, 
    keepAlive: false, 
    maxSockets: Infinity, 
    maxFreeSockets: 256, 
    maxCachedSessions: 100, 
    _sessionCache: { map: {}, list: [] } }, 
    socketPath: undefined, 
    timeout: undefined, 
    method: 'GET', 
    path: '/maps/api/geocode/json', 
    _ended: false } 

Dies ist die Ausgabe von console.log(res):

IncomingMessage { 
    ReadableState { 
    objectMode: false, 
    highWaterMark: 16384, 
    buffer: BufferList { head: null, tail: null, length: 0 }, 
    length: 0, 
    pipes: null, 
    pipesCount: 0, 
    flowing: null, 
    ended: false, 
    endEmitted: false, 
    reading: false, 
    sync: true, 
    needReadable: false, 
    emittedReadable: false, 
    readableListening: false, 
    resumeScheduled: false, 
    defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
    ranOut: false, 
    awaitDrain: 0, 
    readingMore: true, 
    decoder: null, 
    encoding: null }, 
    readable: true, 
    domain: null, 
    _events: { end: [Function: responseOnEnd] }, 
    _eventsCount: 1, 
    _maxListeners: undefined, 
    TLSSocket { 
     { pipe: null, 
     secureContext: [Object], 
     isServer: false, 
     requestCert: true, 
     rejectUnauthorized: true, 
     session: undefined, 
     NPNProtocols: undefined, 
     ALPNProtocols: undefined, 
     requestOCSP: undefined }, 
    _secureEstablished: true, 
    _securePending: false, 
    _newSessionPending: false, 
    _controlReleased: true, 
    _SNICallback: null, 
    servername: null, 
    npnProtocol: false, 
    alpnProtocol: false, 
    authorized: true, 
    authorizationError: null, 
    encrypted: true, 
     { close: [Object], 
     end: [Object], 
     finish: [Function: onSocketFinish], 
     _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd], 
     secure: [Function], 
     free: [Function: onFree], 
     agentRemove: [Function: onRemove], 
     drain: [Function: ondrain], 
     error: [Function: socketErrorListener], 
     data: [Function: socketOnData] }, 
    _eventsCount: 10, 
    connecting: false, 
    _hadError: false, 
     TLSWrap { 
     bytesRead: 608, 
     _externalStream: {}, 
     fd: -1, 
     _parent: [Object], 
     _parentWrap: undefined, 
     _secureContext: [Object], 
     reading: true, 
     owner: [Circular], 
     onread: [Function: onread], 
     writeQueueSize: 1, 
     onhandshakestart: [Function], 
     onhandshakedone: [Function], 
     onocspresponse: [Function], 
     onerror: [Function] }, 
    _parent: null, 
    _host: 'maps.googleapis.com', 
     ReadableState { 
     objectMode: false, 
     highWaterMark: 16384, 
     buffer: [Object], 
     length: 0, 
     pipes: null, 
     pipesCount: 0, 
     flowing: true, 
     ended: false, 
     endEmitted: false, 
     reading: false, 
     sync: false, 
     needReadable: true, 
     emittedReadable: false, 
     readableListening: false, 
     resumeScheduled: false, 
     defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
     ranOut: false, 
     awaitDrain: 0, 
     readingMore: false, 
     decoder: null, 
     encoding: null }, 
    readable: true, 
    domain: null, 
    _maxListeners: undefined, 
     WritableState { 
     objectMode: false, 
     highWaterMark: 16384, 
     needDrain: false, 
     ending: false, 
     ended: false, 
     finished: false, 
     decodeStrings: false, 
     defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
     length: 0, 
     writing: false, 
     corked: 0, 
     sync: false, 
     bufferProcessing: false, 
     onwrite: [Function], 
     writecb: null, 
     writelen: 0, 
     bufferedRequest: null, 
     lastBufferedRequest: null, 
     pendingcb: 0, 
     prefinished: false, 
     errorEmitted: false, 
     bufferedRequestCount: 0, 
     corkedRequestsFree: [Object] }, 
    writable: true, 
    allowHalfOpen: false, 
    destroyed: false, 
    _bytesDispatched: 85, 
    _sockname: null, 
    _pendingData: null, 
    _pendingEncoding: '', 
    server: undefined, 
    _server: null, 
     TLSWrap { 
     bytesRead: 608, 
     _externalStream: {}, 
     fd: -1, 
     _parent: [Object], 
     _parentWrap: undefined, 
     _secureContext: [Object], 
     reading: true, 
     owner: [Circular], 
     onread: [Function: onread], 
     writeQueueSize: 1, 
