2011-01-10 10 views

was ist los damit?bst rot schwarz das funktioniert nicht

// rbt.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 

#include "stdafx.h" 

#ifndef rbth 
#define rbth 

typedef enum { 
} RbtStatus; 

typedef void *RbtIterator; 
typedef void *RbtHandle; 

RbtHandle rbtNew(int(*compare)(void *a, void *b)); 
// create red-black tree 
// parameters: 
//  compare pointer to function that compares keys 
//    return 0 if a == b 
//    return < 0 if a < b 
//    return > 0 if a > b 
// returns: 
//  handle use handle in calls to rbt functions 

void rbtDelete(RbtHandle h); 
// destroy red-black tree 

RbtStatus rbtInsert(RbtHandle h, void *key, void *value); 
// insert key/value pair 

RbtStatus rbtErase(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator i); 
// delete node in tree associated with iterator 
// this function does not free the key/value pointers 

RbtIterator rbtNext(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator i); 
// return ++i 

RbtIterator rbtBegin(RbtHandle h); 
// return pointer to first node 

RbtIterator rbtEnd(RbtHandle h); 
// return pointer to one past last node 

void rbtKeyValue(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator i, void **key, void **value); 
// returns key/value pair associated with iterator 

RbtIterator rbtFind(RbtHandle h, void *key); 
// returns iterator associated with key 


// reentrant red-black tree 

#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <rbtr.h> 

typedef enum { BLACK, RED } NodeColor; 

typedef struct NodeTag { 
    struct NodeTag *left;  // left child 
    struct NodeTag *right;  // right child 
    struct NodeTag *parent;  // parent 
    NodeColor color;   // node color (BLACK, RED) 
    void *key;     // key used for searching 
    void *val;    // user data 
} NodeType; 

typedef struct RbtTag { 
    NodeType *root; // root of red-black tree 
    NodeType sentinel; 
    int (*compare)(void *a, void *b); // compare keys 
} RbtType; 

// all leafs are sentinels 
#define SENTINEL &rbt->sentinel 

RbtHandle rbtNew(int(*rbtCompare)(void *a, void *b)) { 
    RbtType *rbt; 

    if ((rbt = (RbtType *)malloc(sizeof(RbtType))) == NULL) { 
     return NULL; 

    rbt->compare = rbtCompare; 
    rbt->root = SENTINEL; 
    rbt->sentinel.left = SENTINEL; 
    rbt->sentinel.right = SENTINEL; 
    rbt->sentinel.parent = NULL; 
    rbt->sentinel.color = BLACK; 
    rbt->sentinel.key = NULL; 
    rbt->sentinel.val = NULL; 

    return rbt; 

static void deleteTree(RbtHandle h, NodeType *p) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    // erase nodes depth-first 
    if (p == SENTINEL) return; 
    deleteTree(h, p->left); 
    deleteTree(h, p->right); 

void rbtDelete(RbtHandle h) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    deleteTree(h, rbt->root); 

static void rotateLeft(RbtType *rbt, NodeType *x) { 

    // rotate node x to left 

    NodeType *y = x->right; 

    // establish x->right link 
    x->right = y->left; 
    if (y->left != SENTINEL) y->left->parent = x; 

    // establish y->parent link 
    if (y != SENTINEL) y->parent = x->parent; 
    if (x->parent) { 
     if (x == x->parent->left) 
      x->parent->left = y; 
      x->parent->right = y; 
    } else { 
     rbt->root = y; 

    // link x and y 
    y->left = x; 
    if (x != SENTINEL) x->parent = y; 

static void rotateRight(RbtType *rbt, NodeType *x) { 

    // rotate node x to right 

    NodeType *y = x->left; 

    // establish x->left link 
    x->left = y->right; 
    if (y->right != SENTINEL) y->right->parent = x; 

    // establish y->parent link 
    if (y != SENTINEL) y->parent = x->parent; 
    if (x->parent) { 
     if (x == x->parent->right) 
      x->parent->right = y; 
      x->parent->left = y; 
    } else { 
     rbt->root = y; 

    // link x and y 
    y->right = x; 
    if (x != SENTINEL) x->parent = y; 

static void insertFixup(RbtType *rbt, NodeType *x) { 

    // maintain red-black tree balance after inserting node x 

    // check red-black properties 
    while (x != rbt->root && x->parent->color == RED) { 
     // we have a violation 
     if (x->parent == x->parent->parent->left) { 
      NodeType *y = x->parent->parent->right; 
      if (y->color == RED) { 

