2016-08-17 1 views

Ich versuche, ein MEAN-Projekt einzurichten, aber kann nicht scheinen, den Generator zu arbeiten. Ich installierte die meanjs Generator mit dem folgenden Befehl:Yo MEAN Generator Crashs

npm -g install generator-meanjs 

Ich lief yo meanjs und beantwortet die Fragen über meine Anwendung, aber der Generator immer abstürzt.

Dies ist die Botschaft, die ich erhalten:

Running npm install for you.... 
This may take a couple minutes. 
Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c cd mean && npm install 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Package renamed to phantomjs-prebuilt. Please update 'phantomjs' package references to 'phantomjs-prebuilt' 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to [email protected]^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree. 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Jade has been renamed to pug, please install the latest version of pug instead of jade 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: graceful-fs v3.0.0 and before will fail on node releases >= v7.0. Please update to [email protected]^4.0.0 as soon as possible. Use 'npm ls graceful-fs' to find it in the tree. 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: ReDoS vulnerability parsing Set-Cookie https://nodesecurity.io/advisories/130 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: [email protected]<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to [email protected]^4.0.0. 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: to-iso-string has been deprecated, use @segment/to-iso-string instead. 

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:213:12) 
    at emitTwo (events.js:87:13) 
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7) 
    at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:827:16) 
    at Socket.<anonymous> (internal/child_process.js:319:11) 
    at emitOne (events.js:77:13) 
    at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7) 
    at Pipe._onclose (net.js:477:12) 

ich alle MEAN Version Optionen und nichts geändert hat versucht haben. Unten ist meine Ordnerstruktur nach dem Ausführen des Befehls:

bower.json   Dockerfile  LICENSE.md package.json  README.md 
config    gruntfile.js manifest.yml Procfile   scripts 
CONTRIBUTING.md  gulpfile.js modules  protractor.conf.js server.js 
docker-compose.yml karma.conf.js node_modules public    test.js 

ich in der Lage war, indem Sie in der erste Warnung zu beheben, um die phantomjs Abhängigkeit phantomjs-prebuilt und rerunning npm install package.json und umbenennen. Aber ich kann die anderen in der Datei erwähnten Abhängigkeiten nicht finden und weiß nicht einmal, ob diese Lösung mein Problem beheben wird.

Ich benutze Ubuntu 14 und habe Python 2.7 (etwas ich habe Forschung angedeutet, dass dies wichtig sein könnte, nur für den Fall).

Eine weitere Sache: wenn der meanjs Generators Installation ich zwei deprecation Warnungen bekommen ... hätte nicht gedacht, das das Problem verursachen würde, aber könnte dies die Ursache sein?

[email protected]:~# npm install -g generator-meanjs 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: cross-spawn no longer requires a build toolchain, use it instead! 
npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: this package has been reintegrated into npm and is now out of date with respect to npm 

Und hier ist meine package.json Datei:

    "name": "mean", 
    "description": "Full-Stack JavaScript with MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js", 
    "version": "0.4.2", 
    "meanjs-version": "0.4.2", 
    "private": false, 
    "author": "Danny", 
    "license": "MIT", 
    "repository": { 
    "type": "git", 
    "url": "https://github.com/meanjs/mean.git" 
    "engines": { 
    "node": ">=0.10.28", 
    "npm": ">=1.4.28" 
    "scripts": { 
    "start": "grunt", 
    "test": "grunt test", 
    "postinstall": "bower install --config.interactive=false" 
    "dependencies": { 
    "acl": "~0.4.4", 
    "async": "^1.3.0", 
    "body-parser": "^1.13.1", 
    "bower": "^1.4.1", 
    "cfenv": "~1.0.0", 
    "chalk": "^1.1.0", 
    "compression": "^1.5.0", 
    "connect-flash": "~0.1.1", 
    "connect-mongo": "~0.8.1", 
    "consolidate": "~0.13.1", 
    "cookie-parser": "^1.3.2", 
    "crypto": "0.0.3", 
    "express": "^4.13.1", 
    "express-session": "^1.11.3", 
    "file-stream-rotator": "~0.0.6", 
    "forever": "~0.14.2", 
    "generate-password": "^1.1.1", 
    "glob": "^5.0.13", 
    "grunt": "0.4.5", 
    "grunt-cli": "~0.1.13", 
    "helmet": "~0.9.1", 
    "jasmine-core": "^2.3.4", 
    "lodash": "^3.10.0", 
    "method-override": "^2.3.3", 
    "mocha": "~1.20.0", 
    "mongoose": "~4.2.3", 
    "morgan": "^1.6.1", 
    "multer": "~1.0.5", 
    "nodemailer": "^1.4.0", 
    "owasp-password-strength-test": "^1.3.0", 
    "passport": "~0.2.2", 
    "passport-facebook": "^2.0.0", 
    "passport-github": "~0.1.5", 
    "passport-google-oauth": "~0.2.0", 
    "passport-linkedin": "~0.1.3", 
    "passport-local": "^1.0.0", 
    "passport-paypal-openidconnect": "^0.1.1", 
    "passport-twitter": "^1.0.2", 
    "phantomjs": ">=1.9.0", 
    "serve-favicon": "^2.3.0", 
    "socket.io": "^1.3.7", 
    "swig": "^1.4.2", 
    "validator": "^3.41.2" 
    "devDependencies": { 
    "coveralls": "^2.11.4", 
    "grunt-concurrent": "^2.0.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.8.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-csslint": "~0.4.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-cssmin": "~0.12.3", 
    "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.11.2", 
    "grunt-contrib-less": "^1.0.1", 
    "grunt-contrib-sass": "~0.9.2", 
    "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.9.1", 
    "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.6.1", 
    "grunt-env": "~0.4.4", 
    "grunt-eslint": "~17.3.1", 
    "grunt-karma": "~0.11.2", 
    "grunt-mocha-istanbul": "^2.4.0", 
    "grunt-mocha-test": "~0.12.7", 
    "grunt-ng-annotate": "^1.0.1", 
    "grunt-node-inspector": "~0.3.0", 
    "grunt-nodemon": "~0.4.0", 
    "grunt-protractor-coverage": "~0.2.15", 
    "grunt-protractor-runner": "^2.1.0", 
    "gulp": "^3.9.0", 
    "gulp-angular-templatecache": "^1.7.0", 
    "gulp-autoprefixer": "^2.3.1", 
    "gulp-concat": "^2.6.0", 
    "gulp-csslint": "~0.1.5", 
    "gulp-cssmin": "~0.1.7", 
    "gulp-eslint": "~1.0.0", 
    "gulp-jshint": "^1.11.2", 
    "gulp-karma": "~0.0.4", 
    "gulp-less": "^3.0.3", 
    "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.0", 
    "gulp-load-plugins": "^1.0.0-rc.1", 
    "gulp-mocha": "^2.1.2", 
    "gulp-ng-annotate": "^1.0.0", 
    "gulp-nodemon": "^2.0.3", 
    "gulp-protractor": "^1.0.0", 
    "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2", 
    "gulp-sass": "^2.0.3", 
    "gulp-uglify": "^1.2.0", 
    "gulp-util": "^3.0.6", 
    "karma": "~0.12.37", 
    "karma-chrome-launcher": "~0.2.0", 
    "karma-coverage": "~0.4.2", 
    "karma-firefox-launcher": "~0.1.6", 
    "karma-jasmine": "~0.3.6", 
    "karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor": "^0.1.2", 
    "karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.2.0", 
    "load-grunt-tasks": "^3.2.0", 
    "mock-fs": "~3.4.0", 
    "run-sequence": "^1.1.1", 
    "should": "^7.0.1", 
    "supertest": "^1.0.1" 

Okay, so konnte ich die Pakete bekommen installiert (glaube ich) von meinem npm Cache zu löschen, und läuft yo meanjs --skip0install . Danach klont das Repo, ich lief sudo npm install und erhielt nicht die KILLED Nachricht, die ich oben erwähnt habe. Jedoch sind alle Warnungen und Hinweise zu veralteten Versionen bleiben, und wenn ich den Lauf um den Server mit grunt versuchen, erhalte ich:

grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface (v1.2.0) 

Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt. 

If you're seeing this message, grunt hasn't been installed locally to 
your project. For more information about installing and configuring grunt, 
please see the Getting Started guide: 

Ich versuchte Grunzen manuell mit npm install grunt-cli Installation aber ich erhalte die gleiche Meldung. Ich habe bemerkt, dass alle Grunt-Tools Referenz in package.json sind, also frage ich mich, ob vielleicht die devDependencies nicht installiert werden.

Und jetzt bin ich immer Speicherlecks ....

(node:11181) Warning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 error listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit 

Wie ist das so vermasselt?


haben Sie versucht, den repo von github stattdessen zu klonen? – amyloula


Das Klonen scheint zu funktionieren, es sind die Knotenpakete, die versauen. Ich kann es mit 'yo mean-js - skip-install' machen. –


sehr seltsam, ich werde eine Kopie von meinem package.json für Sie zu prüfen, gegen, wie ich keine Installationsprobleme – amyloula



aktualisieren npm auf die neueste Version vor npm läuft -g Generator-meanjs

npm install -g npm 

Das erste, was ich ausprobiert habe. Kein Glück –


Nicht sicher, ob es keine Hilfe, sondern überprüfen gegen meine package.json-Datei installieren, habe ich keine Probleme auf Lauf npm install