     onhandshakestart: [Function], 
     onhandshakedone: [Function], 
     onocspresponse: [Function], 
     onerror: [Function] }, 
    _requestCert: true, 
    _rejectUnauthorized: true, 
     HTTPParser { 
     '0': [Function: parserOnHeaders], 
     '1': [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete], 
     '2': [Function: parserOnBody], 
     '3': [Function: parserOnMessageComplete], 
     '4': null, 
     _headers: [], 
     _url: '', 
     _consumed: false, 
     socket: [Circular], 
     incoming: [Circular], 
     outgoing: [Object], 
     maxHeaderPairs: 2000, 
     onIncoming: [Function: parserOnIncomingClient] }, 
     ClientRequest { 
     domain: null, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _eventsCount: 1, 
     _maxListeners: undefined, 
     output: [], 
     outputEncodings: [], 
     outputCallbacks: [], 
     outputSize: 0, 
     writable: true, 
     _last: true, 
     upgrading: false, 
     chunkedEncoding: false, 
     shouldKeepAlive: false, 
     useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false, 
     sendDate: false, 
     _removedHeader: {}, 
     _contentLength: 0, 
     _hasBody: true, 
     _trailer: '', 
     finished: true, 
     _headerSent: true, 
     socket: [Circular], 
     connection: [Circular], 
     _header: 'GET /maps/api/geocode/json HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: maps.googleapis.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n', 
     _headers: [Object], 
     _headerNames: [Object], 
     _onPendingData: null, 
     agent: [Object], 
     socketPath: undefined, 
     timeout: undefined, 
     method: 'GET', 
     path: '/maps/api/geocode/json', 
     _ended: false, 
     parser: [Object], 
     res: [Circular] }, 
    read: [Function], 
    _consuming: true }, 
    TLSSocket { 
     { pipe: null, 
     secureContext: [Object], 
     isServer: false, 
     requestCert: true, 
     rejectUnauthorized: true, 
     session: undefined, 
     NPNProtocols: undefined, 
     ALPNProtocols: undefined, 
     requestOCSP: undefined }, 
    _secureEstablished: true, 
    _securePending: false, 
    _newSessionPending: false, 
    _controlReleased: true, 
    _SNICallback: null, 
    servername: null, 
    npnProtocol: false, 
    alpnProtocol: false, 
    authorized: true, 
    authorizationError: null, 
    encrypted: true, 
     { close: [Object], 
     end: [Object], 
     finish: [Function: onSocketFinish], 
     _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd], 
     secure: [Function], 
     free: [Function: onFree], 
     agentRemove: [Function: onRemove], 
     drain: [Function: ondrain], 
     error: [Function: socketErrorListener], 
     data: [Function: socketOnData] }, 
    _eventsCount: 10, 
    connecting: false, 
    _hadError: false, 
     TLSWrap { 
     bytesRead: 608, 
     _externalStream: {}, 
     fd: -1, 
     _parent: [Object], 
     _parentWrap: undefined, 
     _secureContext: [Object], 
     reading: true, 
     owner: [Circular], 
     onread: [Function: onread], 
     writeQueueSize: 1, 
     onhandshakestart: [Function], 
     onhandshakedone: [Function], 
     onocspresponse: [Function], 
     onerror: [Function] }, 
    _parent: null, 
    _host: 'maps.googleapis.com', 
     ReadableState { 
     objectMode: false, 
     highWaterMark: 16384, 
     buffer: [Object], 
     length: 0, 
     pipes: null, 
     pipesCount: 0, 
     flowing: true, 
     ended: false, 
     endEmitted: false, 
     reading: false, 
     sync: false, 
     needReadable: true, 
     emittedReadable: false, 
     readableListening: false, 
     resumeScheduled: false, 
     defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
     ranOut: false, 
     awaitDrain: 0, 
     readingMore: false, 
     decoder: null, 
     encoding: null }, 
    readable: true, 
    domain: null, 
    _maxListeners: undefined, 
     WritableState { 
     objectMode: false, 
     highWaterMark: 16384, 
     needDrain: false, 
     ending: false, 
     ended: false, 
     finished: false, 
     decodeStrings: false, 
     defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
     length: 0, 
     writing: false, 
     corked: 0, 
     sync: false, 
     bufferProcessing: false, 
     onwrite: [Function], 
