2017-06-27 8 views

Hallo bin neu zu Python und versuchte, unterhalb Skript und Attribut Fehler zu bekommen.AttributeError - Namespace-Objekt hat kein Attribut Benutzername

import json 
import sys 
import argparse 

    import requests 
    except ImportError: 
    print "Please install the python-requests module." 

    def get_json(location, devincuser, password): 

    # Performs a GET using the passed URL location 
    location += "?per_page=10000" 
    r = requests.get(location, auth=(devincuser, password),verify=False) 
    return r.json() 

    def main(): 

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Satellite Errata     

    # Arguments 
    parser.add_argument("-u", "--devincuser", type=str.lower, help="Username 
    to access Satellite", action="store", default='devincuser') 
    parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", type=str, help="Password to 
    access Satellite", action="store", default='password') 
    parser.add_argument("-n", "--localhost", type=str.lower, help="Satellite  
    server (default: localhost)", default='localhost') 
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--organization", type=str.lower, nargs="*", 
    help="Filter on this space-delimited list of organization(s)", default='') 
    parser.add_argument("-e", "--environment", type=str.lower, nargs="*", 
    help="Filter on this space-delimited list of lifecycle environments", 
    parser.add_argument("-c", "--collection", type=str.lower, nargs="*", 
    help="Filter on and group by this space-delimited list of host 
    collections", default='') 
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", type=str.lower, nargs="*", 
    help="Filter on this space-delimeted list of errata types (bugfix, 
    enhancement, and/or security)", default='') 
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--severity", type=str.lower, nargs="*", 
help="Filter on this space-delimited list of severities (critical, 
important, moderate, low)", default='') 

    args = parser.parse_args() 

    # Check username and password 
    if not (args.username and args.password): 
      print "No complete account information provided, exiting" 
      exit (-1) 

    # set up api url 
    sat_api = "http://%s/" % args.server 
    katello_api = "http://%s/" % args.server 

    # set up initial stuff 
    prefix = "- " 
    systems_fetched = False 
    system_count = 0 
    system_errata_count = 0 

    # Loop through organizations and skip the ones we don't want 
    orgs = get_json(sat_api + "organizations/", args.username,  
    for org in orgs['results']: 
    if args.organization and org['name'].lower not in args.organization: 

    print "\nErrata for organization '%s':" % org['name'] 

    if args.collection: 

    # Loop through the host collections, skip the one we don't want 
    collections = get_json(sat_api + "organizations/" + str(org['id']) + 
"/host_collections/", args.username, args.password) 
    for collection in collections['results']: 
    if collection['name'].lower() not in args.collection: 
     print "\n" + prefix + "Errata for Host Collection '%s':" % 
      prefix = " - " 

    # Get the systems in this host collection 
    systems = get_json(sat_api + "host_collections/" + str(collection['id']) 
+ "/systems/", args.username, args.password) 
    systems_fetched = True 

    # Get the systems in this Organization 
    systems = get_json(sat_api + "organizations/" + str(org['id']) + 
"/systems/", args.username, args.password) 
    systems_fetched = True 

    if not systems_fetched: 

    # loop through the systems fetched from the collection *or* the 
    for system in systems['results']: 
    system_errata = get_json(sat_api + "systems/" + system['uuid'] + 
"/errata", args.username, args.password) 
    first = True 

    # filter on lifecycle environment(s) (if specified) 
    environment = system['environment']['name'].lower() 
    if args.environment and environment not in args.environment: 

    # Get all available Errata for System 
    for system_erratum in system_errata['results']: 

    # filter on type(s) (if specified) 
    type = system_erratum['type'].lower() 
    if args.type and type not in args.type: 

    # filter on severity(s) (if specified) 
    if type == "security" and "security" in args.type and args.severity: 
    severity = system_erratum['title'].split(":") 
    if severity not in args.severity: 

    # We have an erratum, print system if this is the first 
    if first: 
    system_count += 1 
    first = False 
    print "\n" + prefix + system['name'], "("+system['environment'] 

# print the erratum id, type and title 
    print " " + prefix + "%s: %s: %s" % 

    # Count the errata we find 
    system_errata_count += 1 

    if not first: 

# print statistics 
    if system_errata_count: 
    print "\nNumber of errata to apply: %s" % system_errata_count 
    print "Number of systems affected: %s" % system_count 
    print "\nNo errata found for this selection" 
    if __name__ == "__main__": 

und bekommen Schlag Fehler Traceback (jüngste Aufforderung zuletzt): File "./pyth.py", Linie 136, in main() File "./pyth.py", Zeile 44 in Haupt , wenn nicht (args.username und args.password): Attribute: 'Namespace' Objekt kein Attribut 'username' hat



Sie haben ein username Argument in Ihrem ArgumentParser nicht definiert. Sie haben etwas definiert, das devincuser heißt, wollten Sie das stattdessen verwenden?


devincuser ist Authentifizierung username – RajKumar


Woher kommt also das "username" -Argument? Du hast es nicht definiert. –


tUm dieses Skript auszuführen, geben Sie folgende Anweisungen ein: - "satellite_errata_report" (satellite_errata_report -h oder --help zur Verwendung) Verwenden Sie ein schreibgeschütztes Konto für den Zugriff auf die Satellite-API, die als Standard in den folgenden Parser-Argumenten festgelegt werden kann für Benutzername und Passwort ... unten auf diese Werte.Alternativ können Benutzername und Passwort auf der Kommandozeile angegeben werden " – RajKumar

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