2016-03-30 8 views

ich einen Rechner gemacht habe ich will, value="$sm8totalD" davon abhängig sein, wenn Aussage,Wie verwende ich eine if-Anweisung, um einen Eingabewert in einem Formular zu ändern?

if ($sm8jobs <= "20") { echo "0"; } else {echo $sm8total;} 

Ich kann das, wenn Anweisung Seite zu arbeiten, aber die Form ich bin nicht sicher, wie es in dem verbinden bilden? jede Hilfe wird geschätzt, Code unten. Link: http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/inc/calculator.php#

if (isset($_POST['sm8charge'])) $sm8charge= $_POST['sm8charge']; 
if (isset($_POST['sm8jobs'])) $sm8jobs = $_POST['sm8jobs']; 
if (isset($_POST['vrrate'])) $vrrate = $_POST['vrrate']; 
if (isset($_POST['vrhours'])) $vrhours = $_POST['vrhours']; 
if (isset($_POST['vurate'])) $vurate= $_POST['vurate']; 
if (isset($_POST['vujobs'])) $vujobs= $_POST['vujobs']; 
if (isset($_POST['bkrate'])) $bkrate= $_POST['bkrate']; 
if (isset($_POST['bkhours'])) $bkhours= $_POST['bkhours']; 

$sm8total = $sm8charge * ($sm8jobs - 20); 
$vrtotal = $vrrate * $vrhours; 
$vutotal = $vurate * ($vujobs - 2); 
$bktotal= $bkrate * $bkhours; 
$tmc= $sm8total + $vrtotal + $vutotal + $bktotal; 
$sm8totalD="$ ".number_format($sm8total, 2); 
$vrtotalD="$ ".number_format($vrtotal, 2); 
$vutotalD="$ ".number_format($vutotal, 2); 
$bktotalD="$ ".number_format($bktotal, 2); 
$tmcD="$ ".number_format($tmc, 2); 

if ($sm8jobs <= "20") { echo "0"; } else {echo $sm8total;} 

echo <<<_END 

<body oninput="Javascript: document.vu.submit();"> 
<form id="ve" name="vu" method='post' action='#'> 

<table border='0' width='500px' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1' class="table"> 

    <tr class="calcheading"> 
     <td class="priceHeading" colspan="4"><strong>Pricing Calculator</strong></td> 
    <tr class="calcrow"> 
     <td class="heading"><a class="buttonheading" href="http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/servicem8.php" class="heading"><div class="bheading">Job Management ServiceM8</div></a></td> 
     <td class="price" align="center"> 

       <b>Price per job:</b> 

      <input class="fixed" type='text' name='sm8charge' value="0.50"/> 

     <td class="infoTask"> 
      <b>Number of jobs processed. The first 20 jobs are free.</b> 
     <td class="invalue" align="center"> 
      <input class="input" type='text' name='sm8jobs' value="$sm8jobs" placeholder="50"/> 

     <td align="center"> 
      <input class="total" type="text" value="$sm8totalD"> 
if ($sm8jobs <= "20") { echo "0"; } else {echo $sm8total;} 
     <td class="signup"><a class="buttonsignup" href="http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/index.php" class="heading"><div class="bsignup">Sign me up</div></a></td> 

    <tr class="calcrow"> 
     <td class="heading"> 
      <a class="buttonheading" href="http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/reception.php" class="heading"><div class="bheading">Virtual Reception</div></a></td> 
     <td class="price" align="center"> 
      <b>Hourly Rate:</b> 
      <input class="fixedpr" type='text' name='vrrate' value="49.50"/>$49.50 
     <td class="infoTask"> 
       Number of hours, incoming calls are calculated in 5 minute increments. 
     <td class="invalue" align="center"> 
      <input class="input" type='text' name='vrhours' value="$vrhours" placeholder="10"/> 

     <td align="center"> 
      <input class="total" type="text" value="$vrtotalD"></td> 
     <td class="signup"><a class="buttonsignup" href="http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/index.php" class="heading"><div class="bsignup">Sign me up</div></a></td> 

    <tr class="calcrow"> 
     <td class="heading"> 
      <a class="buttonheading" href="http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/marketing.php" class="heading"><div class="bheading">Vested Utility Job Leads</div></a></td> 

     <td class="price" align="center"> 
      <b>Price per job lead:</b> 
      <input class="fixedpr" type='text' name='vurate' value="20.00"/>$20.00 
     <td class="infoTask"> 
       Number of job leads. The first 2 jobs per month are free. 
     <td class="invalue" align="center"> 
      <input class="input" type='text' name='vujobs' value="$vujobs" placeholder="4"/> 

     <td class="price" align="center"> 
      <input class="total" type="text" value="$vutotalD"></td> 
     <td class="signup"><a class="buttonsignup" href="http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/index.php" class="heading"><div class="bsignup">Sign me up</div></a></td> 

    <tr class="calcrow"> 
     <td class="heading"> 
      <a class="buttonheading" href="http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/bookkeeping.php" class="heading"><div class="bheading">Accounts - Bookkeeping</div></a></td> 
     <td class="price" align="center"> 
      <b>Hourly Rate:</b> 
      <input class="fixedpr" type='text' name='bkrate' value="49.50"/>$49.50 
     <td class="infoTask"> 
       Number of hours. 
     <td class="invalue" align="center"> 
      <input class="input" type='text' name='bkhours' value="$bkhours" placeholder="5"/> 

     <td align="center"> 
      <input class="total" type="text" value="$bktotalD"></td> 
     <td class="signup"><a class="buttonsignup" href="http://www.vestedutility.com.au/ec/index.php" class="heading"><div class="bsignup">Sign me up</div></a></td>  
    <tr class="calcrow tmc"> 
    <tr class="calcrow tmc"> 
     <td class="extra" colspan="2]"></td> 
     <td class="tmc" colspan="2"> 
      <strong class="header">Total Monthly Cost</strong> 

      All prices are calcualted on a monthly basis and GST is not charged. 

    <td class="tmcD " align="center"><input class="total" type="text" value="$tmcD"></td> 

    <tr class="submit"> 
     <td colspan="2"> 
     <input type='submit' value='Calculate'/> 


_im bin mir nicht sicher, wie man es in der Form verbindet_ Ich/wir sind nicht sicher, was du damit meinst? Bitte erweitern Sie diese Aussage, damit wir wissen, was Sie tatsächlich fragen. – RiggsFolly


Wenn die if-Anweisung in der Form oder wo nach Echo <<< _ END platziert wird, funktioniert es nicht. Wie bekomme ich die if-Anweisung, um innerhalb des Formulars zu arbeiten? – Wrest



es scheint, dass Sie heredoc verwenden und Aussagen wie wenn in heredoc nicht möglich ist, so dass Sie vor dem @ für Ergebnis der if-Anweisung neue Variable müssen definieren Echo @ und drucken Sie es in der rechten plase

if ($sm8jobs <= "20") { $output = 0; } else {$output = $sm8total;} 

echo <<<_END 

Danke das hat den Trick gemacht – Wrest

Verwandte Themen