     writecb: null, 
     writelen: 0, 
     bufferedRequest: null, 
     lastBufferedRequest: null, 
     pendingcb: 0, 
     prefinished: false, 
     errorEmitted: false, 
     bufferedRequestCount: 0, 
     corkedRequestsFree: [Object] }, 
    writable: true, 
    allowHalfOpen: false, 
    destroyed: false, 
    _bytesDispatched: 85, 
    _sockname: null, 
    _pendingData: null, 
    _pendingEncoding: '', 
    server: undefined, 
    _server: null, 
     TLSWrap { 
     bytesRead: 608, 
     _externalStream: {}, 
     fd: -1, 
     _parent: [Object], 
     _parentWrap: undefined, 
     _secureContext: [Object], 
     reading: true, 
     owner: [Circular], 
     onread: [Function: onread], 
     writeQueueSize: 1, 
     onhandshakestart: [Function], 
     onhandshakedone: [Function], 
     onocspresponse: [Function], 
     onerror: [Function] }, 
    _requestCert: true, 
    _rejectUnauthorized: true, 
     HTTPParser { 
     '0': [Function: parserOnHeaders], 
     '1': [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete], 
     '2': [Function: parserOnBody], 
     '3': [Function: parserOnMessageComplete], 
     '4': null, 
     _headers: [], 
     _url: '', 
     _consumed: false, 
     socket: [Circular], 
     incoming: [Circular], 
     outgoing: [Object], 
     maxHeaderPairs: 2000, 
     onIncoming: [Function: parserOnIncomingClient] }, 
     ClientRequest { 
     domain: null, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _eventsCount: 1, 
     _maxListeners: undefined, 
     output: [], 
     outputEncodings: [], 
     outputCallbacks: [], 
     outputSize: 0, 
     writable: true, 
     _last: true, 
     upgrading: false, 
     chunkedEncoding: false, 
     shouldKeepAlive: false, 
     useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false, 
     sendDate: false, 
     _removedHeader: {}, 
     _contentLength: 0, 
     _hasBody: true, 
     _trailer: '', 
     finished: true, 
     _headerSent: true, 
     socket: [Circular], 
     connection: [Circular], 
     _header: 'GET /maps/api/geocode/json HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: maps.googleapis.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n', 
     _headers: [Object], 
     _headerNames: [Object], 
     _onPendingData: null, 
     agent: [Object], 
     socketPath: undefined, 
     timeout: undefined, 
     method: 'GET', 
     path: '/maps/api/geocode/json', 
     _ended: false, 
     parser: [Object], 
     res: [Circular] }, 
    read: [Function], 
    _consuming: true }, 
    httpVersionMajor: 1, 
    httpVersionMinor: 1, 
    httpVersion: '1.1', 
    complete: false, 
    { 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 
    date: 'Sat, 20 May 2017 15:12:32 GMT', 
    pragma: 'no-cache', 
    expires: 'Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT', 
    'cache-control': 'no-cache, must-revalidate', 
    'access-control-allow-origin': '*', 
    server: 'mafe', 
    'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block', 
    'x-frame-options': 'SAMEORIGIN', 
    'alt-svc': 'quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="37,36,35"', 
    'accept-ranges': 'none', 
    vary: 'Accept-Encoding', 
    connection: 'close' }, 
    [ 'Content-Type', 
    'application/json; charset=UTF-8', 
    'Sat, 20 May 2017 15:12:32 GMT', 
    'Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT', 
    'no-cache, must-revalidate', 
    '1; mode=block', 
    'quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="37,36,35"', 
    'close' ], 
    trailers: {}, 
    rawTrailers: [], 
    upgrade: false, 
    url: '', 
    method: null, 
    statusCode: 400, 
    statusMessage: 'Bad Request', 
    TLSSocket { 
     { pipe: null, 
     secureContext: [Object], 
     isServer: false, 
     requestCert: true, 
     rejectUnauthorized: true, 
     session: undefined, 
     NPNProtocols: undefined, 
     ALPNProtocols: undefined, 
     requestOCSP: undefined }, 
    _secureEstablished: true, 
    _securePending: false, 
    _newSessionPending: false, 
    _controlReleased: true, 
    _SNICallback: null, 
    servername: null, 
    npnProtocol: false, 
    alpnProtocol: false, 
    authorized: true, 
    authorizationError: null, 
    encrypted: true, 
     { close: [Object], 
