2017-06-06 2 views

Immer wenn ich ein SYN-Paket mit meinem Programm senden, bekomme ich keine Antwort.Ich weiß, dass der Server funktioniert, weil ich mit dem normalen Socket connect() Methode verbinden kann, aber wenn ich es versuche Mit RAW-Sockets bekomme ich keine Antwort, nicht einmal eine RST.SYN Paket bekommen keine Antworten (Python) Raw Sockets

Hier ist mein Paket nach Wireshark

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 5173 (5173), Dst Port: 5005 n (5005), Seq: 0, Len: 0 
    Source Port: 5173 
    Destination Port: 5005 
    [Stream index: 15] 
    [TCP Segment Len: 0] 
    Sequence number: 0 (relative sequence number) 
    Acknowledgment number: 0 
    Header Length: 40 bytes 
    Flags: 0x002 (SYN) 
     000. .... .... = Reserved: Not set 
     ...0 .... .... = Nonce: Not set 
     .... 0... .... = Congestion Window Reduced (CWR): Not set 
     .... .0.. .... = ECN-Echo: Not set 
     .... ..0. .... = Urgent: Not set 
     .... ...0 .... = Acknowledgment: Not set 
     .... .... 0... = Push: Not set 
     .... .... .0.. = Reset: Not set 
     .... .... ..1. = Syn: Set 
     .... .... ...0 = Fin: Not set 
     [TCP Flags: **********S*] 
    Window size value: 53270 
    [Calculated window size: 53270] 
    Checksum: 0x9f18 [incorrect, should be 0x90ae (maybe caused by "TCP checksum offload"?)] 
    Urgent pointer: 0 
    Options: (20 bytes), Maximum segment size, SACK permitted, Timestamps, No-Operation (NOP), Window scale 
     Maximum segment size: 65495 bytes 
      Kind: Maximum Segment Size (2) 
      Length: 4 
      MSS Value: 65495 
     TCP SACK Permitted Option: True 
      Kind: SACK Permitted (4) 
      Length: 2 
     Timestamps: TSval 378701, TSecr 0 
      Kind: Time Stamp Option (8) 
      Length: 10 
      Timestamp value: 378701 
      Timestamp echo reply: 0 
     No-Operation (NOP) 
      Type: 1 
       0... .... = Copy on fragmentation: No 
       .00. .... = Class: Control (0) 
       ...0 0001 = Number: No-Operation (NOP) (1) 
     Window scale: 7 (multiply by 128) 
    [SEQ/ACK analysis] 

Und hier ist mein Python-Code


import socket 
from struct import * 
import random 

s = socket.socket() 
host = "" 
destination = "" 

CLRF = '\r\n' 
print destination 
port = 5173 

#s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
#s.connect((host, 5005)) 

    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_RAW) 
except socket.error , msg: 
    print 'Socket could not be created. Error Code : ' + str(msg[0]) + ' Message ' + msg[1] 

ipSource = '' 

#IP header 

ipIHL = 5 # Header Length 
ipVersion = 4 # ipv4/v6 
ipTOS = 0 # type of service 
ipTotalLen = 0 ## Kernel will fill correct length apparently 
ipPackID = random.randint(1,1000) 

ipReserved = 0 
ipNoFrag = 1 
ipMoreFrags = 0 

ipFragOffset = 0 #Fragment offset 
ipTTL = 64 
ipProtocol = socket.IPPROTO_TCP 
ipChecksum = 0 # Magic kernel filling in at work again 
ipSource = socket.inet_aton (host) 
ipDest = socket.inet_aton (destination) 

#Packing IP flags 
ipFlags = ipMoreFrags + (ipNoFrag << 1) + (ipReserved << 2) 
ipFragOffset = (ipFlags << 13) + ipFragOffset 

ipIHLVersion = (ipVersion << 4) + ipIHL 

headerIP = pack('!BBHHHBBH4s4s',ipIHLVersion, ipTOS, ipTotalLen, ipPackID, ipFragOffset, ipTTL, ipProtocol, ipChecksum, ipSource, ipDest) 

#Checksum function 
def carry_around_add(a, b): 
    c = a + b 
    return (c & 0xffff) + (c >> 16) 

def checksum(msg): 
    s = 0 
    for i in range(0, len(msg), 2): 
     w = ord(msg[i]) + (ord(msg[i+1]) << 8) 
     s = carry_around_add(s, w) 
    return ~s & 0xffff 

