2016-09-14 5 views

Ich bin ein Neuling zu Knoten und grunzen, in Ordnung, die Front-End-Technologie. Das Grunzen ist auf Lauf „delta“ Aufgabe hängen, wenn ich grunt live Befehl ausführen:grunt hängen am Laufen "Delta" Aufgabe

Running "index:build" (index) task 
Running "karma:continuous" (karma) task 
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.37 server started at http://localhost:9018/ 
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS 
INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Linux 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket suzSULuEb4R90dkkuH9_ with id 66784053 
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Linux 0.0.0) LOG: 'Starting Karma' 
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Linux 0.0.0): Executed 24 of 24 SUCCESS (0.095 secs/0.089 secs) 

Running "connect:dev" (connect) task 
Started connect web server on localhost:9000. 

Running "delta" task 

Wie in der Liste angezeigt, localhost:9000 doesnot Arbeit in Web-Server, wie dieses Problem zu lösen?

Hier mein package.json ist:

    "author": "Mathieu Lemay", 
    "name": "opendaylight-dlux", 
    "description": "openDayLight User eXperience", 
    "version": "0.2.0", 
    "homepage": "http://opendaylight.org", 
    "license": "EPL-1.0", 
    "bugs": "https://bugs.opendaylight.org/", 
    "repository": { 
    "type": "git", 
    "url": "https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/dlux.git" 
    "preferGlobal": true, 
    "dependencies": {}, 
    "devDependencies": { 
    "angular-mocks": "~1.2.22", 
    "bower": "~1.3.12", 
    "connect-livereload": "^0.2.0", 
    "connect-modrewrite": "~0.5.4", 
    "graceful-fs": "^4.1.6", 
    "grunt": "^0.4.5", 
    "grunt-bump": "0.0.13", 
    "grunt-cli": "~0.1.13", 
    "grunt-coffeelint": "0.0.8", 
    "grunt-concurrent": "~0.3.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-clean": "~0.4.1", 
    "grunt-contrib-coffee": "~0.7.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-compass": "~0.3.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-concat": "~0.3.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-connect": "~0.3.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.4.1", 
    "grunt-contrib-cssmin": "~0.6.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-htmlmin": "~0.1.3", 
    "grunt-contrib-imagemin": "~0.1.4", 
    "grunt-contrib-jshint": "^1.0.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-less": "~0.8.2", 
    "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-watch": "^0.6.1", 
    "grunt-conventional-changelog": "~1.0.0", 
    "grunt-google-cdn": "~0.2.0", 
    "grunt-html2js": "~0.2.4", 
    "grunt-karma": "~0.8.0", 
    "grunt-ng-annotate": "~0.3.2", 
    "grunt-open": "~0.2.0", 
    "grunt-recess": "~0.5.0", 
    "grunt-replace": "~0.7.8", 
    "grunt-rev": "~0.1.0", 
    "grunt-shell": "~0.7.0", 
    "grunt-svgmin": "~0.2.0", 
    "grunt-usemin": "~0.1.11", 
    "jasmine": "~2.0.1", 
    "karma": "^0.12.37", 
    "karma-chrome-launcher": "~0.1.4", 
    "karma-coffee-preprocessor": "~0.2.1", 
    "karma-coverage": "~0.2.6", 
    "karma-firefox-launcher": "~0.1.3", 
    "karma-jasmine": "~0.1.5", 
    "karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.1.4", 
    "karma-requirejs": "~0.2.2", 
    "matchdep": "~0.1.2", 
    "minimatch": "^3.0.3", 
    "recess": "^1.1.9", 
    "requirejs": "~2.1.19", 
    "ycssmin": "^1.0.1" 
    "engines": { 
    "node": ">=0.8.0" 
    "scripts": { 
    "test": "grunt test" 

Und hier kommt mein Gruntfile.js, ist es ein bisschen kompliziert:

var lrSnippet = require('connect-livereload')(); 
var mountFolder = function (connect, dir) { 
    return connect.static(require('path').resolve(dir)); 

module.exports = function (grunt) { 

    * Load required Grunt tasks. These are installed based on the versions listed 
    * in `package.json` when you do `npm install` in this directory. 