     end: [Object], 
     finish: [Function: onSocketFinish], 
     _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd], 
     secure: [Function], 
     free: [Function: onFree], 
     agentRemove: [Function: onRemove], 
     drain: [Function: ondrain], 
     error: [Function: socketErrorListener], 
     data: [Function: socketOnData] }, 
    _eventsCount: 10, 
    connecting: false, 
    _hadError: false, 
     TLSWrap { 
     bytesRead: 608, 
     _externalStream: {}, 
     fd: -1, 
     _parent: [Object], 
     _parentWrap: undefined, 
     _secureContext: [Object], 
     reading: true, 
     owner: [Circular], 
     onread: [Function: onread], 
     writeQueueSize: 1, 
     onhandshakestart: [Function], 
     onhandshakedone: [Function], 
     onocspresponse: [Function], 
     onerror: [Function] }, 
    _parent: null, 
    _host: 'maps.googleapis.com', 
     ReadableState { 
     objectMode: false, 
     highWaterMark: 16384, 
     buffer: [Object], 
     length: 0, 
     pipes: null, 
     pipesCount: 0, 
     flowing: true, 
     ended: false, 
     endEmitted: false, 
     reading: false, 
     sync: false, 
     needReadable: true, 
     emittedReadable: false, 
     readableListening: false, 
     resumeScheduled: false, 
     defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
     ranOut: false, 
     awaitDrain: 0, 
     readingMore: false, 
     decoder: null, 
     encoding: null }, 
    readable: true, 
    domain: null, 
    _maxListeners: undefined, 
     WritableState { 
     objectMode: false, 
     highWaterMark: 16384, 
     needDrain: false, 
     ending: false, 
     ended: false, 
     finished: false, 
     decodeStrings: false, 
     defaultEncoding: 'utf8', 
     length: 0, 
     writing: false, 
     corked: 0, 
     sync: false, 
     bufferProcessing: false, 
     onwrite: [Function], 
     writecb: null, 
     writelen: 0, 
     bufferedRequest: null, 
     lastBufferedRequest: null, 
     pendingcb: 0, 
     prefinished: false, 
     errorEmitted: false, 
     bufferedRequestCount: 0, 
     corkedRequestsFree: [Object] }, 
    writable: true, 
    allowHalfOpen: false, 
    destroyed: false, 
    _bytesDispatched: 85, 
    _sockname: null, 
    _pendingData: null, 
    _pendingEncoding: '', 
    server: undefined, 
    _server: null, 
     TLSWrap { 
     bytesRead: 608, 
     _externalStream: {}, 
     fd: -1, 
     _parent: [Object], 
     _parentWrap: undefined, 
     _secureContext: [Object], 
     reading: true, 
     owner: [Circular], 
     onread: [Function: onread], 
     writeQueueSize: 1, 
     onhandshakestart: [Function], 
     onhandshakedone: [Function], 
     onocspresponse: [Function], 
     onerror: [Function] }, 
    _requestCert: true, 
    _rejectUnauthorized: true, 
     HTTPParser { 
     '0': [Function: parserOnHeaders], 
     '1': [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete], 
     '2': [Function: parserOnBody], 
     '3': [Function: parserOnMessageComplete], 
     '4': null, 
     _headers: [], 
     _url: '', 
     _consumed: false, 
     socket: [Circular], 
     incoming: [Circular], 
     outgoing: [Object], 
     maxHeaderPairs: 2000, 
     onIncoming: [Function: parserOnIncomingClient] }, 
     ClientRequest { 
     domain: null, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _eventsCount: 1, 
     _maxListeners: undefined, 
     output: [], 
     outputEncodings: [], 
     outputCallbacks: [], 
     outputSize: 0, 
     writable: true, 
     _last: true, 
     upgrading: false, 
     chunkedEncoding: false, 
     shouldKeepAlive: false, 
     useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false, 
     sendDate: false, 
     _removedHeader: {}, 
     _contentLength: 0, 
     _hasBody: true, 
     _trailer: '', 
     finished: true, 
     _headerSent: true, 
     socket: [Circular], 
     connection: [Circular], 
     _header: 'GET /maps/api/geocode/json HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: maps.googleapis.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n', 
     _headers: [Object], 
     _headerNames: [Object], 
     _onPendingData: null, 
     agent: [Object], 
     socketPath: undefined, 
     timeout: undefined, 
     method: 'GET', 
     path: '/maps/api/geocode/json', 
