2017-12-02 5 views

verbinden, wenn i-Projekt öffnen CodeIgniter als es nicht in der Lage anzeigen könnenCodeIgniter Kann nicht Datenbank

Fehlermeldung ein Datenbankfehler Verbindung zur Datenbank Aufgetreten leider nicht möglich, Datenbankserver unter Verwendung der bereitgestellten Einstellungen zu verbinden. Dateiname: C: \ wamp \ www \ CodeIgniter-Norm-Projekt-Master \ system \ Datenbank \ DB_driver.php

Zeilennummer: 76


  <?php if (! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); 

    class CI_DB_driver { 

     var $username  = 'root'; 
     var $password  = ''; 
     var $hostname  = 'localhost'; 
     var $database  = 'groups'; 
     var $dbdriver  = 'mysql'; 
     var $dbprefix  = ''; 
     var $char_set  = 'utf8'; 
     var $dbcollat  = 'utf8_general_ci'; 
     var $autoinit  = TRUE; // Whether to automatically initialize the DB 
     var $swap_pre  = ''; 
     var $port   = ''; 
     var $pconnect  = true; 
     var $conn_id  = FALSE; 
     var $result_id  = FALSE; 
     var $db_debug  = true; 
     var $benchmark  = 0; 
     var $query_count = 0; 
     var $bind_marker = '?'; 
     var $save_queries = TRUE; 
     var $queries  = array(); 
     var $query_times = array(); 
     var $data_cache  = array(); 
     var $trans_enabled = TRUE; 
     var $trans_strict = TRUE; 
     var $_trans_depth = 0; 
     var $_trans_status = TRUE; // Used with transactions to determine if a rollback should occur 
     var $cache_on  = FALSE; 
     var $cachedir  = ''; 
     var $cache_autodel = FALSE; 
     var $CACHE; // The cache class object 

     var $_protect_identifiers = TRUE; 
     var $_reserved_identifiers = array('*'); // Identifiers that should NOT be escaped 

     // These are use with Oracle 
     var $stmt_id; 
     var $curs_id; 
     var $limit_used; 

     function __construct($params) 
      if (is_array($params)) 
       foreach ($params as $key => $val) 
        $this->$key = $val; 

      log_message('debug', 'Database Driver Class Initialized'); 
     function initialize() 
      // If an existing connection resource is available 
      // there is no need to connect and select the database 
      if (is_resource($this->conn_id) OR is_object($this->conn_id)) 
       return TRUE; 
    $this->conn_id = ($this->pconnect == FALSE) ? $this->db_connect() : $this->db_pconnect(); 

      // No connection resource? Throw an error 
      if (! $this->conn_id) 
       log_message('error', 'Unable to connect to the database'); 

       if ($this->db_debug) 
       return FALSE; 

      // ---------------------------------------------------------------- 

      // Select the DB... assuming a database name is specified in the config file 
      if ($this->database != '') 
       if (! $this->db_select()) 
        log_message('error', 'Unable to select database: '.$this->database); 

        if ($this->db_debug) 
         $this->display_error('db_unable_to_select', $this->database); 
        return FALSE; 
        // We've selected the DB. Now we set the character set 
        if (! $this->db_set_charset($this->char_set, $this->dbcollat)) 
         return FALSE; 

        return TRUE; 

      return TRUE; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     function db_set_charset($charset, $collation) 
      if (! $this->_db_set_charset($this->char_set, $this->dbcollat)) 
       log_message('error', 'Unable to set database connection charset: '.$this->char_set); 

       if ($this->db_debug) 
        $this->display_error('db_unable_to_set_charset', $this->char_set); 

       return FALSE; 

      return TRUE; 

     function platform() 
      return $this->dbdriver; 

     function version() 
      if (FALSE === ($sql = $this->_version())) 
       if ($this->db_debug) 
        return $this->display_error('db_unsupported_function'); 
       return FALSE; 
      $driver_version_exceptions = array('oci8', 'sqlite', 'cubrid'); 

      if (in_array($this->dbdriver, $driver_version_exceptions)) 
       return $sql; 
       $query = $this->query($sql); 
       return $query->row('ver'); 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     function query($sql, $binds = FALSE, $return_object = TRUE) 
      if ($sql == '') 
       if ($this->db_debug) 
        log_message('error', 'Invalid query: '.$sql); 
        return $this->display_error('db_invalid_query'); 
       return FALSE; 