#TCP Header 
tcpSourcePort = port #Source Port 
tcpDestPort = 5005 #Destination Port 
tcpSeqNum = 0 #Packet sequence 
tcpAckNum = 0 #Ackknowledge Number 
tcpOffset = 10 #Size of tcp header 20 bytes 
#tcpReserved = 0 
#tcpECN = 0 
#Control Flags 
tcpURG = 0 
tcpACK = 0 
tcpPSH = 0 
tcpRST = 0 
tcpSYN = 1 
tcpFIN = 0 
tcpWindow = socket.htons (5840) #Dunno how this works 
tcpChecksum = 0 
tcpUrgentPointer = 0 
#TCP Options 
tcpMaxSegmentSize = (2 << 24) + (4 << 16) + 65495 # Kind + Length + Max Segment Size 
tcpSACKPermitted = (4 << 8) + 2#Kind + Length 
#Split TCP TImestamps into 2 because too large 

tcpTimestampPartOne = (8 << 8) + (10) #Kind + Length 
tcpTimestampPartTwo = (378701 << 32) + 0 #Timestamp Value + Timestamp echo reply 
tcpNoOp = (0 << 7) + (0 << 5) + 1 #Copy on fragmentation + Class + Number 
tcpWindowScale = (3 << 16)+ (3 << 8) + 7 #Kind + Length(Bytes) +Shift CountS 

#Combine both due to length issues 
tcpNoOpAndWindowScale = (tcpNoOp << 24) + tcpWindowScale 

tcpOffsetResult = (tcpOffset << 4) + 0 #Shift 4 bytes to left 

#Putting together all the TCP Control Flags 
tcpFlags = tcpFIN + (tcpSYN << 1) + (tcpRST << 2) + (tcpPSH << 3) + (tcpACK << 4) + (tcpURG << 5) 

#Packing the pseudo TCP header 
headerTCP = pack('!HHLLBBHHHLHHQL', tcpSourcePort, tcpDestPort, tcpSeqNum, tcpAckNum, tcpOffsetResult, tcpFlags, tcpWindow, tcpChecksum, tcpUrgentPointer, tcpMaxSegmentSize, tcpSACKPermitted, tcpTimestampPartOne, tcpTimestampPartTwo, tcpNoOpAndWindowScale) 

#headerTCP = pack('!HHLLBBHHH', tcpSourcePort, tcpDestPort, tcpSeqNum, tcpAckNum, tcpOffsetResult, tcpFlags, tcpWindow, tcpChecksum, tcpUrgentPointer) 

#data = 'GET ./asd HTTP/1.1' 
data = '' 

#Checksum Calculation 
#Pseudo Header Fields 
sourceAddr = socket.inet_aton(host) 
destAddr = socket.inet_aton(destination) 
placeholder = 0 
protocol = socket.IPPROTO_TCP 
tcpLen = len(headerTCP) + len(data) 

psh = pack('!4s4sBBH', sourceAddr, destAddr, placeholder, protocol, tcpLen); 
psh = psh + headerTCP + data; 

#Calc checksum 
tcpChecksumReal = (checksum(psh) << 1) 


#Pack actual tcp header with checksum 
headerTCP = pack('!HHLLBBH', tcpSourcePort, tcpDestPort, tcpSeqNum, tcpAckNum, tcpOffsetResult, tcpFlags, tcpWindow) + pack('!H', 40728) + pack ('!H', tcpUrgentPointer) + pack('!LHHQL', tcpMaxSegmentSize, tcpSACKPermitted, tcpTimestampPartOne, tcpTimestampPartTwo, tcpNoOpAndWindowScale) 

#Build full packet/ip with tcp with data 
packet = headerIP + headerTCP + data 
#print [hex(ord(c)) for c in packet] 
s.sendto(packet, (destination,0)) 

Jede Hilfe würde geschätzt, Dank im Voraus.


Ich sehe die wireshark sagte Prüfsumme ist falsch. Wenn Sie das Capture auf dem Computer ausführen, auf dem das Python-Skript ausgeführt wird, und Ihre Netzwerkkarte die Prüfsummenberechnung nicht durch Auslagerung wiederherstellen wird, wird das Paket von keinem TCP-Stack akzeptiert und nicht gesendet/empfangen. –


@KenCheung Ohh richtig, ich habe das behoben, aber gibt es trotzdem eine Entlastung? Ich kann bei meinen Suchen nichts finden –



Credits @KenCheung für die Antwort

Stellt sich heraus, es war die Prüfsumme, die Prüfsumme aus den Headern ich als Referenz verwendet auch falsch waren, aber die Netzwerkkarte, sie wurde ausgelagert.