2017-02-23 4 views

Ich glaube, ich habe eine funktionierende Javascript-Funktionen, die eine Liste von Fragen und Entscheidungen auf einer einzigen Seite generieren sollte, aber nicht ausgeführt wird und keine Fehler auf Chrome-Konsole ausgeführt werden.Javascript wird nicht vom Array generiert

-Am Moment Ich habe zwei Funktionen Funktion createQuestions & createChoices -Ich habe tun einige zusätzliche Variablen an der Spitze für den späteren Stadien, aber ich will jetzt nur die Fragen und Antworten angezeigt werden soll.

//end screen counters 
var incorrectCounter = 0; 
var correctCounter = 0; 
var notAnsweredCounter = 0; 
var quiz = $('#quiz'); 
var index = 0; 

//empty array to push each selected answer to 
var userGuess = []; 
var answerKey = ["html", "css", "jquery", "none of the above"]; 



//function that runs the questions and possible choices at start up 
$(window).ready(function startUp() { 

    //all questions and choices are in a large array 
    var questionArray = [{ 
    questions: "what did we learn in week 1?", 
    //smaller array within the large array for each possible answer for each question 
    choices: ["html", "css", "jquery", "javascript", "none of the above"] 
    }, { 
    questions: "what did we learn in week 2?", 
    choices: ["html", "css", "jquery", "javascript", "none of the above"] 
    }, { 
    questions: "what did we learn in week 4?", 
    choices: ["html", "css", "jquery", "javascript", "none of the above"] 
    }, { 
    questions: "what did we learn in week 5?", 
    choices: ["html", "css", "jquery", "javascript", "none of the above"] 

    function createQuestions(index) { 
    var trivia = $('<div>', { 
     id: 'question' 

    var header = $('<h2>Question ' + (index + 1) + ':</h2>'); 

    var question = $('<p>').append(questions[index].question); 

    var radioButtons = createChoices(index); 

    return trivia; 


    function createChoices(index) { 
    var radioList = $("<ul>"); 
    var item; 
    var input = ""; 
    for (i = 0; i < questionArray[index].choices.length; i++) { 
     item = $('<li>'); 
     input = '<input type="radio" name="answer" value=' + i + ' />'; 
     input += question[index].choices[i]; 
    return radioList; 

    //End of the start up function 
<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <title>Trivia Game: Easy Ver.</title> 
    <link href="assets/images"> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous"> 
    <link href="assets/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 
    <!--Here is the jquery code --> 
    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.js" integrity="sha256-iT6Q9iMJYuQiMWNd9lDyBUStIq/8PuOW33aOqmvFpqI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> 


    <!--Start of main container --> 
    <div id="maincontainer" class="container"> 
    <h1>Basic Trivia Game</h1> 

     Time Remaining: 
     <p id="timerDiv">00:00 Test</p> 

    <div class="container weekDiv"> 

     <p id="quiz">still a test?</p> 

     <button id="submit">Submit Answers test</button> 
    <br /> 

    <!--End of main container --> 

    <!--Test for adding a footer via javascript --> 
    <div id="footer"> 
    HTML test, will be replaced (footer) 


    <script src="assets/javascript/app.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 



Könnten Sie eine Template-Bibliothek verwenden, anstatt sie von Hand zu erzeugen? Schnurrbart zum Beispiel. – giubueno


der prof nie sagte, wir könnten nicht, aber ich glaube nicht, dass das der Zweck der Aufgabe ist –


Werden Sie diese Fragen eins nach dem anderen erzeugen? –



Sieht aus wie Sie einige Funktionsaufrufe sind vermisst und nicht die richtige Variable aufrufen.

versuchen Sie dies:

//end screen counters 
var incorrectCounter = 0; 
var correctCounter = 0; 
var notAnsweredCounter = 0; 
var quiz = $('#quiz'); 
var index = 0; 

//empty array to push each selected answer to 
var userGuess = []; 
var answerKey = ["html", "css", "jquery", "none of the above"]; 

//function that runs the questions and possible choices at start up 
$(window).ready(function startUp() { 

    //all questions and choices are in a large array 
    var questionArray = [{ 
    questions: "what did we learn in week 1?", 
    //smaller array within the large array for each possible answer for each question 
    choices: ["html", "css", "jquery", "javascript", "none of the above"] 
    }, { 
    questions: "what did we learn in week 2?", 
    choices: ["html", "css", "jquery", "javascript", "none of the above"] 
    }, { 
    questions: "what did we learn in week 4?", 
    choices: ["html", "css", "jquery", "javascript", "none of the above"] 
    }, { 
    questions: "what did we learn in week 5?", 
    choices: ["html", "css", "jquery", "javascript", "none of the above"] 

    function createQuestions() { 
    var trivia = $('<div>', { 
     id: 'question' 

    var header = $('<h2>Question ' + (index + 1) + ':</h2>'); 

    var question = $('<p>').text(questionArray[index].questions); 

    var radioButtons = createChoices(index); 


    function createChoices(index) { 
    var radioList = $("<ul>"); 
    var item; 
    var input = ""; 
    for (i = 0; i < questionArray[index].choices.length; i++) { 
     item = $('<li>'); 
     input = '<input type="radio" name="answer" value=' + i + ' />'; 
     input += questionArray[index].choices[i]; 
    return radioList; 


    //End of the start up function 
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