2016-09-28 2 views

Mein Code zeigt einen Fehler und ich weiß nicht, was es tatsächlich verursacht, diese Zeile: HttpURLConnection con = client.open (neue URL (imageUrl));OkHttpClient() offene Methode zeigt Fehler

package www.com.easyrecepee; 

import android.app.Activity; 
import android.content.Context; 
import android.graphics.Bitmap; 
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; 
import android.os.AsyncTask; 
import android.view.LayoutInflater; 
import android.util.LruCache; 
import android.view.View; 
import android.view.ViewGroup; 
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; 
import android.widget.ImageView; 
import android.widget.TextView; 

import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; 
import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; 
import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; 

import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.net.HttpURLConnection; 
import java.net.URL; 
import java.util.List; 

* Created by Joshua on 9/28/2016. 
public class PlacesListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Places> { 
    private Context context; 
    private List<Places> placesList; 

    private LruCache<String, Bitmap> imageCache; 

    // create a field of the RequestQueue to be used by volley 
    // so it persist through out the life time of the class 
    //private RequestQueue queue; 

    public OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); 

    public PlacesListAdapter(Context context, int resources, List<Places> objects) { 
     super(context, resources, objects); 
     this.context = context; 
     this.placesList = objects; 

     final int maxMemory = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()/1024); 
     final int cacheSize = maxMemory/8; 
     imageCache = new LruCache<>(cacheSize); 

     // instantiate the queue field and passing current context 
     // so its associated with proper activity 
     //queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context); 

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { 

     LayoutInflater inflater = 
       (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Activity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); 
     View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.item_vicinity, parent, false); 

     // Display places name in the TextView widget 
     final Places places = placesList.get(position); 
     TextView placeTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.place_title); 
     TextView vicinity = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.vicinity); 
     //TextView openNow = (TextView)view.findViewById(R.id.openNow); 

//  if(places.isOpenNow()){ 
//   openNow.setText("Open"); 
//  } else { 
//   openNow.setText("Closed"); 
//  } 

     //Display place photo in ImageView widget 
     Bitmap bitmap = imageCache.get(places.getId()); 
     // for volley 
     final ImageView image = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.place_image); 
     if (bitmap != null) { 
      //For the volley, this commented line of code is refactored so it can 
      // be called outside this block 
      //ImageView image = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.place_image); 
     } else { 
      // Retrieves image url 
      //String imageUrl = places.getIconUrl(); 
      // declare instance of image request 
      /*ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(imageUrl, 
        new Response.Listener<Bitmap>(){ 
         public void onResponse(Bitmap arg0) { 
          imageCache.put(places.getId(), arg0); 
        80, 80, 

        new Response.ErrorListener(){ 
         public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError arg0) { 
          Log.d("PlacesAdapter", arg0.getMessage()); 

      //adding request to queue 

       The line of code below is used by the ImageLoader AsyncTask 
       Uncomment if using AsyncTask 
      PlaceAndView container = new PlaceAndView(); 
      container.places = places; 
      container.view = view; 

      ImageLoader loader = new ImageLoader(); 


     return view; 

    // Used with AsyncTask, since am using Volley, no need 

    class PlaceAndView { 
     public Places places; 
     public View view; 
     public Bitmap bitmap; 

    // Using the Volley Method does what the AsyncTask do 
    // Uncomment to use 

    private class ImageLoader extends AsyncTask<PlaceAndView, Void, PlaceAndView> { 
     protected PlaceAndView doInBackground(PlaceAndView... params) { 

      PlaceAndView container = params[0]; 
      Places places = container.places; 

      try { 
       String imageUrl = places.getIconUrl(); 

       // Using OkHttpClient to fetch images 
       HttpURLConnection con = client.open(new URL(imageUrl)); 
       //HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 
       InputStream in = con.getInputStream(); 


       //InputStream in = (InputStream) new URL(imageUrl).getContent(); 
       Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in); 
       container.bitmap = bitmap; 
       return container; 
      } catch (Exception e) { 

      return null; 

     protected void onPostExecute(PlaceAndView result) { 
      ImageView image = (ImageView) result.view.findViewById(R.id.place_image); 
      // saves image for future use 

      imageCache.put(result.places.getId(), result.bitmap); 


Wie kann ich die offene machen() Methode stoppt Fehler zeigte, und das ist die einzige Methode, Fehler im Code zu schaffen, so dass ich das Gefühl, es sollte eine andere Methode oder eine neuere Art und Weise die offene Methode zu behandeln.


