2016-05-05 7 views

Ich möchte OnPaint-Ereignis in meinem benutzerdefinierten Steuerelement aufrufen. Ich habe eine Klasse und ein geerbtes Steuerelement erstellt, um ein benutzerdefiniertes Steuerelement zu erstellen, und möchte OnPaint oder ein Paint-Ereignis aufrufen, wenn das Objekt initialisiert wird. Aber wenn ich eine Klasse erstellen, wird das Paint-Event nicht ausgelöst. Sehe den folgenden Code.So rufen Sie ein benutzerdefiniertes Steuerelement onpaint Ereignis

internal class CallRectangle : Control 

     public CallRectangle() 
      this.Paint += CalloutRectangle_Paint; 

     void CalloutRectangle_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) 
      throw new NotImplementedException(); 
     protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) 


// Create object to the custom control and call paint event using constructor 

CallRectangle obj = new CallRectangle(); 

Irgendwelche lassen Sie mich wissen, wie man Farbe Ereignis nennt.

Danke, Bharathi.


Sie das Ereignis nicht direkt aufrufen, anstatt die Kontrolle verwenden 'Invalidate()' oder 'Refresh()' Methoden. beide werden die Kontrolle zwingen, sich selbst neu zu zeichnen. [Lesen Sie hier weiter] (https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/subhagpo/2005/02/22/whats-the-difference-between-control-invalidate-control-update-and-control-refresh/) –


** this.Paint + = CalloutRectangle_Paint; ** fügt ein Ereignis ein, das auf "Paint" ausgeführt werden soll und löst kein OnPaint-Ereignis aus. – user3185569


Es hat keinen Sinn, die OnPaint-Methode im Konstruktor aufzurufen, da das Steuerelement noch kein Mitglied des Formulars ist. Wo erwarten Sie es? –



Aufruf Invalidate, Update oder Aktualisieren wird nicht funktionieren für Sie.

Hier ist eine herunterladbare Sample from Microsoft mit einer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung auf wie Direkt von Control vererben und die Draw Events, bauen, da von einer bestehenden Steuer vererben (Button sagen wir mal) ist so, wie es einfach zieht sich schon selbst an.

Was Sie im obigen Beispiel sehen werden, müssen Sie mehrere Zeichnungsereignisse basierend auf der Komplexität Ihres Steuerelements erstellen (wie ein List-Feld, das Elemente haben, die gezeichnet werden müssen). Beispielcode von oben Link:

/// <include file='DocumentationComments.xml' path='doc/members/member[@name="M:TwoLineListBox.OnPaint"]/*'/> 
     protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) 
      // draw on memory bitmap 

      // TODO: Figure out how to avoid doing this on every paint 
      // calculate fields required to layout and draw list 

      Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(m_bmp); 

      // Draw the background and raise the PaintBackground event 
      OnPaintBackground(new ListPaintEventArgs(g)); 

      // draw list 
      if (m_list != null) 

      // Draw the frame around the list 
      Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width - m_scrollBarWidth, this.Height - 1); 
      g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black), rc); 

      // blit memory bitmap to screen 
      e.Graphics.DrawImage(m_bmp, 0, 0); 

     // This prevents the base class from doing OnPaintBackground. 
     // Since the OnPaint method paints the entire window there's no reason 
     // to let this go through. If we do it'll cause flashing. 
     /// <include file='DocumentationComments.xml' path='doc/members/member[@name="M:TwoLineListBox.OnPaintBackground"]/*'/> 
     protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e) 

     // Called when it is time to draw the background. To take complete control of background 
     // drawing override this. To get called after the background is drawn by the base class 
     // register for the PaintBackground event. 
     /// <include file='DocumentationComments.xml' path='doc/members/member[@name="M:TwoLineListBox.OnPaintBackgroundII"]/*'/> 
     protected virtual void OnPaintBackground(ListPaintEventArgs e) 
      // Fill the background with the background colour 
      if (PaintBackground != null) 
       PaintBackground(this, e); 

     // Called to draw a line item. To take complete control of drawing an item override this method. 
     // To let the base class draw the item first and then do your own additional work register for the 
     // PaintItem event. 
     /// <include file='DocumentationComments.xml' path='doc/members/member[@name="M:TwoLineListBox.OnPaintItem"]/*'/> 
     protected virtual void OnPaintItem(ListPaintEventArgs e) 

      Graphics g = e.Graphics; 
      Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(); // Destination for the item image, if any 
      Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(); // Source region of the image to draw 
      Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(); // Destination for the text 
      int lineIndent = 0;      // How far the text is moved in from the left margin before drawing 
      Image imageToDraw = null; 
      string line1Text; 
      string line2Text; 

      // On the null case skip everything and just draw the separator line 
      if (e.Item == null) 
       goto DrawSeparator; 

      line1Text = GetStringProperty(e.Item, this.m_line1Property); 
      if (line1Text == null) 
       line1Text = e.Item.ToString(); 

      line2Text = GetStringProperty(e.Item, this.m_line2Property); 
      if (line2Text == null) 
       line2Text = e.Item.ToString(); 

      // Figure out if we're drawing an image per item from the object, or one for 
      // everything 
      imageToDraw = GetImageProperty(e.Item, this.m_itemImageProperty); 
      if (imageToDraw == null) 

       imageToDraw = m_itemImage; 

      // Calculate the position of the item image, if we have one, and the line indents 
      if (imageToDraw != null) 

       srcRect.X = 0; 
       srcRect.Y = 0; 
       srcRect.Width = imageToDraw.Width; 
       srcRect.Height = imageToDraw.Height; 

