2016-07-27 17 views

Ich möchte meine aktuelle Breite und Länge alle 30 Sekunden bekommen, aber ich kann die gleichen Koordinaten in jeder 30 Sekunde erhalten, es ändert sich nicht Ich benutze GPS-Klasse es ist unten.Wie kann ich den Standort ändern, wenn Ich bin zum Gerät gegangen.Aktuellen Standort mit GPS bekommen

public class GPSService extends Service implements LocationListener { 

    // saving the context for later use 
    private final Context mContext; 

    // if GPS is enabled 
    boolean isGPSEnabled = false; 
    // if Network is enabled 
    boolean isNetworkEnabled = false; 
    // if Location co-ordinates are available using GPS or Network 
    public boolean isLocationAvailable = false; 

    // Location and co-ordinates coordinates 
    Location mLocation; 
    double mLatitude; 
    double mLongitude; 

    // Minimum time fluctuation for next update (in milliseconds) 
    private static final long TIME = 30000; 
    // Minimum distance fluctuation for next update (in meters) 
    private static final long DISTANCE = 20; 

    // Declaring a Location Manager 
    protected LocationManager mLocationManager; 

    public GPSService(Context context) { 
     this.mContext = context; 
     mLocationManager = (LocationManager) mContext 


    * Returs the Location 
    * @return Location or null if no location is found 
    public Location getLocation() { 
     try { 

      // Getting GPS status 
      isGPSEnabled = mLocationManager 

      // If GPS enabled, get latitude/longitude using GPS Services 
      if (isGPSEnabled) { 
         LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, TIME, DISTANCE, this); 
       if (mLocationManager != null) { 
        mLocation = mLocationManager 
        if (mLocation != null) { 
         mLatitude = mLocation.getLatitude(); 
         mLongitude = mLocation.getLongitude(); 
         isLocationAvailable = true; // setting a flag that 
                // location is available 
         return mLocation; 

      // If we are reaching this part, it means GPS was not able to fetch 
      // any location 
      // Getting network status 
      isNetworkEnabled = mLocationManager 

      if (isNetworkEnabled) { 
         LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, TIME, DISTANCE, this); 
       if (mLocationManager != null) { 
        mLocation = mLocationManager 
        if (mLocation != null) { 
         mLatitude = mLocation.getLatitude(); 
         mLongitude = mLocation.getLongitude(); 
         isLocationAvailable = true; // setting a flag that 
                // location is available 
         return mLocation; 
      // If reaching here means, we were not able to get location neither 
      // from GPS not Network, 
      if (!isGPSEnabled) { 
       // so asking user to open GPS 

     } catch (Exception e) { 
     // if reaching here means, location was not available, so setting the 
     // flag as false 
     isLocationAvailable = false; 
     return null; 

    * Gives you complete address of the location 
    * @return complete address in String 
    public String getLocationAddress() { 

     if (isLocationAvailable) { 

      Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(mContext, Locale.getDefault()); 
      // Get the current location from the input parameter list 
      // Create a list to contain the result address 
      List<Address> addresses = null; 
      try { 
       * Return 1 address. 
       addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(mLatitude, mLongitude, 1); 
      } catch (IOException e1) { 
       return ("IO Exception trying to get address:" + e1); 
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) { 
       // Error message to post in the log 
       String errorString = "Illegal arguments " 
         + Double.toString(mLatitude) + " , " 
         + Double.toString(mLongitude) 
         + " passed to address service"; 
       return errorString; 
      // If the reverse geocode returned an address 
      if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0) { 
       // Get the first address 
       Address address = addresses.get(0); 
       * Format the first line of address (if available), city, and 
       * country name. 
       String addressText = String.format(
         "%s, %s, %s", 
         // If there's a street address, add it 
         address.getMaxAddressLineIndex() > 0 ? address 
           .getAddressLine(0) : "", 
         // Locality is usually a city 
         // The country of the address 
       // Return the text 
       return addressText; 
      } else { 
       return "No address found by the service: Note to the developers, If no address is found by google itself, there is nothing you can do about it."; 
     } else { 
      return "Location Not available"; 


    * get latitude 
    * @return latitude in double 
    public double getLatitude() { 
     if (mLocation != null) { 
      mLatitude = mLocation.getLatitude(); 
     return mLatitude; 

    * get longitude 
    * @return longitude in double 
    public double getLongitude() { 
     if (mLocation != null) { 
      mLongitude = mLocation.getLongitude(); 
     return mLongitude; 

    * close GPS to save battery 
    public void closeGPS() { 
     if (mLocationManager != null) { 

    * show settings to open GPS 
    public void askUserToOpenGPS() { 
     AlertDialog.Builder mAlertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext); 

     // Setting Dialog Title 
     mAlertDialog.setTitle("Location not available, Open GPS?") 
     .setMessage("Activate GPS to use use location services?") 
     .setPositiveButton("Open Settings", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 
      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { 
       Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS); 
      .setNegativeButton("Cancel",new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { 
       public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { 

    * Updating the location when location changes 
    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { 
     mLatitude = location.getLatitude(); 
     mLongitude = location.getLongitude(); 

    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) { 

    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) { 

    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) { 

    public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) { 
     return null; 


und ich rufe getLocation Methode für Myclass

double latitudem2, longitudem2; 
String cnvrt_latitude2,cnvrt_longitude2; 

if (mGPSService2.isLocationAvailable == false) { 

     cnvrt_latitude2 = "0"; 
     cnvrt_longitude2 = "0"; 

     // Or you can continue without getting the location, remove the return; above and uncomment the line given below 
     // address = "Location not available"; 
    } else { 


     // Getting current location co-ordinates 
     latitudem2 = mGPSService2.getLatitude(); 
     longitudem2 = mGPSService2.getLongitude(); 
     //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Latitude:" + latitudem + " | Longitude: " + longitudem, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 

     cnvrt_latitude2 = String.valueOf(latitudem2); 
     cnvrt_longitude2 = String.valueOf(longitudem2); 




ich eine andere Art und Weise verwendet. Ich denke du solltest Google Play verwenden.

dependencies { 
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:8.4.0' 

und in Ihrer Aktivität:

private void initGoogleClient() { 
    googleClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this) 

und dann die App registrieren:

LocationRequest req = new LocationRequest(); 
req.setInterval(60 * 60 * 1000); 
LocationServices.FusedLocationApi.requestLocationUpdates(googleClient, req, this); 

Sie die Priorität entsprechend Ihren Anforderungen ändern können. Vergessen Sie nicht, die Zuhörer in Ihrer Tätigkeit

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity 
     implements GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener, 
        LocationListener { 

I ähnlich zu wissen, nach UV-Index zur aktuellen Position gemacht, etwas zu implementieren. Sie können einen Blick auf meine post werfen.


Wenn ich meine Methode ausführen, funktioniert es, wenn ich zum Telefon wechseln Breite und Länge ändern auf meinem Handy, die Android 5.0, aber wenn ich auf meinem Tablet versuche, die Android 4.2 Standort ändert sich nicht. Hast du eine Idee zu diesem Problem? – Diego


Klingt ein bisschen komisch. Sie können versuchen, meinen Code zu verwenden und zu überprüfen, ob es funktioniert. Für mich hat es gut geklappt. – FrancescoAzzola

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