2016-06-27 4 views

Eigentlich versuche ich, Nummer zu Wörtern in dem Satz zu ersetzen, der vom Benutzer gibt. Dieses Falldatumsformat; Zum Beispiel: My birthday is on 16/6/2000 and I'm newbie to the java ->werden --->My birthday is on sixteenth july two thousand and I'm newbie to the javaErsetze Nummer zu Wörtern in der richtigen Position in Java

Hier ist Code:

 Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in); 
     System.out.println("Enter any numbers: "); 
     String nom = reader.nextLine(); // get input from user 

     //checking contains that has "/" or not 
      String parts[] = nom.split("[/]"); 
      String part1 = parts[0]; //data before "/" will be stored in the first array 
      String day[] = part1.split("\\s+");// split between space 
      String get_day = day[day.length -1];// get last array 

      String get_month = parts[1]; //data in the between of "/" will be stored in the second array 

      String part3 = parts[2]; // data after "/" will be stored in the third array 
      String year[] = part3.split("\\s+");// split between space 
      String get_year = year[0];// get first array 

      String s = NumberConvert.convert(Integer.parseInt(get_day)) + 
         NumberConvert.convert(Integer.parseInt(get_month)) + 

      String con = nom.replaceAll("[0-9].*/[0-9].*/[0-].*", s); // replace number to word   
      System.out.println(con); // print the data already converted 
     } else {....} 

Aber das Ergebnis, das ich bekommen haben ist:

My birthday is on sixteenth july two thousand 

//"and I'm newbie to the java" is disappear [How to solve it]// 

Wie löse es. Eigentlich möchte ich den Wert vor und nach dem Schrägstrich "/" erhalten und in Wörter umwandeln und sie als ursprüngliche Eingabe vom Benutzer ersetzen.

Was ich habe versucht, ist:

String con = nom.replaceAll("[0-9].*/[0-9].*/[0-9999]", s); // a bit change [0-9].* to [0-9999] 

Aber Ausgabe wie folgt werden:

My birthday is on sixteenth july two thousand 000 and I'm newbie to the java 
//after two thousand index "000" is appearing 

Zahlen oder Daten? – aksappy



Die Regex ist falsch:


Was es bedeutet:

[0-9] match a single number in the range between 0 and 9 
.* matches any character (except newline) between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy] 
/matches the character/literally 
[0-9] match a single number in the range between 0 and 9 
.* matches any character (except newline) between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy] 
/matches the character/literally 
[0-] match a single number in the list 0- literally 
.* matches any character (except newline) between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy] 

Es sollte sein:


Oder besser:


@ BackSlash Danke dir – Paranrax


Sie auch unter RegexMuster können alle Zahlen von String zu erhalten:

 String st = "My birthday is on 16/6/2000 and I'm newbie to the java, using since 2015";  
     Pattern p = Pattern.compile("-?\\d+"); 
     Matcher m = p.matcher(st); 
     while (m.find()) { 
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