2016-11-07 1 views

Ich möchte, wie E-Mail-Nachricht in der Reihenfolge der Eingabe von mehr Felddaten zu erhalten. Bitte, jemand führt mich, ich bin keine Erfahrung in php.erhalten Sie eine E-Mail zum Einfügen einer Bestellung

Eingabebildschirm ist:

enter image description here

erwartetes Ausgangsbild:

enter image description here


$your_email ='[email protected]'; 

$frommail ='[email protected]'; 
    $randnum = rand(1111111111,9999999999); 
     $place = $_POST[ 'place' ]; 
     $companyname = $_POST[ 'companyname' ]; 
     $business = $_POST[ 'business' ]; 
     $products = $_POST[ 'products' ]; 
     $suppliers = $_POST[ 'suppliers' ]; 
     $buyers = $_POST[ 'buyers' ]; 
     $experience = $_POST[ 'experience' ]; 
     $annualsales = $_POST[ 'annualsales' ]; 
     $employees = $_POST[ 'employees' ]; 
     $operation = $_POST[ 'operation' ]; 
     $website = $_POST[ 'website' ]; 
     $fund = $_POST[ 'fund' ]; 
     $authorised = $_POST[ 'authorised' ]; 
     $standard = $_POST[ 'standard' ]; 
     $special = $_POST[ 'special' ]; 
     $currency = $_POST[ 'currency' ]; 
     $parvalue = $_POST[ 'parvalue' ]; 
     $noofshares = $_POST[ 'noofshares' ]; 

$capital = $_POST[ 'capital' ]; 
     $surname = $_POST[ 'surname' ]; 
     $givenname = $_POST[ 'givenname' ]; 
     $address = $_POST[ 'address' ]; 
     $occupation = $_POST[ 'occupation' ]; 
     $shares = $_POST[ 'shares' ]; 
     $percent = $_POST[ 'percent' ]; 
     $national = $_POST[ 'national' ]; 
     $passport = $_POST[ 'passport' ]; 
     $dirsurname = $_POST[ 'dirsurname' ]; 
     $dirgivenname = $_POST[ 'dirgivenname' ]; 
     $dircompanyname = $_POST[ 'dircompanyname' ]; 
     $diraddress = $_POST[ 'diraddress' ]; 
     $dirbusiness = $_POST[ 'dirbusiness' ]; 
     $dirnational = $_POST[ 'dirnational' ]; 
     $dirpassport = $_POST[ 'dirpassport' ]; 
     $comname = $_POST[ 'comname' ]; 
     $comaddress = $_POST[ 'comaddress' ]; 
     $combusiness = $_POST[ 'combusiness' ]; 
     $comnationality = $_POST[ 'comnationality' ]; 
     $compass = $_POST[ 'compass' ]; 
     $agename = $_POST[ 'agename' ]; 
     $ageaddress = $_POST[ 'ageaddress' ]; 
     $ageoffice = $_POST[ 'ageoffice' ]; 
     $bankdetails = $_POST[ 'bankdetails' ]; 
     $savings = $_POST[ 'savings' ]; 
     $usdollarssavings = $_POST[ 'usdollarssavings' ]; 
     $hongkongcurrent = $_POST[ 'hongkongcurrent' ]; 
     $tradeac = $_POST[ 'tradeac' ]; 
     $others = $_POST[ 'others' ]; 
     $online = $_POST[ 'online' ]; 
     $atm = $_POST[ 'atm' ]; 
     $phonebanking = $_POST[ 'phonebanking' ]; 
     $banksign = $_POST[ 'banksign' ]; 
     $eitherone = $_POST[ 'eitherone' ]; 
     $twobank = $_POST[ 'twobank' ]; 
     $arrangement = $_POST[ 'arrangement' ]; 
     $postalcode = $_POST[ 'postalcode' ]; 
     $correspondence = $_POST[ 'correspondence' ]; 
     $financial = $_POST[ 'financial' ]; 
     $name1 = $_POST[ 'name1' ]; 
     $email1 = $_POST[ 'email1' ]; 
     $mobile1 = $_POST[ 'mobile1' ]; 
     $tel1 = $_POST[ 'tel1' ]; 
     $skype = $_POST[ 'skype' ]; 
     $address12 = $_POST[ 'address12' ]; 
     $knowour = $_POST[ 'knowour' ]; 
     $true = $_POST[ 'true' ]; 
     $clean = $_POST[ 'clean' ]; 
     $criminal = $_POST[ 'criminal' ]; 
     $letterscode = $_POST[ 'letterscode' ]; 
    foreach($_POST["surname1"] as $key1 => $surnames){ 
     @$surname2 .= $surnames."<tr><td colspan='3'>"; 

    foreach($_POST["givenname1"] as $key1 => $givennames){ 
     @$givenname2 .= $givennames."<tr><td colspan='3'>"; 

    foreach($_POST["address1"] as $key1 => $addresss){ 
     @$address2 .= $addresss."<tr><td colspan='3'>"; 
    foreach($_POST["occupation1"] as $key1 => $occupations){ 
     @$occupation2 .= $occupations."<tr><td colspan='3'>"; 

    foreach($_POST["shares1"] as $key1 => $sharess){ 
     @$shares2 .= $sharess."<tr><td colspan='3'>"; 
    foreach($_POST["percent1"] as $key1 => $percents){ 
     @$percent2 .= $percents."<tr><td colspan='3'>"; 

    foreach($_POST["national1"] as $key1 => $nations){ 
     @$nation2 .= $nations."<tr><td colspan='3'>"; 

    foreach($_POST["passport1"] as $key1 => $passports){ 
     @$passport2 .= $passports."<tr><td colspan='3'>"; 