    * Load in our build configuration file. 
    var userConfig = require('./build.config.js'); 

    var envConfig = { 

     replace: { 
      development: { 
       options: { 
        patterns: [ 
          json: grunt.file.readJSON('./config/development.json') 
       files: [ 
         expand: true, 
         flatten: true, 
         src: ['./config/env.module.js'], 
         dest: 'src/common/config/' 
      production: { 
       options: { 
        patterns: [ 
          json: grunt.file.readJSON('./config/production.json') 
       files: [ 
         expand: true, 
         flatten: true, 
         src: ['./config/env.module.js'], 
         dest: 'src/common/config/' 

    * This is the configuration object Grunt uses to give each plugin its 
    * instructions. 
    var taskConfig = { 
    * We read in our `package.json` file so we can access the package name and 
    * version. It's already there, so we don't repeat ourselves here. 
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"), 

    * The banner is the comment that is placed at the top of our compiled 
    * source files. It is first processed as a Grunt template, where the `<%=` 
    * pairs are evaluated based on this very configuration object. 
    meta: { 
     '/**\n' + 
     ' * <%= pkg.name %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' + 
     ' * <%= pkg.homepage %>\n' + 
     ' *\n' + 
     ' * Copyright (c) <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy") %> <%= pkg.author %>\n' + 
     ' * Licensed <%= pkg.licenses.type %> <<%= pkg.licenses.url %>>\n' + 
     ' */\n' 

    * Creates a changelog on a new version. 
    changelog: { 
     options: { 
     dest: 'CHANGELOG.md', 
     template: 'changelog.tpl' 

    * Increments the version number, etc. 
    bump: { 
     options: { 
     files: [ 
     commit: false, 
     commitMessage: 'chore(release): v%VERSION%', 
     commitFiles: [ 
     createTag: false, 
     tagName: 'v%VERSION%', 
     tagMessage: 'Version %VERSION%', 
     push: false, 
     pushTo: 'origin' 

    * The directories to delete when `grunt clean` is executed. 
    clean: [ 
     '<%= build_dir %>', 
     '<%= compile_dir %>' 

    * The `copy` task just copies files from A to B. We use it here to copy 
    * our project assets (images, fonts, etc.) and javascripts into 
    * `build_dir`, and then to copy the assets to `compile_dir`. 
    copy: { 
     build_app_assets: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '**' ], 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>/assets/', 
      cwd: 'src/assets', 
      expand: true 
     build_vendor_assets: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '<%= vendor_files.assets %>' ], 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>/assets/', 
      cwd: '.', 
      expand: true, 
      flatten: true 
     build_appjs: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '<%= app_files.js %>', '<%= app_files.css %>', '<%= app_files.lang %>' ], 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>/', 
      cwd: '.', 
      expand: true 
     copy_template: { 
     files: [ 
      src: ['<%= app_files.templates %>'], 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>/', 
      cwd: '.', 
      expand: true 
     build_vendorjs: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '<%= vendor_files.js %>' ], 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>/', 
      cwd: '.', 
      expand: true 
     build_appimages: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '<%= app_files.images %>' ], 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>/', 
      cwd: '.', 
      expand: true 
     build_vendorimages: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '<%= vendor_files.images %>' ], 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>/', 
      cwd: '.', 
      expand: true 
     build_vendorcss: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '<%= vendor_files.css %>' ], 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>', 
      cwd: '.', 
      expand: true 
     compile_assets: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '**' ], 
      dest: '<%= compile_dir %>/assets', 
      cwd: '<%= build_dir %>/assets', 
      expand: true 

     compile_font: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '**' ], 
      dest: '<%= compile_dir %>/font', 
      cwd: '<%= build_dir %>/font', 
      expand: true 

    * `grunt concat` concatenates multiple source files into a single file. 
    concat: { 
     * The `build_css` target concatenates compiled CSS and vendor CSS 
     * together. 
     build_css: { 
     src: [ 
      '<%= vendor_files.css %>', 
      '<%= build_dir %>/assets/<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>.css' 
     dest: '<%= build_dir %>/assets/<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>.css' 
     * The `compile_js` target is the concatenation of our application source 
     * code and all specified vendor source code into a single file. 
     compile_js: { 
     options: { 
      banner: '<%= meta.banner %>' 
     src: [ 
      '<%= vendor_files.js %>', 
      '<%= build_dir %>/src/**/*.js', 
      '<%= html2js.common.dest %>', 
      '<%= html2js.app.dest %>', 
     dest: '<%= compile_dir %>/assets/<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>.js' 

