2016-04-08 7 views

Ich benutze die forkit jQuery Multifunktionsleiste, die einen Vorhang von zusätzlichen Inhalten ablegt. Ich habe es geschafft, dies anzuwenden, und es funktioniert gut, sobald das Band nach der fiddle gezogen wird.jQuery klicken Sie auf Funktion zu Slidedown div

Ich möchte es so ändern, dass der Vorhang auch erscheint, sobald eine Schaltfläche geklickt wird.

Bitte helfen.



var STATE_CLOSED = 0, 
    STATE_OPENED = 2, 

    TAG_HEIGHT = 30, 
    TAG_WIDTH = 200, 
    MAX_STRAIN = 40, 

    // Factor of page height that needs to be dragged for the 
    // curtain to fall 
    DRAG_THRESHOLD = 0.36; 

    VENDORS = [ 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O', 'ms' ]; 

var dom = { 
     ribbon: null, 
     ribbonString: null, 
     ribbonTag: null, 
     curtain: null, 
     closeButton: null 

    // The current state of the ribbon 
    state = STATE_CLOSED, 

    // Ribbon text, correlates to states 
    closedText = '', 
    detachedText = '', 

    friction = 1.04; 
    gravity = 1.5, 

    // Resting position of the ribbon when curtain is closed 
    closedX = TAG_WIDTH * 0.4, 
    closedY = -TAG_HEIGHT * 0.5, 

    // Resting position of the ribbon when curtain is opened 
    openedX = TAG_WIDTH * 0.4, 
    openedY = TAG_HEIGHT, 

    velocity = 0, 
    rotation = 45, 

    curtainTargetY = 0, 
    curtainCurrentY = 0, 

    dragging = false, 
    dragTime = 0, 
    dragY = 0, 

    anchorA = new Point(closedX, closedY), 
    anchorB = new Point(closedX, closedY), 

    mouse = new Point(); 

function initialize() { 

    dom.ribbon = document.querySelector('.forkit'); 
    dom.curtain = document.querySelector('.forkit-curtain'); 
    dom.closeButton = document.querySelector('.forkit-curtain .close-button'); 

    if(dom.ribbon) { 

     // Fetch label texts from DOM 
     closedText = dom.ribbon.getAttribute('data-text') || ''; 
     detachedText = dom.ribbon.getAttribute('data-text-detached') || closedText; 

     // Construct the sub-elements required to represent the 
     // tag and string that it hangs from 
     dom.ribbon.innerHTML = '<span class="string"></span><span class="tag">' + closedText + '</span>'; 
     dom.ribbonString = dom.ribbon.querySelector('.string'); 
     dom.ribbonTag = dom.ribbon.querySelector('.tag'); 

     // Bind events 
     dom.ribbon.addEventListener('click', onRibbonClick, false); 
     document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove, false); 
     document.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown, false); 
     document.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp, false); 
     window.addEventListener('resize', layout, false); 

     if(dom.closeButton) { 
      dom.closeButton.addEventListener('click', onCloseClick, false); 

     // Start the animation loop 



function onMouseDown(event) { 
    if(dom.curtain && state === STATE_DETACHED) { 

     dragY = event.clientY; 
     dragTime = Date.now(); 
     dragging = true; 


function onMouseMove(event) { 
    mouse.x = event.clientX; 
    mouse.y = event.clientY; 

function onMouseUp(event) { 
    if(state !== STATE_OPENED) { 
     state = STATE_CLOSED; 
     dragging = false; 

function onRibbonClick(event) { 
    if(dom.curtain) { 

     if(state === STATE_OPENED) { 
     else if(Date.now() - dragTime < 300) { 

function onCloseClick(event) { 

function layout() { 
    if(state === STATE_OPENED) { 
     curtainTargetY = window.innerHeight; 
     curtainCurrentY = curtainTargetY; 

function open() { 
    dragging = false; 
    state = STATE_OPENED; 

function close() { 
    dragging = false; 
    state = STATE_CLOSED; 
    dom.ribbonTag.innerHTML = closedText; 

function detach() { 
    state = STATE_DETACHED; 
    dom.ribbonTag.innerHTML = detachedText; 

function animate() { 


function update() { 
    // Distance between mouse and top right corner 
    var distance = distanceBetween(mouse.x, mouse.y, window.innerWidth, 0); 

    // If we're OPENED the curtainTargetY should ease towards page bottom 
    if(state === STATE_OPENED) { 
     curtainTargetY = Math.min(curtainTargetY + (window.innerHeight - curtainTargetY) * 0.2, window.innerHeight); 
    else { 

