2016-07-10 10 views

Heute habe ich gerne Code in meine js App getippt und häufig mit browserify gebaut. Dann plötzlich, begann browserify einen seltsamen Fehler zu werfen. Es hat meine let Deklarationen nicht mehr gefallen (die ich ziemlich viele habe).Browserify: SyntaxError: Das Schlüsselwort 'let' ist reserviert

Ich vermute, dass es irgendwie nicht mehr akzeptiert ES6-Code, ich googelte auf, wie man die Javascript-Sprachversion, ohne Glück. Niemand schien mit browserify den gleichen Fehler zu haben. Ich habe auch versucht, meine node_modules Ordner zu löschen und eine saubere npm install. Kein Würfel.

Dies ist der Fehler, den ich bekommen:

     throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event 

SyntaxError: The keyword 'let' is reserved (119:1) while parsing C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\js\cons\designs\plate\BoundedPlane.js while parsing file: C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\js\cons\designs\plate\BoundedPlane.js 
    at DestroyableTransform.end [as _flush] (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\index.js:96:21) 
    at DestroyableTransform.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_transform.js:115:49) 
    at DestroyableTransform.g (events.js:260:16) 
    at emitNone (events.js:67:13) 
    at DestroyableTransform.emit (events.js:166:7) 
    at prefinish (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_writable.js:465:12) 
    at finishMaybe (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_writable.js:473:7) 
    at endWritable (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_writable.js:485:3) 
    at DestroyableTransform.Writable.end (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_writable.js:455:41) 
    at DestroyableTransform.onend (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\module-deps\node_modules\through2\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_readable.js:495:10) 
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details. 

Dies ist mein Setup:


    "name": "frontend", 
    "private": true, 
    "version": "0.1.0", 
    "main": "./js/main.js", 
    "directories": { 
    "doc": "doc" 
    "scripts": { 
    "test": "node build_test.js", 
    "start": "node build_main.js" 
    "repository": { 
    "type": "git", 
    "url": "git+https://[email protected]/loldrup/auchitect.git" 
    "author": "Jon Loldrup", 
    "license": "UNLICENSED", 
    "homepage": "https://bitbucket.org/loldrup/auchitect#readme", 
    "dependencies": { 
    "gl-matrix-common": "*", 
    "gl-matrix-mat3": "*", 
    "ndarray": "*", 
    "ndarray-householder-qr": "*", 
    "ndarray-matrix-vector-product": "*", 
    "ndarray-ops": "*", 
    "three": "*", 
    "three-orbit-controls": "*" 
    "devDependencies": { 
    "browserify": "*", 
    "qunitjs": "*" 
    "browser": {} 

Ich verwende das build_test.js Skript bei der Entwicklung. Es sieht wie folgt aus:

var browserify = require('browserify'); 
var fs = require('fs'); 

var options = { 
    basedir: './js/', 
    debug: true, 
    noParse: ['three', 'qunitjs'] 

var outputFileStream = fs.createWriteStream('./js/test_bundle.js'); 

var b = browserify('./test.js', options); 
b.bundle().pipe(outputFileStream); // process.stdout 

Das ist mein BoundedPlane.js Datei:

"use strict"; 

var THREE = require('three'); 
var BoundedPlane_prototype = require('./BoundedPlane_prototype'); 
var utils_mat = require('../../../utils/mat'); 
var utils_matrix = require('../../../utils/matrix'); 

// the local (relative) plate index, given an absolute azimuth and polar index entry: 
// +--------+--------+--------+ 
// | plate0 | plate1 | plate2 | 
// +--------+--------+--------+ 
// | plate3 | plate4 | plate5 | 
// +--------+--------+--------+ 
// | plate6 | plate7 | plate8 | 
// +--------+--------+--------+ 

// assumes that the normal vector given as argument is normalized 
THREE.BoundedPlane = function (constant, normal, center, instanceDebug) { 

    THREE.Plane.call(this, normal, constant); 

    this.center = center; 

    this.normalPoint_vector = this.normal.clone().multiplyScalar(constant); // this point might at any time be out of sync with this.normal and this.constant. Access only through the this.normalPoint() function. 

    this.bindingBPs = []; 

    this.boundingPoints = []; 

    this.instanceDebug = instanceDebug || false; 

THREE.BoundedPlane.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype; 
THREE.BoundedPlane.prototype.constructor = THREE.BoundedPlane; 

