2016-08-12 1 views

Diese Funktion verlangsamt mein gesamtes System.Wie beschleunigt man die untenstehende Excel VBA Makrofunktion?

Sub Projection(RegionStr As String, Noofmonths As Integer, Cc1 As String, Cc2 As String) 
    Dim wkb As Workbook 
    Dim wks, wks2 As Worksheet 
    Dim cycle1_mon, cycle1_yr, cycle2_yr, src1, src2, cycle2_mon As String 
    Dim month, factor, fc_start, missed_month, miss, count As Integer 
    Dim fc_mon, inc, diffr, row_num_var3, y1, m1, m2, diffa, currentRow As Integer 
    Dim i_cycle1_mon, i_cycle2_mon, i_cycle1_yr, i_cycle2_yr As Integer 
'looping variables 
    Dim loop_var, row_num_var1, row_num_var2 As Integer 
    Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook 
'Extract Month and year for user provided START-DATE & END-DATE 
    cycle1_mon = Mid(Cc1, 5, 2) 
    cycle1_yr = Left(Cc1, 4) 
    cycle2_yr = Left(Cc2, 4) 
    cycle2_mon = Mid(Cc2, 5, 2) 
    i_cycle1_mon = CInt(cycle1_mon) 
    i_cycle1_yr = CInt(cycle1_yr) 
    i_cycle2_yr = CInt(cycle2_yr) 
    i_cycle2_mon = CInt(cycle2_mon) 

    strtd_with_err_flg = True 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = False 
    Application.EnableEvents = False 
    ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = False 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Set wks = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("SUMMARY_TBL") 
    If Err Then 
     gdivolume.Status.Caption = "Missing Tab -> Summary_Tbl" 
     Exit Sub 
     gdivolume.Status.Caption = "Updating Forecast Rows " 
    End If 
    On Error GoTo Err_Exit: 
'cleaning already existing data in Forecast sheet 
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Forecast").Visible = True 
    Set wks2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Forecast") 
    gdivolume.Status.Caption = "Cleaning the Forecast Tab" 
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp 
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp 
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlDown 
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToRight 
    currentRow = 1 

    For row_num_var2 = 2 To wks.UsedRange.Rows.count 
     src1 = Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("A" & row_num_var2) 
     src2 = Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("A" & row_num_var2 + 1) 
     m1 = Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2) 
     m2 = Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2 + 1) 
'once Summary_tab records are over then exit loop 
     If src1 = "" Then Exit For 

     currentRow = wks2.UsedRange.Rows.count 
     If row_num_var2 = 2 Then 
      month = CInt(m1) 
      Call start_miss(row_num_var2, month, i_cycle1_mon, i_cycle1_yr, wks2, wkb, src1) 
     End If 
     currentRow = wks2.UsedRange.Rows.count + 2 
     If src1 = src2 Then 
      If strtd_with_err_flg And row_num_var2 = 2 Then 
       currentRow = wks2.UsedRange.Rows.count + 1 
      End If 
      wks2.range("A" & currentRow).Select 
      'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & currentRow).Select 
      Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
      'Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("A" & row_num_var2 & ":F" & row_num_var2).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num_var2) 
      'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & currentRow & ":F" & currentRow).Select 
      wks2.range("E" & currentRow & ":F" & currentRow).Select 
      Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
'assigning SLR factor as 10 for the first month in the actuals range for all source code 
      If i_cycle1_mon = wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2).Value Then 
       'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value = 10 
       wks2.range("G" & currentRow).Value = 10 
      End If 
      If i_cycle1_mon < wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2).Value Then 
       diffa = wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2).Value - i_cycle1_mon 
       'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value = (diffa + 1) * 10 
       wks2.range("G" & currentRow).Value = (diffa + 1) * 10 

       If wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value <= 0 Then 
        'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value + 120 
        wks2.range("G" & currentRow).Value = wks2.range("G" & currentRow).Value + 120 
       End If 
      ElseIf i_cycle1_mon > wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2).Value Then 
       diffa = i_cycle1_mon - wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2).Value 
       'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value = ((diffa + 1) * 10) + wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("G" & row_num_var2 - 1).Value 
       wks2.range("G" & currentRow).Value = ((diffa + 1) * 10) + wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("G" & row_num_var2 - 1).Value 
      End If 
      m1 = Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2) 
      y1 = Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("F" & row_num_var2) 
      m2 = Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2 + 1) 
'check if the month values are continuous in the Summary_tbl tab and identify rows which are missed in between 
      If m2 <> CInt(m1) + 1 Then 
'if new rows has to be inserted after december month 
       If m1 = 12 Then 
        If m2 < m1 Then 
         missed_month = m2 - 1 
          If missed_month > 0 Then 
'insert the missed rows and set the values for all columns in the newly inserted missed rows 
           For loop_var = 1 To missed_month 
            Dim row_num As Integer 
            row_num = wks2.UsedRange.Rows.count + 2 
            range("A" & row_num).EntireRow.Insert 
            wkb.Sheets("Summary_Tbl").Rows(row_num - 1).EntireRow.Copy 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num).Select 
            wks2.range("A" & row_num).Select 