    * `ng-min` annotates the sources before minifying. That is, it allows us 
    * to code without the array syntax. 
    ngAnnotate: { 
     options: { 
     app: { 
     files: [ 
      src: [ '<%= app_files.js %>' ], 
      cwd: '<%= build_dir %>', 
      dest: '<%= build_dir %>', 
      expand: true 

    * Minify the sources! 
    uglify: { 
     compile: { 
     options: { 
      banner: '<%= meta.banner %>' 
     files: { 
      '<%= concat.compile_js.dest %>': '<%= concat.compile_js.dest %>' 

     * `less` less plugin handles the LESS compilation and minification automatically 
     * this has been changed to the LESS plugin from recess plugin above because of 
     * out of memory issues with the original plugin. 

     less: { 
      development: { 
       options: { 
        paths: ["assets/css"], 
        compress: false, 
        syncImport: true, 
        strictImports: true 
       files: { 
        '<%= build_dir %>/assets/<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>.css': '<%= app_files.less %>' 
      production: { 
       options: { 
        paths: ["assets/css"], 
        compress: true, 
        cleancss: true 
       files: { 
        '<%= build_dir %>/assets/<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>.css': '<%= app_files.less %>' 

    * `jshint` defines the rules of our linter as well as which files we 
    * should check. This file, all javascript sources, and all our unit tests 
    * are linted based on the policies listed in `options`. But we can also 
    * specify exclusionary patterns by prefixing them with an exclamation 
    * point (!); this is useful when code comes from a third party but is 
    * nonetheless inside `src/`. 
    jshint: { 
     src: [ 
     '<%= app_files.js %>', 
     '<%= app_files.app_assets %>', 
     test: [ 
     '<%= app_files.jsunit %>' 
     gruntfile: [ 
     options: { 
     curly: true, 
     immed: true, 
     newcap: true, 
     noarg: true, 
     sub: true, 
     boss: true, 
     eqnull: true 
     globals: {} 

    * HTML2JS is a Grunt plugin that takes all of your template files and 
    * places them into JavaScript files as strings that are added to 
    * AngularJS's template cache. This means that the templates too become 
    * part of the initial payload as one JavaScript file. Neat! 
    html2js: { 
     * These are the templates from `src/app`. 
     app: { 
     options: { 
      base: 'src/app' 
     src: [ '<%= app_files.atpl %>' ], 
     dest: '<%= build_dir %>/templates-app.js' 

     * These are the templates from `src/common`. 
     common: { 
     options: { 
      base: 'src/common' 
     src: [ '<%= app_files.ctpl %>' ], 
     dest: '<%= build_dir %>/templates-common.js' 

    * The Karma configurations. 
    karma: { 
     options: { 
     configFile: '<%= build_dir %>/karma-unit.js' 
     unit: { 
     runnerPort: 9102, 
     background: true, 
     port: 9877 // IMPORTANT! 
     continuous: { 
     singleRun: true, 
     browsers: ['PhantomJS'] 

    * The `index` task compiles the `index.html` file as a Grunt template. CSS 
    * and JS files co-exist here but they get split apart later. 
    index: { 

     * During development, we don't want to have wait for compilation, 
     * concatenation, minification, etc. So to avoid these steps, we simply 
     * add all script files directly to the `<head>` of `index.html`. The 
     * `src` property contains the list of included files. 
     build: { 
     dir: '<%= build_dir %>', 
     src: [ 
      '<%= html2js.common.dest %>', 
      '<%= html2js.app.dest %>', 
      '<%= vendor_files.css %>', 
      '<%= build_dir %>/assets/<%= pkg.name %>-<%= pkg.version %>.css' 

     * When it is time to have a completely compiled application, we can 
     * alter the above to include only a single JavaScript and a single CSS 
     * file. Now we're back! 
     compile: { 
     dir: '<%= compile_dir %>', 
     src: [ 
      '<%= concat.compile_js.dest %>', 
      '<%= concat.build_css.dest %>' 
      //'<%= recess.compile.dest %>' 