THREE.BoundedPlane_from_pivot = function (pivotLength, lowLeft, upLeft, lowRight, instanceDebug, visualDebug) { 

    if (instanceDebug) { 
     if (typeof lowLeft.debug !== "undefined") { console.log("lowLeft.debug: ", lowLeft.debug ); } 
     if (typeof upLeft.debug !== "undefined") { console.log("upLeft.debug: ", upLeft.debug ); } 
     if (typeof lowRight.debug !== "undefined") { console.log("lowRight.debug: ", lowRight.debug); } 

    var pivotAxis = new THREE.Lin3(upLeft, lowLeft.clone()).project_end_to_Vector3(lowRight.sub(upLeft)); 
    var pivotLever = new THREE.Lin3(lowLeft, upLeft.clone()).reject_end_to_Lin3(pivotAxis); 

    var pivotCenter = pivotAxis.end; 
    var leverSpan = pivotLever.length(); 

    if (instanceDebug && typeof lowLeft.debug !== "undefined") { console.log("pivotCenter: ", pivotCenter); } 

    // put an orthogonal circle with radius 'pivotLength' in lowLeft and find its 
    // tangent point by a line intersecting the point 'pivotCenter': 
    var center = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0); 
    var point = new THREE.Vector2(leverSpan, 0); 
    var radius = pivotLength; 

    // get one out of two solutions in a local coordinate system of the plane spanned by the circle: 
    var tangentPoint_local_2D = utils_mat.circle_tangent_point(center, radius, point)[1]; 
    // state the solution in a local 3D basis: 
    var tangentPoint_local_3D = new THREE.Vector3(tangentPoint_local_2D.x, 0, tangentPoint_local_2D.y); 

    // find the (local) basis vectors that were implicitly used when finding the tangentPoint: 
    var b_x = pivotLever.delta().normalize(); 
    var b_z = pivotAxis.delta().clone().cross(b_x).normalize(); 
    var b_y = b_z.clone().cross(b_x).normalize(); 

    // convert the solution to the global 3D space: 
    var tangentPoint = utils_matrix.changeBasis(tangentPoint_local_3D, b_x, b_y, b_z, true); 
    var tangentLine = tangentPoint.sub(pivotLever.delta()); 

    var normal = tangentLine.cross(pivotAxis.delta()).normalize(); 

    var constant = pivotCenter.clone().projectOnVector(normal).length(); 
    if (utils_mat.vectors_negatively_oriented(pivotCenter, normal)) { // if true, one has to walk the opposite way of the normal, in order to get to the plane 
     constant = -1 * constant; } 

    THREE.BoundedPlane.call(this, constant, normal, pivotCenter, instanceDebug); 

    if (false && typeof visualDebug !== 'undefined' && visualDebug.debug) { 
     // transform tangentPoint2: 
     var tangentPoint2 = utils_matrix.changeBasis(tangentPoint2_local_3D, b_x, b_z, b_y, true); 
     // add lowLeft to tangentPoint to make tangentPoint absolute: 
     var abs_tangentPoint2 = tangentPoint2.clone().add(lowLeft); 
     var tangentLine2 = abs_tangentPoint2.clone().sub(pivotCenter); // put in THREE.Line and add a ".cross" method to THREE.Line ? 
     var pivotAxisVector = upLeft.clone().sub(lowRight); 
     var new_normal_inverse = pivotAxisVector.cross(tangentLine2.clone()).normalize(); 
     console.log("tangentPoint2: ", tangentPoint2); 
     console.log("abs_tangentPoint2: ", abs_tangentPoint2); 
     console.log("normal: ", normal); 
     console.log("new_normal_inverse: ", new_normal_inverse); 
     var abs_tangentPoint2_mesh = new THREE.PointHelper(abs_tangentPoint2, 4); 
     visualDebug.aScene.add(abs_tangentPoint2_mesh); //, fixPoint0_res1_mesh 
     // also add an axis helper: 
     var axisHelper_mesh = new THREE.AxisHelper(50); 

     // x = red 
     // y = green 
     // z = blue 

THREE.BoundedPlane_from_pivot.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype; 

THREE.BoundedPlane_from_parallel_projection = function (aBoundedPlane, offset, flip, instanceDebug, visualDebug) { // all fixPoint1's (presumably..) 

    let normal = aBoundedPlane.normal.clone(); 
// ***THIS IS LINE 119 *** 
    // assumes that the normal vector of 'aBoundedPlane' is already normalized: 
    let center = aBoundedPlane.center.clone().add(normal.multiplyScalar(offset)); // which "de-normalizes" normal... 