    "name": "mean" 
    "description": "Full-Stack JavaScript with MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js", 
    "version": "0.4.2", 
    "meanjs-version": "0.4.2", 
    "private": false, 
    "author": "Amy", 
    "license": "MIT", 
    "repository": { 
    "type": "git", 
    "url": "https://github.com/meanjs/mean.git" 
    "engines": { 
    "node": ">=0.10.28", 
    "npm": ">=1.4.28" 
    "scripts": { 
    "start": "node server.js", 
    "test": "grunt test", 
    "postinstall": "bower install --config.interactive=false" 
    "dependencies": { 
    "acl": "~0.4.4", 
    "async": "^1.3.0", 
    "body-parser": "^1.13.1", 
    "bower": "^1.4.1", 
    "cfenv": "~1.0.0", 
    "chalk": "^1.1.0", 
    "compression": "^1.5.0", 
    "connect-flash": "~0.1.1", 
    "connect-mongo": "~0.8.1", 
    "consolidate": "~0.13.1", 
    "cookie-parser": "^1.3.2", 
    "crypto": "0.0.3", 
    "express": "^4.13.1", 
    "express-session": "^1.11.3", 
    "file-stream-rotator": "~0.0.6", 
    "forever": "~0.14.2", 
    "generate-password": "^1.1.1", 
    "glob": "^5.0.13", 
    "grunt": "0.4.5", 
    "grunt-cli": "~0.1.13", 
    "helmet": "~0.9.1", 
    "jasmine-core": "^2.3.4", 
    "lodash": "^3.10.0", 
    "method-override": "^2.3.3", 
    "mocha": "~1.20.0", 
    "moment-timezone": "^0.5.5", 
    "mongoose": "~4.2.3", 
    "morgan": "^1.6.1", 
    "multer": "~1.0.5", 
    "nodemailer": "^1.4.0", 
    "owasp-password-strength-test": "^1.3.0", 
    "passport": "~0.2.2", 
    "passport-facebook": "^2.0.0", 
    "passport-github": "~0.1.5", 
    "passport-google-oauth": "~0.2.0", 
    "passport-linkedin": "~0.1.3", 
    "passport-local": "^1.0.0", 
    "passport-paypal-openidconnect": "^0.1.1", 
    "passport-twitter": "^1.0.2", 
    "phantomjs": ">=1.9.0", 
    "serve-favicon": "^2.3.0", 
    "socket.io": "^1.3.7", 
    "stripe": "^4.9.0", 
    "swig": "^1.4.2", 
    "validator": "^3.41.2" 
    "devDependencies": { 
    "coveralls": "^2.11.4", 
    "grunt-concurrent": "^2.0.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-copy": "~0.8.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-csslint": "~0.4.0", 
    "grunt-contrib-cssmin": "~0.12.3", 
    "grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.11.2", 
    "grunt-contrib-less": "^1.0.1", 
    "grunt-contrib-sass": "~0.9.2", 
    "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.9.1", 
    "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.6.1", 
    "grunt-env": "~0.4.4", 
    "grunt-eslint": "~17.3.1", 
    "grunt-karma": "~0.11.2", 
    "grunt-mocha-istanbul": "^2.4.0", 
    "grunt-mocha-test": "~0.12.7", 
    "grunt-ng-annotate": "^1.0.1", 
    "grunt-node-inspector": "~0.3.0", 
    "grunt-nodemon": "~0.4.0", 
    "grunt-protractor-coverage": "~0.2.15", 
    "grunt-protractor-runner": "^2.1.0", 
    "gulp": "^3.9.0", 
    "gulp-angular-templatecache": "^1.7.0", 
    "gulp-autoprefixer": "^2.3.1", 
    "gulp-concat": "^2.6.0", 
    "gulp-csslint": "~0.1.5", 
    "gulp-cssmin": "~0.1.7", 
    "gulp-eslint": "~1.0.0", 
    "gulp-jshint": "^1.11.2", 
    "gulp-karma": "~0.0.4", 
    "gulp-less": "^3.0.3", 
    "gulp-livereload": "^3.8.0", 
    "gulp-load-plugins": "^1.0.0-rc.1", 
    "gulp-mocha": "^2.1.2", 
    "gulp-ng-annotate": "^1.0.0", 
    "gulp-nodemon": "^2.0.3", 
    "gulp-protractor": "^1.0.0", 
    "gulp-rename": "^1.2.2", 
    "gulp-sass": "^2.0.3", 
    "gulp-uglify": "^1.2.0", 
    "gulp-util": "^3.0.6", 
    "karma": "~0.12.37", 
    "karma-chrome-launcher": "~0.2.0", 
    "karma-coverage": "~0.4.2", 
    "karma-firefox-launcher": "~0.1.6", 
    "karma-jasmine": "~0.3.6", 
    "karma-ng-html2js-preprocessor": "^0.1.2", 
    "karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.2.0", 
    "load-grunt-tasks": "^3.2.0", 
    "mock-fs": "~3.4.0", 
    "run-sequence": "^1.1.1", 
    "should": "^7.0.1", 
    "supertest": "^1.0.1" 

Danke, aber es sieht für mich genauso aus. Alle Versionsnummern stimmen überein, das einzige, was anders ist, ich habe keine Streifenabhängigkeit. Aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass es deshalb nicht funktioniert. Ich habe meine 'package.json' gepostet, nur für den Fall, dass ich etwas verpasst habe ... hast du keine Warnung bekommen, dass' phantomjs' in 'phantomjs-prebuilt' umbenannt wurde? –