2012-03-29 13 views

Ich versuche, eine Seite zu erstellen, wo ein Benutzer aufgefordert wird, eine Nummer einzugeben und es schreibt die Nummer und fügt das Suffix am Ende. Als ob ich 3 eingeben würde, würde es 3. schreiben. Ich bin verwirrt darüber, wie ich das machen soll, ich mache das nur zum Spaß.Javascript-Nummer assist

<title>Number Endings</title> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
// Program name: Number Endings 
// Purpose: Add a suffix at the end of a number 
// Date last modified: 3/29/12 
var numbrentre = ""; 

numbrentre = prompt("What is the number integer?") 

var numbrentre = ""; 

numbrentre = prompt("What is the number integer?") 

function daySuffix(d) { 
    d = String(d); 
    return d.substr(-(Math.min(d.length, 2))) > 3 && d.substr(-(Math.min(d.length, 2))) < 21 ? "th" : ["th", "st", "nd", "rd", "th"][Math.min(Number(d)%10, 4)]; 


Bitten Sie uns, Ihre Hausaufgaben zu machen? –


Sind das Hausaufgaben? Machen Sie einfach eine 'if ... else'-Anweisung, in der 1 = st, 2 = nd, 3 = rd, alles andere = th endet. –


Chris West schrieb eine wirklich coole Umsetzung auf seinem Blog hier: http://gotochriswest.com/blog/2012/09/28/javascript-number-getordinalfor/ –


​var number, 

number = prompt("What is the integer number?")​; 

// Suffix is based on the last digit of the number 
lastDigit = number[number.toString().length-1]; 

// Default to "th" 
suffix = "th"; 
switch(lastDigit) { 
    case "1": suffix = "st"; 
    case "2": suffix = "nd"; 
    case "3": suffix = "rd"; 

alert(number + suffix); 

Dies gilt nicht für alle Fälle, wie '13'. –


+1 @ Xeon06 Gut entdeckt. Wusste, ich hätte Unit-Tests schreiben sollen! –


11 & 12, 111,112 usw. @ Xeon06's Antwort ist die richtige Lösung. – Rob


Das ist komplizierter, als Sie vielleicht denken. Sie können Google "JavaScript Ordinal Suffix" und einige Lösungen sehen. Here is a simple function that does it:

function daySuffix(d) { 
    d = String(d); 
    return d.substr(-(Math.min(d.length, 2))) > 3 && d.substr(-(Math.min(d.length, 2))) < 21 ? "th" : ["th", "st", "nd", "rd", "th"][Math.min(Number(d)%10, 4)]; 

Update OP damit, wie hätte ich es schreiben? –


@ user1301088 was meinst du? Einfach die Funktion aufrufen und die Nummer übergeben. Es wird das Ordinalsuffix zurückgeben. –


Kannst du den vollständigen Code dafür posten, damit ich sehen kann? –


Das ist mehr als Sie wollen, aber Sie können die Ordnungs Endteil schnippeln aus:

<!doctype html> 
<html lang= "en"> 
<meta charset= "utf-8"> 
<title> Number Strings</title> 
body{font-size:120%;margin:0 1em;} 
h1 span{font-weight: bold; color: navy; font-size:smaller;} 
h2{border-top:5px navy ridge;margin:1em 0;} 
label, input, button, textarea, select{font-size:1em;color:black; 
label, button{cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;color:black; 
p{margin:1em 0} 
button:hover, button:focus{color:red} 
button:disabled, button:hover:disabled, button:focus:disabled{ 
textarea, textarea[readonly]{min-width:500px;width:90%; 
overflow-y:scroll;margin:1ex auto;font-weight:600;background-color:white; 
color:black;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;} 
@media all and(max-width:1000px){ 
    body{font-size:100%; } 
/* US English words from numbers*/ 
    cashwords: function(n){ 
     n= Number(n); 
     if(!n) return NaN; 
     var I= Math.floor(n), 
     dec= n%1, str= '', r= ''; 
     str= I.toWords() || ''; 
      dec= dec.toFixed(2)*100; 
      r= dec.toWords(); 
     if(I> 0){ 
      str+= ' dollar'; 
      if(I> 1) str+= 's'; 
      if(r) str+= ' and '; 
      str+= r+' cent'; 
      if(dec> 1) str += 's'; 
     return str; 
    forget: function(){ 
     delete Numword.vocab; 
     return true; 
    fracValue: function(s, prec){ 
     var I= 0, dec= 0, M=/(\d+ +)?(\d+)\/(\d+)$/.exec(s); 
      if(M[1]) I= +(M[1].trim()); 
      dec= M[2]/M[3]; 
      if(typeof prec== 'number') dec= +(dec.toFixed(prec)); 
     return I+dec; 
    getExponent: function(s, sign){ 
     var rx= /(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)[eE]([+-]?\d+)/, num, pow, 
     M= rx.exec(s); 
      num= (+M[1]).toWords(); 
      pow= (+M[3]).toWords().ordinal(); 
      return sign+ num+ ' times ten to the '+ pow; 
     return NaN; 
    getWords: function(input, ord){ 
     s= String(input).trim(); 
     var d= s.replace(/(,| and)/g, ''), 
     Num, I, dec, str= '', r= '', 
     M, d2, d3, da, 
     sign= /^-.+/.test(d)? 'minus ':''; 
     if(sign) d= d.substring(1); 

