2017-04-10 3 views

Ich habe eine Indexseite, die einen ViewBag Wert der letzten Suche haben könnte. Ich möchte, dass meine Controller-Setup so ich in der Lage bin dieses ViewBag Wert zu setzen, bevor mein testende System (ProductManagementController)Mvc 5 Unit Tests - Set Viewbag Wert des Controllers

Index Aktion Aufruf

public async Task<ActionResult> Index(ProductManagementVm postedVm) 
    // Reset pagination if new search 
    if (postedVm.BookSearch != ViewBag.lastSearch) 
     postedVm.Page = 1; 

    var httpResponseMessage = await_httpService.GetAsync(_urlConfigurations.GetProductList); 

    var vm = _productFactory.BuildProductManagementVm(
        await Task.Run(() => httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()), postedVm); 

    vm.BookSearch = postedVm.BookSearch; 

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(postedVm.BookSearch)) 
     postedVm.BookSearch = string.Empty; 

    ViewBag.lastSearch = postedVm.BookSearch; 
    return View(vm); 


using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; 
using System.Net.Http; 
using System.Web.Mvc; 
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Controllers; 
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Interfaces; 
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Interfaces.Factories; 
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Models; 
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Models.ViewModels; 
using Moq; 
using SpecsFor; 

namespace ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Tests.Controllers.ProductManagement 
    public class BaseGiven : SpecsFor<ProductManagementController> 
     protected Mock<IHttpService> HttpServiceMock = new Mock<IHttpService>(); 
     protected Mock<IProductFactory> ProductFactoryMock = new Mock<IProductFactory>(); 
     protected Mock<IUrlConfigurations> UrlConfigurationsMock = new Mock<IUrlConfigurations>(); 
     protected Mock<IJsonValidator> JsonValidatorMock = new Mock<IJsonValidator>(); 
     protected ProductManagementController ProductManagementController; 
     protected HttpResponseMessage HttpResponseMessage; 
     protected string JsonContent; 
     protected bool IsModelStateValid; 

     protected ActionResult ActionResult; 
     protected RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRouteResult; 
     protected ViewResult ViewResult; 
     protected ProductManagementVm ProductManagementVm; 
     protected ProductViewModel ProductViewModel; 

     protected void BaseGivenSetup() 
      ProductManagementController = new ProductManagementController(HttpServiceMock.Object, 
       ProductFactoryMock.Object, UrlConfigurationsMock.Object, JsonValidatorMock.Object); 

      SUT = ProductManagementController; 

Ich möchte ProductManagementController.ViewBag.SomeName = "some string" setzen, also wenn ich in den Controller eintrete, teste ich dieses Szenario, aber im Moment ist es null.

Kann jemand einen ViewBag Wert eines Controllers vor dem Testen setzen?


public class WhenServiceReturnProductsAndViewBagHasSearchString : GivenGoingToIndexActionInProductsManagement 
    protected override void When() 
     HttpResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage 
      StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, 
      Content = new StringContent("some string content from the service") 

     HttpServiceMock.Setup(expr => expr.GetAsync(It.IsAny<string>())).ReturnsAsync(HttpResponseMessage); 

       expr => expr.BuildProductManagementVm(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<ProductManagementVm>())) 
      .Returns(new ProductManagementVm()); 

     // This doesn't work :(
     SUT.ViewBag.LastSearch = "Hey I'm a search string :D"; 


     ActionResult = SUT.Index(new ProductManagementVm()).Result; 
     ViewResult = (ViewResult)ActionResult; 
     ProductManagementVm = (ProductManagementVm)ViewResult.Model; 

    public void ThenActionResultIsNotNull() 

    public void ThenAViewResultIsNotNull() 

    public void ThenProductManagementVmIsNotNull() 

Wurde das gelöst? – Nkosi



ViewBag erhält seine Daten von der ViewData Eigenschaft

public dynamic ViewBag 
     if (_dynamicViewDataDictionary == null) 
      _dynamicViewDataDictionary = new DynamicViewDataDictionary(() => ViewData); 
     return _dynamicViewDataDictionary; 

So müssen Sie den Wert, den Sie dort Zugang zu haben, um es in der ViewBag

wollen füllen

Hier ist ein POC

public class ViewBagTests { 
    public void ViewBag_ShouldBe_PrePopulated() { 
     var SUT = new TargetController(); 

     var expected = "Hey I'm the old search string :D"; 

     SUT.ViewData["LastSearch"] = expected; 

     var actual = SUT.Index() as ViewResult; 

     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.Model); 

    class TargetController : Controller { 
     public ActionResult Index() { 
      var previous = ViewBag.LastSearch; 
      return View((object)previous); 
