2013-06-05 4 views

Während der Anmeldung bei Google+ habe ich beim Anmelden mit einem Google Apps-Konto eine Fehlermeldung "unbekannter Fehler" erhalten.Bei der Authentifizierung bei Google Play-Spieldiensten unter Android tritt bei der Anmeldung mit dem Google Apps-Konto ein Fehler auf.

Ich habe mehrere Konten, eine persönliche Google Mail und eine andere ist ein Google Apps-Konto.

Wenn Sie sich über den persönlichen Google Mail-Account anmelden, ist alles in Ordnung. Bei der Anmeldung mit einer Google Apps-E-Mail-Adresse (die gleiche, die ich bei der Entwicklerkonsole und den Google Play-Diensten und Google APIs registriert habe) ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.

Unten ist der Logcat-Ausgang. Irgendwelche Ideen was passiert?

D/Prime31 (26004): beginUserInitiatedSignIn: starting new sign-in flow.D/Prime31 (26004): Connecting GamesClient. 

E/GmsClient(26004): Calling connect() while still connected, missing disconnect(). 

D/Prime31 (26004): onConnectionFailed: result 4 

D/Prime31 (26004): onConnectionFailed: since user initiated sign-in, trying to resolve problem. 

D/Prime31 (26004): resolveConnectionResult: trying to resolve result: ConnectionResult{statusCode=SIGN_IN_REQUIRED, resolution=PendingIntent{422add70: [email protected]}} 

D/Prime31 (26004): --------------------- result has resolution. Starting it. -------------------- 

I/Prime31-Proxy(26004): showing the login UI 

I/ActivityManager( 506): START u0 {cmp=com.google.android.gms/.games.ui.signin.SignInActivity (has extras)} from pid -1 

D/overlay ( 159): Set pipe=RGB1 dpy=0; 

I/ActivityManager( 506): START u0 {act=com.google.android.gms.common.account.CHOOSE_ACCOUNT flg=0x20000000 cmp=com.google.android.gms/.common.account.AccountPickerActivity (has extras)} from pid 1244 

I/ActivityManager( 506): Displayed com.phyken.wizardopstactics/com.prime31.PlayServicesProxyActivity: +763ms 

I/ActivityManager( 506): Displayed com.google.android.gms/.games.ui.signin.SignInActivity: +188ms 

I/ActivityManager( 506): Displayed com.google.android.gms/.common.account.AccountPickerActivity: +94ms 

D/overlay ( 159): Set pipe=VG0 dpy=0; Set pipe=VG1 dpy=0; 

D/overlay ( 159): Unset pipe=VG0 dpy=0; Unset pipe=VG1 dpy=0; Unset pipe=RGB1 dpy=0; 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x417b5d58 identifier _verb value Inactive 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 0 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x417b5d58 identifier _disdev value DMIC Endfire TMUS 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): disdev: device DMIC Endfire TMUS not enabled, no need to disable 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x417b5d58 identifier _disdev value Speaker 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0 

I/ActivityManager( 506): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps:GoogleLocationService for service com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.location.internal.server.GoogleLocationService: pid=2063 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1015, 1028} 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_CONCURRENT freed 206K, 3% free 8925K/9164K, paused 5ms+1ms, total 37ms 

D/dalvikvm(2063): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 23ms 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 125K, 4% free 9016K/9388K, paused 11ms, total 11ms 

I/dalvikvm-heap(2063): Grow heap (frag case) to 9.006MB for 186718-byte allocation 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 4% free 9198K/9572K, paused 13ms, total 13ms 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_CONCURRENT freed 471K, 6% free 9114K/9616K, paused 3ms+3ms, total 17ms 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_CONCURRENT freed 131K, 2% free 9481K/9644K, paused 1ms+2ms, total 23ms 

W/ActivityManager( 506): Permission denied: checkComponentPermission() owningUid=10023 

W/BroadcastQueue( 506): Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { act=com.google.android.location.internal.server.ACTION_RESTARTED flg=0x10 } from com.google.android.apps.maps (pid=2063, uid=10039) is not exported from uid 10023 due to receiver com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.location.reporting.service.ExternalChangeReceiver 

I/ActivityManager( 506): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps:FriendService for broadcast com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.googlenav.friend.android.ServiceReceiver: pid=2088 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1015, 1028} 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_CONCURRENT freed 770K, 9% free 9126K/9936K, paused 2ms+12ms, total 39ms 

I/dalvikvm(2063): Total arena pages for JIT: 11 

I/dalvikvm(2063): Total arena pages for JIT: 12 

I/dalvikvm(2063): Total arena pages for JIT: 13 

I/dalvikvm(2063): Total arena pages for JIT: 14 

I/dalvikvm(2063): Total arena pages for JIT: 15 

I/dalvikvm(2063): Total arena pages for JIT: 16 

I/dalvikvm(2063): Total arena pages for JIT: 17 

I/ActivityManager( 506): Start proc com.google.android.apps.maps:LocationFriendService for broadcast com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.googlenav.friend.reporting.LocationReportingIntentReceiver: pid=2100 uid=10039 gids={50039, 3003, 1015, 1028} 

I/dalvikvm(2063): Total arena pages for JIT: 18 

D/dalvikvm(2100): GC_CONCURRENT freed 317K, 4% free 8778K/9124K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 18ms 

I/ActivityManager( 506): No longer want com.facebook.orca (pid 26305): empty #17 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_CONCURRENT freed 321K, 8% free 9236K/9936K, paused 1ms+3ms, total 17ms 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 251K, 7% free 9265K/9936K, paused 23ms, total 23ms 

W/Settings(2063): Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value. 