     //send the email 
     $to = $your_email; 
     $subject="New form submission"; 
     $from = $frommail; 
     $ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''; 
     $body = <<<EOD 
<div><h2>New Registration Document</h2></div> 
<h4>Yeah! $name</h4> 
<p>Registration Details<br /></p> 

<b>Application No : $randnum</b> 
<br /> 
<br /> 
<table border="1" cellpadding="15" style="width:100%; border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid black;"> 
<td style='font-weight:800;'>1. State:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$place</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;'>2. Company:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$companyname</td> 

<td colspan="3" align="center" style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;'>3. Main line of Business</td></tr> 
<td>(a) Nature of Business/Industry:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$business</td> 

<td>(b) Nature of Products/Services Offered</td> 
<td colspan="2">$products</td> 

<td>(c) Location of suppliers:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$suppliers</td> 

<td>(d) Location of Buyers:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$buyers</td> 

<td>(e) Years of Experience:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$experience</td> 

<td>(f) Expected Annual Sales: </td> 
<td colspan="2">$annualsales</td> 

<td>(g) Number of Employees:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$employees</td> 

<td>(h) Location of Business operation: </td> 
<td colspan="2">$operation</td> 

<td>(i) Website:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$website</td> 

<td>(j) Source of Initial Fund:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$fund</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;' colspan="3" align="center">4. Captial</td> 

<td colspan="2">$authorised</td> 

<td colspan="2">$standard</td> 

<td colspan="2">$special</td> 

<td style='font-weight:500;' colspan="3" align="center">Par Value Per Share</td> 

<td>A. Currency</td> 
<td colspan="2">$currency</td> 

<td>B. Parvalue</td> 
<td colspan="2">$parvalue</td> 

<td>C. No of Shares</td> 
<td colspan="2">$noofshares</td> 

<td>D. Capital</td> 
<td colspan="2">$capital</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;' colspan="3" align="center">5. Shareholders</td> 
<td >Sur Name : $surname</td> 
<td colspan="2">Givenname : $givenname</td> 

<td>Address : $address</td> 
<td colspan="2">Occupation : $occupation</td> 

<td>Shares : $shares</td> 
<td colspan="2">Percent : $percent</td> 
<td>National : $national</td> 
<td colspan="2">Passport : $passport</td> 

<tr><td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3">Surname</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">$surname2</td></tr> 
<tr><td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3">Givenname</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">$givenname2</td> 
<tr><td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3">Address</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">$address2</td> 
<tr><td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3">Occupation</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">$occupation2</td> 
<tr><td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3">Share</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">$shares2</td> 
<tr><td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3">Percent</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">$percent2</td> 
<tr><td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3">National</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">$nation2</td> 
<tr><td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3">Passport</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">$passport2</td> 
<td style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;' colspan="3" align="center">6. Directors</td> 

<td>Surname : $dirsurname</td> 
<td colspan="2">GIvenname : $dirgivenname</td> 
<td>Company Name : $dircompanyname</td> 
<td colspan="2">Address : $diraddress</td> 
<td>Business : $dirbusiness</td> 
<td colspan="2">National : $dirnational</td> 
<td colspan="3">Passport No : $dirpassport</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;' colspan="3" align="center">7. Company Secretary</td> 
<td>Company Name : $comname</td> 
<td colspan="2">Address : $comaddress</td> 
<td>Business : $combusiness</td> 
<td colspan="2">National : $comnationality</td> 
<td colspan="3">Passport No : $compass</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;' colspan="3" align="center">8. Registered Agent</td></tr> 
<td>Agent Name : $agename</td> 
<td colspan="2">Address : $ageaddress</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;' colspan="3" align="center">9. The Registered Office will be situated at</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3">Office : $ageoffice</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;' colspan="3" align="center">10. Bank Details</td></tr> 
<td>Name of the Bank:</td> 
<td colspan="2">$bankdetails</td> 
<tr><td style='font-weight:500; color: #c29d0b; ' colspan="3">Type of accounts required : </td></tr> 
<td>Multi-currency Savings A/C : $savings</td> 
<td colspan="2">U.S. Dollars Savings A/C : $usdollarssavings</td> 
<td>Hong Kong Dollars Current A/C : $hongkongcurrent</td> 
<td colspan="2">Trade A/C (For L/C, D/P, D/A) : $tradeac</td> 
<td colspan="3">Others : $others</td> 

