2016-03-24 6 views

So habe ich diese Seite mit Dreamweaver erstellt und es enthält externe Links. Aus unbekannten Gründen, wenn ich die Seite in einem Browser sah, würde keiner der Links funktionieren. Dazu gehören auch die Bilder.Links funktionieren nicht mehr nach der Arbeit in Dreamweaver

<p class="paragraph">Graduating in 2008 from <a href="https://dentistry.creighton.edu/" title="Creighton University School of Dentistry" target="_blank">Creighton University School of Dentistry</a> in Nebraska, <strong>Simone Vining</strong> immediately began working for her father <strong>Simms Vining, D.D.S.</strong> at his dental practice, then named <i>The Vining Practice</i>, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.</p> 
<p class="paragraph"><strong>Aleida Saroyan</strong> graduated in 2009 from <a href="https://dental.case.edu/" title="Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine" target="_blank">Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine</a>. From Ohio, Saroyan attended seminars in Colorado where she met fianc&#233; <strong>Lucien Sgro</strong>, a 2005 <a href="http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/dentalmedicine/Pages/DentalMedicine.aspx" title="University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine" target="_blank">University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine</a> graduate. 
    <p class="paragraph">When <strong>Simms Vining</strong> retired after 35 years of dentistry early 2010, he gave his company to his daughter. <strong>Simone Vining</strong> decided to form a practice firm alongside her cousin, <strong>Aleida Saroyan</strong>. Along with Saroyan’s fianc&#233;, both Vining and Saroyan not only created the <em>Vining-Saroyan Dental Practice</em> for clients of all ages, but for those who are developmentally disabled in due respect to the latter having a sister born with <a href="http://www.chargesyndrome.org/about-charge.asp" title="CHARGE Syndrome" target="_blank">CHARGE Syndrome</a>.</p> 
<p class="paragraph">Located next to <a href="https://childcare.unm.edu/" title="University of New Mexico Children’s Campus" target="_blank">University of New Mexico Children's Campus</a> on <u>3410 Camino de Salud Rd.</u> in Albuquerque, New Mexico, <em>Vining-Saroyan Dental Practice</em> offers complete dental care to patients with a wide range of services where a patients' dental health being the main priority.</p> 
    <div id="maps"> 
     <a href="http://answersafrica.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/africa_map.png" class="map"> 
      <img src="http://www.yourchildlearns.com/images/africa-map.gif" width="200" alt=" map small 1"/> 
     <a href="http://www.freeworldmaps.net/russia/russia-map.gif" class="map"> 
      <img src="http://www.exportrussia.com/images/maps/small/map_sm_ru.gif" width="200" alt="map small 2"/> 

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p.paragraph { 
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em { 
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Ich habe auch eine JSFiddle.


die Geige arbeitet – Kailas


Was meinst du mit „keiner der Links funktionieren würde“? Hast du einen Hand-Cursor? Wird irgendetwas im Konsolenfenster des Browsers angezeigt? Was ist mit anderen Browsern? Vermeiden Sie auch 'target =" _ blank "': https://marco.org/2014/01/10/target-blank – Dai



Vergewissern Sie sich, dass die Dateiendung, unter der Sie speichern, überprüft wird. Wenn der Code in JSFiddle zu funktionieren scheint, muss er auch in DreamWeaver funktionieren. Versuchen Sie, die target = „_ blank“ zu entfernen und es so einfach machen:

<a href="https://dentistry.creighton.edu/">Creighton University School of Dentistry</a> 
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