    * This task compiles the karma template so that changes to its file array 
    * don't have to be managed manually. 
    karmaconfig: { 
     unit: { 
     dir: '<%= build_dir %>', 
     src: [ 
      '<%= vendor_files.js %>', 
      '<%= html2js.app.dest %>', 
      '<%= html2js.common.dest %>', 
      '<%= app_files.js_common %>', 
      '<%= app_files.js_app %>', 
      '<%= app_files.jsunit %>' 
    connect: { 
     livereload: { 
     options: { 
      port: 9000, 
      hostname: '', 
      middleware: function (connect) { 
      return [ 
       mountFolder(connect, 'build'), 
     dev: { 
     options: { 
      hostname: '', 
      port: 9000, 
      base: 'build' 
     prod: { 
     options: { 
      port: 9001, 
      base: 'bin', 
      keepalive: true 
    open: { 
     dev: { 
     path: '' 
     prod: { 
     path: '' 
    * And for rapid development, we have a watch set up that checks to see if 
    * any of the files listed below change, and then to execute the listed 
    * tasks when they do. This just saves us from having to type "grunt" into 
    * the command-line every time we want to see what we're working on; we can 
    * instead just leave "grunt watch" running in a background terminal. Set it 
    * and forget it, as Ron Popeil used to tell us. 
    * But we don't need the same thing to happen for all the files. 
    delta: { 
     * By default, we want the Live Reload to work for all tasks; this is 
     * overridden in some tasks (like this file) where browser resources are 
     * unaffected. It runs by default on port 35729, which your browser 
     * plugin should auto-detect. 
     options: { 
     livereload: true 

     * When the Gruntfile changes, we just want to lint it. In fact, when 
     * your Gruntfile changes, it will automatically be reloaded! 
     gruntfile: { 
     files: 'OriginalGruntfile.js', 
     tasks: [ 'jshint:gruntfile' ], 
     options: { 
      livereload: false 

     * When our JavaScript source files change, we want to run lint them and 
     * run our unit tests. 
     jssrc: { 
     files: [ 
      '<%= app_files.js %>', '<%= app_files.lang %>' 
     tasks: [ 'jshint:src', 'karma:unit:run', 'copy:build_appjs' ] 

     * When assets are changed, copy them. Note that this will *not* copy new 
     * files, so this is probably not very useful. 
     assets: { 
     files: [ 
     tasks: [ 'copy:build_app_assets' ] 

     * When index.html changes, we need to compile it. 
     html: { 
     files: [ '<%= app_files.html %>' ], 
     tasks: [ 'index:build' ] 

     * When our templates change, we only rewrite the template cache. 
     tpls: { 
     files: [ 
      '<%= app_files.atpl %>', 
      '<%= app_files.ctpl %>' 
     tasks: ['copy:copy_template']/*[ 'html2js' ]*/ 

     * When the CSS files change, we need to compile and minify them. 
     less: { 
     files: [ 'src/**/*.less' ], 
     tasks: [ 'less:development' ] 

     * When a JavaScript unit test file changes, we only want to lint it and 
     * run the unit tests. We don't want to do any live reloading. 
     jsunit: { 
     files: [ 
      '<%= app_files.jsunit %>' 
     tasks: [ 'jshint:test', 'karma:unit:run' ], 
     options: { 
      livereload: false 
    shell : { 
     requirejs: { 
     command: "node node_modules/requirejs/bin/r.js -o optimize.js" 

    grunt.initConfig(grunt.util._.extend(taskConfig, userConfig, envConfig)); 

    * In order to make it safe to just compile or copy *only* what was changed, 
    * we need to ensure we are starting from a clean, fresh build. So we rename 
    * the `watch` task to `delta` (that's why the configuration var above is 
    * `delta`) and then add a new task called `watch` that does a clean build 
    * before watching for changes. 
    grunt.renameTask('watch', 'delta'); 
    grunt.registerTask('watch', [ 'build', 'karma:unit', 'delta' ]); 

    grunt.registerTask('live', ['build', 'connect:dev', 'delta']); 
    * The default task is to build and compile. 
    grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'compile' ]); 

    * The `build` task gets your app ready to run for development and testing. 
    grunt.registerTask('common', [ 
     'clean', 'html2js', 'jshint', 'concat:build_css', 'less:development', 
     'copy:build_app_assets', 'copy:build_vendor_assets', 
     'copy:build_appjs', 'copy:copy_template', 'copy:build_vendorimages', 'copy:build_appimages', 'copy:build_vendorjs', 'copy:build_vendorcss', 'karmaconfig', 'index:build' 

    grunt.registerTask('build', ['replace:development', 'common', 'karma:continuous']); 

