2016-12-15 5 views

exportieren, also habe ich mich gefragt, ob ich hier Hilfe bekommen könnte. also versuche ich im Grunde herauszufinden, wie man eine Datendatei schreibt, die Splines in Catia importieren kann. Diese Splines sollen beim Import wie Netze auf einer Struktur wirken, also eine vermaschte Struktur darstellen, aber statt eines Netzes sind es Splines. also dachte ich gerade, ich sollte ein Makro lernen, das ein paar Splines, die ich in einer Struktur erstellt habe, in eine Textdatei (.dat) exportiert. aber ich habe Probleme mit dem Makro, das ich habe, da es mich fragt, um einen Spline auszuwählen, aber erlaubt mir nicht, auf den Spline im Spezifikationsbaum zu klicken. Die Sache ist, dass ich viele Splines habe und ich möchte, dass das Makro Splines automatisch wählt, ohne sie zu fragen und zu exportieren ..... PLS HELP ME. Danke vielmals.VBA Makro Splines von catia in Textdatei (.dat)

So, hier ist der Code:

Sub CATMain() 

'*** *** Definition Variables 
Dim CtrlPoint() 
Dim oCoordinates(1) 
Dim StartKrit As Integer 

'*** Query document type *** 
StartKrit = 0 
Set oDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument 
ObjType = TypeName(oDoc) 
If ObjType = "PartDocument" Then 
DocType = "Part" 
StartKrit = 1 
ElseIf ObjType = "DrawingDocument" Then 
DocType = "Drawing " 
StartKrit = 1 
End If 

If StartKrit = 0 Then 
box = MsgBox(" The active document is neither a CATPart still CATDrawing! " + Chr(10) + _ 
" The macro can not continue and will now exit " + Chr(10) + _ 
"Please select a CATPart or a CATDrawing and start the macro again!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "incorrect document type") 
Exit Sub 
End If 

'*** Create the * .txt files *** 
StorePath = "C: \" 
StoreName = "Splinekoordinaten" & Date 
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
If fs.FileExists(StorePath & StoreName & ".txt ") = True Then 
box = MsgBox(" file ==> " + StorePath + StoreName + " <== already exists! " + Chr(10) + " Do you want to overwrite the file? ", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "file already exists ") 
If box = vbNo Then 
box = MsgBox(" The macro is now finished ", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, " the user stops ") 
Exit Sub 
End If 
End If 
Set A = fs.CreateTextFile("D:\school\INTERNSHIP\Macro\Newest.txt ", True) 
A.WriteLine (" points coordinates of a spline ") 
A.WriteLine (" ") 
If DocType = " Part " Then 
A.WriteLine (" name of CATParts: " & oDoc.Name) 
ElseIf DocType = " Drawing " Then 
A.WriteLine ("name of CATDrawing:" & oDoc.Name) 
End If 
A.WriteLine ("") 

'*** Readout from the CATDrawing *** 
If DocType = "Drawing" Then 
Dim otype2D(0) 
Dim Selection 
Set mysel = oDoc.Selection 
otype2D(0) = "Spline2D" 
box = MsgBox(" Please select now the spline ", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, " spline Select ") 
If box = vbCancel Then 
box = MsgBox(" you have the selection canceled " + Chr(10) + _ 
" the macro is now finished! ", vbCritical, "abort by user") 
If fs.FileExists(StorePath & StoreName & ".txt") = True Then 
fs.DeleteFile (StorePath & StoreName & ".txt") 
End If 
Exit Sub 
End If 
Selection = mysel.SelectElement2(otype2D, "Please select the spline", False) 
If Selection = "Normal" Then 
oSplineName = mysel.Item(1).Value.Name 
Set oSpline = mysel.Item(1).Value 
A.WriteLine ("name of the selected spline:" & oSplineName) 
A.WriteLine ("") 
A.WriteLine ("") 
box = MsgBox("you have canceled the selection" + Chr(10) + _ 
"the macro is now finished! ", vbCritical, " abort by user ") 
If fs.FileExists(StorePath & StoreName & " .txt ") = True Then 
fs.DeleteFile (StorePath & StoreName & " .txt ") 
End If 
Exit Sub 
End If 