    // so please restore 'normal' after messing with it: 
    normal.x = aBoundedPlane.normal.x; 
    normal.y = aBoundedPlane.normal.y; 
    normal.z = aBoundedPlane.normal.z; 

    let constant = aBoundedPlane.constant + offset; 

    if (utils_mat.vectors_negatively_oriented(center, normal)) // if true, one has to walk the opposite way of the normal, in order to get to the plane 
     { constant = -1 * constant; } 

    if (flip) { normal.multiplyScalar(-1); constant = -1 * constant; } 

    THREE.BoundedPlane.call(this, constant, normal, center, instanceDebug); 


THREE.BoundedPlane_from_parallel_projection.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype; 

THREE.BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_twoBPs = function (mainBP, otherBP, intended_BP_width, instanceDebug, vd) { 
    var constant, normal, center, scalar; 

    //if (typeof vd !== 'undefined' && vd.debug) { console.log("BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_twoBPs: got visualdebug"); } 

    let intersection = utils_mat.plane_plane_intersection(mainBP, otherBP, false, vd); 

    if (otherBP.point_on_face_side(mainBP.center)) { 
     normal = mainBP.normal.clone().cross(intersection.orientation).normalize(); } 

    else { normal = intersection.orientation.clone().cross(mainBP.normal).normalize(); } 

    center = intersection.point.clone().projectOnVector(normal); // fixme: remove clone? 

    constant = center.length(); // has to happen prior to reflecting the center 

    // Ensure that center stays within the intended width of the new BP: 
    scalar = 1 - ((intended_BP_width/2)/mainBP.normalPoint().length()); 
    var rolledBP = new THREE.BoundedPlane_rolled90_from_twoBPs(mainBP, otherBP, instanceDebug, vd); 

    if (mainBP.point_strictly_on_face_side(center)) { 
     center = mainBP.reflect_vector(center); } 

    if (utils_mat.vectors_negatively_oriented(center, normal)) { // if true, one has to walk the opposite way of the normal, in order to get to the plane 
     constant = -1 * constant; } 

    THREE.BoundedPlane.call(this, constant, normal, center, instanceDebug); 

    if (typeof vd !== 'undefined' && vd.debug) { 

     var mainBP_plane = new vd.THREE.PlaneHelper( mainBP.normal, mainBP.center, 10, 2); 
     var mainBP_center = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper(mainBP.center.clone()).setColor(0x00ffff); 
     var otherBP_plane = new vd.THREE.PlaneHelper( otherBP.normal, otherBP.center, 10, 2, 0xff0000, 0xff0000); 
     var otherBP_center = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper(otherBP.center.clone()).setColor(0x00ffff); 
     var newBP_plane = new vd.THREE.PlaneHelper( normal.clone(), center.clone(), vd.size, vd.size/5, vd.color); 
     var newBP_normal = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper(normal.clone()).setColor(0xffff00); 
     var newBP_center = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper(center.clone()).setColor(0xff7777); 

     vd.aScene.add(newBP_plane, mainBP_plane, otherBP_plane, /*newBP_normal, newBP_center, mainBP_center, otherBP_center */); 

     // also check out the 'rolled' plane: 
     var rolledBP_plane = new vd.THREE.PlaneHelper( rolledBP.normal, rolledBP.center, 10, 2, 0x0055aa); 
     var rolledBP_center = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper(rolledBP.center.clone()).setColor(0xff00ff); // lilla 
     var rolledBP_normal = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper(rolledBP.normal.clone()).setColor(0xff00ff); // lilla 
     var rolledBP_normalPoint = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper(rolledBP.normalPoint.clone()).setColor(0xff0077); 
     console.log("rolledBP: ", rolledBP); 
     vd.aScene.add(rolledBP_plane, /*rolledBP_center, rolledBP_normal,*/ rolledBP_normalPoint); 

     // also add an axis helper: 
     // var axisHelper_mesh = new THREE.AxisHelper(50); 
     // vd.aScene.add(axisHelper_mesh); 