     // Detach the tag when hovering close enough 
     if(distance < TAG_WIDTH * 1.5) { 
     // Re-attach the tag if the user moved away 
     else if(!dragging && state === STATE_DETACHED && distance > TAG_WIDTH * 2) { 

     if(dragging) { 
      // Updat the curtain position while dragging 
      curtainTargetY = Math.max(mouse.y - dragY, 0); 

      // If the threshold is crossed, open the curtain 
      if(curtainTargetY > window.innerHeight * DRAG_THRESHOLD) { 
     else { 
      curtainTargetY *= 0.8; 


    // Ease towards the target position of the curtain 
    curtainCurrentY += (curtainTargetY - curtainCurrentY) * 0.3; 

    // If we're dragging or detached we need to simulate 
    // the physical behavior of the ribbon 
    if(dragging || state === STATE_DETACHED) { 

     // Apply forces 
     velocity /= friction; 
     velocity += gravity; 

     var containerOffsetX = dom.ribbon.offsetLeft; 

     var offsetX = Math.max(((mouse.x - containerOffsetX) - closedX) * 0.2, -MAX_STRAIN); 

     anchorB.x += ((closedX + offsetX) - anchorB.x) * 0.1; 
     anchorB.y += velocity; 

     var strain = distanceBetween(anchorA.x, anchorA.y, anchorB.x, anchorB.y); 

     if(strain > MAX_STRAIN) { 
      velocity -= Math.abs(strain)/(MAX_STRAIN * 1.25); 

     var dy = Math.max(mouse.y - anchorB.y, 0), 
      dx = mouse.x - (containerOffsetX + anchorB.x); 

     // Angle the ribbon towards the mouse but limit it avoid extremes 
     var angle = Math.min(130, Math.max(50, Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180/Math.PI)); 

     rotation += (angle - rotation) * 0.1; 
    // Ease ribbon towards the OPENED state 
    else if(state === STATE_OPENED) { 
     anchorB.x += (openedX - anchorB.x) * 0.2; 
     anchorB.y += (openedY - anchorB.y) * 0.2; 

     rotation += (90 - rotation) * 0.02; 
    // Ease ribbon towards the CLOSED state 
    else { 
     anchorB.x += (anchorA.x - anchorB.x) * 0.2; 
     anchorB.y += (anchorA.y - anchorB.y) * 0.2; 

     rotation += (45 - rotation) * 0.2; 

function render() { 

    if(dom.curtain) { 
     dom.curtain.style.top = - 100 + Math.min((curtainCurrentY/window.innerHeight) * 100, 100) + '%'; 

    dom.ribbon.style[ prefix('transform') ] = transform(0, curtainCurrentY, 0); 
    dom.ribbonTag.style[ prefix('transform') ] = transform(anchorB.x, anchorB.y, rotation); 

    var dy = anchorB.y - anchorA.y, 
     dx = anchorB.x - anchorA.x; 

    var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180/Math.PI; 

    dom.ribbonString.style.width = anchorB.y + 'px'; 
    dom.ribbonString.style[ prefix('transform') ] = transform(anchorA.x, 0, angle); 


function prefix(property, el) { 
    var propertyUC = property.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1); 

    for(var i = 0, len = VENDORS.length; i < len; i++) { 
     var vendor = VENDORS[i]; 

     if(typeof (el || document.body).style[ vendor + propertyUC ] !== 'undefined') { 
      return vendor + propertyUC; 

    return property; 

function transform(x, y, r) { 
    return 'translate('+x+'px,'+y+'px) rotate('+r+'deg)'; 

function distanceBetween(x1, y1, x2, y2) { 
    var dx = x1-x2; 
    var dy = y1-y2; 
    return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); 

* Defines a 2D position. 
function Point(x, y) { 
    this.x = x || 0; 
    this.y = y || 0; 

Point.prototype.distanceTo = function(x, y) { 
    var dx = x-this.x; 
    var dy = y-this.y; 
    return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); 

Point.prototype.clone = function() { 
    return new Point(this.x, this.y); 

Point.prototype.interpolate = function(x, y, amp) { 
    this.x += (x - this.x) * amp; 
    this.y += (y - this.y) * amp; 

window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ 
    return window.requestAnimationFrame  || 
      window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.mozRequestAnimationFrame  || 
      window.oRequestAnimationFrame  || 
      window.msRequestAnimationFrame  || 
       window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60); 





Sie benötigen einen Event-Handler auf eine Schaltfläche hinzufügen, die open() -Methode von der forkit Plugin ruft, wie folgt aus:

$('#dropButton').bind('click', function(){ 

hier ein arbeitet JSFiddle