Set QuCtrlP = oSpline.EndPoint 
QuCtrlPRaw = QuCtrlP.Name 
QuCtrlPSemi = Split(QuCtrlPRaw, ".") 
QuCtrlPFin = QuCtrlPSemi(1) - 1 
ReDim Preserve CtrlPoint(QuCtrlPFin) 
For j = 0 To QuCtrlPFin 
Set CtrlPoint(j) = oSpline.GetItem("Ktrl-point." & j + 1) 
CtrlPoint(j).GetCoordinates oCoordinates 
A.WriteLine ("point" & j + 1 & "X/Y") 
A.WriteLine (oCoordinates(0)) 
A.WriteLine (oCoordinates(1)) 
A.WriteLine ("") 

'*** readout from the CATPart *** 
ElseIf DocType = "Part" Then 
Dim otype3D(0) 
Set mysel = oDoc.Selection 
otype3D(0) = "Spline2D" 
box = MsgBox("Please select now the spline", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "spline Select") 
If box = vbCancel Then 
box = MsgBox("you have canceled the selection" + Chr(10) + _ 
"The macro is now finished!", vbCritical, "abort by user") 
If fs.FileExists(StorePath & StoreName & ".txt") = True Then 
fs.DeleteFile (StorePath & StoreName & ".txt ") 
End If 
Exit Sub 
End If 
Selection = mysel.SelectElement2(otype3D, " Please select the spline ", False) 
If Selection = " Normal " Then 
oSplineName = mysel.Item(1).Value.Name 
Set oSpline = mysel.Item(1).Value 
A.WriteLine ("name of the selected spline:" & oSplineName) 
A.WriteLine ("") 
A.WriteLine ("") 
box = MsgBox("you have canceled the selection" + Chr(10) + _ 
"The macro is now finished!", vbCritical, "abort by user") 
If fs.FileExists(StorePath & StoreName & ".txt") = True Then 
fs.DeleteFile (StorePath & StoreName & " .txt ") 
End If 
Exit Sub 
End If 

Set QuCtrlP = oSpline.EndPoint 
QuCtrlPRaw = QuCtrlP.Name 
QuCtrlPSemi = Split(QuCtrlPRaw, " ") 
QuCtrlPFin = QuCtrlPSemi(1) - 1 
ReDim Preserve CtrlPoint(QuCtrlPFin) 
For j = 0 To QuCtrlPFin 
Set CtrlPoint(j) = oSpline.GetItem("Ktrl-point." & j + 1) 
CtrlPoint(j).GetCoordinates oCoordinates 
A.WriteLine ("point" & j + 1 & "X/Y") 
A.WriteLine (oCoordinates(0)) 
A.WriteLine (oCoordinates(1)) 
A.WriteLine ("") 
End If 

'**** Issue Storage Location **** 
Ml = "The macro has completed successfully" 
M2 = "The * .txt file is saved under the following path:" 
M2_ZU_1 = "==>" 
M2_ZU_2 = "<== " 
M3 = " Are you in the path now oeffnen? " 
Title = "memory data" 
skin = vbInformation + vbYesNo 
query = MsgBox(Ml + Chr(10) + Chr(10) + M2 + Chr(10) + Chr(10) + M2_ZU_1 + StorePath + StoreName + M2_ZU_2 + Chr(10) + Chr(10) + M3, skin, Title) 

If query = vbYes Then 
ExplorerPath = "C: \ WINDOWS \ explorer.exe" 
Explorer = CATIA.SystemService.ExecuteProcessus(ExplorerPath & "" & StorePath) 
End If 

End Sub 



Ihr selectelement2 Filter für spline2D gesetzt ist, werden Sie ausgewählte Skizze Splines oder 3D-Splines?

Wenn Sie mit 3D-Splines arbeiten wie es klingt, Sie wollen diesen Code verwenden:

otype3D(0) = "HybridShapeSpline" 
box = MsgBox("Please select now the spline", vbInformation + vbOKCancel, "spline Select") 
If box = vbCancel Then 
box = MsgBox("you have canceled the selection" + Chr(10) + _ 
"The macro is now finished!", vbCritical, "abort by user") 
If fs.FileExists(StorePath & StoreName & ".txt") = True Then 
fs.DeleteFile (StorePath & StoreName & ".txt ") 
End If 
Exit Sub 
End If 
Selection = mysel.SelectElement2(otype3D, " Please select the spline ", False) 

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