2017-09-28 3 views

Wenn cURL oder Postman verwenden, alles wiepost-Methode Fehler NodeJS req.body ist Renditen {}

curl -d 'username=Johny Sample&title=My First Post&description=We want some help cleaning up after the hurricane&postID=Johny Sample_1' http://localhost:3000/NewPost

Anforderer Ergebnisse

{"posterID":"Johny Sample","title":"My First Post","description":"We want some help cleaning up after the hurricane"}

expcted arbeitet

Server Ergebnisse

req.body == { 
\t \t \t \t username: 'Johny Sample', 
\t  \t \t \t title: 'My First Post', 
\t \t \t \t description: 'We want some help cleaning up after the hurricane', 
\t \t \t \t postID: 'Johny Sample_1' 
    \t \t \t }

funktioniert nicht von Browser


function gatherData() 
\t { 
\t \t var retData \t ='title='+el("title").value+''; 
\t \t retData  \t +='&description='+el('description').value+''; 
\t \t postID \t \t \t = 'Johny Sample_1'; 
\t \t return \t \t \t retData; 
\t } 
\t function save() { 
\t \t var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); 
\t \t \t xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { 
\t  \t \t if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) { 
\t \t \t \t a = xhttp.responseText; 
\t  \t \t } 
\t \t }; 
\t \t xhttp.open("POST", "http://localhost:3000/NewPost", true); 
\t \t var sendData = gatherData(); 
\t \t xhttp.send(sendData); 
\t }


Anforderer Ergebnisse


Server Ergebnisse

{} {}

Server Side-Code

\t app.post('/NewPost', function (req, res) { 
\t \t console.log(req.body); 
\t \t var post \t = {}; 
\t \t post.posterID \t = req.body.username; 
\t \t post.title \t = req.body.title; 
\t \t post.description= req.body.description; 
\t \t post.ID \t \t = req.body.ID; 
\t \t console.log(post); 
\t \t res.send(post); 
\t })


Haben Sie 'checked req.query' statt' req.body' wenn die URL durch Browser schlagen? –



Sie müssen sich für POST HTTP-Header hinzufügen

xhttp.open("POST", "http://localhost:3000/NewPost", true); 
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); 
var sendData = gatherData(); 

Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe, ich war nicht vertraut mit diesem Inhaltstyp Optionen ... nochmals vielen Dank !! –