2017-11-15 1 views

Ich versuche, Setup Scherz Konfiguration für IntelliJ aber ich erhalte diesen Fehler in der IDE Failed to parse Jest config jest.config.js: malformed JSON: enter image description hereMalformed JSON läuft Jest in IntelliJ IDEA

jedoch die Tests in der Konsole arbeiten:

➜ project-web git:(master) ✗ jest --config jest.config.js src/client/components 
PASS src/client/components/FormInput/index.test.tsx 
PASS src/client/components/Card/index.test.tsx 
PASS src/client/components/Button/indext.test.tsx 
PASS src/client/components/StepsBar/components/Step/Step.test.jsx 
FAIL src/client/components/Help/index.test.tsx 

Whith dieser IDE-Konfiguration: IDE configuration

Und jest.config.js:

module.exports = { 
    moduleFileExtensions: ["js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx"], 
    ["moduleNameMapper"]: { 
    // These take care of webpack's alias 
    ["^Redux(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/client/redux$1", 
    ["^Static(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/static$1", 
    ["^Components(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/client/components$1", 
    ["^Hoc(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/client/hoc$1", 
    ["^Services(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/client/services$1", 
    ["^Constants(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/client/constants$1", 
    ["^Scenes(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/client/scenes$1", 
    ["^Types(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/client/types", 
    ["^Helpers(.*)"]: "<rootDir>/src/client/helpers$1", 

    // These take care of imports of non-js assets (which are allowed by 
    // webpack, but not by Babel). Will import the object specified in the 
    // matching mock file instead of the asset. The object keys act as regex. 
    ["\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$"]: "<rootDir>/src/__mocks__/fileMock.js", 
    ["\\.(css|less)$"]: "<rootDir>/src/__mocks__/styleMock.js" 
    // NOTE: in the regexs above, "\\." means "a literal period" because the two 
    // slashes collapse into one. 
    // Test files to exclude. Note that node_modules are excluded by default, but 
    // because we're overwriting the default array, they must be added again. 
    testPathIgnorePatterns: ["<rootDir>/src/build/", "<rootDir>/node_modules/"], 

    // Transform functions. Any file matching the following regexs will be 
    // transpiled **synchronously** with the specified function. 
    transform: { 
    ["^.+\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$"]: "<rootDir>/src/build/test/transformer.js" 
    testMatch: [ 
    modulePaths: ["<rootDir>/src/client/", "<rootDir>/src/static/"], 
    setupFiles: ["<rootDir>/test/jestSetup.js"], 
    snapshotSerializers: ["enzyme-to-json/serializer"], 

Wenn ich keine Konfigurationsdatei in der Konfiguration der IDE einstelle, wird der Test mit der Standardkonfiguration und nicht mit meiner jest.config.js Datei ausgeführt.



ich auch dieses Problem haben. Ich kann die Tests im webstorm laufen lassen, wenn ich das jest.config.js reines JSON mache (entferne '' 'module.exports =' ''), aber dann kann ich nicht vom Terminal laufen – Steph


Ich schuf ein Problem in ihrem Plattform. Ich werde dich auf dem Laufenden halten. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-182942 –