      // Verify table prefix and replace if necessary 
      if (($this->dbprefix != '' AND $this->swap_pre != '') AND ($this->dbprefix != $this->swap_pre)) 
       $sql = preg_replace("/(\W)".$this->swap_pre."(\S+?)/", "\\1".$this->dbprefix."\\2", $sql); 
      if ($this->cache_on == TRUE AND stristr($sql, 'SELECT')) 
       if ($this->_cache_init()) 
        if (FALSE !== ($cache = $this->CACHE->read($sql))) 
         return $cache; 

      // Compile binds if needed 
      if ($binds !== FALSE) 
       $sql = $this->compile_binds($sql, $binds); 

      // Save the query for debugging 
      if ($this->save_queries == TRUE) 
       $this->queries[] = $sql; 

      // Start the Query Timer 
      $time_start = list($sm, $ss) = explode(' ', microtime()); 

      // Run the Query 
      if (FALSE === ($this->result_id = $this->simple_query($sql))) 
       if ($this->save_queries == TRUE) 
        $this->query_times[] = 0; 

       // This will trigger a rollback if transactions are being used 
       $this->_trans_status = FALSE; 

       if ($this->db_debug) 
        // grab the error number and message now, as we might run some 
        // additional queries before displaying the error 
        $error_no = $this->_error_number(); 
        $error_msg = $this->_error_message(); 

        // We call this function in order to roll-back queries 
        // if transactions are enabled. If we don't call this here 
        // the error message will trigger an exit, causing the 
        // transactions to remain in limbo. 

        // Log and display errors 
        log_message('error', 'Query error: '.$error_msg); 
        return $this->display_error(
                'Error Number: '.$error_no, 

       return FALSE; 

      // Stop and aggregate the query time results 
      $time_end = list($em, $es) = explode(' ', microtime()); 
      $this->benchmark += ($em + $es) - ($sm + $ss); 

      if ($this->save_queries == TRUE) 
       $this->query_times[] = ($em + $es) - ($sm + $ss); 

      // Increment the query counter 

      // Was the query a "write" type? 
      // If so we'll simply return true 
      if ($this->is_write_type($sql) === TRUE) 
       // If caching is enabled we'll auto-cleanup any 
       // existing files related to this particular URI 
       if ($this->cache_on == TRUE AND $this->cache_autodel == TRUE AND $this->_cache_init()) 

       return TRUE; 

      // Return TRUE if we don't need to create a result object 
      // Currently only the Oracle driver uses this when stored 
      // procedures are used 
      if ($return_object !== TRUE) 
       return TRUE; 

      // Load and instantiate the result driver 

      $driver   = $this->load_rdriver(); 
      $RES   = new $driver(); 
      $RES->conn_id = $this->conn_id; 
      $RES->result_id = $this->result_id; 

      if ($this->dbdriver == 'oci8') 
       $RES->stmt_id  = $this->stmt_id; 
       $RES->curs_id  = NULL; 
       $RES->limit_used = $this->limit_used; 
       $this->stmt_id  = FALSE; 

      // oci8 vars must be set before calling this 
      $RES->num_rows = $RES->num_rows(); 

      // Is query caching enabled? If so, we'll serialize the 
      // result object and save it to a cache file. 
      if ($this->cache_on == TRUE AND $this->_cache_init()) 
       $CR = new CI_DB_result(); 
       $CR->num_rows  = $RES->num_rows(); 
       $CR->result_object = $RES->result_object(); 
       $CR->result_array = $RES->result_array(); 

       // Reset these since cached objects can not utilize resource IDs. 
       $CR->conn_id  = NULL; 
       $CR->result_id  = NULL; 