            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("B" & row_num).Value = 0 
            wks2.range("B" & row_num).Value = 0 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num).Value = loop_var 
            wks2.range("E" & row_num).Value = loop_var 
            'If wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num).Value < 10 Then 
            If wks2.range("E" & row_num).Value < 10 Then 
             'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num).Value = 0 & wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num).Value 
             wks2.range("E" & row_num).Value = 0 & wks2.range("E" & row_num).Value 
            End If 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num).Select 
            wks2.range("A" & row_num).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num - 1).Value 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("D" & row_num).Value = "ACTUAL PROD VOLUME" 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("C" & row_num).Value = "DUMMY" 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num - 1).Value + (10) 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num).Select 
            'Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num).Value = y1 + 1 
            wks2.range("A" & row_num).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num - 1).Value 
            wks2.range("D" & row_num).Value = "ACTUAL PROD VOLUME" 
            wks2.range("C" & row_num).Value = "DUMMY" 
            wks2.range("G" & row_num).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num - 1).Value + (10) 
            wks2.range("F" & row_num).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            wks2.range("F" & row_num).Value = y1 + 1 
           Next loop_var 
          End If 
        End If 
       End If 
'if new rows has to be inserted after any month other than december 
       If m1 <> 12 Then 
        If m1 < m2 Then 
         missed_month = m2 - m1 - 1 
          If missed_month > 0 Then 
           For loop_var = 1 To missed_month 
            Dim row_num1 As Integer 
            row_num1 = wks2.UsedRange.Rows.count + 2 
            range("A" & row_num1).EntireRow.Insert 
'         wkb.Sheets("Summary_Tbl").Rows(row_num1 - 1).EntireRow.Copy 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num1).Select 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").Paste 
'         Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("B" & row_num1).Value = 0 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num1).Select 
'         Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num1).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num1 - 1).Value + (1) 
            wkb.Sheets("Summary_Tbl").Rows(row_num1 - 1).EntireRow.Copy 
            wks2.range("A" & row_num1).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            wks2.range("B" & row_num1).Value = 0 
            wks2.range("E" & row_num1).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            wks2.range("E" & row_num1).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num1 - 1).Value + (1) 

'          If wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num1).Value < 10 Then 
'           wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num1).Value = 0 & wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num1).Value 
'          End If 
             If wks2.range("E" & row_num1).Value < 10 Then 
              wks2.range("E" & row_num1).Value = 0 & wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num1).Value 
             End If 

            'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num1).Select 
            wks2.range("A" & row_num1).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
             If Len(src1) = 2 Then 
              'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num1).Value = "0" & src1 
              wks2.range("A" & row_num1).Value = "0" & src1 
              wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num1).Value = src1 
              wks2.range("A" & row_num1).Value = src1 
             End If 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("D" & row_num1).Value = "ACTUAL PROD VOLUME" 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("C" & row_num1).Value = "DUMMY" 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num1).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num1 - 1).Value + (10) 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num1).Select 
'         Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
'         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num1).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num1 - 1).Value 