Und was ist der Fehler genau? – Michael


Sie sagen es ist "Fehler anzeigen". Meinst du, es gibt einen Fehler, wenn der Code ausgeführt wird (Laufzeitfehler), ein Fehler in der IDE (Kompilierzeitfehler) oder etwas anderes? –


Die Klasse 'OkHttpClient' hat keine Methode' open (...) '. https://github.com/square/okhttp/blob/6e236ce3b80f21369dc544f0e1053ff71be8689b/okhttp/src/main/java/com/squarepup/okhttp/OkHttpClient.java – betorcs



Ich nehme an, Sie den gleichen Code kopieren hier Fatal Exception: Exception in do in background method (AsyncTask)

Also ich denke, Sie diesen Code nach Bedarf anpassen können und sehen, ob Ihr Code ausgeführt wird.

protected FlowerAndView doInBackground(FlowerAndView... params) { 

    FlowerAndView container = params[0]; 
    Flower flower = container.flower; 

    try { 
     String imageUrl = MainActivity.PHOTOS_BASE_URL + flower.getPhoto(); 
     InputStream in = (InputStream) new URL(imageUrl).getContent(); 
     Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in); 
     container.bitmap = bitmap; 
     return container; 
    } catch (Exception e) { 

    return null; 


Aber Ihr Code OkHttpClient sollte so etwas wie dieses.

    protected PlaceAndView doInBackground(PlaceAndView... params) { 

     PlaceAndView container = params[0]; 
     Places places = container.places; 

     try { 
      String imageUrl = places.getIconUrl(); 

      // Using OkHttpClient to fetch images 
      // HttpURLConnection con = client.open(new URL(imageUrl)); 
      //HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 
      //InputStream in = con.getInputStream(); 
      Request req = new Request.Build() 
      Response response = client.newCall(req).execute(); 
      InputStream in = response.body().byteStream(); 

      //InputStream in = (InputStream) new URL(imageUrl).getContent(); 
      Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in); 
      container.bitmap = bitmap; 
      return container; 
     } catch (Exception e) { 

     return null; 

PS: Denken Sie daran, es gibt eine Menge von Bibliotheken Bilder zum Download glide, picasso usw. Sie Zeit und Code speichern.

Ein Beispiel zur Verwendung von Glide, beachten Sie, wie weniger Code Sie benötigen.

public class PlacesListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Places> { 

    private LayoutInflater mInflater; 

    public PlacesListAdapter(Context context, int resources, List<Places> objects) { 
     super(context, resources, objects); 
     mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); 

    class Holder { 
     TextView placeTitle; 
     TextView vicinity; 
     ImageView placeImage; 

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { 

     View view = convertView; 
     Holder holder; 
     if (view == null) { 

      view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.item_vicinity, parent, false); 

      holder = new Holder(); 
      holder.placeTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.place_title); 
      holder.vicinity (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.vicinity); 
      holder.placeImage = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.place_image); 

     } else { 
      holder = view.getTag(); 

     // Display places name in the TextView widget 
     final Places places = getItem(position); 


     return view; 


Vielen Dank, wenn Sie bis zur AsyncTask-Methode in meinem Code dann scrollen Sie sollte diese Zeile sehen: // OkHttpClient zum Abrufen von Bildern verwenden HttpURLConnection con = client.open (neue URL (imageUrl)); da kommt mein Fehler her. –


Okhttp erfordert keine AsyncTask, aber –


Cool! Danke, Betorcs, danke an alle, endlich hat es funktioniert. So glückliche Blicke. Für Anfrage req = new Request.Build(); es ist eigentlich: Request req = new Request.Builder(); Es könnte jeder anderen Person helfen. Daumen hoch Betorcs. –

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