2009-06-05 9 views

Ich kann dieses Skript nicht richtig funktionieren. Wenn ich versuche, eine Domain an sie zu übergeben, gibt sie immer VERFÜGBAR zurück, sogar für cnn.com! $ message ist der Name der Domain, für die ich die Verfügbarkeit überprüfe.PHP-Funktion zur Überprüfung der Verfügbarkeit der Domain funktioniert nicht

Dies ist der Funktionsaufruf;


// Initializing class 
$domain=new domain("$message"); 

// Checking if domain is available 
$status = "$message is available"; 
$status = "$message is unavailable"; 
echo = $status; 

Und das ist domain.class.php;

class domain{ 
var $domain=""; 
var $servers=array(
array("com","whois.geektools.com","No match"), 
    array("net","whois.geektools.com","No match"), 
     array("org","whois.geektools.com","No match"), 

var $idn=array(224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,240,236,237,238,239,241,242,243,244,245,246,248,254,249,250,251,252,253,255); 
// var $idn=array("00E0","00E1","00E2","00E3","00E4","00E5","0101","0103","0105","00E6","00E7","0107","0109","010B","010D","010F","0111","00E8","00E9","00EA","00EB","0113","0115","0117","0119","011B","014B","00F0","011D","011F","0121","0123","0125","0127","00EC","00ED","00EE","00EF","0129","012B","012D","012F","0131","0135","0137","0138","013A","013C","013E","0142","00F1","0144","0146","0148","00F2","00F3","00F4","00F5","00F6","00F8","014D","014F","0151","0153","0155","0157","0159","015B","015D","015F","0161","0163","0165","0167","00FE","00F9","00FA","00FB","00FC","0169","016B","016D","016F","0171","0173","0175","00FD","00FF","0177","017A","017C","017E"); 

function domain($str_domainname){ 

function info(){ 


      $fp = fsockopen($whois_server,43); 

//    fputs($fp, "$dom\r\n"); 

      // New IDN 
      if($tldname=="de") { 
       fputs($fp, "-C ISO-8859-1 -T dn $dom\r\n"); 
      } else { 
       fputs($fp, "$dom\r\n"); 

      // Getting string 

      // Checking whois server for .com and .net 
      if($tldname=="com" || $tldname=="net" || $tldname=="edu"){ 



        if(strtolower($lineArr[0])=="whois server"){ 
       // Getting whois information 
       $fp = fsockopen($whois_server,43); 

       fputs($fp, "$dom\r\n"); 

       // Getting string 


       // Checking for other tld's 

      return $string; 
      return "No whois server for this tld in list!"; 
     return "Domainname isn't valid!"; 

* Returns the whois data of the domain in HTML format 
* @return string $whoisdata Whois data as string in HTML 
* @desc Returns the whois data of the domain in HTML format 
function html_info(){ 
    return nl2br($this->info()); 

* Returns name of the whois server of the tld 
* @return string $server the whois servers hostname 
* @desc Returns name of the whois server of the tld 
function get_whois_server(){ 
    return $server; 

* Returns the tld of the domain without domain name 
* @return string $tldname the tlds name without domain name 
* @desc Returns the tld of the domain without domain name 
function get_tld(){ 
    // Splitting domainname 
    return $tldname; 

* Returns all tlds which are supported by the class 
* @return array $tlds all tlds as array 
* @desc Returns all tlds which are supported by the class 
function get_tlds(){ 
    return $tlds; 

* Returns the name of the domain without tld 
* @return string $domain the domains name without tld name 
* @desc Returns the name of the domain without tld 
function get_domain(){ 
    // Splitting domainname 
    return $domain[0]; 

* Returns the full domain 
* @return string $fulldomain 
* @desc Returns the full domain 
function get_fulldomain(){ 
    return $this->domain; 

* Returns the string which will be returned by the whois server of the tld if a domain is avalable 
* @return string $notfound the string which will be returned by the whois server of the tld if a domain is avalable 
* @desc Returns the string which will be returned by the whois server of the tld if a domain is avalable 
function get_notfound_string(){ 
    return $notfound; 

* Returns if the domain is available for registering 
* @return boolean $is_available Returns 1 if domain is available and 0 if domain isn't available 
* @desc Returns if the domain is available for registering 
function is_available(){ 
    $whois_string=$this->info(); // Gets the entire WHOIS query from registrar 
    $not_found_string=$this->get_notfound_string(); // Gets 3rd item from array 
    $domain=$this->domain; // Gets current domain being queried 

    [email protected]_replace("$domain","",$whois_string); 

    $whois_string [email protected]_replace("/\s+/"," ",$whois_string); //Replace whitespace with single space 


      return true; 
      return false; 
      return true; 
      return false; 

function get_cn_server($whois_text){ 


* Returns if the domain name is valid 
* @return boolean $is_valid Returns 1 if domain is valid and 0 if domain isn't valid 
* @desc Returns if the domain name is valid 
function is_valid(){ 


    // If it's a tld with two Strings (like co.uk) 


     for($i=0;$i<count($this->servers) && $found==false;$i++){ 
      return false; 

    }else if(count($domainArr)>3){ 
     return false; 

    // Creating regular expression for 
      // $idn.="\x".$this->idn[$i].""; 

    if(ereg($pattern,strtolower($this->get_domain())) && !ereg("^-|-$",strtolower($this->get_domain())) && !preg_match("/--/",strtolower($this->get_domain()))){ 
     return true; 
     return false; 

Ive über das Studium und verschiedene Dinge für eine Weile versuchen. Könnte mir jemand in die richtige Richtung zeigen? Ich liebe es zu lernen, was ich hier vermisse.


Wenn Sie mehr als 250 Zeilen Code gehen zu schreiben, dann haben Sie sich etwas Mühe geben und beschreiben, wie weit Sie es bei der Fehlersuche haben. Verfolgen Sie durch Ihren Code und geben Sie einen Hinweis, wo Sie kämpfen - ist es eine Regex ?, das Whois-Protokoll ?, etc .... –



Ich habe das Problem auf mindestens zwei Methoden in domain.class.php isoliert, die gebrochen sind. Hier ist eine schnelle Lösung.

die Domäne Validierung Take away:

function is_valid(){ //because this always returns false 
    return true; 

auch, get_whois_server() nichts immer zurück. So kehren wir eine Zeichenkette aus get_whois_server(), das heißt:

function get_whois_server(){ 
    return "whois.geektools.com"; //the whois server declared in the class does work 

Schließlich whois.geektools.com ihre No Match-String geändert, um "keine Information" und das ist, wie wir wissen, wann eine Domain ist verfügbar. Ändern Sie die Anordnung am Anfang der Klasse:

array("com","whois.geektools.com","no information"), //No match to "no information" 
     array("net","whois.geektools.com","No match"), 
       array("org","whois.geektools.com","No match"), 

Dann wie erwartet:

$domain = new domain("google.com"); //make sure to leave out http:// and www 
//Returns "is unavailable"; 


$domain = new domain("jsdhfsdfkljsadhjds.com"); //make sure to leave out http:// and www 
//Returns "is available"; 
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