2017-04-21 3 views

Das Hauptproblem ist, wenn der Code mit CodePipeline ausgeführt wird, ein Eingabeartefakt herunterladen wird, entpacken Sie das heruntergeladene Artefakt und grep template.yml für eine Zeichenfolge namens Funktionsname. Es funktioniert die meiste Zeit, wird aber fehlschlagen sagen Template.yml Datei nicht gelegentlich gefunden. Wenn ich es erneut ausführe, funktioniert es ohne Fehler. Jede Hilfe ist zu schätzen. Vielen Dank!NodeJS Lambda-Problem mit der Reihenfolge der Operationen

'use strict'

// dependencies 
const child_process = require('child_process') 
const fs = require('fs') 
const path = require('path') 
const stripDirs = require('strip-dirs') 
const AWS = require('aws-sdk') 
const unzip = require('unzip') 
const shell = require('shelljs') 

// global process variable is still accessible 
process.env['PATH'] = process.env['PATH'] + ':' + process.env['/tmp'] 

// get reference to S3 client 
const s3 = new AWS.S3({maxRetries: 1, "signatureVersion":"v4"}) 

exports.handler = function(event, context) { 

    const codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline() 
    let jobId 

    // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a successful job 
    function putJobSuccess(message) { 
    codepipeline.putJobSuccessResult({ jobId }, 
     (err, data) => { 
     if (err) 

    // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a failed job 
    function putJobFailure(message) { 
    console.error('job failure: ', message) 
     failureDetails: { 
     message: JSON.stringify(message), 
     type: 'JobFailed', 
     externalExecutionId: context.invokeid 
    }, (err, data) => context.fail(message)) 

    try { 
const jobEvent = event['CodePipeline.job'] 
jobId = jobEvent.id 
const jobData = jobEvent.data 

// Retrieve the value of UserParameters from the Lambda action configuration in AWS CodePipeline, in this case a URL which will be 
// health checked by this function. 
const userParams = jobData.actionConfiguration.configuration.UserParameters 
const userParamsSplit = userParams && userParams.split(' ') 
if (!userParams || !userParamsSplit || userParamsSplit.length !== 1) 
    throw new Error('The User Parameters field must contain three items separated by spaces: the input artifact name, the location of the lambda function code within the input artifact, and the destination lambda function name') 

const artifactName = userParamsSplit[0] 
const artifact = jobData.inputArtifacts.find(a => a.name === artifactName && a.location.type === 'S3') 
if (!artifact) throw new Error('artifact not found: ', artifactName) 
console.log('Artifact:', artifact) 

const tmpDir = '/tmp' 

const artifactZipFilePath = path.join(tmpDir, stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2)) 
console.log('ZipFilePath:', artifactZipFilePath) 

    Bucket: artifact.location.s3Location.bucketName, 
    Key: artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey 
}, (err, data) => { 
    if (err) return putJobFailure(`could not download artifact from S3: ${err.stack || err}`) 
    fs.writeFileSync(artifactZipFilePath, data.Body) 

const zipFileContents = fs.readFileSync(artifactZipFilePath) 
const zipFileDir = stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2).slice(0, -4) 
console.log('zipFileDir:', zipFileDir) 

const newZipArtifact = path.join('/tmp', stripDirs(artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey, 2)) 
fs.createReadStream(newZipArtifact).pipe(unzip.Extract({ path: '/tmp' })) 
const prependFunctionName = shell.grep('FunctionName', '/tmp/template.yml') 
const destLambdaFunctionName = prependFunctionName.replace(/^.+:/,'').replace(/\s/g,'') 
const command = require('child_process').exec 

command(`echo ${destLambdaFunctionName}`, (error, stdout, stderr) => { 
    if (error) { 
    console.log("Error occurs"); 

    FunctionName: destLambdaFunctionName, 
    Publish: true, 
    ZipFile: zipFileContents 
    }, function(err, data) { 
    if (err) console.log(err, err.stack) // an error occurred 
    else  console.log(data)   // successful response 
    const sqsMsg = (data) 
    putJobSuccess('lambda code updated') 
} catch (err) { 



Geben Sie diesen einen Schuss:

// dependencies 
const AWS = require('aws-sdk') 
const unzip = require('unzip') 

// global process variable is still accessible 
process.env['PATH'] = process.env['PATH'] + ':' + process.env['/tmp'] 
// get reference to CodePipeline client 
const codepipeline = new AWS.CodePipeline() 
// get reference to S3 client 
const s3 = new AWS.S3({ 
    maxRetries: 1, 
    "signatureVersion": "v4" 

exports.handler = function(event, context) { 
    let jobId 

    // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a successful job 
    function putJobSuccess(message) { 
    if (!jobId) return context.fail(err) 
     (err, data) => { 
     if (err) 

    // Notify AWS CodePipeline of a failed job 
    function putJobFailure(message) { 
    console.error('job failure: ', message) 
    if (!jobId) return context.fail(err) 
     failureDetails: { 
     message: JSON.stringify(message), 
     type: 'JobFailed', 
     externalExecutionId: context.invokeid 
    }, (err, data) => context.fail(message)) 

    try { 
    const jobEvent = event['CodePipeline.job'] 
    jobId = jobEvent.id 
    const jobData = jobEvent.data 

    // Retrieve the value of UserParameters from the Lambda action configuration in AWS CodePipeline, in this case a URL which will be 
    // health checked by this function. 
    const userParams = jobData.actionConfiguration.configuration.UserParameters 
    const userParamsSplit = userParams && userParams.split(' ') 
    if (!userParams || !userParamsSplit || userParamsSplit.length !== 1) 
     throw new Error('The User Parameters field must contain three items separated by spaces: the input artifact name, the location of the lambda function code within the input artifact, and the destination lambda function name') 

    const artifactName = userParamsSplit[0] 
    const artifact = jobData.inputArtifacts.find(a => a.name === artifactName && a.location.type === 'S3') 
    if (!artifact) throw new Error('artifact not found: ', artifactName) 
    console.log('Artifact:', artifact) 

    let destLambdaFunctionName = null 
    let foundTemplateYml = false 
    const Bucket = artifact.location.s3Location.bucketName 
    const Key = artifact.location.s3Location.objectKey 

    s3.getObject({ Bucket, Key }) 
     .on('error', (err) => putJobFailure(`could not download artifact from S3: ${err.stack || err}`)) 
     .on('error', (err) => putJobFailure(`could not parse zip from S3: ${err.stack || err}`)) 
     .on('entry', (entry) => { 
     if (entry.path === 'template.yml') { 
      let chunks = [] 
      foundTemplateYml = true 
      entry.on('data', (chunk) => chunks.push(chunk)).on('end',() => { 
      const match = Buffer.concat(chunks).toString().match(/FunctionName: (.+)/) 
      if (!match || !match[1]) return putJobFailure(`could not find FunctionName in template.yml`) 
      destLambdaFunctionName = match[1] 
       FunctionName: destLambdaFunctionName, 
       Publish: true, 
       S3Bucket: Bucket, 
       S3Key: Key 
      }, (err, data) => { 
       if (err) return putJobFailure(`could not update Lambda function code for ${destLambdaFunctionName}: ${err.stack || err}`) 
       putJobSuccess('lambda code updated') 
     } else { 
     .on('end',() => { 
     if (!foundTemplateYml) { 
      putJobFailure(`could not find template.yml in zip`) 
    } catch (err) { 

wie ein Charme. Vielen Dank! – kilomo

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