     _ended: false, 
     parser: [Object], 
     res: [Circular] }, 
    read: [Function], 
    _consuming: true }, 
    _consuming: false, 
    _dumped: false, 
    ClientRequest { 
    domain: null, 
    _events: { prefinish: [Function: requestOnPrefinish] }, 
    _eventsCount: 1, 
    _maxListeners: undefined, 
    output: [], 
    outputEncodings: [], 
    outputCallbacks: [], 
    outputSize: 0, 
    writable: true, 
    _last: true, 
    upgrading: false, 
    chunkedEncoding: false, 
    shouldKeepAlive: false, 
    useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false, 
    sendDate: false, 
    _removedHeader: {}, 
    _contentLength: 0, 
    _hasBody: true, 
    _trailer: '', 
    finished: true, 
    _headerSent: true, 
     TLSSocket { 
     _tlsOptions: [Object], 
     _secureEstablished: true, 
     _securePending: false, 
     _newSessionPending: false, 
     _controlReleased: true, 
     _SNICallback: null, 
     servername: null, 
     npnProtocol: false, 
     alpnProtocol: false, 
     authorized: true, 
     authorizationError: null, 
     encrypted: true, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _eventsCount: 10, 
     connecting: false, 
     _hadError: false, 
     _handle: [Object], 
     _parent: null, 
     _host: 'maps.googleapis.com', 
     _readableState: [Object], 
     readable: true, 
     domain: null, 
     _maxListeners: undefined, 
     _writableState: [Object], 
     writable: true, 
     allowHalfOpen: false, 
     destroyed: false, 
     _bytesDispatched: 85, 
     _sockname: null, 
     _pendingData: null, 
     _pendingEncoding: '', 
     server: undefined, 
     _server: null, 
     ssl: [Object], 
     _requestCert: true, 
     _rejectUnauthorized: true, 
     parser: [Object], 
     _httpMessage: [Circular], 
     read: [Function], 
     _consuming: true }, 
     TLSSocket { 
     _tlsOptions: [Object], 
     _secureEstablished: true, 
     _securePending: false, 
     _newSessionPending: false, 
     _controlReleased: true, 
     _SNICallback: null, 
     servername: null, 
     npnProtocol: false, 
     alpnProtocol: false, 
     authorized: true, 
     authorizationError: null, 
     encrypted: true, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _eventsCount: 10, 
     connecting: false, 
     _hadError: false, 
     _handle: [Object], 
     _parent: null, 
     _host: 'maps.googleapis.com', 
     _readableState: [Object], 
     readable: true, 
     domain: null, 
     _maxListeners: undefined, 
     _writableState: [Object], 
     writable: true, 
     allowHalfOpen: false, 
     destroyed: false, 
     _bytesDispatched: 85, 
     _sockname: null, 
     _pendingData: null, 
     _pendingEncoding: '', 
     server: undefined, 
     _server: null, 
     ssl: [Object], 
     _requestCert: true, 
     _rejectUnauthorized: true, 
     parser: [Object], 
     _httpMessage: [Circular], 
     read: [Function], 
     _consuming: true }, 
    _header: 'GET /maps/api/geocode/json HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: maps.googleapis.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n', 
    _headers: { host: 'maps.googleapis.com' }, 
    _headerNames: { host: 'Host' }, 
    _onPendingData: null, 
     Agent { 
     domain: null, 
     _events: [Object], 
     _eventsCount: 1, 
     _maxListeners: undefined, 
     defaultPort: 443, 
     protocol: 'https:', 
     options: [Object], 
     requests: {}, 
     sockets: [Object], 
     freeSockets: {}, 
     keepAliveMsecs: 1000, 
     keepAlive: false, 
     maxSockets: Infinity, 
     maxFreeSockets: 256, 
     maxCachedSessions: 100, 
     _sessionCache: [Object] }, 
    socketPath: undefined, 
    timeout: undefined, 
    method: 'GET', 
    path: '/maps/api/geocode/json', 
    _ended: false, 
     HTTPParser { 
     '0': [Function: parserOnHeaders], 
     '1': [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete], 
     '2': [Function: parserOnBody], 
     '3': [Function: parserOnMessageComplete], 
     '4': null, 
     _headers: [], 
     _url: '', 
     _consumed: false, 
     socket: [Object], 
     incoming: [Circular], 
     outgoing: [Circular], 
     maxHeaderPairs: 2000, 
     onIncoming: [Function: parserOnIncomingClient] }, 
    res: [Circular] } } 

