2016-10-11 3 views

Ich habe eine Eingabedatei im folgenden Format.Der Versuch, einen Organisationsbaum aus einer Liste zu erstellen


Ich brauche diese Informationen zu analysieren, wo es endet so etwas in einer Ausgabedatei suchen:

Cathy (CEO) 2007 
-Karl (VP) 2009 
--Fred (Technician) 2010 
-Vince (Technician) 2010 

Mit der CEO an der Spitze, sollte jeder untergeordnet unter ihrem überlegen sein. Was auch immer der zweite Name ist, das ist der Supervisor. Der Trick besteht darin, dass wenn ein Mitarbeiter zwei Supervisoren hat, diese zweimal "-" mit ihrem direkten Vorgesetzten eingerückt werden müssen.

Ich habe versucht, durch die Liste zu iterieren und durch das "-" und die Kommas zu analysieren, aber ich kämpfe mit der Struktur selbst. Das habe ich bisher.

with open('org_chart_sample.in', 'r') as reader: # Open the input file 
with open('output.out', 'w') as writer: # Make output file writable 
    reader.readline() # Ignore first line 
    lines = reader.readlines() # Read input lines 

    for line in lines:  # Parse out input by the -- which separated attributes of people in the org 
     employees = line.split('--') 
     hierarchy = []  # Exterior list to aid in hierarchy 

     for employee in employees: # Logic that adds to the hierarchy list as algorithm runs 
      info = employee.split(',') 

Ich habe mehr auf dieses Problem fest, dass ich :(


Können Sie das Beispiel vervollständigen? Wo passen Nancy und Bob? – mitoRibo


Entschuldigung @rbierman, ich reparierte das Beispiel – ozbrancov



Coole Frage zugeben möchte, war es Spaß zu arbeiten. Ich habe versucht, gründlich zu sein, und es endete immer Art von langen, ich hoffe, dass es noch lesbar ist


#Input data cleaned a bit# 
lines = ["Fred,Karl,Technician,2010", 

#Worker class to make things neat# 
class Worker(object): 
    #Variables assigned to this worker 
    __slots__ = ["name","boss","job","year","employees","level"] 

    #Initialize this worker with a string in the form of: 
    def __init__(self,line): 
     self.name,self.boss,self.job,self.year = line.split(",") 
     self.level = 0 if self.boss == "NULL" else -1 #If boss is NULL, they are '0' level 
     self.employees = [] 

    #A function to add another worker as this worker's employee 
    def employ(self,worker): 
     worker.level = self.level+1 

    #This is a recursive function which returns a string of this worker 
    #and all of this workers employees (depth first) 
    def __repr__(self): 
     rep_str = "" 
     rep_str += "-"*self.level 
     rep_str += str(self.name)+" works for "+str(self.boss) 
     rep_str += " as a "+str(self.job)+" since "+str(self.year)+"\n" 
     for employee in self.employees: 
      rep_str += str(employee) 
     return rep_str 

#Prepare to assign the bosses employees# 
#1. Turn all of the lines into worker objects 
workers = [Worker(line) for line in lines] 

#2. Start from the top level bosses (the ones that had NULL as boss) 
boss_level = 0 

#3. Get a list of all the workers that have a boss_level of 0 
bosses = [w for w in workers if w.level == boss_level] 

#While there are still boses looking to employ then keep going 
while len(bosses) > 0: 
    #For each boss look through all the workers and see if they work for this boss 
    #If they do, employ that worker to the boss 
    for boss in bosses: 
     for worker in workers: 
      if worker.level == -1 and boss.name == worker.boss: 

    #Move down a tier of management to sub-bosses 
    #If there are no sub-bosses at this level, then stop, otherwise while loop again 
    boss_level += 1 
    bosses = [w for w in workers if w.level == boss_level] 

#Printing out the workers# 
#1. Loop through the top bosses and 
# print out them and all their workers 
top_bosses = [w for w in workers if w.level == 0] 
for top_boss in top_bosses: 
    print top_boss 


Cathy works for NULL as a CEO since 2007 
-Karl works for Cathy as a VP since 2009 
--Fred works for Karl as a Technician since 2010 
-Vince works for Cathy as a Technician since 2010 

Mary works for NULL as a CEO since 2010 
-Steve works for Mary as a IT since 2013 

Danke! Das ist eine großartige Lösung! – ozbrancov

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