       $this->CACHE->write($sql, $CR); 

      return $RES; 
     function load_rdriver() 
      $driver = 'CI_DB_'.$this->dbdriver.'_result'; 

      if (! class_exists($driver)) 

      return $driver; 

     function simple_query($sql) 
      if (! $this->conn_id) 

      return $this->_execute($sql); 
     function trans_off() 
      $this->trans_enabled = FALSE; 
     function trans_strict($mode = TRUE) 
      $this->trans_strict = is_bool($mode) ? $mode : TRUE; 
     function trans_start($test_mode = FALSE) 
      if (! $this->trans_enabled) 
       return FALSE; 

      // When transactions are nested we only begin/commit/rollback the outermost ones 
      if ($this->_trans_depth > 0) 
       $this->_trans_depth += 1; 

     function trans_complete() 
      if (! $this->trans_enabled) 
       return FALSE; 

      // When transactions are nested we only begin/commit/rollback the outermost ones 
      if ($this->_trans_depth > 1) 
       $this->_trans_depth -= 1; 
       return TRUE; 

      // The query() function will set this flag to FALSE in the event that a query failed 
      if ($this->_trans_status === FALSE) 

       // If we are NOT running in strict mode, we will reset 
       // the _trans_status flag so that subsequent groups of transactions 
       // will be permitted. 
       if ($this->trans_strict === FALSE) 
        $this->_trans_status = TRUE; 

       log_message('debug', 'DB Transaction Failure'); 
       return FALSE; 

      return TRUE; 

     function trans_status() 
      return $this->_trans_status; 

     function compile_binds($sql, $binds) 
      if (strpos($sql, $this->bind_marker) === FALSE) 
       return $sql; 

      if (! is_array($binds)) 
       $binds = array($binds); 

      // Get the sql segments around the bind markers 
      $segments = explode($this->bind_marker, $sql); 

      // The count of bind should be 1 less then the count of segments 
      // If there are more bind arguments trim it down 
      if (count($binds) >= count($segments)) { 
       $binds = array_slice($binds, 0, count($segments)-1); 

      // Construct the binded query 
      $result = $segments[0]; 
      $i = 0; 
      foreach ($binds as $bind) 
       $result .= $this->escape($bind); 
       $result .= $segments[++$i]; 

      return $result; 

     function is_write_type($sql) 
       return FALSE; 
      return TRUE; 

     function elapsed_time($decimals = 6) 
      return number_format($this->benchmark, $decimals); 

     function total_queries() 
      return $this->query_count; 

     function last_query() 
      return end($this->queries); 

     function escape($str) 
      if (is_string($str)) 
       $str = "'".$this->escape_str($str)."'"; 
      elseif (is_bool($str)) 
       $str = ($str === FALSE) ? 0 : 1; 
      elseif (is_null($str)) 
       $str = 'NULL'; 

      return $str; 

     function escape_like_str($str) 
      return $this->escape_str($str, TRUE); 

     function primary($table = '') 
      $fields = $this->list_fields($table); 

      if (! is_array($fields)) 
       return FALSE; 

      return current($fields); 

     function list_tables($constrain_by_prefix = FALSE) 
      // Is there a cached result? 
      if (isset($this->data_cache['table_names'])) 
       return $this->data_cache['table_names']; 

      if (FALSE === ($sql = $this->_list_tables($constrain_by_prefix))) 
       if ($this->db_debug) 
        return $this->display_error('db_unsupported_function'); 
       return FALSE; 

      $retval = array(); 
      $query = $this->query($sql); 

      if ($query->num_rows() > 0) 
       foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) 
        if (isset($row['TABLE_NAME'])) 
         $retval[] = $row['TABLE_NAME']; 
         $retval[] = array_shift($row); 

      $this->data_cache['table_names'] = $retval; 
      return $this->data_cache['table_names']; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Determine if a particular table exists 
     * @access public 
     * @return boolean 
     function table_exists($table_name) 
      return (! in_array($this->_protect_identifiers($table_name, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), $this->list_tables())) ? FALSE : TRUE; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Fetch MySQL Field Names 
     * @access public 
     * @param string the table name 
     * @return array 
     function list_fields($table = '') 
      // Is there a cached result? 
      if (isset($this->data_cache['field_names'][$table])) 
       return $this->data_cache['field_names'][$table]; 

      if ($table == '') 
       if ($this->db_debug) 
        return $this->display_error('db_field_param_missing'); 
       return FALSE; 

      if (FALSE === ($sql = $this->_list_columns($table))) 
       if ($this->db_debug) 
        return $this->display_error('db_unsupported_function'); 
       return FALSE; 