     if(/infinity/i.test(s)) return sign? 'Negative Infinity':'Infinity'; 
     if(!s || !/\d/.test(s)) return ''; 

     if(d.charAt(0)=== '$'){ 
      d= Number(d.substring(1)); 
      return d? Numword.cashwords(d):''; 
     else if(d.indexOf('/')!= -1){ 
      return Numword.printFraction(d, sign) || ''; 
     if(/^\d+\: *\d+/.test(d)){ 
      return d.match(/\d+/g).map(function(itm){ 
       return (+itm).toWords(); 
      }).join(' '); 
     d= d.replace(/[^\d\.eE+-]/g, ''); 
     da= Number(d); 
     if(da> Math.pow(10, 17) || da< Math.pow(10, -6)) d= da.toExponential(); 
     else d= String(da); 
     if(/\d[eE][+-]?\d/.test(d)) return Numword.getExponent(d, sign); 
     str= da.toWords().trim(); 
     if(da=== Math.round(da) && ord) str= str.ordinal(); 
     return sign+str; 
    ordinal: function(){ 
     var ax, suffix, str= ' '+this.trim(); 
     if(str.charAt(str.length-1)== 'y') return str.slice(0, -2)+'tieth'; 
     var ax= str.lastIndexOf(' '); 
     suffx= str.substring(ax); 
     if(ax> 1) str= str.substring(0, ax); 
     else str= ' '; 
      case 'one': return str+' first'; 
      case 'two': return str+' second'; 
      case 'three': return str+' third'; 
      case 'five': return str+' fifth'; 
      case 'eight': return str+' eighth'; 
      case 'nine': return str+' ninth'; 
      case 'twelve': return str+' twelfth'; 
      default: return str+suffx+'th'; 
    printFraction: function(d, sign, ret){ 
     var num, M=/(\d+\s+)?(\d+)\s*\/\s*(\d+)/.exec(d); 
     if(!M) return NaN; 
     num= M[1]? (+M[1]).toWords().replace(/ and /g, ' ')+' and ':''; 
     num+= (+M[2]).toWords()+'-'; 
     if(M[3]=== '2') num+= 'half'; 
     else if(M[3]=== '4') num+= 'quarter'; 
     else num+= (+M[3]).toWords().ordinal(); 
     if(M[2]!== '1') num= num.replace(/([^s])$/, '$1s'); 
     return sign+num.replace(/ *\- */, '-'); 
     ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 
     'nine','ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 
     'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen'], 
     ['naught', 'ten', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 
     'eighty', 'ninety'], 
     ['hundred', 'thousand', 'million', 'billion', 'trillion', 'quadrillion'] 
    toWords: function(ord){ 
     var W= Numword.strums, dec= '', N= '', I, 
     A= [], L, tem, h, t, t2, o, str, 
     sign= this<0? 'minus ':'', 
     n= Math.abs(this); 
     if(n && !isFinite(n)) return sign+' Infinity'; 
     I= Math.floor(n); 
     if(n!== I) dec= String(n).split('.') 
      dec= ' point '+ dec[1].split('').map(function(itm){ 
       return W[1][+itm]; 
      }).join(' '); 
      if(I=== 0) return sign+'zero'+dec; 
      else ord= false; 
     while(I> 0){ 
      tem= I%1000; 
      I= (I-tem)/1000; 
      if(tem=== 0) A.push(''); 
       str= ''; 
       t= tem%100; 
       if(tem>= 100){ 
        h= Math.floor(tem/100); 
        str= W[1][h]+' hundred '; 
       if(t> 0){ 
        if(A.length== 0 && (h> 0 || I> 0)) str+= ' and '; 
         if(W[1][t]) str+= W[1][t]+' '; 
         t2= Math.floor(t/10); 
         o= t%10; 
         if(W[2][t2]) str+= W[2][t2]; 
         if(o> 0 && W[1][o]) str+= ' '+W[1][o]; 
     N= A.map(function(itm, i){ 
      if(!itm) return ''; 
      var tem= ''; 
      if(i> 0) tem= ' '+W[3][i]; 
      return itm+tem; 
     }).reverse().join(' '); 
     if(ord) N= N.ordinal(); 
     N= sign+ N.replace(/ion (?=\S+)/g, 'ion, ')+ dec; 
     return N.replace(/ {2,}/g, ' '); 
Number.prototype.toWords= function(mod){ 
    return Numword.toWords.call(this, mod); 
String.prototype.ordinal= function(){ 
    return Numword.ordinal.call(this); 
/* equalizer for cross-browser support*/ 
String.prototype.trim= ''.trim || function(){ 
    return this.replace(/^\s+/g, '').replace(/\s+$/g, ''); 
