2017-04-24 5 views

Ich habe eine Federauflage-Anwendung entwickelt. Ich habe keinen Code für ein bestimmtes Verbindungspooling hinzugefügt. Ich dachte über HikariCP, boneCP oder cp30 nach.Hat Spring MVC/Rest ein eigenes Standard-Verbindungs-Pooling?

Jemand hat mir gesagt, dass Spring MVC/Rest sein eigenes internes Verbindungs-Pooling hat, also würde es keine Probleme geben, selbst wenn ich keine eigenen implementiere.

Ich habe versucht, im Internet zu finden, hat aber einige Zweifel. Bitte klären Sie.



Nein, Spring verfügt nicht über Standard-Verbindungs-Pooling, es verwendet Threadcat-Anforderungen für Web-Server [Tomcat] -Thread, aber für den Datenbankbetrieb können Sie beliebige verwenden, Spring-Boot mit Standard-Pooling als Standard das Hinzufügen anderer Konfigurationen überschreibt die anderen. Tomcat im Frühjahr boot:

server.tomcat.accept-count= # Maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request processing threads are in use. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.buffered=true # Buffer output such that it is only flushed periodically. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.directory=logs # Directory in which log files are created. Can be relative to the tomcat base dir or absolute. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.enabled=false # Enable access log. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.file-date-format=.yyyy-MM-dd # Date format to place in log file name. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.pattern=common # Format pattern for access logs. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.prefix=access_log # Log file name prefix. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.rename-on-rotate=false # Defer inclusion of the date stamp in the file name until rotate time. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.request-attributes-enabled=false # Set request attributes for IP address, Hostname, protocol and port used for the request. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.rotate=true # Enable access log rotation. 
    server.tomcat.accesslog.suffix=.log # Log file name suffix. 
    server.tomcat.additional-tld-skip-patterns= # Comma-separated list of additional patterns that match jars to ignore for TLD scanning. 
    server.tomcat.background-processor-delay=30 # Delay in seconds between the invocation of backgroundProcess methods. 
    server.tomcat.basedir= # Tomcat base directory. If not specified a temporary directory will be used. 
      172\\.3[0-1]{1}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3} # regular expression matching trusted IP addresses. 
    server.tomcat.max-connections= # Maximum number of connections that the server will accept and process at any given time. 
    server.tomcat.max-http-post-size=0 # Maximum size in bytes of the HTTP post content. 
    server.tomcat.max-threads=0 # Maximum amount of worker threads. 
    server.tomcat.min-spare-threads=0 # Minimum amount of worker threads. 
    server.tomcat.port-header=X-Forwarded-Port # Name of the HTTP header used to override the original port value. 
    server.tomcat.protocol-header= # Header that holds the incoming protocol, usually named "X-Forwarded-Proto". 
    server.tomcat.protocol-header-https-value=https # Value of the protocol header that indicates that the incoming request uses SSL. 
    server.tomcat.redirect-context-root= # Whether requests to the context root should be redirected by appending a/to the path. 

für Datenquelle:

# DATASOURCE (DataSourceAutoConfiguration & DataSourceProperties) 
spring.datasource.continue-on-error=false # Do not stop if an error occurs while initializing the database. 
spring.datasource.data= # Data (DML) script resource references. 
spring.datasource.data-username= # User of the database to execute DML scripts (if different). 
spring.datasource.data-password= # Password of the database to execute DML scripts (if different). 
spring.datasource.dbcp2.*= # Commons DBCP2 specific settings 
spring.datasource.driver-class-name= # Fully qualified name of the JDBC driver. Auto-detected based on the URL by default. 
spring.datasource.generate-unique-name=false # Generate a random datasource name. 
spring.datasource.hikari.*= # Hikari specific settings 
spring.datasource.initialize=true # Populate the database using 'data.sql'. 
spring.datasource.jmx-enabled=false # Enable JMX support (if provided by the underlying pool). 
spring.datasource.jndi-name= # JNDI location of the datasource. Class, url, username & password are ignored when set. 
spring.datasource.name=testdb # Name of the datasource. 
spring.datasource.password= # Login password of the database. 
spring.datasource.platform=all # Platform to use in the schema resource (schema-${platform}.sql). 
spring.datasource.schema= # Schema (DDL) script resource references. 
spring.datasource.schema-username= # User of the database to execute DDL scripts (if different). 
spring.datasource.schema-password= # Password of the database to execute DDL scripts (if different). 
spring.datasource.separator=; # Statement separator in SQL initialization scripts. 
spring.datasource.sql-script-encoding= # SQL scripts encoding. 
spring.datasource.tomcat.*= # Tomcat datasource specific settings 
spring.datasource.type= # Fully qualified name of the connection pool implementation to use. By default, it is auto-detected from the classpath. 
spring.datasource.url= # JDBC url of the database. 
spring.datasource.username= # Login user of the database. 
spring.datasource.xa.data-source-class-name= # XA datasource fully qualified name. 
spring.datasource.xa.properties= # Properties to pass to the XA data source.