2016-04-20 6 views

Ich arbeite an einem Projekt, das ich eine Header-Datei zu meiner main.cpp enthalten muss. Die Headerdatei ist ein Heap, der eine Vorlagendatei verwendet. Aus Gründen, die mir entgehen, können die Funktionen zum Einfügen und Entfernen nicht in der Hauptdatei "gesehen" werden. Ich bekomme eine Fehlermeldung: C: /Users/Tito/Documents/C++proj/cs3304/Homework2_2/Homework10/main.cpp: 58: 17: Fehler: Anfrage für Mitglied 'Entfernen' in 'enter1', was ist des Nicht-Klassen-Typs 'priority_queue_heap()'. Kann mir bitte jemand sagen, wo ich falsch liege? Ich werde es wirklich zu schätzen wissen.Nicht auf Funktionen von Objekt


Hier sind die Codezeilen:


* Insert a few elements into a heap and the remove them 
* one by one and see if we get them in the right. 

#include "priority_queue_heap.h" 
#include "heap.h" 
#include <iostream> 
#include <ctime> 
using namespace std; 

int test1() { 
heap<int> hp; 

int x = hp.remove(); 
cout << "removed " << x << endl; 
x = hp.remove(); 
cout << "removed " << x << endl; 
x = hp.remove(); 
cout << "removed " << x << endl; 
x = hp.remove(); 
cout << "removed " << x << endl; 
x = hp.remove(); 
cout << "removed " << x << endl; 

cout << "empty? " << hp.is_empty() << endl; 

void test2() { 
heap<int> hp; 
for(int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { 
while(!hp.is_empty()) { 
    int x = hp.remove(); 
    cout << x << endl; 


int main() { 
priority_queue_heap<int> enter1(); 

cout<< "values to be removed" << endl; 
cout << enter1.remove() << endl; 



#ifndef HEAP_H 
#define HEAP_H 

* This class implements a heap as described in the text. 
* We will treat it as a priority queue. 

template <class T> 
class heap { 
static const int CAPACITY = 10; 

heap() { 
    size = 0; 

bool is_empty() const { return size == 0;} 
bool is_full() const { return size == CAPACITY; } 

* Remove the largest value from this heap and return it. 
* Precondition: heap is not empty. 
T remove(); 

* Inserts the 'value' into the heap. 
* Precondition: heap is not full 
void insert(const T& value); 

* Check if the heap is valid. 
* Prints out each parent and its children (for all nodes with children) 
* Stops when a parent is less than one or both of its children 
* Prints 'check' for each parent that is greater than or equal to its 
    bool check_heap(); 

T data[CAPACITY]; 
int size; 

#include "heap.template" 

#endif // HEAP_H 


#include <cassert> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 

* parent index is p, children are at indices 2*p+1 and 2*p+2 
*  You must check that those are in range 
* child index is c, parent index is (c-1)/2 (integer division) 

* Inserts the 'value' into the heap. 
* Precondition: heap is not full 
template <class T> 
void heap<T>::insert(const T& value) { 

//std::cout << size << std::endl; 

// add the value to a new node in proper position 
data[size] = value; 

// move the value up the tree as needed 
int child = size-1; // index of the new 'node' 
int parent = (child-1)/2; // index of the parent 

while((child > 0) && (data[parent] < data[child])) { 
    // swap parent and child values 
    T tmp = data[parent]; 
    data[parent] = data[child]; 
    data[child] = tmp; 
    // update parent and child 
    child = parent; // this is where new value is! 
    parent = (child-1)/2; 

// it's a heap! 


* Remove the largest value from this heap and return it. 
* Precondition: heap is not empty. 
template <class T> 
T heap<T>::remove() { 

// grab first element, save it for return later 
T save = data[0]; 

// copy last value in list to the beginning 
// decrement size 
data[0] = data[size-1]; 

// size--; 
// data[0] = data[size]; 

// sift the new first element down until it finds its place 
int parent = 0; 
int left_child = 2*parent+1; 
int right_child = 2*parent+2; 
bool still_working = true; 

while(still_working && left_child < size) { // while the parent has at 
least one child 
    if(right_child >= size) { 
     // only the left child to worry about 
     if(data[parent] < data[left_child]) { 
      // out of order, so swap them 
      T t = data[parent]; 
      data[parent] = data[left_child]; 
      data[left_child] = t; 
      parent = left_child; 
      still_working = false; // we must be done! 
     } else { 
      still_working = false; 
    } else { 
     // two children 
     if(data[left_child] > data[right_child]) { 
      //left child larger 
      if(data[parent] < data[left_child]) { 
       // out of order, so swap them 
       T t = data[parent]; 
       data[parent] = data[left_child]; 
       data[left_child] = t; 
       parent = left_child; 
      } else { 
       still_working = false; 
     } else { 
      // right child larger 
      if(data[parent] < data[right_child]) { 
       // out of order, so swap them 
       T t = data[parent]; 
       data[parent] = data[right_child]; 
       data[right_child] = t; 
       parent = right_child; 
      } else { 
       still_working = false; 
     left_child = 2*parent + 1; 
     right_child = 2*parent + 2; 

return save; 