     // x = red 
     // y = green 
     // z = blue 

THREE.BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_twoBPs.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype; 

THREE.BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_BP_and_2_Vectors = function (aBP, v0, v1, intended_BP_width, instanceDebug, visualDebug) { 
    let delta, constant, normalish, normal, center, length, scalar; 

    delta = v1.sub(v0); 

    normalish = delta.cross(aBP.normal); // this vector might be pointing the wrong way, depending on the order og args v0 and v1. It also lacks normalization. 
    normalish = v0.projectOnVector(normalish); // this vector removes the ordering uncertainty, but still lacks the normalization. 

    constant = normalish.length(); 

    normal = v1.copy(normalish).normalize(); 

    center = normalish; 

    // Ensure that center stays within the intended width of the new BP: 
    scalar = 1 - ((intended_BP_width/2)/aBP.normalPoint().length()); 

    // The new plane should bend "backwards" in relation to aBP. Thus planes will, per default, tend to form 
    // a closed form. If other behaviour is desired (concave corners?), add a flag that activates this behaviour 
    if (aBP.point_strictly_on_face_side(center)) { 
     center = aBP.reflect_vector(center); } 

    THREE.BoundedPlane.call(this, constant, normal, center, instanceDebug); 

    // we want the normal to point away from the center of 'aBP': 
    if (this.point_on_face_side(aBP.center)) { 
     this.normal = this.normal.multiplyScalar(-1); 
     this.constant = -1 * this.constant } 


THREE.BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_BP_and_2_Vectors.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype; 

THREE.BoundedPlane_rolled90_from_twoBPs = function (mainBP, otherBP, instanceDebug, vd) { 
    let constant, normal, center; 

    center = mainBP.center.clone().add(otherBP.center).divideScalar(2); 

    constant = center.length(); 

    let delta = otherBP.center.clone().sub(mainBP.center); 
    let normals_crossed = mainBP.normal.clone().cross(otherBP.normal); // this vector might be pointing the wrong way, depending on the order of the vectors being crossed 
    normal = normals_crossed.clone().normalize(); // fixme: remove clone 

    if (utils_mat.vectors_negatively_oriented(center, normal)) { 
     normal.multiplyScalar(-1) } 

    THREE.BoundedPlane.call(this, constant, normal, center, instanceDebug); 

    if (typeof vd !== 'undefined' && vd.debug) { 
     let normals_crossed_vh = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper(normals_crossed).setColor(0xaa00aa); // lilla 

THREE.BoundedPlane_rolled90_from_twoBPs.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype; 

Ist der letzten Schnipsel des 'BoundedPlane.js' (in dem der Syntaxfehler nach der Fehlermeldung gefunden wurde)? – Bergi


Es ist wahrscheinlicher, dass Sie ein "Let" in einer Position eingeführt haben, in der es ungültig ist, als dass browserify plötzlich keine korrekten Verwendungen mehr erkennt. – Bergi


@Bergi: Ich habe den Code aus der Datei BoundedPlane.js zu meiner Frage hinzugefügt. Ich habe diesen Kommentar in Zeile 119 eingefügt: "// *** DAS IST LINE 119 ***". Zeile 119 ist die Zeile, bei der Browserify nicht parsen kann. – loldrup



I ersetzt alle let Schlüsselwörter in der Datei mit good ol‘var s. Dies führte dazu, dass sich Browserify nicht mehr über die Keywords let beschwerte. Stattdessen klagte es über die Leitung 185, die leer ist. Zeile 184 enthielt jedoch einen Fehler der Art: ein abschließendes Komma in einer Argumentenliste. Durch die Behebung dieses Fehlers kompiliert Browserify meinen Code erneut.

Also das Problem ist eine der Nutzbarkeit: Ich habe eine irrelevante Fehlermeldung für das abschließende Komma.

EDIT: das war die Codezeile:

vd.aScene.add(newBP_plane, mainBP_plane, otherBP_plane, /*newBP_normal, newBP_center, mainBP_center, otherBP_center */); 

Eigentlich könnte der Fehler korrekt sein, wenn Sie "let a = 1, let ..." haben, denkt es, dass Sie versuchen, den Namen einer Variable auf "let" zu setzen. Interessanter Fang. – ndugger


@ndugger: siehe die zusätzlichen Informationen in meiner bearbeiteten Antwort – loldrup

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