Anmerkung: Ich habe Keep Getting Bad Request from HTTP.request in Node.js gelesen und das ist nicht mein Problem. Ich sollte insbesondere kein www einschließen. vor maps.googleapis.com

Für die von Ihnen diese später zu lesen, wenn Sie eine gute Antwort erhalten haben, sollten Sie dies lesen: Where is body in a nodejs http.get response?



Sie könnten versuchen, die querystring angeben, in Die URL selbst: path:'/maps/api/geocode/json' + '?' + <QueryString>

Alternativ können Sie das Modul 'requefy' verwenden. Es kann über 'npm' installiert werden. https://github.com/ranm8/requestify

Somit würde der Code in etwa so aussehen: - -:

var requestify = require('requestify'); 
requestify.get('https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=<API_KEY>').then(function(response) { 

    // Get the response body 

IMP: Denken Sie daran, Ihre eigenen API_KEY in der ersetzen

Der Quellcode finden Sie unter URL ohne spitze Klammern.

Hoffe, das hilft .. :)


Danke für den Tipp. Ich hätte angeben sollen, dass ich das https-Modul verwenden möchte und eine weitere Abhängigkeit vermeiden möchte. –


@Glen, können Sie in der Chrome "** Developer Console **" auf der Registerkarte "** Netzwerke **" nachschauen, unter welcher URL die HTTP-Anforderung ausgelöst wird. Möglicherweise fehlt auch ein ** ** ** am Ende des Felds ** ** **. –


Eine andere Sache, die Sie versuchen können, ist, den queryString in der URL selbst anzugeben, d. H.: - ** Pfad **: '/ maps/api/geocode/json' + '?' +