2016-09-09 4 views

Ich habe eine neue TYPO3 Installation mit 4 Sprachen und als wir am Navi gearbeitet haben, ist etwas Seltsames passiert: die nicht übersetzten Seiten zeigten schon das Nav beim Umschalten der Sprache, obwohl wir es nicht taten frage nicht explizit danach.TYPO3 Menü zeigt auch nicht übersetzte Seiten

System ist TYPO3 7.6 auf PHP 5.5.

Hier ist, wie wir die HMENU bauen:

# the main menu boostrap like 
lib.navBarMenu = HMENU 
lib.navBarMenu { 
    1 = TMENU 
    1 { 
     # accessibility - add title for main navigation 
     wrap (
      <h2 class="sr-only">{$TEXT.titleMainnav}</h2> 
      <ul class="nav navbar-nav" id="nav">|</ul> 

     # Always unfold all sub-levels of the menu 
     expAll = 1 

     # Remove the (old) default behaviour which adds onfocus="blurLink(this);" to all links 
     noBlur = 1 

     # Define the normal state (not active, not selected) of menu items 
     # Using NO=1 to activate normal state is not necessary, but useful when copying 
     NO = 1 
     NO { 
      # Use the page title field as title property in the A-tag, and if the navigation title is set, take the value of this field 
      ATagTitle { 
       field = title 
       stdWrap.override.cObject = TEXT 
       stdWrap.override.cObject.field = nav_title 
       stdWrap.override.if.isTrue.field = nav_title 

      # Use the option-split feature to generate a different wrap for the last item on a level of the menu 
      # The last item on each level gets class="last" added for CSS styling purposes. 
      # See the TSref documentation for details about option split and other features: 
      # http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsref/current/ 
      #wrapItemAndSub = <li class="first">|</li> |*| <li>|</li> |*| <li class="last">|</li> 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li>|</li> 

      # HTML-encode special characters according to the PHP-function htmlSpecialChars 
      stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1 

     IFSUB = 1 
     IFSUB < .NO 
     IFSUB { 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown">|</li>     
      ATagBeforeWrap = 1 
      ATagParams = class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" 
      stdWrap.wrap = |<b class="caret"></b> 

     # Copy properties of normal to active state, and then add a CSS class for styling 
     ACTIFSUB = 1 
     ACTIFSUB { 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown active">|</li> 

     CURIFSUB = 1 
     CURIFSUB { 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown active">|</li> 

     # Copy properties of normal to active state, and then add a CSS class for styling 
     ACT = 1 
     ACT < .NO 
     ACT { 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li class="active">|</li> 

     # Copy properties of normal to current state, and then add a CSS class for styling 
     CUR = 1 
     CUR < .NO 
     CUR { 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li class="active">|</li> 
    2 < .1 
    2 { 
     wrap = <ul class="dropdown-menu">|</ul> 
     IFSUB { 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown-submenu">|</li> 
      ATagParams > 
      stdWrap.wrap > 

     ACTIFSUB { 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown-submenu">|</li> 
      ATagParams > 
      stdWrap.wrap > 

     CURIFSUB { 
      wrapItemAndSub = <li class="dropdown-submenu">|</li> 
      ATagParams > 
      stdWrap.wrap > 
    3 < .2 
    4 < .2 
    5 < .2 
    6 < .2 
    7 < .2 

Die Config wie folgt aussieht:

config { 
    # use html5 doctype 
    doctype = html5 

    # meta tag with charset 
    metaCharset = utf-8 

    # render with this charset 
    renderCharset = utf-8 

    # clean up HTML code 
    disablePrefixComment = 1 

    # send additional headers 
    #additionalHeaders = X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge 

    # do not put _INT-JS into external files 
    removeDefaultJS = external 

    # concatenate js files together 
    concatenateJs = {$config.compression} 

    # compress javascript files 
    compressJs = {$config.compression} 

    # move inline CSS to external files 
    inlineStyle2TempFile = 1 

    # concatenate css files together 
    concatenateCss = {$config.compression} 

    # compress CSS files 
    compressCss = {$config.compression} 

    # default target for external links 
    extTarget = _blank 

    # enable spam protect for email addresses and define the character offset 
    spamProtectEmailAddresses = -4 

    # in spam protected email link replace the at-sign with this html 
    spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = <span style="display:none">not shown</span>&#64; 

    # in spam protected email link replace the last dot with this html 
    spamProtectEmailAddresses_lastDotSubst = <span style="display:none">to make life hard for spam bots</span>. 

    # use L parameter for the language and pass through page type parameter 
    linkVars = L,type,noCompress 

    # language key to use for xlf translations (default/de/fr/etc.) 
    language = {$lang.current_key} 

    # set the locale (eg. de_CH.UTF-8) 
    locale_all = {$lang.current_locale} 

    # reference the sys_language record 
    sys_language_uid = {$lang.current_uid} 

    # language key to use for the <html lang=""> attribute 
    htmlTag_langKey = {$lang.current_key} 

    # if a page is not available in the current language, fall back to language 0 (default) 
    sys_language_mode = content_fallback ; 0 

    # hide content records, which do not exist in the current language, set to 1 if the default language of the record should be shown 
    sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated 

    # show images of default language content in overlay record (commaseparated list) 
    sys_language_softMergeIfNotBlank = tt_news:image 

    # default date format (overwrite for other languages) 
    dateFormat = %A %e. %B %Y 

    # default time format (overwrite for other languages) 
    timeFormat = Uhr %H:%M Sek %S 

    # enable the admin panel 
    admPanel = 1 

    # clear cache once a day 
    cache_clearAtMidnight = 1 

    # default caching period for a page 
    cache_period = 172800 

    # prefix #hash-links with the current path (needed for realurl) 
    prefixLocalAnchors = all 

    # enable real url if present 
    tx_realurl_enable = 1 

    # allow links to be made across different domains 
    typolinkEnableLinksAcrossDomains = 1 

    # force extbase to select all fe_users 
    tx_extbase.persistence.classes.Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUser.mapping.recordType > 

    # force extbase to select all fe_groups 
    tx_extbase.persistence.classes.Tx_Extbase_Domain_Model_FrontendUserGroup.mapping.recordType > 


Danke für jede Unterstützung!

Grüße Tizian



Wenn Sie die Sprache Ausweich nicht wollen (Sie haben es eingestellt) müssen Sie die sys_language_mode Einstellung in TypoScript ändern:

config.sys_language_mode = strict 

mehr here See.


Es könnte auch $ GLOBALS ['TYPO3_CONF_VARS'] ['FE'] ['hidePagesIfNotTranslatedByDefault'] = '1' gewesen sein; das wurde auf 0 geändert. –

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