       // uncle is RED 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       y->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->parent->color = RED; 
       x = x->parent->parent; 
      } else { 

       // uncle is BLACK 
       if (x == x->parent->right) { 
        // make x a left child 
        x = x->parent; 
        rotateLeft(rbt, x); 

       // recolor and rotate 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->parent->color = RED; 
       rotateRight(rbt, x->parent->parent); 
     } else { 

      // mirror image of above code 
      NodeType *y = x->parent->parent->left; 
      if (y->color == RED) { 

       // uncle is RED 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       y->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->parent->color = RED; 
       x = x->parent->parent; 
      } else { 

       // uncle is BLACK 
       if (x == x->parent->left) { 
        x = x->parent; 
        rotateRight(rbt, x); 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->parent->color = RED; 
       rotateLeft(rbt, x->parent->parent); 
    rbt->root->color = BLACK; 

RbtStatus rbtInsert(RbtHandle h, void *key, void *val) { 
    NodeType *current, *parent, *x; 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    // allocate node for data and insert in tree 

    // find future parent 
    current = rbt->root; 
    parent = 0; 
    while (current != SENTINEL) { 
     int rc = rbt->compare(key, current->key); 
     if (rc == 0) 
     parent = current; 
     current = (rc < 0) ? current->left : current->right; 

    // setup new node 
    if ((x = malloc (sizeof(*x))) == 0) 
    x->parent = parent; 
    x->left = SENTINEL; 
    x->right = SENTINEL; 
    x->color = RED; 
    x->key = key; 
    x->val = val; 

    // insert node in tree 
    if(parent) { 
     if(rbt->compare(key, parent->key) < 0) 
      parent->left = x; 
      parent->right = x; 
    } else { 
     rbt->root = x; 

    insertFixup(rbt, x); 

    return RBT_STATUS_OK; 

void deleteFixup(RbtType *rbt, NodeType *x) { 

    // maintain red-black tree balance after deleting node x 

    while (x != rbt->root && x->color == BLACK) { 
     if (x == x->parent->left) { 
      NodeType *w = x->parent->right; 
      if (w->color == RED) { 
       w->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->color = RED; 
       rotateLeft (rbt, x->parent); 
       w = x->parent->right; 
      if (w->left->color == BLACK && w->right->color == BLACK) { 
       w->color = RED; 
       x = x->parent; 
      } else { 
       if (w->right->color == BLACK) { 
        w->left->color = BLACK; 
        w->color = RED; 
        rotateRight (rbt, w); 
        w = x->parent->right; 
       w->color = x->parent->color; 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       w->right->color = BLACK; 
       rotateLeft (rbt, x->parent); 
       x = rbt->root; 
     } else { 
      NodeType *w = x->parent->left; 
      if (w->color == RED) { 
       w->color = BLACK; 
       x->parent->color = RED; 
       rotateRight (rbt, x->parent); 
       w = x->parent->left; 
      if (w->right->color == BLACK && w->left->color == BLACK) { 
       w->color = RED; 
       x = x->parent; 
      } else { 
       if (w->left->color == BLACK) { 
        w->right->color = BLACK; 
        w->color = RED; 
        rotateLeft (rbt, w); 
        w = x->parent->left; 
       w->color = x->parent->color; 
       x->parent->color = BLACK; 
       w->left->color = BLACK; 
       rotateRight (rbt, x->parent); 
       x = rbt->root; 
    x->color = BLACK; 

RbtStatus rbtErase(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator i) { 
    NodeType *x, *y; 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 
    NodeType *z = i; 

    if (z->left == SENTINEL || z->right == SENTINEL) { 
     // y has a SENTINEL node as a child 
     y = z; 
    } else { 
     // find tree successor with a SENTINEL node as a child 
     y = z->right; 
     while (y->left != SENTINEL) y = y->left; 

    // x is y's only child 
    if (y->left != SENTINEL) 
     x = y->left; 
     x = y->right; 

    // remove y from the parent chain 
    x->parent = y->parent; 
    if (y->parent) 
     if (y == y->parent->left) 
      y->parent->left = x; 
      y->parent->right = x; 
     rbt->root = x; 

    if (y != z) { 
     z->key = y->key; 
     z->val = y->val; 

    if (y->color == BLACK) 
     deleteFixup (rbt, x); 

    free (y); 

    return RBT_STATUS_OK; 