D/dalvikvm(2063): GC_CONCURRENT freed 520K, 7% free 9256K/9936K, paused 5ms+5ms, total 42ms 

D/dalvikvm(2063): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 30ms 

D/ALSAStreamOps( 162): setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice: device 2 mode:0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_is_tmus: mnc_mcc : 310260 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_is_tmus: mnc_mcc : 310260 

D/ALSAModule( 162): No valid input device: 0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:DMIC Endfire TMUS 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x417b5d58 identifier _enadev value Speaker 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice: curTxUCMDevivce DMIC Endfire TMUS curRxDevDevice Speaker 

D/AudioStreamOutALSA( 162): mHandle->useCase: HiFi Lowlatency 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice: device 2 mode:0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_is_tmus: mnc_mcc : 310260 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_is_tmus: mnc_mcc : 310260 

D/ALSAModule( 162): No valid input device: 0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:DMIC Endfire TMUS 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x417b5d58 identifier _enadev value Speaker 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice: curTxUCMDevivce DMIC Endfire TMUS curRxDevDevice Speaker 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x417b5d58 identifier _verb value HiFi Lowlatency 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1 

D/ACDB-LOADER( 162): ACDB -> send_afe_cal 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1 

D/ALSAModule( 162): Device value returned is hw:0,14 

D/ALSAModule( 162): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 1024 channels 2 sampleRate 48000 

D/ALSAModule( 162): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 2048, period_size 1024, period_cnt 2 

D/ALSAStreamOps( 162): setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_route: devices 0x2 in mode 0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice: device 2 mode:0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_is_tmus: mnc_mcc : 310260 

D/ALSAModule( 162): s_is_tmus: mnc_mcc : 310260 

D/ALSAModule( 162): No valid input device: 0 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice,rxDev:Speaker, txDev:(null), curRxDev:Speaker, curTxDev:DMIC Endfire TMUS 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0x417b5d58 identifier _enadev value Speaker 

D/alsa_ucm( 162): Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1 

D/ALSAModule( 162): switchDevice: curTxUCMDevivce DMIC Endfire TMUS curRxDevDevice Speaker 

D/dalvikvm(25785): GC_CONCURRENT freed 417K, 11% free 9287K/10340K, paused 3ms+2ms, total 23ms 

E/GameAgent(4789): Unable to retrieve 1P application 191479565208 from network 

W/dqi  (4789): Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {bearer=WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRequest", error=invalid_token} 

E/Volley (4789): [494] il.a: Unexpected response code 401 for https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1/players/me 

W/dqi  (4789): Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {bearer=WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRequest", error=invalid_token} 

E/Volley (4789): [494] il.a: Unexpected response code 401 for https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1/players/me 

W/dqi  (4789): Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {bearer=WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRequest", error=invalid_token} 

E/Volley (4789): [495] il.a: Unexpected response code 401 for https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1/players/me 

W/dqi  (4789): Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {bearer=WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRequest", error=invalid_token} 

E/Volley (4789): [495] il.a: Unexpected response code 401 for https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1/players/me 

E/SignInIntentService(4789): There is no linked app associated with this client ID. 

E/SignInIntentService(4789): aol 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at ajy.a(SourceFile:108) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at abm.a(SourceFile:213) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at abm.a(SourceFile:194) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at aav.a(SourceFile:486) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at aqu.a(SourceFile:221) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at com.google.android.gms.games.service.GamesSignInIntentService.onHandleIntent(SourceFile:343) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at android.app.IntentService$ServiceHandler.handleMessage(IntentService.java:65) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137) 

E/SignInIntentService(4789):  at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60) 

E/LoadSelfFragment(1244): Unable to sign in - application does not have a registered client ID 

I/Prime31-Proxy(26004): onActivityResult called. finishing activity 

D/Prime31 (26004): onActivityResult, req 9001 response 10004 

D/Prime31 (26004): responseCode != RESULT_OK, so not reconnecting. 

D/Prime31 (26004): giveUp: giving up on connection. Status code: 4 

I/Prime31-GPSUtil(26004): b() No error string provided for errorCode: 4 

I/Prime31-GPSUtil(26004): a() No error string provided for errorCode: 4 



Das hat mich für eine Weile verrückt. Dieser arbeitete für mich:

  1. Loggen Sie sich in der Entwicklerkonsole
  2. Klicken Sie auf Spieldienste, dann testen
  3. den Tester Konto löschen, die nicht funktioniert.
  4. Fügen Sie das Testerkonto erneut hinzu.

Arbeitete sofort nachdem ich das getan habe. Ich hoffe es hilft.


Sie sollten nur das Hauptkonto Ihres Telefons zum Testen verwenden.

Allerdings bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob diese Einschränkung nur for in-app purchases gilt, oder für alles, was Google-Play beinhaltet.


Das funktionierte für mich.

Sie müssen eine signierte App generieren und dann auf Ihrem echten Gerät ausführen.

Stellen Sie sicher, dass App-ID in Ihrer Manifest-Datei enthalten:

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.games.APP_ID" 
     android:value="@string/app_id" /> 

Sie hier die app_id in verknüpften App bekommen können: enter image description here

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