    * The `compile` task gets your app ready for deployment by concatenating and 
    * minifying your code. 
    grunt.registerTask('compile', ['replace:production', 'common', 'karma:continuous', 'ngAnnotate', 'shell:requirejs']); 

    * A utility function to get all app JavaScript sources. 
    function filterForJS (files) { 
    return files.filter(function (file) { 
     return file.match(/\.js$/); 

    * A utility function to get all app CSS sources. 
    function filterForCSS (files) { 
    return files.filter(function (file) { 
     return file.match(/\.css$/); 

    * The index.html template includes the stylesheet and javascript sources 
    * based on dynamic names calculated in this Gruntfile. This task assembles 
    * the list into variables for the template to use and then runs the 
    * compilation. 
    grunt.registerMultiTask('index', 'Process index.html template', function() { 
    var dirRE = new RegExp('^('+grunt.config('build_dir')+'|'+grunt.config('compile_dir')+')\/', 'g'); 
    var jsFiles = filterForJS(this.filesSrc).map(function (file) { 
     return file.replace(dirRE, ''); 
    var cssFiles = filterForCSS(this.filesSrc).map(function (file) { 
     return file.replace(dirRE, ''); 

    grunt.file.copy('src/index.html', this.data.dir + '/index.html', { 
     process: function (contents, path) { 
     return grunt.template.process(contents, { 
      data: { 
      scripts: jsFiles, 
      styles: cssFiles, 
      version: grunt.config('pkg.version') 

    * In order to avoid having to specify manually the files needed for karma to 
    * run, we use grunt to manage the list for us. The `karma/*` files are 
    * compiled as grunt templates for use by Karma. Yay! 
    grunt.registerMultiTask('karmaconfig', 'Process karma config templates', function() { 
    var jsFiles = filterForJS(this.filesSrc); 

    grunt.file.copy('karma/karma-unit.tpl.js', grunt.config('build_dir') + '/karma-unit.js', { 
     process: function (contents, path) { 
     return grunt.template.process(contents, { 
      data: { 
      scripts: jsFiles 


Was meinen Sie mit "localhost: 9000 funktioniert nicht im Webserver"? Haben Sie versucht, in Ihrem Browser "http: // localhost: 9000" anzugeben? Mehr, Grunt wird nicht gehängt: wenn es "Waiting ..." druckt, wartet es einfach auf Anfrage ... – MarcoS


@MarcoS Diese Adresse ist seit langem nicht mehr erreichbar und scheitert zuletzt – vinllen


@MarcoS Wirklich? also bedeutet die wartende Nachricht, dass sie erfolgreich ausgeführt wird? – vinllen



"Warten ..." in der Regel bedeutet, dass der Server aktiv ist und läuft ...
Aber ich sehe gerade Ihre Gruntfile, dass die Nachricht "Gestartet Web-Server auf localhost verbinden: 9000" sehen Sie nach grunt live bedeutet eine connect Webserver wurde gestartet (siehe https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-connect), und kein 'real' Webserver, auf den Sie Ihren Browser verweisen können (deshalb erhalten Sie keine Antwort von http://localhost:9000 ...).
Es sieht aus wie ich Ihre Gruntfile ist entworfen, um eine Test Umgebung einzurichten, und nicht eine Staging-Umgebung (was ist, was ich denke, Sie erwarten ...).
Wie Sie eine Staging-Umgebung entwerfen, hängt von Ihrer Anwendung ab ...
Verwenden Sie beispielsweise express (http://expressjs.com/) oder etwas Ähnliches zum Einrichten eines Web-Frameworks?
Wenn die Antwort ja lautet, sollten Sie einfach eine Aufgabe hinzufügen, um node app.js auszuführen; Wenn die Antwort 'Nein' lautet, sollten Sie angeben, welchen Webserver Sie verwenden ...


ja, ich kann 'curl http: // localhost: 9000' verwenden, um mein Web zu besuchen, aber nicht im Browser. Ich denke, es ist ein Plug-In im Browser, ich werde es später versuchen. thx ~ – vinllen

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