RbtIterator rbtNext(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator it) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 
    NodeType *i = it; 

    if (i->right != SENTINEL) { 
     // go right 1, then left to the end 
     for (i = i->right; i->left != SENTINEL; i = i->left); 
    } else { 
     // while you're the right child, chain up parent link 
     NodeType *p = i->parent; 
     while (p && i == p->right) { 
      i = p; 
      p = p->parent; 

     // return the "inorder" node 
     i = p; 
    return i != SENTINEL ? i : NULL; 

RbtIterator rbtBegin(RbtHandle h) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    // return pointer to first value 
    NodeType *i; 
    for (i = rbt->root; i->left != SENTINEL; i = i->left); 
    return i != SENTINEL ? i : NULL; 

RbtIterator rbtEnd(RbtHandle h) { 
    // return pointer to one past last value 
    return NULL; 

void rbtKeyValue(RbtHandle h, RbtIterator it, void **key, void **val) { 
    NodeType *i = it; 

    *key = i->key; 
    *val = i->val; 

void *rbtFind(RbtHandle h, void *key) { 
    RbtType *rbt = h; 

    NodeType *current; 
    current = rbt->root; 
    while(current != SENTINEL) { 
     int rc = rbt->compare(key, current->key); 
     if (rc == 0) return current; 
     current = (rc < 0) ? current->left : current->right; 
    return NULL; 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include "rbtr.h" 

int compare(void *a, void *b) { 
    return *(int *)a - *(int *)b; 

int main(int argc, char **argv) { 
    int maxnum, ct; 

    // command-line: 
    // rbtmain 2000 
    //  process 2000 records 

    RbtIterator i; 
    RbtHandle h; 
    RbtStatus status; 

    maxnum = atoi(argv[1]); 

    // obtain handle to red-black tree 
    h = rbtNew(compare); 

    printf("maxnum = %d\n", maxnum); 
    for (ct = maxnum; ct; ct--) { 
     int key = rand() % 90 + 1; 

     if ((i = rbtFind(h, &key)) != rbtEnd(h)) { 
      // found an existing node 
      void *keyp, *valuep; 

      // get key-value pointers 
      rbtKeyValue(h, i, &keyp, &valuep); 

      // check to see they contain correct data 
      if (*(int *)keyp != key) printf("fail keyp\n"); 
      if (*(int *)valuep != 10*key) printf("fail valuep\n"); 

      // erase node in red-black tree 
      status = rbtErase(h, i); 
      if (status) printf("fail: status = %d\n", status); 

      // free the pointers allocated by main 
      free(keyp); free(valuep); 

     } else { 
      // create a new node 
      int *keyp, *valuep; 

      // allocate key/value data 
      keyp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); 
      valuep = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); 

      // initialize with values 
      *keyp = key; 
      *valuep = 10*key; 

      // insert in red-black tree 
      status = rbtInsert(h, keyp, valuep); 
      if (status) printf("fail: status = %d\n", status); 

    // output nodes in order 
    for (i = rbtBegin(h); i != rbtEnd(h); i = rbtNext(h, i)) { 
     void *keyp, *valuep; 
     rbtKeyValue(h, i, &keyp, &valuep); 
     printf("%d %d\n", *(int *)keyp, *(int *)valuep); 

    // delete my allocated memory 
    for (i = rbtBegin(h); i != rbtEnd(h); i = rbtNext(h, i)) { 
     void *keyp, *valuep; 
     rbtKeyValue(h, i, &keyp, &valuep); 
     free(keyp); free(valuep); 

    // delete red-black tree 

    return 0; 

Ja, dumping mehrere hundert Zeilen Code in eine Frage führt fast immer zu einer guten Antwort. – skaffman


Sie könnten dies ein wenig besser formatieren und ich stimme mit Skaffman vielleicht könnten Sie Fälle, in denen es nicht funktioniert und einen Link zu allen den Code stattdessen, oder sagen Sie uns genau, was das Problem ist –


zum Testen Ich würde Ihnen empfehlen, zu öffnen einen Debugger und machen Sie eine RBT manuell und stellen Sie sicher, dass es alle Schritte richtig macht, wie Löschen und Einfügen –



was mit diesem ist falsch?

Es ist eine Textwand ohne erkennbare Anstrengung Ihrerseits, um das Problem einzugrenzen. Möglicherweise aufgrund Ihres Anspruchs, von Ihnen zu nehmen, dass wir Ihr komplettes Programm übernehmen und vollständige Regressionstests für Sie durchführen werden, ohne dass wir eine Anleitung für das Problem geben, nach dem wir suchen, außer dass es nicht funktioniert.

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