      $query = $this->query($sql); 

      $retval = array(); 
      foreach ($query->result_array() as $row) 
       if (isset($row['COLUMN_NAME'])) 
        $retval[] = $row['COLUMN_NAME']; 
        $retval[] = current($row); 

      $this->data_cache['field_names'][$table] = $retval; 
      return $this->data_cache['field_names'][$table]; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Determine if a particular field exists 
     * @access public 
     * @param string 
     * @param string 
     * @return boolean 
     function field_exists($field_name, $table_name) 
      return (! in_array($field_name, $this->list_fields($table_name))) ? FALSE : TRUE; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Returns an object with field data 
     * @access public 
     * @param string the table name 
     * @return object 
     function field_data($table = '') 
      if ($table == '') 
       if ($this->db_debug) 
        return $this->display_error('db_field_param_missing'); 
       return FALSE; 

      $query = $this->query($this->_field_data($this->_protect_identifiers($table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE))); 

      return $query->field_data(); 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Generate an insert string 
     * @access public 
     * @param string the table upon which the query will be performed 
     * @param array an associative array data of key/values 
     * @return string 
     function insert_string($table, $data) 
      $fields = array(); 
      $values = array(); 

      foreach ($data as $key => $val) 
       $fields[] = $this->_escape_identifiers($key); 
       $values[] = $this->escape($val); 

      return $this->_insert($this->_protect_identifiers($table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE), $fields, $values); 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Generate an update string 
     * @access public 
     * @param string the table upon which the query will be performed 
     * @param array an associative array data of key/values 
     * @param mixed the "where" statement 
     * @return string 
     function update_string($table, $data, $where) 
      if ($where == '') 
       return false; 

      $fields = array(); 
      foreach ($data as $key => $val) 
       $fields[$this->_protect_identifiers($key)] = $this->escape($val); 

      if (! is_array($where)) 
       $dest = array($where); 
       $dest = array(); 
       foreach ($where as $key => $val) 
        $prefix = (count($dest) == 0) ? '' : ' AND '; 

        if ($val !== '') 
         if (! $this->_has_operator($key)) 
          $key .= ' ='; 

         $val = ' '.$this->escape($val); 

        $dest[] = $prefix.$key.$val; 

      return $this->_update($this->_protect_identifiers($table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE), $fields, $dest); 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Tests whether the string has an SQL operator 
     * @access private 
     * @param string 
     * @return bool 
     function _has_operator($str) 
      $str = trim($str); 
      if (! preg_match("/(\s|<|>|!|=|is null|is not null)/i", $str)) 
       return FALSE; 

      return TRUE; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Enables a native PHP function to be run, using a platform agnostic wrapper. 
     * @access public 
     * @param string the function name 
     * @param mixed any parameters needed by the function 
     * @return mixed 
     function call_function($function) 
      $driver = ($this->dbdriver == 'postgre') ? 'pg_' : $this->dbdriver.'_'; 

      if (FALSE === strpos($driver, $function)) 
       $function = $driver.$function; 

      if (! function_exists($function)) 
       if ($this->db_debug) 
        return $this->display_error('db_unsupported_function'); 
       return FALSE; 
       $args = (func_num_args() > 1) ? array_splice(func_get_args(), 1) : null; 

       return call_user_func_array($function, $args); 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Set Cache Directory Path 
     * @access public 
     * @param string the path to the cache directory 
     * @return void 
     function cache_set_path($path = '') 
      $this->cachedir = $path; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Enable Query Caching 
     * @access public 
     * @return void 
     function cache_on() 
      $this->cache_on = TRUE; 
      return TRUE; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Disable Query Caching 
     * @access public 
     * @return void 
     function cache_off() 
      $this->cache_on = FALSE; 
      return FALSE; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Delete the cache files associated with a particular URI 
     * @access public 
     * @return void 
     function cache_delete($segment_one = '', $segment_two = '') 
      if (! $this->_cache_init()) 
       return FALSE; 
      return $this->CACHE->delete($segment_one, $segment_two); 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Delete All cache files 
     * @access public 
     * @return void 
     function cache_delete_all() 
      if (! $this->_cache_init()) 
       return FALSE; 

      return $this->CACHE->delete_all(); 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Initialize the Cache Class 
     * @access private 
     * @return void 
     function _cache_init() 
      if (is_object($this->CACHE) AND class_exists('CI_DB_Cache')) 
       return TRUE; 

      if (! class_exists('CI_DB_Cache')) 
       if (! @include(BASEPATH.'database/DB_cache.php')) 
        return $this->cache_off(); 

