2016-06-28 8 views

Ich habe einen Bericht, der auf mehrere verschiedene Server kopiert wird. Es wird manuell importiert und die Datenquelleneigenschaften werden geändert, um den aktuellen Serverspezifikationen zu entsprechen. Ich möchte den Prozess automatisieren können, indem Sie Benutzern ermöglichen, einen SSRS-Bericht zu öffnen und die freigegebenen Datenquelleneigenschaften über PowerShell dynamisch zu ändern. Ich hoffe du könntest helfen. Sie können die Referenz unten sehen.Öffnen eines SSRS-Projekts mit Powershell

The Report is located on this location:

enter image description here

Das Skript würde einen Eingabeparameter für server, Benutzername und Passwort an. Außerdem muss das Passwort speichern aktiviert sein.



Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass ich es geschafft habe, ein Skript dafür zu erstellen. Sie können das folgende Skript als zukünftige Referenz verwenden. Kommentare sind für jeden Teil verfügbar und alles, was geändert werden muss, hat ein "hier" -Schlüsselwort, z. Your_database_name_hier.

Import-Module SqlPs 

#Input parameter to get Server\Instancename of your Datasource 
$Servername = Read-Host "Please enter your Servername" 
$Instancename = Read-Host "Please enter your Instancename. For default instance please press enter" 
Write-host "" 

if ($Instancename -eq ""){ 
    $ServerInstance = $Servername 
Else { 
    $ServerInstance = $Servername +"\"+ $InstanceName 

#Setting up SSRS Target URL. This is the location where your reports would be deployed. 
if ($Instancename -eq ""){ 
    $ReportServerUri = "http://$Servername/ReportServer//ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl" 
    $TargetURL = "http://$Servername/Reports" 
Else { 
    $ReportServerUri = "http://$Servername/ReportServer_$Instancename//ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl" 
    $TargetURL = "http://$Servername/Reports_$Instancename" 

$global:proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ReportServerUri -UseDefaultCreden 

#We would make use of SQL Server Authentication for the reports shared datasource so you need to supply a username and password. 
Write-Host "  SQL Server Authentication:" 
$Username = Read-Host "  Username" 
$Password = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Password" 

$type = $Proxy.GetType().Namespace 
$datatype = ($type + '.Property') 

$property =New-Object ($datatype); 
$property.Name = “NewFolder” 
$property.Value = “NewFolder” 

$numproperties = 1 
$properties = New-Object ($datatype + '[]')$numproperties 
$properties[0] = $property; 

$newFolder = $proxy.CreateFolder("Reports”, “/”, $properties); 
$newFolder = $proxy.CreateFolder("Data Sources”, “/”, $properties); 

$Children =$proxy.ListChildren("/",$false) 
$DBname = 'Your_Database_Name_Here' 

# Creating Datasource through powershell 
Write-Host "  Creating Datasource ..." 
$Name = "Name_Your_Datasource_here" 
$Parent = "/Data Sources" 
$ConnectString = "data source=$Servername\$Instancename;initial catalog=$DBname" 
$type = $Proxy.GetType().Namespace 
$DSDdatatype = ($type + '.DataSourceDefinition') 
$DSD = new-object ($DSDdatatype) 
if($DSD -eq $null){ 
     Write-Error Failed to create data source definition object 
$CredentialDataType = ($type + '.CredentialRetrievalEnum') 
$Cred = new-object ($CredentialDataType) 
$CredEnum = ($CredentialDataType).Integrated 

$DSD.CredentialRetrieval =$Cred 
$DSD.ConnectString = $ConnectString 
$DSD.Enabled = $true 
$DSD.EnabledSpecified = $false 
$DSD.Extension = "SQL" 
$DSD.ImpersonateUserSpecified = $false 
$DSD.Prompt = $null 
$DSD.WindowsCredentials = $false 
$DSD.UserName = $Username 
$DSD.Password = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)) 

$newDSD = $proxy.CreateDataSource($Name,$Parent,$true,$DSD,$null) 

#Deploying RLD files to Target URL 
Write-Host "  Deploying RDL files ..." 
$stream = Get-Content 'D:\Your_RDL_path_here.rdl' -Encoding byte 
$warnings [email protected](); 

#Let's make use of the datasource we just created for your RDL files. 
$Items = $global:proxy.listchildren("/Data Sources", $true) 
foreach ($item in $items) 

$DatasourceName = $item.Name 
$DatasourcePath = $item.Path 

$RDLS = $global:proxy.listchildren("/Reports", $true) 
foreach ($rdl in $rdls) 
$report = $rdl.path 

$rep = $global:proxy.GetItemDataSources($report) 
$rep | ForEach-Object { 
$proxyNamespace = $_.GetType().Namespace 
    $constDatasource = New-Object ("$proxyNamespace.DataSource") 
    $constDatasource.Name = $DataSourceName 
    $constDatasource.Item = New-Object ("$proxyNamespace.DataSourceReference") 
    $constDatasource.Item.Reference = $DataSourcePath 

$_.item = $constDatasource.Item 
$global:proxy.SetItemDataSources($report, $_) 
Write-Host "Changing datasource `"$($_.Name)`" to $($_.Item.Reference)" 

#Open a IE browser to view the report. 
$IE=new-object -com internetexplorer.application 
Write-Host ""  
Write-Host "You may now view the Reports through the open IE browser." 
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "**STEP COMPLETED!" 
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