2017-08-30 4 views

Ich versuche, meinen Kopf über PACT zu bekommen, und ich verwende die PACT-Net Bibliothek, um dies zu erreichen.C# PACT - Consumer Driven Contact Test - Schreibgerät Test für Provider

Meine Komponententests auf dem Consumer funktionieren gut, aber ich versuche, die Komponententests auf dem Provider einzurichten. Ich verwende das grundlegende Web-API-Projekt, das geladen wird, wenn Sie die Web-API-Vorlage in Visual Studio verwenden, wodurch der Values-API-Controller erstellt wird. Ich teste gerade die Methode Get IEumerable<string> als End-to-End-Test des Prozesses. Ich folge auch dem Beispiel auf der Pact-Net github Seite. Hier ist die Unit-Test habe ich bisher:

    public void EnsureValuesReturnedFromApi() 
     var config = new PactVerifierConfig 
      Outputters = new List<IOutput> 
       new XUnitOutput(_output) 

    using (WebApp.Start<TestStartup>(serviceUri)) 
     var pactVerifier = new PactVerifier(config); 
      .ServiceProvider("Values API", serviceUri) 

Wann immer ich die Unit-Test betreibe ich die folgende Fehlermeldung erhalten:

Reading pact at http://localhost:8080/pacts/provider/Values%20API/consumer/Consumer/latest 

Verifying a pact between Consumer and Values API 
    Given When I want the values 
    Getting a list 
     with GET /api/values 
     returns a response which 
      has status code 200 (FAILED - 1) 
      has a matching body (FAILED - 2) 
      includes headers 
      "Accept" with value "application/json" (FAILED - 3) 
      "Content-Type" with value "application/json" (FAILED - 4) 


    1) Verifying a pact between Consumer and Values API Given When I want the values Getting a list with GET /api/values returns a response which has status code 200 
    Failure/Error: set_up_provider_state interaction.provider_state, options[:consumer] 

     Error setting up provider state 'When I want the values' for consumer 'Consumer' at http://localhost:9222/provider-states. response status=500 response body= 

    2) Verifying a pact between Consumer and Values API Given When I want the values Getting a list with GET /api/values returns a response which has a matching body 
    Failure/Error: set_up_provider_state interaction.provider_state, options[:consumer] 

     Error setting up provider state 'When I want the values' for consumer 'Consumer' at http://localhost:9222/provider-states. response status=500 response body= 

    3) Verifying a pact between Consumer and Values API Given When I want the values Getting a list with GET /api/values returns a response which includes headers "Accept" with value "application/json" 
    Failure/Error: set_up_provider_state interaction.provider_state, options[:consumer] 

     Error setting up provider state 'When I want the values' for consumer 'Consumer' at http://localhost:9222/provider-states. response status=500 response body= 

    4) Verifying a pact between Consumer and Values API Given When I want the values Getting a list with GET /api/values returns a response which includes headers "Content-Type" with value "application/json" 
    Failure/Error: set_up_provider_state interaction.provider_state, options[:consumer] 

     Error setting up provider state 'When I want the values' for consumer 'Consumer' at http://localhost:9222/provider-states. response status=500 response body= 

1 interaction, 1 failure 

Failed interactions: 

* Getting a list given When I want the values 

ich meine Frage erraten ist, muss ich tatsächlich den Test HTTP-Aufrufe an/api/values ​​oder fehlt etwas anderes?




So nach einem Kollegen zu sprechen und einen Hinweis bekommen, war es bis in die Startup-Klasse. Ich hatte nicht bemerkt, es effektiv die Web-Anwendung startet so

public class TestStartup 
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) 
     var startup = new Startup(); 

ruft die Startklasse in der Anwendung:

public class Startup 
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) 
     var httpConfig = new HttpConfiguration(); 

      name: "DefaultApi", 
      routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}", 
      defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional } 

     var appXmlType = httpConfig.Formatters.XmlFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes 
            .FirstOrDefault(t => t.MediaType == "application/xml"); 


und meine Einheit Test bestanden. Hoffe, das hilft jemandem.

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