2016-07-17 9 views

Aus "How to exit GNU Octave, after running an m file, without closing plot windows?" kam die Frage, ob man Vektoren von einem C++ - Programm zu einer GNU Octave-Funktion übergeben kann. Ich habe dieses C++ Programm:Wie übergeben Sie Vektoren zu GNU Octave-Funktionen in C++ - Programmen?

#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <string> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <cmath> 
#include <utility> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <octave/oct.h> 
#include <octave/octave.h> 
#include <octave/parse.h> 
#include <octave/toplev.h> 
using namespace std; 

double N  = 1000.0; 
double t0 = 0.0; 
double t1 = 10.0; 
double x0 = 0.0; 
double dx0 = 0.0; 
double h  = (t1 - t0)/double(N); 

double dx2(double t, double x, double dx) 
    return {-9.8*cos(x + dx)}; 

std::pair<double, double> RK4(double t, double x, double dx, double h) 
    // k values are diffs in dy/dx. 
    // l values are diffs in x. 
    double k1, k2, k3, k4, l1, l2, l3, l4, diff1, diff2; 
    k1 = h*dx2(t,x,dx); 
    l1 = h*dx; 
    k2 = h*dx2(t+h/2,x+l1/2,dx+k1/2); 
    l2 = h*(dx+k1/2); 
    k3 = h*dx2(t+h/2,x+l2/2,dx+k2/2); 
    l3 = h*(dx+k2/2); 
    k4 = h*dx2(t+h,x+l3,dx+k3); 
    l4 = h*(dx+k3); 
    diff1 = (l1+2*l2+2*l3+l4)/float(6); // diff in x. 
    diff2 = (k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/float(6); // diff in y. 
    return {diff1, diff2}; 

int main() 
    std::vector<double> t; 
    std::vector<double> x; 
    std::vector<double> dx; 

    ofstream myfile; 
     ofstream myfiledx; 

    for(int i = 1; i<=N; i++) { 
     auto diff = RK4(t[i-1],x[i-1],dx[i-1],h); 
     t.push_back( t[i-1] + h); 
     x.push_back( x[i-1] + diff.first ); 
     dx.push_back(dx[i-1] + diff.second); 
     myfile << t[i-1]; 
     myfile << " " << x[i-1] << "\n"; 
       myfiledx << x[i-1]; 
       myfiledx << " " << dx[i-1] << "\n"; 
    myfile << t[N]; 
     myfile << " " << x[N]; 
     myfiledx << x[N]; 
     myfiledx << " " << dx[N]; 

    pid_t pid = fork(); 

    if(pid != 0) // parent 
     std::cout << "parent, exiting\n"; 
      // arguments for octave 
     string_vector argv (2); 
     argv(0) = "embedded"; 
     argv(1) = "-q"; // quiet 

     // start octave, run embedded (third parameter == true) 
     octave_main (2, argv.c_str_vec(), true); 

     // read the script file 

     // call the function with an argument 
     octave_value_list in; 
     in(0) = t; 
      in(1) = x; 
      in(2) = dx; 

     std::cout << "octave (child process) done\n"; 
     clean_up_and_exit(0); // quit octave. This also quits the program, 
            // so use this together with atexit, if you 
            // need to do something else after octave exits 

die in(0), in(1) und in(2) Begrenzungslinien sind, wo das Problem in diesem Code existiert. Wie immer, wenn dieses Programm kompiliert wird und den Fehler:

/usr/bin/g++ -Wall -fPIC -L/usr/lib/octave/4.0.3 -I/usr/include/octave-4.0.3 -loctave -loctinterp -o "simppenadj.o" "simppenadj.cpp" && chmod +x simppenadj.o && ./simppenadj.o 
simppenadj.cpp: In function ‘int main()’: 
simppenadj.cpp:97:14: error: no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘octave_value’ and ‘std::vector<double>’) 
     in(0) = t; 
In file included from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/oct-obj.h:33:0, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov-fcn.h:31, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov-builtin.h:28, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/defun-int.h:28, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/defun-dld.h:30, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/oct.h:36, 
       from simppenadj.cpp:8: 
/usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov.h:356:17: note: candidate: octave_value& octave_value::operator=(const octave_value&) 
    octave_value& operator = (const octave_value& a) 
/usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov.h:356:17: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘std::vector<double>’ to ‘const octave_value&’ 
simppenadj.cpp:98:12: error: no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘octave_value’ and ‘std::vector<double>’) 
    in(1) = x; 
In file included from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/oct-obj.h:33:0, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov-fcn.h:31, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov-builtin.h:28, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/defun-int.h:28, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/defun-dld.h:30, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/oct.h:36, 
       from simppenadj.cpp:8: 
/usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov.h:356:17: note: candidate: octave_value& octave_value::operator=(const octave_value&) 
    octave_value& operator = (const octave_value& a) 
/usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov.h:356:17: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘std::vector<double>’ to ‘const octave_value&’ 
simppenadj.cpp:99:12: error: no match for ‘operator=’ (operand types are ‘octave_value’ and ‘std::vector<double>’) 
    in(2) = dx; 
In file included from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/oct-obj.h:33:0, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov-fcn.h:31, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov-builtin.h:28, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/defun-int.h:28, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/defun-dld.h:30, 
       from /usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/oct.h:36, 
       from simppenadj.cpp:8: 
/usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov.h:356:17: note: candidate: octave_value& octave_value::operator=(const octave_value&) 
    octave_value& operator = (const octave_value& a) 
/usr/include/octave-4.0.3/octave/ov.h:356:17: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘std::vector<double>’ to ‘const octave_value&’ 
make: *** [Makefile:3: all] Error 1 

zurückgegeben wird. So gibt es offensichtlich ein Eingabeproblem mit std::vector<double> Eingaben. Die Frage ist also: "Wie werden Vektoren von C++ - Programmen an GNU Octave-Funktionen übergeben, die in diesen Programmen aufgerufen werden?"


Warum verwenden Sie C++ überhaupt? Es scheint, dass alle Ihre Berechnungen leicht in Oktave durchgeführt werden können. Ich denke, das würde viele Probleme lösen. – pschulz


Ich benutze es, weil ich versuche, C++ zu lernen, ich kenne die Syntax von GNU Octave schon ziemlich gut, aber ich verstehe C++ nicht sehr gut und möchte es. – BH2017


Die API ist in https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/External-Code-Interface.html#External-Code-Interface beschrieben und Sie finden einige Beispiele in (na, wer ' Vermutlich?) in den ./Beispielen. Verwenden von Matrix und Vektoren zum Beispiel in https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/Matrices-and-Arrays-in-Oct_002dFiles.html#Matrices-and-Arrays-in-Oct_002dFiles TL; DR: Verwenden Sie Klasse Matrix und nicht std :: vector, obwohl es eine c'tor in ovl – Andy



ich ist dies durch eine kleine Schleife zu tun:

std::vector<double> x; 
Matrix inMatrix_x(x.size(), 1); 
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) 
    inMatrix_x(i, 0) = x.at(i); // inMatrix_x(i) would also do the job 
octave_value_list in; 
in(0) = inMatrix_x; 

Wenn Sie Daten von einem skript zurück zu erhalten, müssen Sie über outMatrix_y.length() iterize.

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