* Check if the heap is valid. 
* Prints out each parent and its children (for all nodes with children) 
* Stops when a parent is less than one or both of its children 
* Prints 'check' for each parent that is greater than or equal to its 
template <class T> 
bool heap<T>::check_heap() { 
for(int p = 0; p < size; p++) { 
    int cl = 2*p+1; 
    int cr = 2*p+2; 
    std::cout << std::setw(5) << p << std::setw(10) << data[p]; 
    if(cl < size) { // p has a left child? 
     std::cout << std::setw(10) << data[cl]; 
     if(data[p] < data[cl]) { 
    if(cr < size) { // p has a right child? 
     std::cout << std::setw(10) << data[cr]; 
     if(data[p] < data[cr]) 
    std::cout << std::endl; 
return true; 


#include <cassert> 

    * Remove the largest value from this priority queue and return it. 
    * Precondition: priority queue is not empty. 
template <class T> 
T priority_queue_simple<T>::remove() { 
assert(size > 0); 
int imax = 0; 
for(int i = 1; i < size; i++) { 
    if(data[i] > data[imax]) 
     imax = i; 
T tmp = data[imax]; 
data[imax] = data[size-1]; 
return tmp; 

* Inserts the 'value' into the priority queue. 
* Precondition: priority queue is not full 
template <class T> 
void priority_queue_simple<T>::insert(const T& value) { 
assert(size < CAPACITY); 
data[size-1] = value; 



//#include "heap.h" 

template <class T> 
class priority_queue_heap { 

bool is_empty() const; 

bool is_full() const; 

* Remove the largest value from this priority queue and return it. 
* Precondition: priority queue is not empty. 
T remove(); 

* Inserts the 'value' into the priority queue. 
* Precondition: priority queue is not full 
void insert(const T& value); 

heap<T> pri_que; 


#include "priority_queue_heap.template" 


template <class T> 
T priority_queue_heap<T>::remove() 
return pri_que.remove(); 


template <class T> 
T priority_queue_heap<T>::remove() 
    return pri_que.remove(); 

template <class T> 
void priority_queue_heap<T>::insert(const T& value) 



* This class implements a priority queue using a very simple strategy: 
* Store the values in an array. 
* Add new values at the end. 
* When asked to remove a value, search for the largest (linear search) 

template <class T> 
class priority_queue_simple { 
static const int CAPACITY = 30; 

priority_queue_simple() { 
    size = 0; 

    bool is_empty() const { 
    return size == 0; 

    bool is_full() const { 
    return size == CAPACITY; 

* Remove the largest value from this priority queue and return it. 
* Precondition: priority queue is not empty. 
    T remove(); 

    * Inserts the 'value' into the priority queue. 
    * Precondition: priority queue is not full 
    void insert(const T& value); 

    T data[CAPACITY]; 
    int size; 

#include "priority_queue_simple.template" 




Sie sollten die "()" Zeichen nach enter1 in Zeile 51 von main.cpp entfernen ...

Andernfalls sieht C++, dass als eine Funktion, ruft es nicht den Konstruktor.


Sie haben einen subtilen Fehler in der Heap-Deklaration (main.cpp: 57):

priority_queue_heap<int> enter1();

Hier sind Sie tatsächlich einen Prototyp für die enter1 Funktion erklärt, die kein Argument verwendet und eine priority_queue_heap<int>. Entfernen Sie einfach die Klammern zu erklären, um tatsächlich eine Variable:

priority_queue_heap<int> enter1;

priority_queue_heap<int> enter1(); 

wird vom Compiler als Funktion interpretiert enter1 genannt, die eine priority_queue_heap<int> und übernimmt keine Parameter zurückgibt. Wenn Sie

cout << enter1.remove() << endl; 

Sie versuchen, eine Member-Funktion auf einen Namen zu nennen, die der Compiler als Funktion interpretiert, so dass ist, warum es Ihnen sagt, es von nicht-Klasse-Typ ist.Entfernen Sie die () von enter1, so dass Sie

priority_queue_heap<int> enter1; 

haben und jetzt enter1 wird ein Objekt vom Typ sein priority_queue_heap<int>

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