      $this->CACHE = new CI_DB_Cache($this); // pass db object to support multiple db connections and returned db objects 
      return TRUE; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Close DB Connection 
     * @access public 
     * @return void 
     function close() 
      if (is_resource($this->conn_id) OR is_object($this->conn_id)) 
      $this->conn_id = FALSE; 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Display an error message 
     * @access public 
     * @param string the error message 
     * @param string any "swap" values 
     * @param boolean whether to localize the message 
     * @return string sends the application/error_db.php template 
     function display_error($error = '', $swap = '', $native = FALSE) 
      $LANG =& load_class('Lang', 'core'); 

      $heading = $LANG->line('db_error_heading'); 

      if ($native == TRUE) 
       $message = $error; 
       $message = (! is_array($error)) ? array(str_replace('%s', $swap, $LANG->line($error))) : $error; 

      // Find the most likely culprit of the error by going through 
      // the backtrace until the source file is no longer in the 
      // database folder. 

      $trace = debug_backtrace(); 

      foreach ($trace as $call) 
       if (isset($call['file']) && strpos($call['file'], BASEPATH.'database') === FALSE) 
        // Found it - use a relative path for safety 
        $message[] = 'Filename: '.str_replace(array(BASEPATH, APPPATH), '', $call['file']); 
        $message[] = 'Line Number: '.$call['line']; 


      $error =& load_class('Exceptions', 'core'); 
      echo $error->show_error($heading, $message, 'error_db'); 

     // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

     * Protect Identifiers 
     * This function adds backticks if appropriate based on db type 
     * @access private 
     * @param mixed the item to escape 
     * @return mixed the item with backticks 
     function protect_identifiers($item, $prefix_single = FALSE) 
      return $this->_protect_identifiers($item, $prefix_single); 

     function _protect_identifiers($item, $prefix_single = FALSE, $protect_identifiers = NULL, $field_exists = TRUE) 
      if (! is_bool($protect_identifiers)) 
       $protect_identifiers = $this->_protect_identifiers; 

      if (is_array($item)) 
       $escaped_array = array(); 

       foreach ($item as $k => $v) 
        $escaped_array[$this->_protect_identifiers($k)] = $this->_protect_identifiers($v); 

       return $escaped_array; 

      // Convert tabs or multiple spaces into single spaces 
      $item = preg_replace('/[\t ]+/', ' ', $item); 

      // If the item has an alias declaration we remove it and set it aside. 
      // Basically we remove everything to the right of the first space 
      $alias = ''; 
      if (strpos($item, ' ') !== FALSE) 
       $alias = strstr($item, " "); 
       $item = substr($item, 0, - strlen($alias)); 

      // This is basically a bug fix for queries that use MAX, MIN, etc. 
      // If a parenthesis is found we know that we do not need to 
      // escape the data or add a prefix. There's probably a more graceful 
      // way to deal with this, but I'm not thinking of it -- Rick 
      if (strpos($item, '(') !== FALSE) 
       return $item.$alias; 

      // Break the string apart if it contains periods, then insert the table prefix 
      // in the correct location, assuming the period doesn't indicate that we're dealing 
      // with an alias. While we're at it, we will escape the components 
      if (strpos($item, '.') !== FALSE) 
       $parts = explode('.', $item); 

       // Does the first segment of the exploded item match 
       // one of the aliases previously identified? If so, 
       // we have nothing more to do other than escape the item 
       if (in_array($parts[0], $this->ar_aliased_tables)) 
        if ($protect_identifiers === TRUE) 
         foreach ($parts as $key => $val) 
          if (! in_array($val, $this->_reserved_identifiers)) 
           $parts[$key] = $this->_escape_identifiers($val); 