       // int vertPos = (m_itemHeight - m_itemImage.Height)/2; 
       destRect.X = e.ClipRectangle.X + IMAGE_PADDING_X; 
       destRect.Y = e.ClipRectangle.Y + IMAGE_PADDING_Y; 
       // destRect.Y = (vertPos < 0) ? 0 : vertPos; // Center the image vertically in the line height. Handle the image being larger than the item height 

       // Account for an image that is taller than the item height 
       destRect.Height = (imageToDraw.Height > m_itemHeight - IMAGE_PADDING_Y) ? m_itemHeight - (IMAGE_PADDING_Y * 2) : imageToDraw.Height; 
       destRect.Width = destRect.Height; 
       // Set the text indent based on the image 
       lineIndent = IMAGE_PADDING_X + imageToDraw.Width + TEXT_PADDING_X; // Two pixels for the left indent of the image 
       // Set the text indent without using the image 
       lineIndent = TEXT_PADDING_X; 

      // Calculate the text rectangle 
      textRect.X = e.ClipRectangle.X + lineIndent; 
      textRect.Width = e.ClipRectangle.Width - TEXT_PADDING_X - textRect.X; // Allows for padding on the right edge too 
      textRect.Y = e.ClipRectangle.Y + 2; 
      textRect.Height = this.m_textHeightLine1; 

      // From here on we actually draw things. First the selected background, if necessary 
      if (e.Selected) 
       g.FillRectangle(m_brushSelBack, e.ClipRectangle); 

      // Draw the icon, if we have one 
      if (imageToDraw != null) 
       if (m_useTransparent) 

        g.DrawImage(imageToDraw, destRect, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Y, srcRect.Height, srcRect.Height, 
         GraphicsUnit.Pixel, m_imageAttributes); 
        g.DrawImage(imageToDraw, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); 

      // Draw the text in a bounding rect to force it to truncate if too long 
      g.DrawString(line1Text, m_fontLine1, e.Selected ? m_brushSelText : m_brushText, textRect); 

      // Draw the second line 
      textRect.Y += m_textHeightLine1 + 3; 
      textRect.Height = this.m_textHeightLine2; 
      g.DrawString(line2Text, m_fontLine2, e.Selected ? m_brushSelText : m_brushText, textRect); 

      // Draw the separator line 
      g.DrawLine(m_penSep, e.ClipRectangle.X, e.ClipRectangle.Y + e.ClipRectangle.Height, 
       e.ClipRectangle.X + e.ClipRectangle.Width, e.ClipRectangle.Y + e.ClipRectangle.Height); 

      // Let other people know it's time for them to draw 
      if (PaintItem != null) 
       PaintItem(this, e); 

     // Draw all the items. 
     private void DrawItems(Graphics g) 
      ListPaintEventArgs ListPaintEventArgs = new ListPaintEventArgs(g); 

      // Calculate our actual drawing area, accounting for the scroll bar 
      Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width - m_scrollBarWidth, this.Height - 1); 

      // draw items that are visible 
      int curItem = 0; 
      for (int i = 0; (i < m_visibleCount); i++) 
       curItem = i + m_topItem; 
       if (curItem < m_list.Count) 
        // Calculate the drawing area for the item 
        ListPaintEventArgs.ClipRectangle = new Rectangle(rc.X, 
         rc.Y + (i * m_itemHeight), 

        // Get the item we'll be drawing with and whether it is selected      
        ListPaintEventArgs.Item = m_list[curItem]; 
        ListPaintEventArgs.Selected = (m_selItem == curItem); 

        // Draw the item 

     // Recalculates the heights and visible counts for assorted items 
     // in the listbox. 
     // TODO: Get rid of this method by moving the rest of the items into the assorted 
     // properties. 
     private void RecalcItems(Graphics g) 
      // The text heights for a single line of text is the height of the font. 
      m_textHeightLine1 = g.MeasureString("W", this.m_fontLine1).ToSize().Height; 
      m_textHeightLine2 = g.MeasureString("W", this.m_fontLine2).ToSize().Height; 

      // The height for an individual item is two lines plus some padding 
      m_itemHeight = m_textHeightLine1 + m_textHeightLine2 + 5; 

      m_visibleCount = this.Height/m_itemHeight; 

      // Set the top item to draw to the current scroll position 
      m_topItem = m_scrollValue; 

     // Creates all the objects we need for drawing 
     private void CreateGdiObjects() 
      m_brushText = new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor); 
      m_brushSelText = new SolidBrush(this.m_selForeColor); 
      m_brushSelBack = new SolidBrush(this.m_selBackColor); 
      m_penSep = new Pen(this.m_separatorColor); 
      m_imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes(); 

     // Creates a bitmap in memory to do our drawing. We'll draw on this first 
     // and then splat it to the screen. 
     private void CreateMemoryBitmap() 
      // Only create if don't have one and the size hasn't changed 
      if (m_bmp == null || m_bmp.Width != this.Width || m_bmp.Height != this.Height) 
       m_bmp = new Bitmap(this.Width - m_scrollBarWidth, this.Height); 

       // TODO: Figure out why this is here. 
       m_scrollBar.Left = this.Width - m_scrollBarWidth; 
       m_scrollBar.Top = 0; 
       m_scrollBar.Width = m_scrollBarWidth; 
       m_scrollBar.Height = this.Height; 

Ich hoffe, das hilft

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