            wks2.range("D" & row_num1).Value = "ACTUAL PROD VOLUME" 
            wks2.range("C" & row_num1).Value = "DUMMY" 
            wks2.range("G" & row_num1).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num1 - 1).Value + (10) 
            wks2.range("F" & row_num1).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            wks2.range("F" & row_num1).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num1 - 1).Value 
           Next loop_var 
          End If 
        End If 
        If m1 > m2 Then 
         miss = m1 - m2 
         missed_month = 12 - miss - 1 
          If missed_month > 0 Then 
           For loop_var = 1 To missed_month 
            Dim row_num2 As Integer 
            Dim mon, yr As Integer 
            row_num2 = wks2.UsedRange.Rows.count + 2 
            range("A" & row_num2).EntireRow.Insert 
            wkb.Sheets("Summary_Tbl").Rows(row_num2 - 1).EntireRow.Copy 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num2).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("B" & row_num2).Value = 0 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num2).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num2).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num2 - 1).Value + (10) 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num2).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
             If Len(src1) = 2 Then 
              wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num2).Value = "0" & src1 
              wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num2).Value = src1 
             End If 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("D" & row_num2).Value = "ACTUAL PROD VOLUME" 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("C" & row_num2).Value = "DUMMY" 
            mon = m1 + loop_var 
            yr = i_cycle1_yr 
             If mon > 12 Then 
              mon = mon - 12 
              yr = i_cycle2_yr 
             End If 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num2).Value = mon 
             If wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num2).Value < 10 Then 
              wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num2).Value = 0 & wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num2).Value 
             End If 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num2).Select 
            Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
            wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num2).Value = yr 
           Next loop_var 
         End If 
        End If 
       End If 
      End If 
     End If 
     inc = 1 
'if we have reached the last record containing data in Summary_tbl tab 
     If src2 = "" Then 
      wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & currentRow).Select 
      Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
      wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & currentRow & ":F" & currentRow).Select 
      Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
       If wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2) > wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2 - 1).Value Then 
        diffa = wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2).Value - wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2 - 1).Value 
        wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow - 1).Value + (diffa * 10) 
         If wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value <= 0 Then 
          wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value + 120 
         End If 
       End If 
      wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & currentRow).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num_var2).Value 
     End If 
'if we are reading the next set of data corresponding to new source code 
     If src1 <> src2 Then 
      wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & currentRow).Select 
      Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
      'Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("A" & row_num_var2 & ":F" & row_num_var2).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num_var2) 
      wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & currentRow & ":F" & currentRow).Select 
      Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
      month = wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2) 
      If wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2) > wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2 - 1).Value Then 
       diffa = wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2).Value - wkb.Sheets("Summary_tbl").range("E" & row_num_var2 - 1).Value 
       wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow - 1).Value + (10) 
        If wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value <= 0 Then 
         wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value = wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & currentRow).Value + 120 
        End If 
      End If 
      Call end_miss(row_num_var2, month, i_cycle2_mon, i_cycle2_yr, wks2, wkb, src1) 
'after filling all the actuals data range for each source code as the range specified 
'by user, we need to insert forecast rows 
      row_num_var3 = wks2.UsedRange.Rows.count + 2 
       For row_num_var1 = row_num_var3 To row_num_var3 + Noofmonths - 1 
        wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num_var1).Select 
        Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
        wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("A" & row_num_var1).Value = Sheets("Summary_Tbl").range("A" & row_num_var2).Value 
        wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("D" & row_num_var1).Value = "PROD SOURCE - FORECASTED VOLUME " 
        fc_mon = i_cycle2_mon + inc 
        'wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num_var1).Value = fc_mon 
         If fc_mon < 10 Then 
          wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num_var1).Value = 0 & wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num_var1).Value 
         End If 
        wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num_var1).Value = fc_mon 
        inc = inc + 1 
         If i_cycle2_mon < fc_mon Then 
          diffr = fc_mon - i_cycle2_mon 
          factor = 10 * diffr 
          wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("G" & row_num_var1).Value = 130 + factor 
         End If 
        wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num_var1).Select 
        Selection.NumberFormat = "@" 
        wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num_var1).Value = i_cycle2_yr 
         If fc_mon > 12 Then 
          fc_mon = fc_mon - 12 
          wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num_var1).Value = fc_mon 
          wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("F" & row_num_var1).Value = i_cycle2_yr + 1 
         End If 
         If fc_mon < 10 Then 
          wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num_var1).Value = 0 & wkb.Sheets("Forecast").range("E" & row_num_var1).Value 
         End If 
       Next row_num_var1 
     row_num_var3 = wks2.UsedRange.Rows.count + 2 
     Dim fcst As Integer 
      For fcst = row_num_var3 - Noofmonths To row_num_var3 - 1 
       If fcst = row_num_var3 - Noofmonths Then 
        Call SLR_max(row_num_var3 - Noofmonths, Noofmonths - 1) 
        Call AverageDeviation(row_num_var3 - Noofmonths, Noofmonths - 1) 
        Call Forecast(row_num_var3 - Noofmonths, Noofmonths - 1) 
       ElseIf fcst <> row_num_var3 - Noofmonths Then 
        Call SLR_max(fcst, Noofmonths - 1) 
        Call Forecast(fcst, Noofmonths - 1) 
       End If 
      Next fcst 
      month = CInt(m2) 
      Call start_miss(row_num_var2, month, i_cycle1_mon, i_cycle1_yr, wks2, wkb, src2) 
     End If 
    Next row_num_var2 
    Call CreateHeader 
    Call Delete_EntireColumn 
    Call Trim_Format 
    Call pivot_generate 
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Forecast").Visible = False 
    gdivolume.Forecast.BackColor = vbGreen 
    gdivolume.RefreshPivot.Enabled = True 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 
    Application.DisplayStatusBar = True 
    Application.EnableEvents = True 
    ActiveSheet.DisplayPageBreaks = True 
Exit Sub 
    Debug.Print "Err: -> " & Err.Description 
    gdivolume.Forecast.BackColor = vbRed 
End Sub 



Platz Option Explicit am Anfang der Seite, bevor der Subcode beginnt.

Nach der Unterzeile verschieben Sie Application.ScreenUpdating = False dort.

Vor dem End Sub verschieben Application.ScreenUpdating = True dort.

Für alle Integer-Variablen konvertieren in CLngPtr.