         $item = implode('.', $parts); 
        return $item.$alias; 

       // Is there a table prefix defined in the config file? If not, no need to do anything 
       if ($this->dbprefix != '') 
        // We now add the table prefix based on some logic. 
        // Do we have 4 segments (hostname.database.table.column)? 
        // If so, we add the table prefix to the column name in the 3rd segment. 
        if (isset($parts[3])) 
         $i = 2; 
        // Do we have 3 segments (database.table.column)? 
        // If so, we add the table prefix to the column name in 2nd position 
        elseif (isset($parts[2])) 
         $i = 1; 
        // Do we have 2 segments (table.column)? 
        // If so, we add the table prefix to the column name in 1st segment 
         $i = 0; 

        // This flag is set when the supplied $item does not contain a field name. 
        // This can happen when this function is being called from a JOIN. 
        if ($field_exists == FALSE) 

        // Verify table prefix and replace if necessary 
        if ($this->swap_pre != '' && strncmp($parts[$i], $this->swap_pre, strlen($this->swap_pre)) === 0) 
         $parts[$i] = preg_replace("/^".$this->swap_pre."(\S+?)/", $this->dbprefix."\\1", $parts[$i]); 

        // We only add the table prefix if it does not already exist 
        if (substr($parts[$i], 0, strlen($this->dbprefix)) != $this->dbprefix) 
         $parts[$i] = $this->dbprefix.$parts[$i]; 

        // Put the parts back together 
        $item = implode('.', $parts); 

       if ($protect_identifiers === TRUE) 
        $item = $this->_escape_identifiers($item); 

       return $item.$alias; 

      // Is there a table prefix? If not, no need to insert it 
      if ($this->dbprefix != '') 
       // Verify table prefix and replace if necessary 
       if ($this->swap_pre != '' && strncmp($item, $this->swap_pre, strlen($this->swap_pre)) === 0) 
        $item = preg_replace("/^".$this->swap_pre."(\S+?)/", $this->dbprefix."\\1", $item); 

       // Do we prefix an item with no segments? 
       if ($prefix_single == TRUE AND substr($item, 0, strlen($this->dbprefix)) != $this->dbprefix) 
        $item = $this->dbprefix.$item; 

      if ($protect_identifiers === TRUE AND ! in_array($item, $this->_reserved_identifiers)) 
       $item = $this->_escape_identifiers($item); 

      return $item.$alias; 




Kommentar- @mysql_connect ($ this-> hostname, $ this-> username, $ this-> password, TRUE); auf system/database/mysql/mysql_driver in db_connect method delete the @ from @mysql_connect($this->hostname, $this->username, $this->password, TRUE);

Dies zeigt Ihnen den Verbindungsfehler und Post Ergebnis hier

PHP 5 oder höher und CI 3 unterstützt nur Mysqli


$db['default'] = array( 
'dsn' => '', 
'hostname' => DB_HOST, 
'username' => DB_USER, 
'password' => DB_PASSWORD, 
'database' => DB_NAME, 
'dbdriver' => 'mysqli', 

Refer Edit: application/database/config.php


pleace ne –


Antwort geben wird MySQL-Server ausgeführt wird? ? –


ja es ist runnig –


Wenn Sie einen WMpp-Server verwenden, verwenden Sie diese Konfiguration. Wenn Sie XAMPP verwenden htdocx statt www


$active_group = 'default'; 

$query_builder = TRUE; 

$db['default'] = array(
'dsn' => '', 
'hostname' => DB_HOST, 
'username' => DB_USER, 
'password' => DB_PASSWORD, 
'database' => DB_NAME, 
'dbdriver' => 'mysqli', 
'dbprefix' => '', 
'pconnect' => FALSE, 
'db_debug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'), 
'cache_on' => FALSE, 
'cachedir' => '', 
'char_set' => 'utf8', 
'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci', 
'swap_pre' => '', 
'encrypt' => FALSE, 
'compress' => FALSE, 
'stricton' => FALSE, 
'failover' => array(), 
'save_queries' => TRUE 

danke für die Antwort –

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