<td style='font-weight:500; color: #c29d0b;' colspan="3" align="center">Services Required</td></tr> 
<td>Online Banking Service : $online</td> 
<td colspan="2">ATM Card : $atm</td> 
<td colspan="3">Phonebanking Service : $phonebanking</td> 

<td>Name of Bank Signatory:</td> 
<td colspan="3">$banksign</td> 

<td style='font-weight:400; color: #c29d0b; ' colspan="3" align="center">Signing Arrangement</td></tr> 
<td>Either one bank signatory can operate bank account solely : $eitherone</td> 
<td colspan="2">Any two of bank signatories can operate bank account jointly : $twobank</td> 

<td style='font-weight:400;' align="center">Other Arrangement</td> 
<td colspan="2">$arrangement</td> 

<td style='font-weight:400;' align="center">Bank Address & Postal code</td> 
<td colspan="3">$postalcode</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3" align="center">11. Correspondence Address</td> 

<td colspan="5">$correspondence</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3" align="center">12. Financial Year End Date</td></tr> 
<td colspan="3" >$financial </td> 

<td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3" align="center">13. Authorization to proceed with the above instruction and SX Global is requested to send the Company’s documentation and invoice to</td> 
<td>Name : $name1</td> 
<td colspan="2">Email : $email1</td> 
<td>Mobile : $mobile1</td> 
<td colspan="2">Tel : $tel1</td> 
<td>Skype : $skype</td> 
<td colspan="2">Address : $address12</td> 

<td style='font-weight:800;' colspan="3" align="center">14. How do you know our company</td></tr> 

<td colspan="3" >$knowour</td> 

<tr style='font-weight:800;' colspan="5" align="center"> 
<td colspan="3" >15. Declaration</td></tr> 
<td colspan="5">I confirm that the above information is true and correct. : $true</td></tr> 
<td colspan="5">I confirm that the fund of the entity is clean and legitimate. : $clean</td></tr> 
<td colspan="5">I confirm that the new Company will not be used for criminal activities. : $criminal</td> 

<br /> 

<p>IP-Address : $ip</p> 


$to = $your_email; 
$subject="New form submission"; 
$from = $frommail; 
$headers = "From: $from \r\n"; 
$headers .= "Reply-To: $frommail \r\n"; 
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n"; 

     if(mail($to, $subject, $body,$headers)){ 

     echo "<div class='container'><div class='alert alert-success alert-dismissable'> 
              <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' >&times;</button> Thank you for your registering! We will get back to you very soon. 
     else { 
      echo "<div class='alert alert-danger alert-dismissable'> 
              <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' >&times;</button> sorry. 
             </div> "; 

HTML-Code (mehr Feld Code hinzufügen)

    var counter = 1; 
    var limit = 5; 

    function addInput(divName) { 
     if (counter == limit) { 
      alert("You have reached the limit of adding " + counter + " Shareholders"); 
     } else { 
      var newdiv = document.createElement('div'); 
      newdiv.innerHTML = "Shareholders - " + (counter + 1) + " <br> <div class='form-group form-md-line-input'> <div class='col-lg-6'> Sur Name :   <input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12 ' name=surname1[]> </div> <div class='col-lg-6'>Given Name :<input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12' name='givenname1[]'></div> </div> <br /><br /> <br /> <div class='form-group form-md-line-input '><div class='col-lg-6'>Address :   <input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12 ' name='address1[]'> </div> <div class='col-lg-6'> Business Occupation :<input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12' name='occupation1[]' > </div> </div><br /><br /><br /><div class='form-group form-md-line-input '><div class='col-lg-6'> No. of Shares :<input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12' name='shares1[]'> </div><div class='col-lg-6'>Percent of Shareholding :    <input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12' name='percent1[]'></div></div><br /><br /> <br /><div class='form-group form-md-line-input '>  <div class='col-lg-6'> Nationality : <input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12' name='national1[]'></div><div class='col-lg-6'> Passport/Identity Card No./Company No : <input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12' name='passport1[]'></div></div><br /> <br /><br />"; 


Ich weiß nicht, welche Methode zu verwenden. Bitte, bitte hilf mir.



Die Tabelle ist nicht korrekt formatiert. Sie müssen, wie etwas tun

    <td style='width:50%;'><br>Sur Name</b>: $surname</td> 

Dieser jedes Element setzt auf seine eigene Linie ( ..). Wenn Sie mehrere Spalten benötigen, benötigen Sie mehrere innerhalb einer . – jeff


> zuerst Danke für die Antwort @Jeff, ok das ist richtig, aber ich mein Problem ist nicht dieses Feld ' Familienname $ surname2 Given $ givenname2 Adresse 'in diesem Feld (weitere dynamische Felder hinzufügen) – Kumar


iam sorry ich dnt konw Englisch fließend – Kumar

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