Array.prototype.forEach= [].forEach || function(fun, scope){ 
    var T= this, L= T.length, i= 0; 
    if(typeof fun== 'function'){ 
     while(i< L){ 
      if(i in T){ 
       fun.call(scope, T[i], i, T); 
    return T; 
Array.prototype.map= [].map || function(fun, scope){ 
    var T= this, L= T.length, A= Array(L), i= 0; 
    if(typeof fun== 'function'){ 
     while(i< L){ 
      if(i in T){ 
       A[i]= fun.call(scope, T[i], i, T); 
     return A; 
/*end equalizer */ 
/*demo program: */ 
    doc: function(what, pa, hoo, txt, sty){ 
     var tag, el, mod, ref; 
     what= what.toLowerCase().split('_'); 
     tag= what[0], mod= what[1], ref= mr(pa); 
     el= document.createElement(tag); 
     if(hoo) el.id= hoo; 
     if(sty) el.style.cssText= sty; 
      if(mod== 'b4') ref.parentNode.insertBefore(el, ref); 
      else if(mod== 'bf' && ref.firstChild){ 
       ref.insertBefore(el, ref.firstChild); 
      else ref.appendChild(el); 
     if(txt) el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt)); 
     return el; 
    sayNext: function(hoo, text, css){ 
     Run.doc('br', hoo); 
     return Run.doc('span', hoo, '', text, css); 
    zap: function(who){ 
     who= mr(who); 
     while(who.lastChild) who.removeChild(who.lastChild); 
window.mr= function(hoo){ 
    if(typeof hoo== 'string') hoo= document.getElementById(hoo) || ''; 
    return (hoo.nodeType== 1)? hoo:null; 
window.onload= function(){ 
    Numword.display= function(){ 
     var who= mr('strum_in'), v= who.value.trim(), 
     v2, nw, n2, p2, w= ''; 
     if(!/(\d|Infinity)/i.test(v)) return; 
     if(/^\.\d/.test(v)) v= '0'+v; 
      mr('ord_cbx').checked= false; 
     nw= Numword.getWords(v)+''; 
      if(mr('ord_cbx').checked) nw= nw.ordinal(); 
      Run.doc('p_bf', 'numword_div', '', v+'= '+nw); 
     who.value= ''; 
    Numword.sampler= function(){ 
     mr('ord_cbx').checked= false; 
     var doc= Run.doc, A,B,C; 
     A= ['150', '0.12', '65.35', '$65.45', '2012', '98.6', '897456971.25', 
     '1 1/2', '12 and 3/4', '-9', '33 and 1/3','12:15','09:30', 
     '1.155e+17', '1.222e3', '4.5e-10', '3.125e-3'].map(function(itm){ 
      return itm+'= '+Numword.getWords(itm); 
     B= [1, 2, 3, 21, 28, 112].map(function(itm){ 
      return itm+ '= '+itm.toWords().ordinal(); 
     B.unshift('Ordinal format:'); 
     A= A.concat(B); 
      p2= doc('p', 'numword_div', '',itm); 
    mr('toWordsBtn').onclick= Numword.display; 
    mr('demoWordsBtn').onclick= Numword.sampler; 
    mr('clearWordsBtn').onclick= function(){ 
<p class="breadcrumbs"> <a href= "../webshop.html"> Home</a> 
| <a href="numwords.html">Words to Numbers</a></p> 
<div id= "numstringDiv"> 
<h1> Numbers to Words<br> 
<span> US-English version</span> </h1> 
<div style= "max-width:900px; font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman',serif;"> 
<p> Besides digits, numerical input can include a negative sign(-50), dollar sign ($50.25), 
decimal point (.), exponential (1.15e+25) or a real number with a division slash (1/2 or 9 3/4). 
<p> If you are expressing a positive integer you can return an ordinal number- 
that is, 21 converts to "twenty first" and 12 to "twelfth". Check the "Ordinal" box for this. 
<p id= " "> Use the "Demo" button for some examples.</p> 
<h3 style= "margin-top: 1em;"> Enter a number to convert to words</h3> 
<label> Ordinal:<input id= "ord_cbx" type= "checkbox"> </label> 
<input autocomplete= "off" size= "40" id= "strum_in" type= "text"> 
<button id= "toWordsBtn" type= "button" style= "margin-left: 1em;"> Convert</button> 
<button type= "button" id= "demoWordsBtn"> Demo</button> 
<button id= "clearWordsBtn" type= "button"> Clear</button> 
<div style= "font-weight: bold;" id= "numword_div"> 
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