2016-10-11 6 views

Dies ist für eine verknüpfte Liste Programmzuweisung und ich glaube, ich bin fast fertig mit dem Programm. Ich bekomme 4 Fehler in diesen Zeilen in der Hauptmethode. Ich fragte mich, ob jemand mir sagen könnte, was mit dem Umfang falsch ist. ThanxIch bekomme eine Fehlermeldung "Nicht deklassiert im Bereich"

error: ‘addFirst’ was not declared in this scope addFirst(booklist);

error: ‘addLast’ was not declared in this scope addLast(booklist);

error: ‘isInTheList’ was not declared in this scope isInTheList(booklist);

error: ‘deleteBook’ was not declared in this scope deleteBook(booklist);

#include <iostream> 
    #include <string> 
    #include "Program3.h" 
    #include <limits>  // for numeric limits 

    using namespace std; 

//Implementation for class BookList START 

void BookList::addFirst(BookNode * book){ //To add a new head node 
     book -> setNext(head); 
     head = book; 


void BookList::addLast(BookNode * book){ //To add a new node at the end 


      BookNode * temp = head; 
      while(temp->getNext() != NULL){ 

        temp = temp->getNext(); 
      temp -> setNext(book); 

void BookList::traverse(){ //TO go through the whole linked list 

     BookNode * temp = head; 
     while(temp != NULL){ 
      std::cout << temp -> getTitle()<<std::endl; 
      temp = temp -> getNext(); 

bool BookList::isInTheList(std::string title){ //To check the linked list for a specific title 

     BookNode * temp = head; 
     while(temp != NULL){ 
      if(temp -> getTitle() == title){ 
       return true; 
      temp = temp -> getNext(); 

     return false; 

bool BookList::deleteBook(std::string title){ //to delete a book/title 

     if(head == NULL){ // or if(!head) To check if the linked list is empty 
      return false; 

     BookNode * prev = NULL; 
     BookNode * cur = head; 

     if(cur -> getTitle() == title){ //Checking if the title is the first node 
      head = head -> getNext(); 
      delete cur; 
      return true; 

     while(cur != NULL && cur -> getTitle() != title){ //Checking through the linked list for the title 

      prev = cur;          //The while loop will stop when it has gone though the whole linked list or if it matches with the title 
      cur = cur -> getNext(); 

     if(cur == NULL){  //There is no matching entry 

      return false; 

      prev -> setNext(cur -> getNext()); 
      delete cur; 
      return true; 


     while(head != NULL){ 

      string tempTitle = head->getTitle(); 
      cout << "Book " << tempTitle << "has been deleted" <<endl; 



int getUserChoice(){ 

    int choice = 0; 

    cout << "Welcome to the e-library, please make a choice from the menu below" << endl; 
    cout << "1. Add a book at the beginning" << endl; 
    cout << "2. Add a book at the end" << endl; 
    cout << "3. Find a book in the list" << endl; 
    cout << "4. Delete a book in the list" << endl; 
    cout << "5. Print all the books in the list" << endl; 
    cout << "6. Exit " << endl; 

    if(cin >> choice){ //confirming that cin succeeded 

     if(choice > 0 && choice < 7){ 

      cin.ignore(); //dump newline character 
      return choice; 
      cin.ignore();//dump newline character 
      return 0; 

     cin.clear(); //bring cin back from failed status 
     cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n'); 
     return 0; 

int main(){ 

    BookList booklist; //Create an object of ArrayList 

    int choice = getUserChoice(); //Prompting user for an input 

    while (choice != 6){ 


      case 0: 
       cout << "Invalid choice. Please Choose between 1 and 6." <<endl; // 0 is not a given choice, loop reruns 
      case 1: 
      case 2: 
      case 3: 
      case 4: 
      case 5: 

     choice = getUserChoice(); // prompt user to enter the choice again 

    return 0; 



und dann wird meine Header-Datei als Program.h im selben Ordner und der Code ist gespeichert, wie unten

#ifndef PGM_03_H//<- 
#define PGM_03_H//<- both these need to have the same name 

#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

/*class definition for BookNode 
* which is non-compatible. i.e it has a pointer to the next BookNode 

class BookNode{ 

    private : 
     std::string bookTitle; 
     BookNode * next; 
    public : 
     //default constructor 
     BookNode(){bookTitle = "";next = NULL;} 

     //custom constructor 
     //it initializes book with title   
     BookNode(string title){ 
      bookTitle = title; 
      next = NULL; 


     //getter functions 
     std::string getTitle(){ 
      return bookTitle; 


     BookNode * getNext(){ 
      return next; 


     //setter functions 
     void setTitle(std::string newTitle){ 
      bookTitle = newTitle; 


     void setNext(BookNode * newNext){ 
      next = newNext; 



* class definition for BookList 
* which is a linked list that uses object of BookNode as node. 
* it has only one variable: head, which is a BookNode pointer. 

class BookList{ 

     BookNode * head; 

     //default constructor 
      head = NULL; 


     //destructor, which will be called automatically 
     //it deletes all nodes in the linkedlist 

     //add new node as the first node in the booklist 
     void addFirst(BookNode *); 

     //add new node as the last node in the booklist 
     void addLast(BookNode *); 

     //traverse function. It will print out info on BookNode 
     void traverse(); 

     //check if the given book is in the list 
     bool isInTheList(std::string); 

     //delete the given book 
     //return true if it was deleted 
     //return false if it was not found 
     bool deleteBook(std::string); 



Es sollte nicht dekaliert deklariert werden ... – Hasi


Sie können Ihre Frage bearbeiten, um Tippfehler zu beheben. Das wäre auch eine gute Gelegenheit, all diesen Code durch ein [mcve] zu ersetzen. –



addFirst() etc sind Mitglieder der BookList Klasse, aber Sie nennen sie, als ob sie nur Funktionen sind. Für diese Methoden benötigen Sie eine Instanz der BookList-Klasse.

Sie übergeben auch eine an addFirst, die eine BookNode erwartet. Sie möchten, dass es wie folgt aussieht:

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